Ashley Jones issued an apology on Sunday after fans on social media blasted her for throwing an extremely tone-deaf Halloween party over the weekend.
The Teen Mom: The Next Chapter star posted a series of photos to Instagram Sunday showing off what appeared to be a full-on Jeffrey Dahmer inspired Halloween party, complete with bloody body parts and weapons, a cardboard cutout of the infamous murderer (sporting a bloody butcher’s apron), and a large backdrop that read “Dahmer’s Deli.”

Other photos posted— and then deleted— by Ashley showed a “body” bloodied and stuffed in the bathtub, and Ashley cheesing for the cameras while holding a saw (as you do).
Ashley received a wave of backlash for her gruesome party theme, with many blasting the ‘Teen Mom’ star for glorifying the horrific murders of a real serial killer. (For those who aren’t aware, Jeffrey Dahmer was a serial killer who raped, murdered and tortured his victims. He was nicknamed the Milwaukee Cannibal because he also ate parts of some of his victims. He pleaded guilty to 15 murders and was killed in prison in 1994. You can read about him here but be forewarned the details of his crimes are very gruesome.)
“She was seriously disgusting and inconsiderate of his victims/the families for doing this,” one person commented. “Very disrespectful. What if it was one of her family members that this happened to? What happened was REAL! Why and how would she or anybody think this would be ok or cool?? Straight sick.”
“Yea I love her down, but this wasn’t the move,” another wrote. “Was Jason, Michael, or Freddy decorations sold out? Real people (Black mostly) [lost] their lives to him so he’s nothing to celebrate.”
Ashley ended up removing her party photos from social media and issuing an apology, as well as an explanation as to why she chose this particular party theme in the first place.
“Happy Sunday. I’d like to address my Halloween party theme,” she wrote. “First and foremost my intention was never to offend or trigger people.”
Ashley went on to explain that her party theme was partially inspired by the Netflix series– Dahmer-Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer Story, released in 2022– which she said she had recently watched.
“ … I was really creeped out about the sandwich scene which I figured was more than likely made up by the writers of the show,” she wrote. “Although I know he is not a made-up person, I think I let the shows and movies turn him into more of a character in my head.”
Ashley told fans that she loves Halloween and wanted her party to be “gory and scary and crazy,” but admitted that she could’ve achieved that by going in a different direction.
“I apologize and I am definitely not glorifying his actions,” she insisted.
(Photos: Instagram; MTV)
13 Responses
If someone else on teenmom would have had a party like this they would have been considered homophobic and prejudiced, and fired.
Right!! Nobody has an issue with multi-million-dollar corporations like Netflix, Hulu, or HBO making shows glorifying these murderers & stories, but this girl is the devil because she hosted a party (absolutely in poor taste) with one of those same murderers & his crimes as the theme? As usual, a bunch of hypocritical sheep joining the popular opinion, loudly & anonymously over the internet
Trying to stay relevant? She knew what she was doing. Apologizing doesn’t change anything here.
Ignorant idiot of a woman, its not something to party over, how stupid is she, absolutely vile.
i’m an ashley and true crime fan but this was a really dumb ignorant move on ashley’s part. idek how people are trying to defend this when even ashley admitted it was wrong and the people who don’t like ashley are just having a field day with this one
She is so ignorant and insufferable, I stopped watching the show because of her
I don’t think it’s as big a deal as people are making it out to be. Netflix is making money off of exploiting the story, that seems more disrespectful to me.
I agree. It’s not something I would personally do but I’m sure this wasn’t the first Dahmer themed party. Heck I’m sure people will dress up as him for Halloween if they haven’t already.
She has always been ignorant.
Her apology is weak, she doesn’t mean it. Jeffrey Dahmer is not someone who should be idolised in any way, same with any serial killer, they are extremely violent & sick individuals. This is the problem with modern culture, dramatisation series on these people encourages a society where young people idolise them because they are played by popular actors & actresses. It’s unacceptable, insensitive & wrong.
Apology not accepted ya sick f***.
That was the most unapologetic apology ever. She is not that dumb.
Uh huh.