EXCLUSIVE! Jenelle Evans’ Boyfriend August Keen Calls Cops After Fight with ‘Teen Mom’ Star; Claims Jenelle Chased Him & Hit Him “All Night”; Says She Takes Pills (Hear the 911 Call!)

“Keep this up, August, and you may never reach ‘Soulmate’ status!”

 Jenelle Evans may have moved from North Carolina to Las Vegas, but her relationship drama continues to follow her!

The Ashley can exclusively reveal that the Teen Mom: The Next Chapter star got into an explosive fight with her manager/boyfriend August Keen a few weeks ago, prompting August to dial 911 to ask for help. During his 911 call– which has been exclusively obtained by The Ashley— August tells the 911 operator that Jenelle had allegedly “been hitting” him “all night,” and that she was drunk after allegedly consuming a whopping eight to 12 alcohol drinks.

August also gave the 911 operator the lowdown on Jenelle’s activities in Vegas, which– according to August— include taking pills, smoking “a lot of weed and drinking a lot.”

As The Ashley previously reported, Jenelle moved to Las Vegas in the spring, shortly after she filed for legal separation from her husband David Eason. She and her three kids are currently staying in a rental house not far from where August lives.

The Ashley was tipped off by a local Vegas source that cops were at Jenelle’s home on August 31, and, from there, The Ashley was able to figure out what caused the police to be called to the residence. 

August— whose real name is Daniel Miranda— called the cops on Jenelle after they returned from a pool party at a Vegas hotel club. Jenelle can be heard yelling in the background as August requests that the cops come to Jenelle’s home, where he and Jenelle (and her kids) are at.

How the North Carolina cops’ faces look after realizing Jenelle is now Vegas’ problem…

During the call, August confirms that Jenelle is his girlfriend (despite the ‘Teen Mom’ star repeatedly swearing that they are just friends, and August is just her manager.) He also claims that she has been getting physically violent with him, is drunk and that he needs help.

“So, my girlfriend got super-drunk tonight, and she’s been hitting me all night,” August told the 911 operator. “I’d like to be, just, protected to make sure that I grab my stuff.”

At that point in the call, Jenelle is being so loud in the background that the operator can’t hear August.

“Are you able to walk away from her so I can actually hear you?!” the operator (who, bless her heart, stayed calm and focused throughout the very chaotic call) asked August.

“I’m trying to walk away but she keeps following me,” August replies. “I just want to get outta the house safe.”

Jenelle and August in a recent TikTok video posted by Jenelle…

Soon, though, August turns his focus to Jenelle, and asks her to hand over his stuff that she is allegedly holding hostage, including his wallet. Jenelle can be heard yelling that she’s bringing his stuff to “the front door.” Jenelle then tries to take over the call, telling the operator her name before being cut off.

“Can you walk away from her?” the 911 operator asks. “Like, you called 911…”

August insists he’s trying to ditch the irate Jenelle and finally gets somewhere that he can give the 911 operator more information. To Jenelle’s soulmate-in-training’s credit, he is able to correctly give her birthday, and describes Jenelle as “skinny” when asked to describe her body type as “skinny, average or heavy.” 

Jenelle then finds August again, and he tells her that she’s holding his housekey.

I’m having deja vu …anyone else?

“She came running after me!” August tells the annoyed 911 operator, as Jenelle can be heard telling August, “Get out of the house, Sir!” 

August claims that Jenelle has his housekeys and that he needs to go to his own home. 

The operator then asks August what Jenelle has consumed in terms of drugs and alcohol. He states that she is not currently on any drugs– “just alcohol.” He claims Jenelle sucked down “12 drinks” that day.

When the 911 operator asks him what he has consumed, August claims he “doesn’t drink”…but then proceeds to say that he had “two or three” alcoholic beverages that day. 

It’s giving…

August tells the 911 operator that he doesn’t do drugs…unlike Jenelle (allegedly) whom he claims gets high and drunk often.

“She does do drugs,” August says of Jenelle. “She takes pills, she smokes a lot of weed and she drinks a lot.” 

August confesses that he keeps his gun at Jenelle’s house, and says that he probably should take it with him when he leaves. He states that the handgun is “locked away.” 

August then tells the 911 operator that he has gone outside of Jenelle’s home; however, the Former Lady ‘o’ The Land was right on his tail.

“I ran to the corner of the street and she chased me,” August says.

How that probably looked…

The 911 call ends there; however, when police arrived at Jenelle’s home, August declined to press charges against her, therefore she was not arrested.

According to the official police incident report— which was exclusively obtained by The Ashley— the 41-year-old did not have any obvious signs of injury and did not want to give the cops more details of the alleged fight that happened between him and Jenelle. In fact, the cops were not allowed to make contact with Jenelle at all.

“Jenelle was inside the house and sleeping upstairs and unable to be contacted by officers,” the report reads. 

The incident report states that August packed himself a suitcase and had his friend pick him up and take him to his own home for the night.

The officers reported that they offered August services from Safenest, a non-profit agency that works with victims of domestic violence. He declined the services. 

On the day after the cops came to Jenelle’s house for the incident with August, Jenelle posted a video showing herself and August attending Encore Beach Club pool party. The footage was obviously filmed before the fight later that night. Jenelle claimed in the video they were going “to a little business meeting.”

In the video, Jenelle is seen drinking several different drinks before driving home around 7 p.m. Cops were called to her home at 8:52 p.m.

At 10:07 p.m., Jenelle posted a cryptic tweet to X, insinuating that she didn’t need a man.

“Tell me I don’t need anyone but myself and my kids, over and over again. Thanks,” Jenelle wrote about an hour after the cops were at her house.

The Ashley will have more info on this soon…stay tuned! 

RELATED STORY: EXCLUSIVE! David Eason Declared “Not Fit & Proper” To Have Custody of Daughter Ensley; Temporary Sole Legal & Physical Custody Awarded to Jenelle Evans

(Photos: MTV; Instagram)

26 Responses

  1. David, Nathan, Keiffer, and any other soulmate of Jenelle’s are probably somewhere smiling and saying “I told you so”.

    Those guys are still trashbags, though.

  2. smdh and jenelle’s been posting that they’ve been hanging out too so the same toxic cycle continues 🤦🏻‍♀️ now we gotta hear jenelle denying it and try to turn it around like the ashley is the victim and continue to deny their relationship

  3. It’s why she wants plastic surgery when there’s nothing wrong with her. She’s a junkie bitch, degenerate, and always was. We know your nature, jenelle and it’s warped.

    1. Right?! And MTV / Viacom keeps enabling these pieces of shit (inset: Jace spitting).

      Unreal. I quit watching the show years ago, but can’t resist venting on TA!

  4. I suspect that August Keen preyed upon Janelle and took advantage from Janelle escaping David’s abuse. And I suspect that Janelle isn’t as broke as many people think.

    1. Wake up dude. Did you just join the planet? More likely, SHE preyed upon HIM. Anything with a dick suits her. But a fat, drug addicted, ugly-ass child abuser like Jenelle will take any guy.

  5. Jenelle, you are wrong about your post saying that all you need is your kids. You only use those kids for a paycheck! Do you seriously think people believe that you love or care about them? You don’t know how to do either. All you care about is booze, drugs, and dick. Oh, and money. You never gave a damn when David was abusing Kaiser. All three of your kids have to live in fear because you’re such a shitty, non-caring, self centered mother. Every day that you get out of bed is just a waste because you think you’re some kind of hero for your kids and some big tv star again. Well honey, you were nothing the first time but an addicted loser, and that’s what you still are 15 years later!!! Nothing but a waste of air. MTV is making a fool out of themselves to hire a fat pig like you to try and help ratings!! LOL! LOL!! What a joke! Hope you lose your spot on MTV so you’ll have to get off your fat ass and get a real job! Oh but I’m sure you’ll claim you’re disabled again if that were to happen.

  6. They’re both under the influence on this call, cmon. MTV needs to kick her to the fucking curb already, and somebody call damn CPS. You know Jace is watching the younger two while she goes out acting like an asshole. And is it me or does he look like he’s got pock marks?

  7. So today my therapist told me that my ex (who is a male Jenelle) was likely stunted in brain development due to overwhelming use of drugs and alcohol at a critical age (16+). Really think this is the case with Jenelle as well. She is just literally not competent.

      1. I truly doubt that she was EVER diagnosed with bipolar!!! She is simply immature, self centered, delusional, and narcissistic. Oh and an alcoholic. Oh and a drug addict. She probably just tells people that she’s bipolar so she can try and use that to her advantage. In other words, use it as an excuse for when she fucks-up the lives of her children.

  8. It was OBVIOUS this was going to happen. She was trash before David, with David and after David. She doesn’t even respect her kids.

    1. And she NEVER will. Those poor kids are always at the mercy of the assholes that they end up with. And Jenelle is queen of the white-trash ass-holes!

  9. I know Jenelle moved to Vegas, but what did she do with her house called “The Land” did she sell it or did David take it over? Anyone know?

  10. What a fucking nut job. And MTV thinks it ok to employ an abuser like this??? Fire that nasty bitch and get those kids taken from her!

    1. I’m thinking MTV is desperate for ratings. It’s disgusting that they let that trashy drug addict who is an abusive mother on that show!!

  11. LOL, I called this one a month ago when MTV was releasing upcoming episodes with Janelle pretending to be a sober loving mother on that waste of a show. So Funny!! It’s only a matter of time before those 911 calls start coming out. On a more serious note, cant imagine what her kids have and are going through. Praying for them.

  12. Police in Vegas sure have their hands full with the TM clowns between Nathan, Bar and now Janelle.

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