Jenelle Evans’ Boyfriend August Keen Implies He Lied to 911 Operator About Jenelle Hitting Him & Doing Drugs

“Why do all these drunken misunderstandings always happen to me, dude?!”

Jenelle Evans‘ manager/boyfriend/soulmate-in-training August Keen is responding after The Ashley posted audio of a 911 call he made a few weeks ago, asking for help because the Teen Mom star was allegedly “hitting him all night” after he claimed she drank up to a dozen alcoholic drinks.

As The Ashley reported, August (real name: Daniel Miranda) called 911 on August 31 and claimed that Jenelle had been getting physically violent with him after she allegedly consumed between eight to 12 drinks. During his 911 call, a very calm August told the operator that Jenelle was chasing him and withholding his keys and wallet while he was trying to leave her house. He also informed the 911 operator that Jenelle “does drugs,” specifically stating that she “takes pills, she smokes a lot of weed and she drinks a lot.” 

On Wednesday, August addressed the situation and tried to explain away what happened. In a story posted to his Instagram account, August called the incident “old stuff” and claimed that what he told the 911 operator about being hit by Jenelle and Jenelle “doing drugs” was not true.

“Ya know it’s a ding-damn crime to lie to the 911 operator, right AugustSeptembaOctoba?”

“No I was not hit. I have zero tolerance for violence and would not stick around any DV situations,” he wrote.

August can be heard saying that he was hit by Jenelle “all night” on the 911 call, and he later told the cops who came to Jenelle’s house that Jenelle hit him, per the police report obtained by The Ashley. Therefore, he is either lying on his Instagram Story (and Jenelle did, indeed, hit him) or he lied to the cops (and claimed Jenelle hit him when she didn’t).

If August is admitting that he lied to the 911 operator and cops about Jenelle hitting him, then he could be in trouble legally. This would make him guilty of a misdemeanor under Nevada law for false reporting of crimes. NRS 207.280 states that, “Every person who deliberately reports to any police officer, sheriff, district attorney, deputy sheriff, deputy district attorney or member of the Department of Public Safety that a felony or misdemeanor has been committed, which causes a law enforcement agency to conduct a criminal or internal investigation, knowing such report to be false, is guilty of a misdemeanor.

August also tried to explain away his statement made to the 911 operator that Jenelle “does drugs.” He insisted that he only meant that she smoked marijuana. (He did not, however, have an explanation as to why he specifically mentioned pills and marijuana on the call if he only meant that Jenelle smoked marijuana.) 

“No she is not on drugs (everyone knows I dislike weed, unless it’s for medicinal purposes) and that’s what I was referring too,” August wrote.

(And, no, that’s not a typo; August appears to be unclear as to which form of “to/too” and “there/their/they’re” to use.)

“Don’t be dramastic, dude. Grammar are hard!”

August’s statement continued, with him explaining that, on the night in question, he and Jenelle “had a good time at a friend’s event” and took an Uber home; however, the Las Vegas lovebirds had a “disagreement” on the way back to Jenelle’s house. 

That disagreement led to August calling the cops, which he now claims was for his and Jenelle’s own safety.

“I wanted to be escorted out with some of my stuff,” he wrote. “I don’t like alcohol because in heated moments, things can escalate. I wanted for the both of us to end the night safely. Thought a mediator at that moment could help us call it a night.” 

How the Las Vegas cops looked when they realized they had been summoned out to help two grown adults “call it a night”….probably.

August implied that he never had any intention of trying to get Jenelle arrested for domestic violence. (As The Ashley reported on Tuesday, August declined to press charges against Jenelle and did not accept domestic violence assistance services that were offered to him at the scene.) 

“My intentions were to never get any of us in trouble,” he wrote. “On the contrary. I highly respect and love [Jenelle] very much.”

August then stated that “no children were around at any point.”

“I think if the police saw anything fishy, they would have done there job,” he added. (Again, not a typo.)

Jenelle has not made any comments on the things August stated about her on the 911 call. However, the ‘Teen Mom’ star had repeatedly sworn that August was “just a friend” and her manager, and that they were not dating. In fact, on the night in question (August 31), Jenelle wrote on social media that she was “single as a pringle.” That same night, though, August confirmed to both the cops and the 911 operator that Jenelle was, indeed, his girlfriend.

The Ashley will have an update on this soon. Stay tuned…

You can listen to audio of August’s 911 call below! 

RELATED STORY: EXCLUSIVE! Jenelle Evans’ Boyfriend August Keen Calls Cops After Fight with ‘Teen Mom’ Star; Claims Jenelle Chased Him & Hit Him “All Night”; Says She Takes Pills (Hear the 911 Call!)

24 Responses

  1. “August— whose real name is Daniel Miranda— called the cops on Jenelle after they returned from a pool party at a Vegas hotel club. Jenelle can be heard yelling in the background as August requests that the cops come to Jenelle’s home, where he and Jenelle (and her kids) are at.”

    1. Don’t you just love that he’s trying to cover it up now? LOL! LOL!!! He’s about as ignorant as Jenelle, thinking that no one could’ve heard the recording of the call or read the police report! LOL! Those two deserve each other.

  2. He’s trying to rag on her about smoking weed but yet isn’t he the one who had the bright idea to set her up with his “weed industry connections” so Jenelle could start her own weed brand? LOL This fool needs to be charged for making false statements to police. What a trailer trash couple. Those poor kids do not deserve to deal with her unstable love life drama. Yeah, its great that the kids were not there but did he ever think about the fallout those children would be forced to deal with if their mother was actually arrested because he wanted to lie.

      1. Every word out of that girls mouth are absolute lies, 24/7. I can’t believe that every judge she has had to go before falls for her made up bullshit. I read recently that she has a history of 15 arrests. Her kids must be so proud.

    1. Don’t insult trailers 😜 Trailers are more classier than those two. They are gutter trash. And Vegas has huge storm drains with large homeless populations.

  3. Okay, so he admitted to abusing the 911 system?! I hope he gets charged.

    And does anyone believe him? Especially when he’s tryna ng to rehabilitate the Mistress of the Swamp’s image to keep those MTV bucks rolling into her bank account?!

  4. He’s trying to save face, because, he’s her “manager” and not just her boyfriend and it looks bad on both of them for her to continue proving to the world that she’s complete gutter trash everywhere she goes. People will assume he’s shit at his job (and rightfully so, he is, but that’s somewhat irrelevant, lol) and he’ll lose his funding if she fails again. If he did press charges, it would affect his income, and not just her TM money or whatever other money she’s bringing in (so, not just the sugar mama aspect), but also his actual paycheck that he, himself, earns.

    He’s been called all sorts of things for not having her arrested, as is usually the case when someone who is in a DV situation doesn’t press charges and/or leave. The world loves to victim blame. “Well *I* would leave…you should too”-it’s such a shit schtick, especially when it involves someone who doesn’t have the resources TO leave (she would and does, he likely doesn’t, and she’s the perp here). We’re getting a little better at not blaming women who, for reasons only known to them, choose not to press charges/leave, but we’re millions of miles away from getting better about men who are the victims in DV situations. It’s not “manly” enough if they choose not to press charges, “let a woman hit them”, or any other number of equally ridiculous and ignorant things people choose to say. Men who are victims in DV situations nearly always deflect and deny, far more frequently than women do. (not that anyone should have to, but statistically, they do)

    There is ZERO reason to believe he actually lied on the 911 call-it was absolutely all true that night. We all know she’s an addict. We all know she’s violent. You can hear her on the call, and you can hear him. We know this is exactly how (and who) she is. It wouldn’t even surprise me one bit if SHE actually posted this stuff on his account for him. Because we also know she demands access to her partners’ sm accounts, phones, devices. This is pretty much her flavor of word salad, grammatical errors and all, lol.

  5. He’s her “manager”? I wonder if his only source of income is being Jenelle’s “manager”. Anyone know if he has other clients?
    What a pair of goobers!

      1. Great. Another winner!!! Those kids will be in danger again any day now. Just once I wish they could live in a safe household.

  6. She knew if he didn’t take back what he said about her she could lose that TM huge paycheck. No money for Jenelle =no money for him.

  7. My guess is that Jenelle paid August to put out this bullshit, grammatically incorrect statement🤣 she knew that if word about her behavior were to spread, especially being hopped up on drugs (again!), beating on her boyfriend, and having the kids around, she would get her kids taken away and the cycle would repeat. “I just want to see my child!! GOD, DUUUUUUDE!”

    1. I genuinely hope the kids are okay. I also hope that Babs is laughing her ass off, knowing that she no longer has to deal with her kooky ass daughter 🤣

      1. Not sure if I have ever told you but your screen name is hilarious. I’d have to say one of the most cringe times IMO was her Kesha episode (LMAO) and those damn feathers

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