Ryan Edwards & Girlfriend Amanda Conner Reveal Their Unborn Baby’s Gender; Say They Want to Share Pregnancy Journey on ‘Teen Mom’

“We’re ready when you are, MTV!”

Ryan Edwards is preparing to welcome his fourth child in the next few months and, in a new interview with Us Weekly, the Teen Mom star revealed that he and his girlfriend Amanda Conner are expecting a baby girl.

As The Ashley previously reported, Amanda confirmed last weekend on TikTok that she is, indeed, pregnant with Ryan’s baby. Fans had been speculating for months that Amanda was “with child,” but she and Ryan hadn’t addressed the rumors. Amanda– who met Ryan while they were both in rehab last year— told the magazine that she is hoping MTV comes to them with an offer of a big fat paycheck to film the pregnancy for another season of Teen Mom: The Next Chapter

“If they continue filming, yes we are up for it,” Amanda said. “I hope they do continue. At this point, we don’t really know, but yes, if they come and ask us, we will be more than happy to share it. Fingers crossed.”

“If I don’t got MTV payin’ me for airing my dirty laundry on TV, what am I supposed to do for money? Diapers are pricey…and stuff.”

This will be the second child for Amanda, who has a son that she does not currently have custody of. In an interview with People, Amanda said she’s happy to get another shot at being a mom.

“For me, I can enjoy this pregnancy and I have a second chance at motherhood. For Ryan, he is in a place that he hasn’t been in for a long time. We are excited to move forward from our past mistakes,” she said.

Amanda told Us Weekly that she plans to be open with her daughter about her and Ryan’s past.

“Honesty is one of my biggest things, honest about who you are, about who me and Ryan are, I want to be honest about that,” she said. “I don’t want to hide anything from her. I’m going to be very cautious. I don’t want to be a helicopter mom, but I don’t want our child to go through anything that we’ve had to go through. I just want her to be very open to the world, but strong-minded about certain things.”


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Ryan– who has son Bentley with Maci Bookout and son Jagger and daughter Stella with his soon-to-be ex-wife Mackenzie— told the magazine that he’s happy to be having a girl.

“I’m very excited. I actually wanted a girl,” he said.

“We’re having a little girl, and I’m very excited and proud of it,” Amanda added.

Ryan and Amanda also told the magazine that they hope their daughter has good manners and is respectful. 

“Here’s to hopin’ that kid’s also better with the punctuality than her old man!”

Amanda— who was recently blasted on social media for admitting to vaping while pregnant and stating she was “working on” quitting— insisted that she has turned her life around. (Like Ryan, Amanda has a history of drug addiction and a long criminal history. She is currently 15 months sober.) 

“People can change and we can do better,” Amanda said. “People can fix themselves and do better. I just wish people could see that.”

“I think we’ve both come a very long way,” Ryan added.

According to a new report by The Sun, though, Mackenzie doesn’t feel like Amanda has changed enough to be allowed near Stella and Jagger. Amanda is not currently allowed to be present while Ryan spends time with his kids. (The visits must take place at the home of Ryan’s parents.) 

“Keep your sperminated girlfriend away from our kids, ya hear?!”

“Amanda is not allowed to be around the kids. If they don’t follow [that rule], it will dismantle Ryan’s custody,” the site’s source stated on Wednesday. “He gets the kids every other Saturday at 12 pm to Sunday at 6 pm at his mom Jen’s house.”

According to the source, Ryan hasn’t gone with his mom to pick up the kids from Mackenzie at all, despite him allegedly making “a huge deal in court that he be allowed to come with Jen to pick [the] kids up.” 

Amanda recently confirmed via a TikTok video that she was not allowed to attend Jagger’s birthday party, even though it was at Jen’s home.

“We are going birthday shopping. Ryan’s son is turning six and, unfortunately, I won’t be able to be there,” she said. 

Mackenzie has yet to comment publicly on Ryan and Amanda’s gender reveal. However, she was the one to originally confirm the rumors stating that Amanda was pregnant. 

According to Amanda, her and Ryan’s loved ones are very excited for the new baby. 

“We have a great support system with family and friends,” she told People, “and they are very happy for this new chapter of our lives.”

RELATED STORY: EXCLUSIVE! Ryan Edwards’ Mom Jen Responds to His Ex Mackenzie’s Claim That Ryan Secretly Fathered a Fourth Child

(Photos: Instagram; MTV)

39 Responses

  1. Well of course they want this to be a part of the show, so they can make $$$$. I honestly believe that doing that, could be a trigger for him and I would hate to see him slide backwards.

  2. Holy balls on earth. He will have a ton of kids at this point, all over the place, just a useless waste of a person. Macis kids will be fine bc she is now painting a totalllllyyy different picture of Ryan these days (🙄) hopefully Mackenzie’s kids will be too. I really do feel for Mackenzie as a mother and person with kids with such a trash addict as Ryan. Amanda… girl there is no second chance at motherhood. You have a child already! That child still exists in the world! If you failed him/her you can’t just “get a second chance”. Either you are a parent or you aren’t. Just like how Ryan is not a parent.

  3. It will be a huge disgrace if MTV makes this a storyline. By letting these people on television and giving them a platform MTV supports them to fuck up more lives of innocent children, in stead of them having honest days work, be a part of a (sober) society and most important, be a good parent for the kids who’s custody they lost.

  4. Ant there is it…she went and got herself knocked up by a deadbeat so she could “fingers crossed” be on TV. What a low-life POS.

  5. Every piece of news I read about this pregnancy disgusts me.
    You “hope” your child is respectful and has manners??? What??? That’s not… something people are BORN with you idiots. You have to, you know, PARENT your children.
    “Another chance at motherhood”.
    Get f*cked, honestly. You HAVE OTHER CHILDREN that you could start every single DAY making an effort at a second chance with and yet….
    Here we are. Two people who don’t have custody of existing children but are so “PROUD” to be bringing an innocent baby girl into their messed up lives. COOL.

  6. Look, I am in recovery, so I am glad they are sober (If they really are 100%), but I consider myself NEW still and I’ve been sober almost four years. However, to bear repeating what Boomalakaka said, a “second chance at motherhood” would entail doing what is needed to get your child that is out of the womb, back in your custody. Period. How sad for her son and for all of Ryan’s kids. I really cannot stand people that lose custody and then just get pregnant again before regaining custody of the child they have full obligation to. It’s sick to me and just sad- mostly for the child that is left behind. Now, while I went through my issues, I was able to keep it together, keep custody of my three boys and actually be a present and non-neglectful mom (albeit not the BEST mom I could be and I will likely always feel bad about that), but I can tell you that the LAST thing on my mind while I went through a program AND after, was being in a relationship, let alone having another child. I’m STILL single. I knew my sobriety/recovery was number one, kids were next and then working on me and making sure I didn’t fall into bad behaviors again. Seems like their priorities are not exactly in alignment with doing what’s right and what’s best for all involved- including that baby that isn’t in the world yet. I would put money on it that more likely than not, they will fall back into their old ways (Ryan has shown us this time and time again) and lose custody of this new daughter they seem keen on bringing into the world. SMH

  7. It’s hard to see the good in people sometimes. I hope they stay clean/sober but for fuck’s sake, these women need to stop getting with Ryan & having kids for the sake of that MTV money & ‘fame’.

    I believe Maci is the only one of those three that didn’t get knocked up for any reason other than it was an accident and she truly loved Ryan. Mack latched onto Ryan and procreated for the $ and little bit of ‘fame’ it gave her. Because why else would anyone in their right mind have not one, but TWO kids with an addict, and we all see how it turned out for Mack. I can’t help but think Amanda is doing the same.

    RYAN IS NOT THE ONLY ONE WHO NEEDS TO USE PROTECTION. THESE ARE GROWN-ASS WOMEN WHO KNOW HOW BABIES ARE MADE AND CHOSE TO GET PREGNANT WITH HIS CHILDREN. And if I get downvoted for saying that, then it’s obvious yall didn’t visit itsyoursexlife.org.

    1. All true, but Ryan is about to have fourth (hopefully, not fifth) child with a third woman. He is barely on the wagon and doesn’t have any kind of custody or even unsupervised visitation with his other three children. Who knows if he pays any kind of child support (I’m not optimistic). He deserves to get dragged. Whataboutism doesn’t absolve Ryan.

      1. No one is saying it doesn’t absolve Ryan lol, but cmon! He’s fairly well-known for TM and his life has been on display for years. These women FLOCK to him and spread their legs. It takes not one, but two to make a baby. 50/50, just as you said in the last post.

    1. IDK if he pays any to Maci, but she commented on the post “I call dibs on babysitting” so I guess they are on good terms.

  8. I am not on The Ashley for a few days and THIS is the news I come back to?! We all called it though…also great of you acting like this will be your first baby girl, Rhine, Stella will enjoy reading this when she grows older…Jesus Christ, this will only end up in disaster. It’s not the baby’s fault though, I wish her all the luck in the world having these two bozos for parents but I am afraid it will be even worse for her than Jenelle’s kids…

  9. They both should be focusing on being better parents to the children they already have instead of having more children. I bet Jen and Larry end up with custody or she ends up in foster care

    1. So Ryan gets to see his kids 12 hours a month?
      Didn’t he recently tried to get custody of the kids and Alimony?

  10. This is going to be a disaster. Neither of them have been sober long enough to think about the future. Every time Ryan has a baby he spirals so why would this be any different? This has got to be humiliating for his parents who now have a son who has 3 baby mamas. Maybe they should’ve taught him a thing or two about protection.

    1. Babies do seem to be his spiral trigger for sure. He slowly dissociates until next thing you know, it’s Halloween & he’s sitting there with his face painted up asking this next kid why she didn’t wait on him.

  11. Anyone who is not allowed to be alone with an existing child (or more) they already have, does not deserve “a second chance” at anything, full stop.

    The best outcome here, is for that baby to be placed in a loving home far away from these psychos. Neither one is fit to be around children, “sober” or not (and I have some serious doubts on that sobriety, any vice is a slippery slope and neither has let them all go).

  12. Alright, how long should we give it until Chinilda 2.0 and Creepy Mountain Man announces their pregnancy announcement or *shudder* Jenelle announces her and Duck Lips are thinking about having a baby with her talking about reverse her tubes tied surgery

  13. People like this saying they want another chance at parenthood while they still have living children is disgusting.

  14. I bet Mac is pissed that
    1. Ryan is sober and present for this kid
    2. Going to be able to share that story on TM
    3. Has a GF that he’d there for her when he did none kf that for her and that was her dream, to be on TM

    1. I really doubt any of that (except #2) is true. Ryan has never made more than bare minimum effort for any of his kids, whether he’s been sober or not. Ryan is an awful partner. He cheated on one girlfriend while she was with her dying mother and he cheated on Mackenzie with a tinder creature. This will end up being his worst break up. At least Mackenzie and Maci seem stable enough to care for their children. Ryan and Amanda’s kid will have nobody.

        1. This. This baby isn’t going to foster care, and why should she?
          Mimi Jen will step in.
          She should go straight to Jen, full custody.
          Ryan shoukd be allowed to adopt a Cabbage Patch Kid, much less “raise” another child when he’s barely involved with the ones he has.

      1. Oh I agree. I don’t think he’ll be present, actually sober, but Amanda is getting qhat Mac always wanted. I feel like I worded what I was teying to say correctly

        Mac wanted to be on TM so bad and her nemesis is getting all she tried for after making a fool of herself for forcing him to drive high so they could get sober

    2. If I were Maci (and even Mackenzie), I would be pissed that he’s having another baby when he won’t even take care of the ones he already has. Yes, I’m happy that Ryan is clean and is doing better for himself. I’m genuinely happy that he is on a positive path. However, I don’t think it’s okay for either of them to want a “second chance at parenthood” when they have living children they can make amends with. They both should be focusing on becoming physically, mentally, and financially stable, as well as mending the broken relationships with their kids. I don’t think having another baby solves anything. While I’m somewhat happy for both of them, I can’t imagine how the children, and unborn baby, are going to be affected.

      1. I’m only going based off looks. I wouldn’t be surprised if he drinks or smokes, but he doesn’t look like he’s on heroin anymore. His skin isn’t a crazy pale, grey color like before. His eyes aren’t glazed over or sunken in. Based on his mugshots or scenes where he was high, he looks pretty sober to me.

  15. I do not think they got pregnant for a storyline.

    They really think they’re going to be adequate parents and “this child’s really gonna help me figure out adult life”
    But it’s going to inevitably end the same as the last few babies, for both of them, unfortunately.

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