Another day, another Teen Mom dad behind bars.
Adam Lind— the father of Chelsea Houska‘s daughter Aubree— landed himself in jail last month, after being arrested on three domestic assault charges. The former Teen Mom 2 dad, whose incredibly long criminal history is well-known to the show’s fans, had (miraculously) managed to keep himself out of jail over the last few years. However, that changed on September 22 when the legally challenged Adam was picked up by cops and hauled off to the Minnehaha County Jail.
Starcasm broke the news on Friday that Adam was given three different domestic “Simple Assault” charges. He was charged with “Attempt/Has Ability to Cause Body Injury” to a female victim. (The Ashley is not revealing the victim’s name, but will say that she is not anyone associated with the show or Chelsea.) Adam was also charged with “Recklessly Causing Bodily Injury– domestic” to the same female victim.
Adam’s third charge was “Causing Bodily Injury– Domestic.”
“Adam Joseph Lind…did commit the public offense of Simple Assault- Cause Injury/Not Serious Domestic, in that the defendant did intentionally cause bodily injury to [the victim] which did not result in serious bodily injury to [victim],” the document reads.
All three of Adam’s charges are currently listed as misdemeanors.
According to court documents obtained by The Ashley, Adam pleaded not guilty to all three charges on September 23. He has obtained an attorney and is next expected in court for a pre-trial conference on November 4. His jury trial is scheduled for November 20.

A no-contact order was issued on September 23, barring Adam from having any contact with the alleged victim, or her family. Adam is also required to maintain “good behavior” and stay in contact with his lawyer.
He is not currently listed as an inmate in South Dakota. (Sadly the state of South Dakota does not make its mugshots available, so The Ashley was not able to snag a muggy for Adam.)

According to Starcasm, Adam’s alleged victim’s address is listed as being the same as Adam’s, indicating that they may have been living together. It appears that the alleged victim also has a hefty criminal past of her own.
“The alleged assault victim is a habitual offender with an extensive criminal history,” Starcasm reports. “She was most recently convicted of a very serious drug possession charge last year.”
(According to court documents pulled by The Ashley, the woman has multiple possession of methamphetamine charges.)
At the time of Adam’s arrest, the woman was out on a suspended sentence. Last week, the court filed a motion to revoke her suspended sentence and a bench warrant was requested. It is unknown if this has anything to do with the incident with Adam.
Adam has maintained a low profile over the last few years. He stopped filming for ‘Teen Mom 2’ before Chelsea left the show in November 2020. The last time he was “heard from” publicly was back in May 2022, when he was arrested after a bench warrant was issued for violating a July 2017 court order regarding his child support obligations for Aubree.
Adam was released after paying a $2,000 bond later that day. That bond was sent to the Division of Child Support to be applied to Adam’s child support obligations. (In other words, it was sent to Chelsea to go toward the child support debt Adam owes her for Aubree.)
Last year, while doing press for her HGTV show Down Home Fab, Chelsea gave The Ashley a surprising update on Adam.
“Our relationship, it’s fine. We’re not best friends, but we’re not enemies at all. If I were to see him, there would be no bad feelings at all,” she stated. “I think it helps that Aubree is a teenager now and there isn’t really a lot of having to work things out [for them]. It really is fine.”

Chelsea has not commented publicly on news of Adam’s latest arrest.
RELATED STORY: It’s Official: Chelsea Houska & Cole DeBoer’s HGTV Series ‘Down Home Fab’ Has Been Renewed For a Third Season
(Photos: MTV; Facebook)
20 Responses
He’s got another kid right? I wonder if Aubree has a relationship with her.
Duhnelle, Adam signed away parental rights of his daughter Paislee so that Taylor’s new husband could adopt her so idk if Aubree still sees her.
Chelsea had the opportunity to do the same with Aubree when Cole came along but didn’t want to because she wanted Aubree to still have a relationship with him if she wanted
They did see each other at least a few times after Paislee was adopted by her step-dad. Chelsea and Taylor got the girls together a couple of times, but not sure how often that happens or how long it’s been.
IIRC he signed over rights for his other daughter; since that happened I really haven’t heard much about anything with her or her mom.
I remember so clearly Chelsea bawling because Adam was starting a new family and her dad telling her she’d get her happy ending. I’m so glad she moved on from this loser!
Poor Aubree. He’s such an embarrassment. I hope no one at her school makes nasty comments to her when these stories come out about him.
That being said, as a natural pessimist, to me it always seems that the “bad guy” wins. So I especially love seeing Chelsea have such a wonderful life while this a-hole continues to have a miserable one. For once it all worked out the way it should. The thought of Adam seething every time he sees Chelsea have yet another success (her husband, her family, her home, her tv show, her store, her businesses, even her physical appearance) brings me so much joy.
I’m not really a Chelsea fan, but when it comes to Adumb, living well is the best revenge! And she got that revenge in spades.
So he’s still running with meth heads. Not surprising.
Really forgot all about him.
Aubree is 15 now so her legal dealings with him are almost over.
Which is crazy. We have Leah, Aubree, Carlee, and quite a few others who are counting down 18 to legally walk away from their birth parents. Sad.
Jace probably will too unless he’s attached to his siblings and wants to stay in their lives.
Except Jace doesn’t have a stable family to fall back on like Leah, Carly, and Aubree do. That poor boy has gotten fully screwed over. It’s wild to watch a baby grow up and watch his life be dismantled before it really even starts.
The fact that HE can even go back and watch it all is heartbreaking
The only time this dope used his brain was to get a snip. Too bad other loser TM dads like Rhine, Luis and David (whose new woman will probably have a pregnancy announcement soon) didn’t follow him to the clinic.
Also signing the rights away to Paislee. She is better off without him
Wow Adam’s faux hawk with receding hairline is like art. I am curious how he was able to keep the center patch. It’s like a reverse Kody Brown.
I was just looking at that picture thinking the same exact thing 🤣
I’m only surprised that this POS managed to get this far without unaliving someone
He came close. Remember when he hit that elderly couple with his car? Driving like a lunatic?
Wtf I never knew about that one
No one reading this is displaying a /shocked Pickachu face. This fuck is, and always will be a loser.