Jenelle Evans Breaks Her Silence on Her Boyfriend August Keen’s 911 Call Accusing Her of Hitting Him & Doing Drugs: “That Night Is Far Behind Us”

“Nothing happened…and if it did, it was no big deal…and if it was a big deal, it was sooo long ago, dude.”

Jenelle Evans is finally speaking out about a 911 call made by her manager-turned-boyfriend August Keen in which he accused the Teen Mom star of hitting him “all night,” chasing him, doing drugs and other unsavory things. 

Earlier this week, The Ashley broke the news that August (real name: Daniel Miranda) had called 911 to ask for help getting out of Jenelle’s Las Vegas home, after he claimed the ‘Teen Mom’ star consumed up to a dozen alcoholic drinks and started becoming physically violent with him. (Click here to listen to that strange 911 audio!)

August attempted to explain away the call (and the fight that led to him making that call on August 31), claiming that Jenelle didn’t hit him, and that Jenelle doesn’t do drugs. (He first claimed that the “drugs” he accused Jenelle of doing was marijuana. He later changed his story again, claiming that the “pills” he told the 911 operator that Jenelle takes are simply “anxiety pills.”) He was not able to explain why he told the cops and 911 operator that Jenelle was hitting him, though.

In an “interview” with Celebuzz Jenelle spoke about the incident. She stated that she and August had “one bad night.” 

“Of course I’m gonna profit off my own 911 call scandal. What do you expect me to do? Work?”

Jenelle told Celebuzz that she and August have “been best friends for so many years” and that they’ve only argued “less then five times within seven to eight years.” (That’s not a typo– apparently Jenelle is having trouble figuring out when to use then/than.)

“Our bond is so much stronger then one bad night,” she added. (Again, not a typo.) 

(Just a reminder, up until The Ashley exposed the 911 call and police report in which August called Jenelle his “girlfriend,” Jenelle had been lying about her relationship with August, insisting over and over that he was only her friend and manager, and not her boyfriend.) 

Jenelle also told the site that she and August have moved way past that night.

“That night is far behind us and we’re just focused on future possibilities,” Jenelle said. 

Is anyone else having Déjà vu here, or is it just me?

August also got his share of the clickbait profits a chance to speak out to Celebuzz, telling the site, “I want to make it clear that no children were around nor were we at her house at time of disagreement. We were out late and kids were at home asleep.”

“People keep bringing up the pill thing and saying her children were around. Wanted to clarify these two concerns and rumors.”

He also spoke to Us Weekly, telling them that the 911 call was “some time ago” (which, in August/Jenelle Speak, is what you’d call 39 days ago, apparently…)

He also gushed about his client girlfriend Jenelle and bragged about all of the future endeavors they have planned.

“Lemme guess, Netflix and Amazon are callin’ ya guys again, right, Septemba or whateva ya name is?”

“Me and Jenelle have moved past this and are in a really good place right now. There’s so much to look forward to, and we’re just focused on the future and family. We have some exciting things coming up and can’t wait to share.”

You can listen to August’s 911 call from six weeks ago below! 

RELATED STORY: EXCLUSIVE! Jenelle Evans’ Boyfriend August Keen Calls Cops After Fight with ‘Teen Mom’ Star; Claims Jenelle Chased Him & Hit Him “All Night”; Says She Takes Pills (Hear the 911 Call!)

(Photos: Instagram; MTV) 

35 Responses

  1. Anyone else get straight chills when “August” said “family”? Jenelle is so going to have a baby with this fool and add yet another innocent child to this life of chaos and neglect.

  2. So, now he is willing to put himself in potential legal trouble from lying to the cops, so she will continue getting paid and won’t lose her job?! What a moron! On a semi-related note- she chooses the weirdest looking dudes to be with. Anywho- I also just do not understand why or how she has custody of not just one, but three kids… one of which she hadn’t had since he was a baby. I’d really question the judge in her situation, and sanity. It just seems to be an extremely poor decision. Also, I laughed WAY too hard at the Babs caption on the picture at the bottom of the article. Ya boyyyyyfrien Septemba!

  3. I feel, and many others have said it as well, she has borderline personality disorder. You can have BPD & bipolar disorder, which I think she’s been diagnosed with. I’ve always wondered how she is able to spin events & her partners just go along with it.

  4. Same story, different soul mate. Honestly, The Ashley can probably just start recycling old articles and just changing the name/date/location because history is just going to repeat itself.

  5. Love how the story continues to change. Like we don’t already have all the information because these idiots post EVERYTHING

  6. Todays word of the day is pattern. Can you say pattern Jenelle? Say it with us…pat-tern. Let’s try and spell today’s word of the day… p, a, t, t, e, r, n. Can we use today’s word in a sentence? Once again Jenelle repeats the same pattern she’s always followed.

    Yay, we did it!

    Tomorrow’s word will be a big one, accountability. Stay tuned for more words of the day!

  7. I feel like you could write this exact same article for every year if Jenelle’s life, just swap out the names of her dudes. In two months you could dig up a five year old article about David and replace his name with August, it will be the same story. And Jenelle telling the same tired lies.

  8. Wait. Are you telling me that that guy had a name but then wanted to switch it up and chose…August?

    Oh yeah, and Janelle lied yet again. Way less surprised there.

  9. Why does this picture of Jenelle remind me of Robyn brown?

    I’m not even going to to comment on Jenelles excuses…

  10. Anyone else having an issue getting the audio of the 911 call to play? I tried the link in the last update, too, but nothing happens when I press play. It buffers for a long time….but that’s it.

  11. Love how the lies just continue to flow like wine!! LOL!! What a couple of losers!! They can’t keep any of their stories straight. He just keeps coming up with new bullshit to add to his story so Jenelle won’t lose her job. NOW he’s claiming that the incident didn’t even happen at the house!! Really? I wonder if he read the police report before he started his cover up. Neither of these pigs can be trusted with kids, a job, telling the truth, or anything else that NORMAL people do! I would love to know what kind of brain issues her so called “supportive fans” have because they would have to be completely fucked up to believe that she’s a good mother “just trying to raise her kids all alone.” How can they just ignore her drug and violent history? How do they just ignore her approval of David beating and bullying Kaiser? Do they just forget she and Davids complete favoritism of Einsley and how she flaunted the many nice gifts for that kid right in front of Kaiser while he would end up with a box of hostess cupcakes for a present? She is pure evil.

      1. Oh yes, you’re right!! I forgot about that good old hillbilly loyalty! They all stick together, eat road kill together, get hitched with convicts, and screw their cousins.

  12. Far behind them until it happens again. And again. Starting to feel like every other relationship she’s been in.🙄

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