Jenelle Evans is busy living it up in Las Vegas, spending time with her booooooyfriiiiend, August Keen, and taking her kids places in Sin City to film social media content. According to The Ashley‘s sources, though, the Teen Mom star now has one less kid to feature in her videos.
The Ashley’s sources tell her that Jenelle recently sent her middle child, Kaiser, to Tennessee to live with his paternal grandmother, Doris Davidson.
“Jenelle flew with Kaiser to [Tennessee] recently,” the source tells The Ashley, adding that Jenelle’s boyfriend “August” stayed with Ensley and Jace while Jenelle was gone.
“Kaiser is not able to go to his school in Vegas any longer, so Jenelle sent him [to Doris’]. He is supposed to stay there until school gets out for summer break at least,” the source added.
(The Ashley is being intentionally vague here and not posting all the info, in hopes it will preserve Kaiser’s privacy.)
The source claims that Kaiser was not aware that the trip was long-term, and only found when he arrived that the plan is for him to stay in Tennessee.
“He was upset,” the source says.

Fans on Jenelle’s social media accounts have noticed that the ‘Teen Mom: Next Chapter’ star has posted new videos showing her seven-year-old daughter Ensley and 15-year-old son Jace, but that Kaiser has not been seen in any of Jenelle’s recent posts. Jenelle has yet to address his sudden absence, and it is not known whether or not Kaiser will come back for visits with Jenelle.
The source added that Doris currently has another grandchild living with her, and is hoping that her son, Nathan Griffith will be able to leave Las Vegas (where he is currently taking part in yet another court-ordered rehab program) and come to Tennessee to be near her and Kaiser once he’s legally permitted to.
As The Ashley previously reported in July, Nathan was given “one last chance” to attend and complete both a residential treatment program and then a Veteran’s intensive outpatient treatment program. Nathan had been in jail for months before being transported to the residential rehab last month. If he doesn’t complete both treatment programs and follow the other terms of his probation, Nathan will be sent to prison for a term of 12-48 months. He is currently not allowed to leave the state of Nevada without written permission from the Division of Parole and Probation.
Jenelle’s other kids– 15-year-old Jace and seven-year-old Ensley— are still living with Jenelle in Las Vegas. Despite Kaiser going to Tennessee, nothing has changed in terms of his custody situation, as Jenelle currently has full custody of the 10-year-old.
UPDATE! Jenelle has released a statement confirming that she did, indeed, send Kaiser to Tennessee. Click here for the latest details!
(Photos: Instagram; MTV)
82 Responses
I think at some point down the road, all of her deeply traumatized kids will be ghosting her and likely will reveal the abuse they endured. I don’t think she is physically violent, but I do recall her very short temper when kaisar was a toddler. And who can forget all her screaming at her mom in front of baby Jace!? Sooo bad for the kids..And David of course was physically violent, and she let him continue to spank Kaisar hard leaving hand prints for potty accidents. All of that trauma will erupt at some point…Kaisar will inevitably have major attachment issues, probably addiction issues, mental health issues like depression and extreme anxiety just to name a few..David is a monster who should be in jail! Hoping Doris gets Kaisar into intense therapy long term, and fights jenelle to keep him permanently. I recall being horrified Mtv did nothing when David called Kaiser a “Little B**ch” on film!! Who does that to a 2 or 3 year old just because they’re crying!?!? Sickening!!! Maybe DCFS will finally step in and take some action ..all 3 kids need stability & love(not just new toys and purchases) in their lives. I can’t understand why she can’t get that through her head at her age…still being SO incredibly codependent on a very long string of unstable and abusive men…one after the next..be an adult & put your kids 1st, for once!! There will be huge mental health repercussions for all of them!
These young ladies on Teen mom need to understand that dating so many men and having all that abuse and yelling around your kids is doing immense damage, period! Moving all the time is also very traumatic for kids! Hoping Kail is finally done hopping from man to man also..talk about snowballing the trauma, repeating damaging unstable cycles. They all need significant therapy to see the trauma they are causing. Mtv is absolutely to blame on some of it. I don’t watch it anymore, and won’t…it got gross when almost none of them worked any real jobs & it became about vacations and “reunions” where people acted like drunk & selfish fools….. And all the dysfunction gets really old & annoying to keep watching. Don’t these people want growth!? So many of them are just stuck in mega dysfunction!
I wonder what the 911 call from August on Jenelle mentioning the 12-15 alcoholic drinks that night, “pills” and domestic violence coupled with once again sending one of her own kids off to live with someone is, will do for any custody cases, divorce or further court dates about Ensley.
Also, I really hope these TLC/MTV/WEtv networks have some kind of retribution for all the kids they have messed up. I hope the kids (Colin Gosselin, Anna’s Cardwell’s kids, Kaiser/Jace, to name a few) can sue them for the toxic environments and stealing their childhood for views/clicks.
But I thought she loved home-schooling the kids. I’m sure she’s an excellent teacher 🙄
😆 said no one ever!
“He was upset,” the source says.
Heartbreaking. 💔
I wonder if any of this has to do with Kaiser’s alleged vaping use
WTF?! Kaiser vaping? OMG!!! Do tell!
Go to Elle bee on YouTube
I’d smoke shit too if I had Kaiser’s lot in life!
I didn’t even hear about that, but it wouldn’t surprise me. What I thought of is that he might be having major behavioral issues in school due to his piss poor upbringing and you know jenelle can’t handle the backlash because she isn’t a parent. So we just discard them like trash
There’s so much snarky shit I have to say, but the only thing I can voice right now is that I hope this is the change that Kaiser needs in order to live a happy life – the loving environment he should have had since birth but was robbed of because of his selfish parents. He’s always tugged at my heartstrings because he was treated the most poorly simply for existing. Absolutely nobody on this Earth deserves to feel that way.
Poor, sweet Kaiser Roll. He did not deserve all this heartbreak in his short 10 years of life. Parents who don’t want him. A stepdad who abused him. His siblings at least love him. And, hopefully, Grandma Doris can smother him in love and make sure he knows how worthy he is of all of the love in the world.
Honestly, He’s better off with Doris- 100%. However, to repeat many others, she should have done this a LONG time ago. He’s always been the stereotypical middle child… the “forgotten” child. It makes me sad for him because likely he WAS upset- rightfully so. Even though, unfortunately, his mother is Jenelle, it’s all he’s ever known. His dad can’t get it together and his mom has never done anything good for him. He was only a pawn in her game when trying to trap Nathan (for god knows whatever reason) at the time. I hope in a short time, he can adjust and see that being in a stable, loving and structured home is something that will help him thrive and I hope he can be happy. I TRULY wish Kaiser, and Doris- the very best. If she tries to take him back though, I am going to be PISSED. You can’t just put a child in a situation that works best for YOU, and then take him back when it’s best for YOU. Jenelle is such a trash human being and scum of the earth mother. I really am stunned (but not at the same time because it IS CPS) that CPS/the courts allow her to have custody of any of them. She is permanently damaging these kids.
Let’s hope Kaiser living with Doris works out well for all involved. After all he’s been through, he deserves nothing more than stability and love which have been sorely lacking in his life up to this point. Along with some deep trauma therapy – hopefully Doris gets on that ASAP. Maybe get him enrolled in Big Brothers too so he’ll have a positive male in his life. All that kid knows in terms of men is Nathan and David. Nathan seems to a lost cause at this point who should only be with Kaiser under supervision.
But hey 🧟♀️ is living it up in Vegas! Partying, getting new boobs, trying (and will fail like her eyebrow kit) in the over saturated weed business, and Jace is old enough to babysit Ensley which he’s probably less than thrilled about. Jace probably will be the first of the TM kids to be a parent since Janelle lets him run wild. Babs probably had some ground rules and Janelle probably has none, as long as he does some babysitting. Perhaps Kaiser wasn’t getting along with Jace and Ensley and that was another factor.
Did she get another set of foobs? Well, priorities, I guess
Is this girls main goal in life to traumatize her children?? I will never forget when Babs was yelling at her on 16 & Pregnant saying that Jenelle treated Jace like he was a dog or a cat, and she hit the nail on the head. Jenelle treats her kids like they’re family pets that can just be rehomed. Poor Kaiser. He’s always been treated like a black sheep. It’s so sad.
I admit, I usually cheered for Janelle but this is just too much. It’s like she added one kid to her family (Jace) and gave away another one like they are baseball trading cards. In the long run, Kaiser will be better off but it will probably be a rough couple of years for Doris raising him. And I bet she wouldn’t of even had the money to move to Las Vegas if MTV didn’t bring her back to the show.
She left her children with some guy while dropping the other one off in a different state? Couldn’t be me.
no literally was thinking the same!! Going to abandon one child while leaving my young daughter with a strange man in another state?????? is she INSANE?? Poor Ensley, the statistics for her with Jenelle’s lifestyle of revolving door of men is not looking good.
If only Jenelle has agreed to do this 5 years ago when Doris tried to get custody after discovering the abuse. Maybe then, Kaiser would have had a chance. But, Jenelle was too busy defending David and acting like he was the best dad. The amount of trauma and neglect she has subjected her children to is horrifying. She is vile, but hopefully this move ends up being a good thing for Kaiser. Jenelle and Nathan have truly failed this poor boy.
Jenelle’s sole focus is on winning. Never what’s best for her children. She fought to keep Kaiser from Doris, swearing David was a good man and the kids loved him just to win and gloat that she won. The moment she was too inconvenienced by Kaiser and thought no one was paying attention, she dumps him off with Doris. He’ll finally be in a safe environment but Doris has quite the task ahead of her in trying to undo the trauma that poor little boy has been through.
I’m sure she’ll make up some horrible lie about Kaiser to make herself look better for sending him away. If my child “couldn’t” go to their school I would just switch schools, or homeschool, or tutor, move my WHOLE family somewhere else, anything, never ever would it even cross my mind to send a kids hundreds of miles away instead and without them knowing. This is so fukked up.
Sounds eerily similar to Kate Gosselin and Collin!
I wonder what her excuse will be for ditching this son. She can’t claim Babs stole kaiser and gave him to Doris
She’s not much better of a mom than Casey Anthony
Ummm….She didn’t kill any of her children!🤦🏼♀️
The bar is in hell for Janelle. At least Casey stopped at one.
You forgot to qualify that statement, it’s missing a word. The word is “yet”, because she hasn’t “yet” killed any of her children (although an argument could be made that the jury is still out on any that never came to fruition due to her numerous addictions, but, I digress).
She may not have killed any of them yet, but she’s done ample irreversible damage, in just about every way possible. She has physically, mentally, psychologically, developmentally and medically harmed her children their entire lives. Those things may be even more heinous, because now they’re all living with that extensive damage and will carry it their entire lives. Not killing your children shouldn’t be a bar we set, ever, nor should anyone be praised for that, wtf!
Ugh, so horrible that MTV gave her a paycheck again. She can’t blame lack of money for giving up Kaiser.
High on Janelle’s priorities:
– D1ck
– Getting drunk
– Getting high
– Finding any way to make income other than working a real job
– New boobs and other surgeries
– Her children
– Being a decent human
– Being a productive member of society (ie, raising kids the right way, working a real job)
A few of the TM parents learned from their mistakes and got their priorities in line over the years like Leah. Most didn’t, Janelle and Amber being the worst.
100% on the spot comment!!
I hope MTV is proud of themselves!!! They helped create this situation!!! They witnessed Davids abuse of Kaiser from the time he was two years old, yet they did nothing. Now she dumps him off in another state without explanation because she can’t deal with whatever issues he has from all of the abuse he endured. Jenelle thinks she has a new career and that she can call herself a tv star, so yes, I guess Kaiser has to go. He might screw things up for her at this point and reveal what’s really going on at home!! And she can’t have that!!! She can still brainwash the spoiled brat daughter, after all, she’s the little princess, but Kaiser???? Nah…she never protected him from Davids abuse, and she went along with David in encouraging the princess to call him an asshole. Jenelle wants her little family to make her look good so she can be a “tv personality” as she used to call herself. So feel good about putting this fat-ass cow who is a walking venereal disease, back on your show!!!! I’m sure MTV could care less about the life of a 10 year old boy!
& that is why I don’t watch it anymore – watch Doris get custody of Kaiser – then watch Janelle do the same as she did to Barb!
I was with you until you started calling an innocent child names. Not cool. Ensly is a product of her environment. Call swamp queen whatever you want but leave the kids out of it. How can you have compassion for one child and then turn around and call another a brat? Is it because she’s David’s? She didn’t ask for the parents she was born to. Be an adult and do better.
Uhh, excuse me??? Have you ever watched the videos that Jenelle has posted over the years? The way that child is encouraged to treat Kaiser? I didn’t think so. Yes it’s the parents fault for teaching her to do that, but she has a mind of her own. She didn’t HAVE to behave in the way she always did. She is a smart kid and was well aware that she was the favored child. She saw the abuse inflicted on Kaiser. She was well aware that she could get what she wanted. Maybe YOU should do better in just always assuming that a kid is an innocent little angel. My observation of her being a spoiled brat is nothing compared to what others have called different children of MTV shows over the years. Get over it.
Long story time…
She is 100% a product of her upbringing. This is not a knock on Ensley. She is developmentally at least two years behind where she should be, far more than that in some areas. She is immature in every single way; educationally, emotionally, psychologically, medically and even physically. She was born with FAS and completely high. It is guaranteed that pot and alcohol were not the only taboo substances Jenelle consumed while pregnant with her either-she’s admitted such herself. That causes some massive retardation in the development of a fetus. (and yes, that is the proper term, not an insult to Ensley)
What you call “brat behavior”, is literally her following what she’s told to do, and not necessarily having the developmental awareness to realize it was wrong. It’s easy to spot when she’s out in public and behaves exactly the same way and has no social awareness whatsoever. It’s entirely likely she has little to no friends in school, for the same reason. Social awareness is not an inherent trait, it’s learned behavior, even if not considered active learning/teaching. Not all develop this at the same rate. Some never do really develop social awareness, especially those who are developmentally diverse.
I have has children from extremely similar home environments/bio-parents. Not all of those issues are ones that can be easily (or at all) fixed. The longer the child lives in that environment, the longer they remain stunted. It’s a struggle for them, and us, to try and rectify poor development. If you don’t know any better, you can’t do any better. Ensley doesn’t actually know better, she’s never been in an environment that taught her better. She’s been removed from any that might have the potential to. Children like Ensley will do anything and everything to please those around them, without the forethought of “this might not be a good thing”-because they haven’t developed that ability.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
Don’t forget to tip your waitress……then place them upright again, savages.
That’s what I was thinking. Ensley was born with marijuana in her system, amongst other things. So obviously her development was impacted. Jenelle is disgusting.
This is very interesting information. Thank you.
You’re obviously a moron or a troll. Likely both. That child is a product of how she was raised, wasn’t sent to school long enough to understand how to treat/interact with other children, probably watches garbage videos all over social media, and is SEVEN. Do you have enough brain cells to understand that her brain isn’t anywhere near fully developed? You, dear troll, are the brat on this forum. Suck it.
She’s being called a brat because she IS a brat. Doesn’t matter who’s “fault” it is, she is the worst little brat I’ve ever witnessed.
Maybe the kid was being bullied at school! I think it’s highly possible.
Nailed it. MTV is a disgrace
I hope MTV is proud of themselves!!! They helped create this situation!!!
^^^This is 100% true and what I’ve been saying. It’s like MTV created monsters that they can no longer keep in check!
this is unfortunately for sure gonna mess kaiser up because idgaf how jenelle tries to spin this but 3 MAJOR life changes in less than a year for a child is damaging AF
Hopefully does has the sense to get him in therapy & to a dr
Does = she – damn siri
Thought does=Doris🤣
What an absolute horror of a human being. Just when you think this bitch can’t sink any lower…poor, sweet Kaiser. He’s been the scapegoat his whole little life. I hope he feels some sense of acceptance and love from Doris. So sad. And what about Ensley? Seems like she and Kaiser were pretty close. Jenelle is pure trash.
Kaiser is better off with his Grandmother. Let’s be honest, Jenelle has been looking for a way to get rid of Kaiser for a long time. How many times did we see on the show her wanting to take the other kids on vacation and leave Kaiser behind?
It’s just sad Jenelle has yet another son that’s gets to be abandoned by his mother.
Remember when they gave a box of hostess cupcakes to Kaiser on his birthday, after giving a brand new BB gun to the little princess? Even David’s daughter Marissa was disgusted! I’m surprised they didn’t make him carry a sign around his neck saying “We don’t like you”
There you go again, targeting Ensly. Gross.
Targeting her how? By saying the little princess? What the fuck is wrong with you? There is not one thing wrong with that. I think you obviously have some kind of hang-up with my defending Kaiser. That’s gross!!
Yeah, you do sound a bit bitter about Ensley. Jealous even. Kinda weird.
Laura didn’t call her names, “little princess” isn’t bullying her. The kid’s a brat, period. You seem really invested in this shit show, maybe you should go rescue them….
Its that time again!!
Today’s word of the day is accountability. This is a big word, but I think you can do it! Can you say accountability Jenelle? Say it with us, a-count-a-bil-i-ty. Can you spell accountability, spell it with me a, c, c, o, u, n, t, a, b, i, l, i, t, y. This is a really big word, we should probably give the definition. Do you know what accountability means Jenelle? Accountability is the act or condition of willingness to accept responsibility. That’s another big word, responsibility. Do you know what responsibility means Jenelle? We’ll save that word for another day. Can you use accountability in a sentence? Today we found out that Jenelle has no idea what accountability is, nor does she intend to employ it, ever.
YAY we did it!! That was a tough one, wasn’t it?
Today’s word was sponsored by the letters F and U along with the number 3, the number of responsibilities Jenelle has but ignores.
Stay tuned for more words of the day!
“The source claims that Kaiser was not aware that the trip was long-term, and only found when he arrived that the plan is for him to stay in Tennessee”.
While I’m glad he’s now with his grandmother (and I wish she would’ve sent him years ago), she’s the biggest POS for sending him there unaware that it’s for a long time. He’s old enough to understand what’s going on and deserves respect.
She’s such a POS.
Is 2 kids her limit for dealing with? Or whatever shithole soulmate she has at the time’s limit for dealing with? She gets one back (Jace), so she has to dump one of the two she had (Kaiser)?
Of course she would keep the girl (who looks just like her and who is also a pawn in her current divorce/custody/court dealings with David), and of course she’ll keep the one that’s legally old enough to be left alone to babysit the girl.
Kaiser isn’t old enough to babysit, he takes attention away from the girl when Jace has to babysit both of them, and he’s not currently an active pawn in a custody/divorce battle. He’s also not the child of a guy she’s currently trying to make jealous/prove how much she’s winning….Nathan is beyond coming back to be a soulmate and is so long gone/moved on/dealing with other drama and trauma, that it’s not fun anymore to play custody/“I have your kid!” games with him anymore. But she can absolutely use Ensley to fuck with David and Jace to fuck with Barb.
Absolute trash human.
I hope Doris gets his child support.
Of all the TM kids, Kaiser’s story is the saddest. For one second the idiot womb and sperm donor who were too irresponsible to have custody of their own children decided to have a baby and oops it happened. Then when Janelle had a positive pregnancy test, she wasn’t sure if it was the result of remnants from a recent abortion from another guy’s spawn. CLASSY. Then there’s the scene with Nathan saying he didn’t want the baby which Kaiser will likely see if he hasn’t already.
And @Amy Too you’re so right that the only reason Doris did not get custody sooner was to stick it to Nathan. But now she’s more focused on sticking it to David and Babs. Might as well ditch poor Kaiser. Nathan has nothing going for him at this point so she doesn’t have to play power games with him any longer.
Hopefully Doris can give him the love and stability he needs. she’s gotta be well into her 60’s if not 70’s. Babs couldn’t handle a teenage Jace and unless Kaiser is very mellow, it will be hard for Doris to handle a teen boy.
And ick, “August” left in charge of the other two? He probably smoked weed with Jace and let creepy friends around Ensley. 🧟♀️ probably wouldn’t even care.
Such trash. Dumping your kids off so someone else can raise them and then claim to be a good mother. Just admit you’re a drug addicted. Even your new boyfriend told the cops you were on drugs. Always have and always will pick men over her children. MTV really needs to stop paying these people
And Child Protective Services thinks she is a fit mother ? Seriously ? The 911 calls all along, Jenelle hitting someone, pills, weed smoking & God knows what else going on and yet the children are safe with her ?? MTV sucks as well for hiring her back !
Wait wait wtf. Moving your kids to a random state to start over then bringing 1 kid to another state to abandon responsibility for him with a grandparent? Kaiser has only ever known Janell unfortunately so I would think he would be upset upon moving to another state
Sad to say but she can’t dump Jace with anyone bc Barbara has had it, Ensley can’t be dumped with anyone bc David lives on a boat, so Kaiser is the only one she can really get “rid of”. Breaks my heart to even say that. 3 kids is not 300 kids. 3 are manageable. There is no need in Jenelle’s situation for her to have moved 1 of her kids randomly so far away with a grandparent. And the fact that Kaiser didn’t know the trip was long term???? Wtf???? Bro I would be having the longest and deepest conversation with my kids if it ever came down to that and I would move myself to f-ing Tennessee too! There’s no need to be in Vegas so why not move to Tennessee to at least be closer to Kaiser? Imagine just packing some crap and being like peace out to your child?? Jenelle is so dumb she thinks it’s best to keep Kaiser in the dark. Hello, wake up. Modern parenting includes talking to your kids like actual humans and reducing the amount of trauma you inflict on them!
Also, Jace and Ensley, the 7 year old little girl, are left in the care of a grown non related male that Jenelle just met 5 weeks ago???? I swear people like her are the reason kids get kidnapped or abused. She is supposed to be protecting her kids at every cost. she is showing her little girl that it is okay and safe to be left alone in the care of a random male. Unbelievable.
Yes, yes, and yes! I can’t believe she left her daughter with some random guy. She doesn’t know him! She could go back and they both be gone. She’s such a disgrace.
David is living with Jenelle 2.0. He has a nice clean modular home with a new dog and a 25 year old gf. Who has inherited money.
She has nice car and truck and plenty of toys to play on and she hunts and fish’s. He’s living his best life away with no responsibilities.
I highly doubt it had anything at all to do with her thinking that’s what’s best in terms of how to handle the situation for Kaiser and everything to do with making the trip for herself more comfortable and manageable and less stressful. Having to hear him beg and plead and cry the whole way… not on the agenda for her. Much more preferable to be able to bounce on out of there and leave the consoling for the next grandparent taking on the role of parent to another one of her kids.
Is it likely better for Kaiser? I imagine most scenarios away from Jenelle would be. At the same time we see who Nathan became, and included is a comment from the grandparent hoping on a reunion for the two… surely women are not the only beings he will abuse. He has a dangerously reactive temper and if I recall correctly doesn’t he also have a past TBI? Not that every person who has experienced a TBI will become abusive killers but there is correlation between brain injuries, especially when they occur in the frontal lobe, and an increase in aggression, irritability, rage and impulsivity. Not certain that would better for Kaiser since he likely lacks a real connection or bond with Kaiser due to his lack of presence.
Truly, the list of most effed up choices Jenelle has made in regards to her children is long. However, not telling him it was long term and essentially just dropping that on him last minute as she’s heading out the door is somewhere on the top of that list. That moment will likely be life altering to his mental health and the selfishness one has to possess the depth of the degree of it to be capable of this leads me to believe she’s not just a narcissist but a complete psychopath.
On top of this occurrence, leaving your daughter alone with a new boyfriend also sheds light on the depth of her dereliction of duty as a mother. The complete indifference to her child’s (children really) wellbeing, even from Jenelle, is shocking and appalling. The potential risk and danger of this situation should actually alarm her and in no way does she even recognize it as a potential danger. That speaks volumes. Trigger warning ** sexual violence and death** I grew up with a girl in my neighborhood who left her BABY girl with her boyfriend just to run and pick up fever reducer as the baby slept and the most horrible scenario that could happen did and considering she was a baby, her life was lost over a quick run to a corner store. It’s hard not to imagine what could’ve happened on a trip spanning states. And yet the thought didn’t even cross her mind or cause any concern.
He’s had a bit if a relationship with Grandma Doris; he’s been shipped there before.
swamp queen 🧟♀️ is quite literally the biggest piece of sh*t trash bag 💩🗑️👜 ever.
i’m pretty sure she reads here (I know she’s mentioned theashley), so:
f*ck you, swamp queen! 🧟♀️🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻
insert *josh peck in audience yelling ‘we hate you!’* GIF here
i do realize kaiser is probably better off w/doris, but dumping him off with no warning is 💯 a total scumbag trash 🗑️ move.
My theory is Kaiser can’t go back to his school in Las Vegas because of bullying. I’m glad he’s staying with Doris, hopefully he will stop being neglected.
Too bad she didn’t do that sooner. It would have saved Kaiser a lot of pain and heartbreak.
That poor child. He has known nothing but trauma. Imagine getting to your grandmother’s home and finding out it’s not just a visit.
I hope Doris can provide him with a stable loving home.
I wonder if the grandchild already living with her is Nathan’s daughter?
That poor, precious child has never been wanted by his parents. I dont think they even love him 💔. What about the other siblings? Wont they miss their brother?
Ensley won’t. She’s been allowed and encouraged to treat Kaiser like shit since she learned to talk.
Oddly enough, for as awful as Ensley treats him sometimes, they actually seem close. Probably because they were all each other had for so long; Jace was with Barb, Jenelle was focused on David and making her dumb tik toks, so on and so forth. Kaiser and Ensley relied on each other for some sense of normalcy. So as cruel as this was to Kaiser, it’s also cruel to Ensley to take away the brother she’s closest with.
I wonder what happened at the school? Hopefully Kaiser will stand a better chance with Doris than either of his parents.
That’s the weirdest part. He can’t go to school anywhere in Vegas suddenly? What happened?
Even if you’re expelled from one school (not saying that’s what’s happened to Kaiser, especially bc of how young he is….its much more likely Jenelle fucked something up with payment or paperwork), there are always alternative public schools, private schools, charter schools that are desperate to grow their student-body, etc.
It’s not like everyone who ever had a child that wasn’t able to continue at their current school for whatever reason, literally had to move out of state (or abandon their child out of state)!
I could never just willingly abandon my kid several states away. And then to not even tell him until he’s there that he’s not going home with his mother when she leaves, and he just lives here now!? So then he obviously wasn’t able to say goodbye to his siblings. Did they know he wasn’t coming back? How is this going to make the other kids feel?
She’s such a shit mother. Absolutely the worst.
Saw that coming the moment she finally left David. I knew she’d dump Kaiser off on Doris as soon as he got in the way of her being able to get high and party with her gross boyfriend. Heartbreaking for him but hopefully Doris can give him the life he deserves, filled with love and actual care.