Jenelle Evans Confirms She Sent Son Kaiser to Live with Nathan Griffith’s Mom: The Ashley Breaks Down the ‘Teen Mom’ Star’s Statement (Exclusive Details!)

“Dude, three kids is a lot…and stuff.”

Earlier this week, The Ashley broke the news that Jenelle Evans had sent her middle child, Kaiser, to live with his paternal grandmother, Doris Davidson and on Tuesday, the Teen Mom: Next Chapter star reluctantly confirmed it.

As The Ashley exclusively reported, Jenelle recently flew to Tennessee with Kaiser, who was not informed until he arrived that his “visit” to his grandma’s Tennessee home was indefinite. The Ashley’s sources told her that the 10-year-old was very upset when he found out he wasn’t just visiting and would instead be living with Doris, who is the mother of Kaiser’s father Nathan Griffith. The source stated that Kaiser “loves” being with his grandma, but felt like he got “tricked.”

In a statement to Celebuzz— the clickbait site that pays Jenelle to post random ‘Teen Mom’ stories— Jenelle confessed that she has, indeed, shipped Kaiser off to live in Tennessee. However, her explanation for doing so didn’t really make sense.

“The reason why I wanted Kaiser to be with his father is because Kaiser is at the age where it’s important for him and his father and his father’s family to spend time with one another,” Jenelle explained to Celebuzz. “Kaiser loves Nathan’s family and Nathan can also use some time with his son.”

“Well Jenelle, I’m just over here chillin’ in Vegas but maybe we can use dramastic means to teleport Kaiser back here to spend time with me?”

The Ashley would like to interject here that Jenelle reasoning for sending Kaiser to Tennessee to “be with his father” makes no sense, as Kaiser’s father Nathan is actually living in Las Vegas (which is the same city that Jenelle currently lives in) and not Tennessee where Doris lives. In fact, Nathan is not legally allowed to leave the state of Nevada without written permission from the Division of Parole and Probation, so there’s no way he’s physically spending time with Kaiser any time soon. 

(The Ashley will add here that Doris is hoping to bring Nathan to Tennessee eventually, but it is unknown how long it will be before he’s even legally allowed to consider that option.) 

As The Ashley previously told you, Nathan pleaded guilty last year to attacking his sister via attempted assault by strangulation. He was sentenced to specific probation terms in Veteran’s Court but was kicked out of the program this summer due to him not having “adhered to the programming rules and policies.” In July, Nathan was given “one last chance” to complete both a residential treatment program and then a Veteran’s intensive outpatient treatment program. If he doesn’t complete both treatment programs and follow the other terms of his probation, Nathan will be sent to prison for a term of 12-48 months

Jenelle insisted in her statement to Celebuzz, though, that Kaiser and Nathan now “speak daily.” 

“If only there was a way for Kaaah-sa to talk to The Nathan while they were both in Las Vegas! Oh…wait…”

“Kaiser is enjoying the huge family and all of the love,” she added.

Jenelle also stated that, although she sent Kaiser across the county, she still keeps in touch with him.

“Well, Juh-nelle! He’s ya son– YA SUPPOSED TO STAY IN TOUCH WITH HIM! Ya don’t get a gold star for that!”

“I love my son and we FaceTime daily,” she said. “He’s doing great. I just enrolled him into school and he looks forward to starting. He also has new friends and is happy spending some much needed time with his father’s side of the family.”

(The Ashley can confirm that Kaiser does have several aunts, uncles and cousins who all live relatively near Doris that he is able to see now.) 

Jenelle did not provide any reason for why she uprooted Kaiser from her home and his siblings, Jace and Ensley.

The Ashley’s sources tell her that, when Jenelle took Kaiser to Tennessee back in September, she didn’t even pack most of his belongings.

“She didn’t bring his winter clothing, because that would have probably tipped Kaiser off that he was staying. Jenelle ended up giving Doris money to buy him new winter clothes,” one source says.

The trip to Tennessee was not filmed for ‘Teen Mom: The Next Chapter,’ according to The Ashley’s production sources.

As for why Jenelle sent Kaiser away, the source stated that Jenelle was “done” dealing with “the problems Kaiser was causing at school and at home.” 

Doris, however, is reportedly thrilled to finally have Kaiser with her.

“A few more months in Vegas and Jenelle would have been telling me that Kaiser’s new name was December Keen or something!” 

“Doris has worried about Kaiser growing up in [Jenelle’s] environment for literally years,” one source tells The Ashley. “She has had a series of health issues that prevented her from being able to help raise Kaiser for more than just visits, but now she is able to and hoping that she can guide him in a good direction through church and lots of attention.” 

Jenelle’s statement to Celebuzz about shipping Kaiser off to his grandma’s didn’t go over well with her fans. In the comment section of her Facebook post about it, fans blasted Jenelle for sending Kaiser away.

“I’m sorry you’re such a liar, you said you moved to Vegas so that [Kaiser] could be closer to his dad now you’ve moved him in to live with his grandmother,” one person wrote. “You moved there for your boyfriend period….It’s so sad actually, once again putting a man first.”

“So that child has lived in 3 different states in the past 6 months, no wonder he’s acting out!” someone else wrote.

On X, Jenelle posted that she was unhappy that so many people were asking about Kaiser’s whereabouts.

“So many rumors.. ‘YOU BETTER TELL US WHERE YOUR KIDS ARE’,” she wrote. “You do realize how psychotic you sound? That’s very creepy behavior and maybe focus on your own kids. I don’t owe anything to any of you.” 

That post was also met with plenty of negative responses.

“What’s weird is taking your son on a trip and then leaving him there,” someone wrote in response to Jenelle’s X post.

“Psychotic and creepy is driving your son to another state, leaving him there for an indefinite period and not even telling him you were doing so beforehand. Gross,” another wrote.

The news of Kaiser being sent away comes just days after The Ashley exposed a 911 call that was made by Jenelle’s manager-turned-soulmate “August Keen” (aka Daniel Miranda). During the 911 call– which was made in the late hours of August 31, August Daniel claimed that Jenelle had been drinking heavily and hitting him “all night.” He also claimed that Jenelle “does drugs” including pills. He later stated that he was talking about “anxiety pills” and said that Jenelle did not hit him. 

The Ashley will continue to update this story. Stay tuned…

RELATED STORY: EXCLUSIVE! Jenelle Evans Sends Son Kaiser to Live with His Grandmother in Tennessee

(Photos: MTV; Instagram; Facebook; X)

45 Responses

  1. This is just further evidence that Jenelle has never wanted to be a mother. No matter how much she might disagree. She doesn’t have what is required to be a mother, yet alone a somewhat decent mother. She’s the worst. Always has been, always will be.

  2. I remember how cute Kaiser was when he was 2 on a boat trip with David and how David screamed at him. Even with cameras around was insane how much they videoed kaiser being abused and told how naughty he is. When it was all age appropriate behaviour . It was yelling, name calling to him, sleep depravation, torture , insulting who his father is. David saying he loves kaiser at other times and calling him “my little buddy” then when they split states no I want nothing to do with Kaiser. His older brother Jace who he loves never around. She gave birth to this perfect healthy kid with Kaiser. He is just so adorable. He was such a happy giggle child and she totally destroyed him. I think out of all he got the worst life. Here’s hoping grandma can get him with lots of nice kids to play with and a fresh start. I hope despite her age she has kids around as he needs it. A 10 year old needs friends and to play with kids, ride bikes etc. Janelle doesn’t seem to encourage her kids to have friends and she never seems to have friends. Instead of dealing with grown up’s and grown up issues.

  3. My heart hurts so much for Kaiser. I feel his pain because I WAS that kid, I have been in his shoes. From minute one of his life, Jenelle made it pretty clear that she didn’t “want ” Kaiser, she was more interested in Nathan and his various dramas, harassing Barb about Jace, and then the whole David debacle. Kaiser was just a tool for her, a middle finger of sorts to Barb for her taking custody of Jace. She has NEVER cared for him or loved him like a Mom should, hell half the time she acted bothered by his presence. It’s no wonder the kid is acting out. The saddest part is that when you look at Kaiser, you can tell that he is starved for genuine love and affection, starved for attention. The only kid she seems to really want is Ensley, and that makes sense because from what I have seen in her ridiculous Tik Toks, Ensley is a mini Jenelle and seems to be a spoiled brat. I truly feel bad for all of her kids, but Kaiser more so because Jenelle doesn’t even try to act like she really loves him or wants him around. I just pray that Kaiser finally gets the love and attention he deserves with Doris and maybe Nathan at some point, and the rest of Nathan’s family.

  4. My heart breaks for Kaiser. I was involved in a bitter custody case as a child which culminated in me having to move across the country with zero advance warning. I didn’t get to say goodbye to my family, friends, or teachers and I lost all of my possessions. It was absolutely devastating and I still have abandonment issues to this day. I wish I could give him a huge hug and tell him it all all be OK.

  5. I feel so bad for Kaiser. The way she tricked him…ffs, he is 10! Be straight to him and tell him what is going on, communicate as a MOTHER SHOULD! Oh wait…you aren’t one. That’s such a horrible thing to do to your child.

    That being said, Kaiser is adorable and deserves all the love he can get and actually this will end up being in his benefit, Doris always fought for him and considering his father is also a loon, he is finally living with a stable adult figure. So in the end it’s the best for him, it’s just horrible his own mother did it in such a despicable way.

    Run August (or Daniel or whatever your name is), run while you can. We know she had her tubes tied but I can see her untying them for birthing one last child.

    1. @A ~ i wouldn’t worry abt ol’ augiedaniel getting away from swamp queen 🧟‍♀️; he’s just as bad as she is.
      he has charges for willfully harming a child, as well as dodging child support. surprise, surprise. 🙄🤮🤢
      they’re actually a perfect trash match. 🗑️👩‍❤️‍👨

  6. I think there needs to be a petition to MTV and Teen Mom to get Jenelle off the show. She’s not a mom, never has been and her giving Kaiser away to grandma Doris does she’s a horrible mother. Doris should be getting paid not Jenelle, she has been getting rewarded for bad behavior for years. She needs to get a real job and figure out how to ge a decent human. I really wish I knew a way to get MTV to open their eyes and stop enabling this train wreck. Them hiring her back has done nothing but made her behavior even worse than before, she’s just getting paid a lot more. She needs to go away and not come back. How is ok to see a mother abuse her kids, let men abuse her kids and animals, abuse drugs and alcohol then get a big fat paycheck for doing so while the world watches. Someone needs to step in for these kids, my heart headed for them and I’d like to shake some sense into Jenelle. Shame on you MTV! You should’ve done better for these innocent children!

  7. Thankfully Kaiser will now be surrounded by nothing but love and will see what good family dynamics look like. That poor kid has had the roughest life for the whole frikkin world to see. He deserves nothing but happiness. The other 2 do too, unfortunately they’re stuck with Janelle, for now. Until she gets tired of them too. Or can’t use them anymore.

  8. Potentially it could be a good thing for Kaiser, his grandmother clearly loves him & has always expressed her concerns about the way he was being raised by Jenelle. So Kaiser, once settled may actually have a healthier upbringing with the Doris. However, he is also going to have serious abandonment issues from him mother due to her constant dishonesty & always putting other people in front of him. How we act towards our kids sets a path for them too, that’s why we always try to do our best by them. Constantly seeing his mother hop from one relationship to another isn’t a healthy example along with drug use & violence. The kids have seen enough to give them trauma for a lifetime. That’s why I think he may have a chance at a healthier upbringing with his grandmother

  9. This might be the best thing to happen to Kaiser. His grandmother really seems to love him & I hope this little boy ends up thriving by getting all the love attention he has never gotten from his parents. Jenelle shows what a crap mom she is & hopefully there are other people to take in the other kids.

  10. I wish MTV would pay attention to all of the comments on this site and other sites that speak the truth about Jenelle. They need to open their eyes and ears and see what a truly horrible mother this girl is to her children and what a traumatic life she has given them. Yet they hire her to be on the show and glorify her which simply encourages her narsassitjc behavior and neglect of her kids. They need to dump her immediately. She is incapable of loving her children. Has anyone ever looked at her Instagram page? She lists herself as a “producer” and just about every picture on her page is a selfie of HER!!! Just a very few of her kids here and there, but it’s ALL ABOUT JENELLE!! I swear she just never thinks of anyone but herself. She truly thinks of herself as some kind of sexy tv star when in fact she is nothing but a fat, creepy looking, abusive, psychological mess who is far too unstable to maintain any relationship or be a mother. On a lighter note, at least she doesn’t list herself as “a successful influencer” and “medical school graduate” like she used to on her Instagram page!!! LOL!

  11. Why does teen mom reward people like Amber and Jenelle?!? It’s enabling abusers to hurt their children. It’s sick! Stop watching this self centered skank

    1. Kelly, you are so right about Kabel and Amber, I was thinking that from the beginning of the “show” they are both narcecists….
      Impossible to take care of a child(ren)
      Inam a grandmother myselfe and my heart cries for those children….I hope that MTV learns from all the comments, because many people worry about those kids

  12. She fought for Jace so hard to get a hold of his adhd meds. Kaiser doesn’t have any prescriptions to take so off you go!

  13. Her kids all have so much trauma. All because of her. I really, really hope they somehow end up successful enough to be able to afford the therapy they will need.
    It’s just sickening how some kids are born into wonderful, loving families, and others are born to pieces of trash like her. And it’s all just luck of the draw. Those poor kids. I wish I could take them all in and give them a happy, normal, amazing life.

    1. It isn’t luck. All 3 of her kids were planned knowingly and willfully brought into shitty environments by both Jenelle and their fathers.

      Not having a baby is easy. I’ve done it for 42 years now. I was traumatized as shit and my family life sucked and my whole generation chose not to bring kids into our fucked up world.

      Jenelle made that choice for her kids. There was no way they were lucky to be born.

  14. This is sad. Kaiser is probably better off though. Sad all around. A mother should be the warmest and most loving person in a 10 year old’s life.

    Fuck you Jenelle. Fuck you. FUCK YOU!

  15. This wench… Worked for Jace til it didn’t so now it’s Kai’s turn. Betting Ensley goes when she’s a teen

  16. @mtv u are rewarding this deadbeat mom with job. Why not show real mothers that raise their kids not ship them off when they get in way of mom doing what she wants. I blame mtv for lot of this stuff. She doesn’t deserve that paycheck off the backs of these neglected kids

    1. The tally is now at two good decisions in her entire life – this and getting her tubes tied. Too late and too much damage done by the time she left David (and that was probably so she could get her MTV paycheck back), so no credit for that one.

  17. @ashley Thank you for using his real name. It’s weird he uses a alias hes not even famous or a real manager he is a wannabee. Is it to hide his criminal history?

  18. @theAshley, I think you misspelled ‘fans’; it’s actually her ‘hatters’ ftfy 😂 Jenelle really out here doing a completely piss-poor job of the gaslighting attempt. WELL JENELLE, I SEEN NATHAN IN VEGAS SO KAISUH WONT BE SEEING HIM IN TENNESSEE!

  19. You can’t deal with a 10 year old so you ship him off to his grandma and not even tell him?
    Everyday Jenelle shows how a massive POS she is

  20. She is such a pathetic excuse for a mother. I don’t understand how she has ANY “fans” and people who support her. She is neglectful, lazy and only worried about a man filling up one of her holes. One less kid to worry about coming between you, your new boo and drugs.

    1. Her ” fans” are people like her. They have their own CPS cases or they are clueless and don’t know the real her. When all they have to do is pay attention, Jenelle always tells on herself.

  21. How sad. “Well Jenelle, I’m just over here chillin’ in Vegas but maybe we can use dramastic means to teleport Kaiser back here to spend time with me?” This caption took me out! 100% true too.

    Jenelle, if you want your kids to spend time with their dad’s families, you actually don’t have to send them cross country for an indefinite period of time and abandon responsibility of them. There are actually other ways, Jenelle.

  22. Cheezus what POS. Everyone loves a baby but when they become complex children nobody wants them. Poor kid, he didn’t even have a chance.

  23. i read that one of the supposed rumors was that kaiser has been vaping and jenelle can’t get get him to stop and has been trying to get him to smoke weed instead like im pretty sure she did with jace and that kaiser actually got in trouble for it at school and at YMCA, another is that along with getting bullied he’s been bullying others as well and reason he’s been getting bullied is for spewing racist far right stuff and jenelle honestly has way bigger problems with her image if it’s easy for everyone to believe these rumors

    1. @pluto ~ read the same re: vaping and weed. he (allegedly) got caught @ ymca camp and told camp counselor(s) swamp queen 🧟‍♀️ allowed and/or encouraged it. as they are mandated reporters, they had to report it to…not sure who. 🤷🏼‍♀️
      but this was apparently the impetus for the move, aka abandonment. 💨

      1. Jesus!! This is horrible! He’s just a little boy!! Why can’t she let him be a normal kid? She creates a bad environment, allows him to be abused, lets him see her drunk and or using drugs. Why? Doesn’t she want him to feel safe? And her lame-ass excuse that she wants him to spend time with his dad??? Does she think the world doesn’t know Nathan is right there in Vegas?

      2. I was coming here to say that when I saw that in Reddit, I thought they were talking about Jace but they were definitely talking about Kaiser hitting the weed vape at 10 years old.. janelle said she rather he smoke weed then vape cigarettes??? What!!

  24. How lovely of Jenelle to subject Kaiser to years of neglect, trauma, and abuse, so much so that he is acting out at school and home. Only to let an aging Grandmother deal with the mess she directly caused. Wonder what dumb sh** Jenelle will say when Kaiser refuses to return to the swamp beast after Doris does the hard work of getting his life back on track.

    1. Sounds like Cps was involved and she relinquished him to Doris!!!! That’s why Jenelle would do this with Kaiser.

  25. If it’s a better, safer and more structured move, great.
    No child needs to be in Jenelle’s care, and unfortunately, the other 2 have no options.

    Barb can’t handle Jace, Andrew has never been around, and Jenelle will NEVER let Barb have Ensley. So they’re both stuck with Jenelle for the time being.

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