‘Teen Mom’ Star Jenelle Evans Allegedly Investigated by Vegas CPS Before Sending Son Kaiser to Tennessee; Kaiser’s Grandma Vows to Protect Him From “Negativity”

“It’s like they have a CPS in every state I go or something, dude!”

Jenelle Evans may be living in a new state with a new man, but she allegedly got a visit from an old nemesis: Child Protective Services!

The Sun reports that the Teen Mom: Next Chapter star is allegedly under investigation by CPS in Las Vegas— where she has been living since leaving her husband David Eason and North Carolina earlier this year. Jenelle— who is definitely familiar with having CPS breathing down her neck— allegedly came on CPS’ radar following incidents at the schools of her sons Jace and Kaiser, as well as the unearthing of a 911 call made by her boooooyfriend “August Keen” (real name: Daniel Miranda), in which Daniel claimed that Jenelle was drunk and hitting him.

Following the alleged incident at Kaiser’s school and the 911 call exposure, CPS allegedly came calling at Jenelle’s home in Las Vegas last month.

“A CPS card was left on her door that [said] she needed to call them because she wasn’t there,” The Sun reported.

Jenelle at that moment…probably.

The Ashley recently broke the news that Jenelle flew her son Kaiser to Tennessee last month to live with his paternal grandma, Doris Davidson. The 10-year-old was not informed until he arrived in Tennessee that he would be living there, and not just visiting. According to The Sun, Jenelle left the state with Kaiser less than 72 hours after allegedly receiving the card from CPS. 

“CPS has also been in contact with Kaiser’s grandmother,” the site’s source added. (The Ashley can clarify here that the grandma in question is Doris, not Jenelle’s mom, Barbara Evans. Barb hasn’t seen Kaiser in more than a year, according to The Ashley’s sources. Doris currently has “grandparent’s rights” to ensure she gets to see Kaiser, but Barbara does not.) 

“Well Juh-nelle, I’d like ta see Kais-a too, ya know!”

As The Ashley told you, Jenelle claims she moved Kaiser to Tennessee so he could spend time with his dad, Nathan Griffith. Interestingly, though, Nathan is currently in Nevada attending a court-ordered rehab program and is not legally allowed to leave the state without permission from his parole officer. While Kaiser won’t be around Nathan, the 10-year-old is now living near several of his paternal aunts and uncles, as well as his cousins, and Doris is “thrilled” to finally have Kaiser with her.

Doris has worried about Kaiser growing up in [Jenelle’s] environment for literally years,” one source told The Ashley. “She has had a series of health issues that prevented her from being able to help raise Kaiser for more than just visits, but now she is able to and hoping that she can guide him in a good direction through church and lots of attention.” 

In a statement to The Sun, Doris vowed to protect Kaiser.

“My job is to see that Kaiser is protected from all this negativity,” Doris said. “Kaiser can now read and he doesn’t need to read negative things about his mother or father.  I refuse to partake in mudslinging and measures to destroy one’s character, even if I disagree with their actions.”

“That goes for you, too, Nate Dog! Get it together!” 

The Sun‘s source also offered their opinion on the struggles that Jenelle has allegedly had taking care of all three of her kids at once. (In addition to Jace and Kaiser, Jenelle is also the mother of seven-year-old Ensley, whom she recently gained full custody of.) 

“I think, without Jenelle having the support of other people, even if they’re toxic like David, she’s not able to handle the kids and everything that’s going on with them on her own,” the source stated. “She’s really dependent on other people to help her take care of her problems.”

As ‘Teen Mom’ fans know, this is hardly Jenelle’s first time dealing with CPS. Earlier this year, Jenelle finally regained custody of Jace from CPS in North Carolina. This came after a five-month battle between Jenelle, Barbara and CPS over custody of Jace, following Jace running away from Jenelle’s home after allegedly being assaulted by David. The alleged assault on Jace by David also caused a CPS investigation to be opened in regard to Ensley and Kaiser. That investigation closed in January, with Kaiser and Ensley being permitted to stay in the custody of Jenelle and David. (Jenelle left David about a month later.) 

“Hey Mom, do you know how to spell ’emancipation?’ Asking for a friend. Yeah…that’s it.”

Jenelle also lost custody of her kids to CPS in 2019 after David shot the family’s dog. Kaiser, Ensley and David’s daughter Maryssa were all taken into CPS custody, and Jenelle and David endured a court battle to get the kids back. (Jenelle’s mother Barbara had custody of Jace at the time, so he was not taken by CPS. Barbara cared for Ensley during the court battle, while Kaiser lived with his father Nathan.) The kids were eventually returned to Jenelle and David’s custody in the summer of 2019. 

Jenelle seemingly responded to The Sun‘s report, writing on social media on Thursday: “It’s insane how outlandish these new rumors are. Don’t believe anything until you hear it from me first. People are just asking to be sued at this point.”

RELATED STORY: Jenelle Evans Confirms She Sent Son Kaiser to Live with Nathan Griffith’s Mom: The Ashley Breaks Down the ‘Teen Mom’ Star’s Statement (Exclusive Details!)

31 Responses

  1. And that’s the problem right there. CPS has been a constant in Jenelle’s life since Jace. She didn’t voluntarily sign Jace to her mother because she wanted what was best for him. She did it because she couldn’t get her shit straight. Doing drugs, jumping from dick to dick, getting arrested multiple times and NEVER putting her kids #1.

    She gets her kids removed by the court and then they give them right back to her (and dog murderer David) Maryssa bravely testifies that BOTH Jenelle and David were abusive to all of the kids. Jenelle goes online and publicly calls her a liar. Jace runs away from home after being strangled and abused by David on more than one occasion. And is hospitalized because of it. Jenelle goes online and calls him a liar and says David is a wonderful husband and father.

    Because David was such a nightmare people forget that Jenelle was just as bad. Jenelle will throw her kids under the bus at a moments notice. My issue is that CPS should be able to do more than stick a card in the door asking for her to call. I say that because she has a history with them. I think Kaiser will be better off with Doris. Because Nathan isn’t around. I think it’s funny that Jenelle says she sent Kaiser to Doris because “he is at the age where he needs a father figure”. But she has repeatedly said what an inconsistent horrible father Nathan is. That may be the only thing I agree on because he is an abusive POS too. She can’t keep up with all of her lies.

  2. You gotta love Jenelle telling everyone not to believe what they read until they hear it FROM HER!!!! I almost peed my pants laughing at that! Hear it from her? When everything that psychotic bitch ever says is 100% lies? And she does it so much she can’t even keep her stories straight! I think she’s really blown it this time. Now EVERYONE knows she sent Kaiser away because the story about her letting him vape or whatever got out when he was at camp, and probably at school also. So CPS made a visit to her new home, where she claims she was making a “fresh start.” What a joke!! I wonder how long Jace will last in Vegas before he gets fed-up with her? Or Ensley for that matter. She’s probably too young to really understand what’s going on, or maybe she’s just used to all kinds of chaos and illegal goings on around her. MTV are you listening? You may find yourself getting a lot of requests and complaints about your show if this un-fit, pathetic excuse for a mother stays around.

  3. When Jenelle starts with the whole “don’t believe anything unless I said it” nonsense, you know she’s full of shit.

    No one is surprised that CPS was on her almost immediately. No one is surprised that her kids are having issues at school. She’s refused to give them any stability at any point in their lives.

    Hopefully Doris can finally give Kaiser a stable home. He deserves a loving home, surrounded by a big family. Unfortunately, he has so much trauma to overcome

      1. That was confirmed by a few sources as told why he had trouble at YMCA day camp.
        I hadn’t heard about school.
        My god, he’s ten.

    1. My kids went to school out there, they have a zero tolerance policy on drugs, and weapons on campus. Since it was both kids in two different schools, my money is on drugs, probably pot or pills. I’m guessing she took him out of the state to avoid them testing him. She encourages Jace to smoke instead of taking medication, make she does the same with Kai.

  4. Her great lawyer, Dustin, from North Carolina won’t even be able to save her this time. lol I really believe that Janelle’s luck with the criminal justice system and C.P.S. is coming to an end. Plus, I think Nevada takes things more seriously than N.C. or any Southern State.

  5. Find a lawyer and sue, then, Jenelle.

    The CPS bit seems extremely possible and plausible. It’s the Occam’s razor here.

  6. I guess it’s a good thing that Kaiser will have someone around who cares about him and will give him the love and care he deserves.

    This is just a new low for me when it comes to Jenelle. She refuses to ever choose her kids over men and partying. She’s not a teenager anymore. There’s no hope for her. She will always be a gutter rat.

  7. Jenelle is a piece of garbage. Worthless slut. Shitty mother. Hey, MTV, you know why ratings are dwindling and this show is nothing more than a joke? Because of assholes like Jenelle and Amber. Fire them.

  8. it would be AMAZING if swamp queen 🧟‍♀️ actually tried to sue anyone for stating facts (eg, nathan is in NV not TN).
    the only ones buying her lame ‘wait to hear the truth from ME’ horsesh*t 🐴💩 are her equally (if not more) trashy 🗑️ ‘fans’.

  9. I don’t know how anyone thinks Doris is any better than Jenelle, i mean she raised Nathan for crying out loud!

    1. You can be a good parent and still have your child fall down the wrong path. Once they’re adults it’s their choice to change the course of their life.

    2. Nathan got a traumatic brain injury while in combat when he was a marine. I think a lot of his anger and alcohol issues stem from that.
      Janelle is just a selfish POS who has never matured past the age of 12

        1. You can usually reverse those by voting a second time (or at least you could a couple years ago…). Now, anytime I upvote or downvote a comment, it just shows me a 0/0 for upvotes and downvotes, despite showing numbers before….it might have something to do with the device you read The Ashley on.

          I find I’m able to engage based on the comments and don’t really need to see how many people upvote or downvote me, since it’s rarely working at least on my iPhone.

    3. Nathan has a TBI & PTSD from his time in the military.
      We have no idea what his behavior was like prior to his military service. I don’t think we can blame Doris’s upbringing of Nathan as a reflection of his behavior now.

    4. Not cool. Doris has 4 other children who turned out well and successful. Nathan fought in a war and has some emotional and mental scars.

      1. Jen, I understand what you and everyone is saying, but Doris can still parent no matter Nathan’s age and no matter what he’s done in life (such as fighting a war) BUT if she’d have put her foot down and not just say “oh he has PTSD and a TBI so I’ll give him a pass to act like an ass” um no…if she cared she’d help his mental instability instead of enabling him.

        It’s like Jen with Rhine…if she’d put her foot down and not baby him MAYBE he’d be in a better place.

        1. She didn’t give him a pass, she didn’t stop being his parent, she didn’t just wash her hands of everything and say “oh but he’s my little boy he can do no wrong”. She didn’t enable him, wtf, where do you even get that kind of nonsense? Hell Doris was one of the people that reported him for his shitty behavior and treatment of Jenelle (despite the fact that, at the time, Jenelle definitely deserved being yelled at, because she’s a see you next tuesday who was doing far worse to him). She had cut ties with him for a while, stopped communicating with him, encouraged him to get help while repeatedly telling him she won’t bail him out of any trouble he gets in. How much further down can one place their foot, before it’s considered a reasonable response.

          What, exactly, do/did you expect Doris to do about her grown ass son’s life choices (taking into account his *proven* physical and mental issues related to injuries received while in the military)? Was she supposed to spank him, put him in the corner, wash his mouth out with soap? What, specifically, could she have done to stop behavior that stems from something even the most experienced in the medical field do not yet fully understand (ie, how the brain functions after severe injury)? I’m willing to bet you don’t have any answers, because there aren’t any. She did what she could, full stop. Jen does absolutely fuck all, and always has, they aren’t remotely comparable.

          1. Whatever Peanut…you sound like you know Doris personally.

            I remember quite a instances in the “Being Nathan” special on MTV where Nathan would fly off the handle and she did absurdly NOTHING but roll her eyes and chuckle at his behavior…sounds like she doesn’t give two fucks…kinda like Jen

          1. I never said you could “parent away” anything, and yes I get that Nathan is an adult BUT having PTSD and a TBI should make her still want to guide her son even more so now than before…her job as a mama didn’t end the day he turned 18…her duties will continue until either she or Nathan dies.

    5. You couldn’t specifically make an argument against what President of the Peanut Gallery said so you responded with, “whatever.” Typical loud mouth know it all. When you are asked to back up what you say, you can’t so you resort to high school level responses. And you most certainly DID imply that Nathan’s mom could parent away the trauma from war. “Doris can still parent no matter Nathan’s age and no matter what he’s done in life (such as fighting a war)” That’s literally a copy and paste of what you said. Own your BS. Some of us have experience loving people with war trauma and we’re not going to listen to someone who clearly does not as they say absolutely offensive and ignorant crap. These men and women die every day from suicide and drug/alcohol abuse. Some are homeless on the streets. Many don’t get help because of people like you and your very wrong opinions and overly loud mouths. You are part of the problem. I would say do better but your just giving to come back and try arguing and gaslighting people that can still read the comments you are saying you didn’t make because you can’t delete them on this site. 🙄 I’ll be awaiting your “whatever” or “but I DO know veterans” comment. Best thing for you to do? Put down the shovel and stop digging the hole. Just be quiet…or maybe show some personal growth and admit you were wrong. Not holding my breath though.

    6. Nathan’s was a Marine who suffered a TBI and PTSD.
      After he started dating Jenelle he turned to alcohol.
      Doris has other children who have turned out to be good citizens with professional jobs and families. You can’t blame a parent for something they can’t control. She has tried several times to get custody of Kaiser. She’s elderly and has some health issues but she is willing to raise her grandchild.

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