Exclusive Details! ‘Teen Mom’ Star Jenelle Evans Heads to Tennessee to Get Son Kaiser After Being Blasted Online for Sending Him to Live with Grandma


“Time to come home, Kevin…er…Kaiser.”


He’s baaaack!

Jenelle Evans made an impromptu decision on Friday to fly to Tennessee and retrieve her son Kaiser, who she left there last month to live with his paternal grandmother, Doris Davidson. Although Jenelle had intended to have the 10-year-old live with Doris “indefinitely” (and even gave money to Doris for things like winter clothes for Kaiser), the Teen Mom star decided to take Kaiser back to her home in Las Vegas.

Earlier this week, The Ashley broke the news that Jenelle sent Kaiser to live with Doris (who is the mother of Kaiser’s dad Nathan Griffith), because she was “done” dealing with “the problems Kaiser was causing at school and at home.” Jenelle received a lot of backlash online for making the decision to uproot the 10-year-old from his life in Vegas with his siblings, particularly because she didn’t inform Kaiser until he got to Tennessee that he was going to be living with Doris (and not just visiting her).

Jenelle attempted to defend her decision, releasing an…interesting…statement to Celebuzz. However, her explanation didn’t really make sense, as she stated that she wanted Kaiser “to be with his father” because he is “at the age where it’s important for him and his father and his father’s family to spend time with one another…Nathan can also use some time with his son.”

Nathan, however, is currently in Las Vegas and is not legally allowed to leave the state of Nevada at the time. 

“The backlash she was getting for sending off Kaiser was getting to Jenelle big time,” one source said. “She had to go get him.”


In addition, the state of Tennessee allows a guardian to file to adopt a child if the guardian can prove that the child’s parent continuously and voluntarily failed to visit the child for four months, or if the parent fails to financially support the child. Even if the parent does do a visit with the child, if the guardian can prove that this was just a “token” visit, the possibility of having the parent’s parental rights terminated (on grounds that they abandoned the child) is possible. 

“Jenelle is now aware of this,” the source said. 

Photos posted to Reddit on Saturday show Kaiser and Jenelle on a flight from Nashville. (Her kids Jace and Ensley and her soulmate-in-training August Keen were not with them.) 

byu/Pristine_Abalone_714 from discussion


As for school, Kaiser is no longer able to attend his previous school in Vegas, so it’s unknown if Jenelle will homeschool him or try another school. 

Doris has yet to make any public statement about losing Kaiser. On Friday, “August” made a statement to the Instagram account @teenmomrealitea in which he accused Doris of spreading lies about Jenelle to the tabloids.

“[Doris] was asked if she wanted to take Kaiser because Kaiser wanted to spend time with Nathan and his family,” he told the Instagram account. “And since Nathan just got out of jail, Jenelle wanted to involve Nathan and his family in his development. But this obviously has led to a huge betrayal on [their] part, taking advantage of the situation for [their] own personal gain of God knows what? Because Doris is out here talking to the tabloids yet saying she vows to protect Kaiser from negativity when she is literally the one creating the negativity by spreading gossip across the internet.

“It’s twisted and sad that Jenelle can’t trust or confide in anyone without someone throwing a wrench in things.”


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“August” went on to call Doris “”one of the main repeated offenders when it comes to blasting Kaiser all over the tabloids,” claiming “this has happened over and over again.”

Doris “randomly” hopped on Facebook Live on Friday and do a long Bible talk about gossip, something she called “really destructive.” 

“It’s just random. Not aimed at anyone…really.”

“I am making it a major effort not to read things or say things that I feel is going to hurt someone else,” she said. “…it’s hard to forgive. I’ve read things that people have said against myself, my family, and it’s very hurtful. A lot of it’s not true at all. Maybe some of it has partial truth in it, but still it’s very hurtful and destructive. Again, I don’t’ want to be part of it. I want to be a better person each day.”

The Ashley will continue to update this story. Stay tuned…

RELATED STORY: EXCLUSIVE! Jenelle Evans Sends Son Kaiser to Live with His Grandmother in Tennessee

(Photos: Instagram; MTV)

71 Responses

  1. Y’all, is no one else bothered by the fact that November or whatever his name doesn’t know the difference between there and their? He used the wrong form twice in a row.

    I’m trying not to bash a stranger’s character (as suspect as it seems) but I will definitely judge that man’s terrible grammar!

  2. Isn’t Kaiser 10 years old? What happened at the school that he isn’t able to go back? I’m guessing that is why CPS got involved?

  3. This piece of trash needs all her kids removed. She claims she took Kaiser to Doris so he could spend more time with Nathan. Jenelle always thinks she smarter than everyone else because she didn’t think we would know that Nathan lives in Las Vegas the same state as her. I can’t imagine living in a home with this mental case.

  4. I wish we would have all minded our business on this one. Him being there with Doris was his only chance.

  5. Why is it every time something comes out bout this a$$ hole, it’s not her fault because people are spreading “lies” to tabloids.

    1. You left your son in another state to live with someone else
    2. The tabloids found out.

    2 doesn’t make 1 a lie.

    This poor boy is being pushed from pillar to post, no wonder he has behavioural issues. Children need stability. He’s known nothing but abusive households and relationships, as well as having an absent father (that pr:ck is not blameless).

    Every person in those children’s lives has failed them. CPS has failed them. The courts have failed them.

  6. So we’re supposed to believe she went to get him because the internet went crazy on her? She stayed with a guy that shot a dog instead of taking it to a shelter… she gets reemed all the time for partying and drugs but never stopped even when it was apparent in the comments of every dumb video she posts that she needs to be a damn parent. now she cares what we think? Yeah right. She probably got some legal notice and that forced her to go get him.

  7. There is one major reason why she went back to get him….the CPS investigation. Sending him away didn’t stop the investigation, it will, in fact, escalate it. It’s more likely that CPS, and not the internet “hatters” that drove her sudden change of heart. She probably received another notice that came with a “we will take you to court if you don’t present the child immediately” warning. She doesn’t want CPS looking at her “arrangement” any closer than they already were, given both her past and more recent antics-and they’d be forced to after learning she sent him away. She, wrongly, thinks they will just drop the case now that she has him back. Although she has good reason to think that, considering CPS has dropped the ball when it comes to those children umpteen times already-that’s not how it’s supposed to work. Being in a new state and assuming the same lazy attitude exist in the system there, was stupid on her part. In Vegas, they might just do their actual jobs. If they did do their jobs properly, she’d lose all three kids, and not just one (there is ample evidence to force such a thing, but it requires people doing their jobs right).

    Also, if Doris has him, Jenelle loses the CS payments she gets, they would automatically go to Doris. So Jenelle would lose her guaranteed drug and booze, sorry, supplemental, money.

    1. Absolutely!! Jenelle is a textbook narcissist and she will only make decisions to suit herself! A bunch of strangers are not going to make her feel guilty about her decision but the threat of losing money or getting into legal trouble would make her change her mind.

  8. And yet again, here we are caring more about how it looks to others versus actually doing what’s right for the kid. keep adding to the trauma, that’ll do a world of good

  9. This poor kid. First of all she needs the internet to tell her when she did a dumb thing? Of course she does. Second of all, his issues at school CLEARLY stem from the unstable life this kid and his siblings have to endure. Go off into obscurity and be a fucking mother. FOR ONCE. Make those children your priority! It’s never going to happen I know but for the sake of these kids I wish it would.

    1. Begging someone to be a caring mother won’t make them one. We’ve seen Jenelle since “16 & pregnant”. She’s gone to parenting classes 5 times (per her bragging), multiple CPS investigations, and over 15 years of time to grow and mature. You can’t fix someone who doesn’t want to change and take accountability.

  10. When has Jenelle ever really cared about “backlash?”

    She’s an addict and mentally ill. I think she only brought Kaiser back to Las Vegas due to CPS request. I hope he goes back to Doris.

  11. Sooo, running to get him after it’s been outted she essentially didn’t want to raise him amongst the antics she’s allowed. She created this mess and didn’t care to put effort into Loving and caring for him. Shipped him off and ran to get him cause it was a bad look. I’m sure he’s thrilled to know this. Hopefully idiots will stop seeing her as a victim as she did to him what she did to Jace. F this witch.

  12. How long will it take until Kaiser runs away from home? At what length will they go to stop him?
    Janelle is not a rational, kind person w integrity. She KNOWS she’s not able to take care of Kaiser. Her children are paying the prize.

    She complains abt her upbringing…, but Janelle is making her childrens lives hard. Janelle has “special needs (unable to adult & parent)”. Her children seems to have several struggles. They need a safe, stable adult. Janelle sending Kaiser to Doris, was prob one of her best decisions. Why is she suddenly caring about social media? She’s been dragged for years? She will be dragged again. For uprooting Kaiser. Wtf Janelle?

    1. I’m wondering if maybe CPS in Vegas is insisting on her bringing him back since she is under investigation. They may be suspicious of something since she sent him away just a day or two after they contacted her. I mean, of course Jenelle will blame all of this on her haters (basically everyone) and she is worried about her reputation, not her children. But I still have a feeling she had to bring him back because of CPS. And she doesn’t want MTV to know that so she had her boyfriend say all of that bullshit about how Doris is causing trouble. Can’t have anyone thinking it might be Jenelles rotten mothering!

  13. Poor Kaiser.
    He was finally in a stable home where he was cared about and was a priority, and now has to go back to being treated like crap and ignored.
    She should have just left him there, I bet he was thriving being in a positive environment

    1. Janelle is still shockingly selfish. Seems like she took Kaiser back for the wrong reasons. She couldn’t take care of him before? If she was a stable adult/parent she would do the right thing no matter what (backlash social media).
      Hopefully CPS takes this into consideration. CPS Vegas might be stricter in Vegas (hopefully…!).
      I can see Janelle allowing her children to vape, to make it easier for her… Boys in Kaisers age, can be difficult to handle. They need to know where the line is, constantly testing. In the end, it makes them feel safe. Janelle doesn’t have that strength or insight. She’s caught in her own feelings & needs. Her getting Kaiser seems to be an emotional response.

  14. TM HAS to be boycotted. It’s bad enough Amber wasn’t fired after chasing her baby daddy with a machete while he was holding their child. Now they’re rewarding another horrific non-mom. Nobody should be tuning in to see what happens next. I haven’t watched in years and seems like most commenters here haven’t either. Those who still tune in but hate Janelle – the only way to stick it to her is to stop watching the show!!! Also don’t click on her social media posts.

  15. Any man who takes a kissy face selfie can’t be trusted. Just saying “August.” 🙄 we all knew Jenelle was going to snatch Kaiser back up once CPS was involved and her lies were exposed.

  16. She’s an idiot and so is her latest “soulmate”. Those poor children lost the lottery when it came to parents.

  17. There goes Twatzilla continuing to ruin Kaiser’s life. More damaging trauma that child doesn’t deserve. Doris seems to be the only decent adult in the dumpster fire so Daniel can f-off criticizing her – creepy, disgusting loser. Doris stepped up when Kaiser cramped Janelle’s style.

      1. In case I confused anyone: What I meant was I love the NAME that “Lyin Hustlah” used, not the person that the name refers to.

  18. Jenelle didn’t get him back because sending there makes her look bad but because she doesn’t want Doris filling to adopt him. She never planned on visiting him in the months to come so that would’ve given Doris the right to file for adoption.
    She doesn’t want a grandma to have actual legal custody of Kaiser like it was with Jace because THAT makes her look bad and cause potential problems with MTV.
    She’s just a POS and irresponsible enough to leave the kids with the soulmate of the month aka “August”.

  19. Of course, who said I don’t? But I feel that in this case people online saying that she’s an excuse of a mother/human being (that she is) for bringing Kaiser to TN made things worse and achieved the exact opposite 🤷🏻‍♀️

  20. If her sole objective is to make sure her kids live in a whirlwind of dysfunction and instability, then she is succeeding.

    And leaving her daughter with Mr. Permanently Pursed Lips is asking for trouble. I’ll be damned if a bring a guy that I don’t know around my kids. I damn sure wouldn’t leave my kids with this strange guy unsupervised. But really Jenelle needs to have supervision herself.

  21. I don’t understand her. If sending him to his grandma was a positive thing for him, why bring him back? Shows how weak minded she is that she gives in to pressure….from online people she doesn’t even know. The back & forth is also not healthy. Idiot.

    1. It’s not about online opinion. She realized Doris could possibly adopt him when Jenelle failed to visit him or that Vegas CPS could scrutinize her more. Either way best interest of the children is NEVER on Jenelle’s mind.

  22. If she thought the backlash for sending him without warning was bad, just wait until she sees the backlash for snatching him back.

    Poor Kaiser and poor Doris. It’s ridiculous [insert soul mate name here] is accusing Doris of spreading rumors when this woman has refused several times to speak ill of Jenelle because she didn’t want Kaiser reading it.

  23. Wow

    Only an idiot wants these kids to be raised by a junkie.

    He had a chance at normalcy and to be loved. Now that’s gone, probably forever.

  24. Pretty rich for October to be saying that Doris has talked to the tabloids when Jenelle has sold numerous stories to the tabloids about sweet Kaiser. Doris also at least has a connection to Kaiser & this issue whereas December does not. Jenelle is only ever going to do what benefits Jenelle. She will never ever put her children’s needs first.

  25. Jenelle only going to retrieve her child because she’s getting called out on her actions. How nice.
    If only CPS would do all her kids a favor and take them away from her for good. It’s only a matter of time before she pulls this with Ensley.

    1. Nah I think Ensley is her favourite, as her only girl. Jace was her first baby, and Ensley was her baby girl, so Kaiser was a meh kid to her since he was born.

    2. It’s only a matter of time before Ensley turns into Jenelle. And most likely treats Duh-Nelle like Barb, talk about dose of your own medicine.

      It’s sad all 3 of these promising kids are going to have issues. I worry mostly for poor Kaiser, he needs nurturing, stability, consistency, positive reinforcement, better nutrition/diet, and constructive discipline.

  26. Ryan and Amanda (mostly Amanda) need to step up their game! With Janelle’s latest antics, it seems like she is back to getting all the attention. A wild speculation but I wonder if the Nevada C.P.S. ordered Kaiser to be returned to Nevada so they can do their investigation. Sorry, Janelle, I’m done defending ya.

  27. This bitch is so mentally unstable.
    Praying CPS is all over this shit, and follows through this time. She is not capable of being a mother, and those kids deserve to be removed from her care.

  28. That sucks.
    If everyone had just kept quiet, in a couple months, he’d likely been about to stay for good, if Janelle wanted him to or not.
    He could have had some stability, probably a better education, and therapy. Better late intervention than not.
    Poor kids. It’s just tragic.

    1. Poor kids. Exactly.

      Yep. She would have left him there if she got even one comment praising the decision.
      He would have had structure, a drug free home, and an attentive adult in his life.

      Even ppl on here .. “ermagah. Look how Nathan turned out”, not realizing Kaiser isn’t Nathan.

      Reminds me of when the “hatters” were clogging up the 911 and CPS lines in her county.

      1. People need to realise Nathan has a TBI and has addictions. Pretty sure his siblings are all doing well for themselves and their families, so can’t judge Doris for it.

    2. I think someone clued her in that Doris could adopt him b/c she wasn’t going to visit him. And/or Vegas CPS might hold it against her.

  29. Jesus!! What the actual fuck is wrong with this maniac? What kind of mother would do what she’s doing. The whole world knows that she went back to get Kaiser because she finally realized how much worse it made her look to dump him the way she did. It has nothing to do with Doris causing “problems.” She hasn’t done a damn thing but try and help this poor child!! I hate to say it but I truly don’t think this little boy has a chance in hell for a normal life. And hell it will be for him when he gets back home! She will blame Kaiser for ruining her “career” any day now. And Kaiser will be back to vaping and God knows what, just to try and cope. Look what you’ve done Jenelle!! You have ruined this child’s life!! How do you call yourself a mother? I’m sure any day now Jenelle will allow her new man or whatever he thinks he is, to start physically “disciplining” Kaiser. Just as she allowed it with her scum-ass ex!!

  30. Sometimes people online really should keep their mouths shut, especially knowing what kind of horrible person is JE. Now the only chance for Kaiser to have a kind of normal and stable life is gone

      1. Who said I don’t?! But this time I feel that people online saying how an excuse of a mother/human being she is (=the truth) for sending Kaiser to TN has made things worse for him and achieved the exact opposite 🤷🏻‍♀️

        1. People online have absolutely zero influence on her, whatsoever. People online have said far, far worse than they did in this instance (and people online weren’t even saying shit about the fact that she took him there, it was about her reasoning and HOW she did it). No one online “made it worse”, that’s just something she always tells her “friends”, that people online are dragging her or being mean, she doesn’t actually care what anyone online ever says. The only reason she went and got him back was because she’d get arrested if she didn’t. If CPS tells you to present the child, you have to comply or you’ll be arrested, period. That is exactly what was always going to happen, at least while she’s being investigated anyway (which automatically makes things worse for him), regardless of what anyone online said.

    1. @keep ~ it didn’t seem like swamp queen 🧟‍♀️ was criticized for sending him to TN; more for the way she lied to him about the trip being (at the time) indefinite.
      almost all comments i saw said he was better off w/doris, but that swamp queen’s 🧟‍♀️ dishonesty was the issue.
      too bad she’s far too stupid 🥴🤤 to see the difference btw her action and the way she WENT ABOUT her action.

      1. People said she was getting rid of him (again, the truth) that she never wanted him anyway etc. But knowing how irresponsible she is and how she thinks, are people *really* surprised by her actions, after receiving all this backlash? Come on

  31. I’m just so disgusted.
    Could she become a bigger piece of 💩?
    Daniel Miranda got caught lying on his Linki about his school he attended. Blaming it on getting hacked.
    He’s a liar and a criminal and a wanna 🐝.
    Didn’t you just call 911 Daniel? Spreading lies and rumors? Then back peddling like we will believe you now?
    Like we aren’t Jenelle fans. We actually only believe what we see and hear and nothing David and Jenelle or Daniel says. So Jenelle is paying this guy to be her manager and to sleep with her? With all that money Jenelle why can’t you get a decent Boy Toy?

  32. this b*tch. 🤬😠
    as so many here said she would, swamp queen 🧟‍♀️ uprooted him YET AGAIN ~ not for his benefit, but because SHE was catching flak and was embarrassed.
    what an absolute piece of sh*t trashy ahole. 💩🗑️🍑🕳️

    1. i wish child abandonment laws weren’t so relaxed. i feel like if you drop a child off at a relatives house with only enough money to buy clothes and no solid plan to come back for the child, that’s abandonment (temporary or long-term). and shame on jenelle for putting doris under that financial, emotional, and physical duress on such short notice. if i were kaiser, i would’ve started fighting or holding my ground until the cops showed up. anything to get away from swamp queen.

      1. *strict, not relaxed!! looking up tennessee’s laws on child abandonment, you have to meet all sorts of requirements for your case to qualify as child abandonment.

  33. What a fucking asshole. Kaiser literally had a chance to be surrounded by loving, supportive family members and Jenelle has to come rip him away for her OWN reputation. I have full confidence that Doris would have raised him to be a respectful, good person who is nothing like his mother. I wish CPS would arrest her ass. Based on her criminal record alone, not even including undocumented abuse/neglect, she needs to sit in jail for a looooooong time. Or someone could remove her head from her ass. Whichever comes first 🤷🏼‍♀️. With that being said, I feel horrible for Kaiser and I hope he’s able to make it out (along with Jace and Ensley).

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