EXCLUSIVE! Jenelle Evans Cut From ‘Teen Mom: Next Chapter’: Here’s How It Went Down

“The line to film my life starts right over here, Amazon and Netflix!”

Jenelle Evans‘ days on Teen Mom are over…again.

The Ashley can exclusively reveal that Jenelle has been cut from the cast of Teen Mom: The Next Chapter, after appearing consistently for only one season. Production sources tell The Ashley that Jenelle learned about a month ago that producers were no longer interested in continuing to follow her story, which came as a surprise to Jenelle.

“It kind of came out of nowhere,” one production source tells The Ashley. “There had even been a concerted effort to get [Jenelle’s mother] Barbara Evans out to film, because they know that the fans really wanted to see Barb again. Barbara had almost agreed to film, and then [MTV] pulled out.”

“Well Juh-nelle! I seen ya gettin’ fired again. Now tha people will never get what they want: ME!”

Although Jenelle had been let go from the franchise once again, she had not been let go from her contract with the production company/ Viacom

“Jenelle signed a contract, and even if [MTV] chooses not to film her anymore, she is still locked into that contract,” the production source said. “That means Jenelle would not be allowed to appear on any other shows or anything like that, due to the non-compete clause in the contract she signed.” 

The production source tells The Ashley that, once Jenelle was informed that she would no longer be filming, she asked to be let out of her contract but the higher-ups refused.

“She had to hire a lawyer and was eventually let out of the contract,” the producer said. “She had to fight to get out from under it.” 

“I’ve never been so glad to be in North Carolina!”

As The Ashley has previously reported, the stars of ‘Teen Mom: The Next Chapter’ are only paid when they appear in some form on an episode, so Jenelle knew she would not be making any more money if they were no longer filming her. 

As for how much Jenelle was making during her season of ‘Next Chapter,’ a second production source tells The Ashley it was between $23,000 and $25,000 an episode.

“Ya know how many pairs of ripped jeans and double-collared shirts that much money woulda bought AugustSeptemba whateva-his name is!?”

“It’s a significant financial loss, because Jenelle wasn’t the only one making money from her segments,” the second source stated. “Her kids were each being paid when they appeared, too.” (The source clarified, though, that the kids were not making anywhere near as much as Jenelle was per episode.)

As for the online rumors stating that Jenelle’s manager-turned-boyfriend August Keen (real name: Daniel Miranda) was the reason Jenelle was let go from the show, The Ashley can confirm that this is only partly true.

“Jenelle was really fighting to get August on the payroll as a ‘Boyfriend’ but MTV was resistant and wouldn’t agree,” the source said. (Just FYI– if a person– such as a parent, spouse or significant other— consistently appears on the show, they are paid much better than just the standard appearance fee.)

I guess ol’ August can kiss that ‘Shein For Men’ shopping spree goodbye….

“Having August be a ‘boyfriend’ really took away from the whole redemption arc they wanted to show Jenelle having,” the source said. “They wanted to show her living life as a single mom, away from [her estranged husband] David [Eason] and being with her kids. But showing August as her boyfriend and not just her manager would have kind of killed that.

“That was not the only reason they killed Jenelle’s story, though,” the source added.

The Ashley’s sources said that Jenelle didn’t deliver the ratings they had hoped, and there are already too many girls on the cast of the show.

Although Jenelle is no longer filming for ‘Teen Mom: The Next Chapter,’ the show is definitely coming back for another season. The Ashley is not yet aware when the new episodes will premiere, though. 

UPDATE! The Ashley wanted to add in an update about the plastic surgery that Jenelle was trying to have done. Last month, Jenelle posted a photo of herself at a Vegas plastic surgeon’s office, and The Ashley told you that “August” was trying to arrange a deal with a surgeon to do Jenelle’s surgery at a massive discount, in exchange for the surgery being featured on ‘Teen Mom: Next Chapter.’ 

According to The Ashley’s production sources, this did not go over well with the show’s higher-ups and they refused to film the surgery for the show, angering Jenelle.

“That was kind of the start of when things went bad,” one source tells The Ashley. “Jenelle and the producers couldn’t agree on that topic and it spiraled from there. The producers didn’t want to put the surgery on the show, because they are trying to move the show away from stuff like that.” 

RELATED STORY: EXCLUSIVE! Original ‘Teen Mom’ Dads Bringing in Massive Salary Per Episode of ‘Teen Mom: The Next Chapter’ They’re Featured On

(Photos: MTV)

30 Responses

  1. YES!!!!! There just might be a God after all!!!!!! She blew her place on TV because her dumb-shit boyfriend tried to get a big discount for her plastic surgery by saying MTV could film it!!!!!!! LOL! LOL! LOL!! Like anyone would care to watch
    the ugly psycho mom get plastic surgery which would NEVER help her looks anyway! LOL! She really does think she’s some kind of tv star. Oh wait, her Instagram says she’s a Producer and an Influencer!!! Sure Jan, in your dreams. If you had only treated your children decently and acted like you cared about them, maybe people would feel sorry for you. But guess what? NO ONE likes you!!! Looks like you’ll have to go back to filming your fat ass on Only Fans!!! LOL! LOL!
    Oh and I’m pretty sure your recent behavior had a lot to do with you getting the boot also, what with the cops being called on you, and you being under CPS investigation AGAIN!!! LOL!

  2. Nooo since they let her out of the contract she’s gonna do some other nonsense for money now. Should have kept her in it so she wasn’t allowed to do anything tv related for money. It would have forced her to get an actual job.

  3. Countdown to August dumping her azz in 3…2…1

    Future predictions: Jenelle moves back to be the queen of the swamp, Kaiser quietly shipped back to Doris (🙏), Jenelle brags about how she dumped MTV due to ‘creative differences’, returns to OF, her children suffer 2nd hand embarrassment.

  4. So, last month she found out MTV was done with her AND that CPS was investigating her. That’s perfect.

  5. Oh, this is delicious. Now, quit chasing D, focus on staying sober, get a real job and TAKE CARE OF YOUR CHILDREN. Your 15 minutes are up.

    1. And that’s all she had to do was quit chasing penis.
      I love how Jenelle being Jenelle cost her the MTV contract again.
      She tried to get everything she wanted and wasn’t humble or grateful for that opportunity again. She also cost her children future money. Oh well they have the generational wealth on the land which will be passed down to others unless the French Moat gives up and the house sinks. Selfish small minded piece of 💩

    2. If she couldn’t do those things for 25k per episode wtf makes anyone think shes guna do them for free, ever? Lolol

  6. 🎶🔔 ding ding, the swamp queen’s 🧟‍♀️ gone! 🔔🎶
    buh-bye, b*tch!! 👋🏻👋🏻🖕🏻

      1. Maybe Amber has kept in-line with the producers despite her horrific antics that should have gotten her fired? Janelle made too many demands and was immediately difficult. But the machete assault was horrible and no excuse for MTV to continue to have kept Amber.

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