Jenelle Evans‘ days on Teen Mom are over…again.
The Ashley can exclusively reveal that Jenelle has been cut from the cast of Tieen Mom: The Next Chapter, after appearing consistently for only one season. Production sources tell The Ashley that Jenelle learned about a month ago that producers were no longer interested in continuing to follow her story, which came as a surprise to Jenelle.
“It kind of came out of nowhere,” one production source tells The Ashley. “There had even been a concerted effort to get [Jenelle’s mother] Barbara Evans out to film, because they know that the fans really wanted to see Barb again. Barbara had almost agreed to film, and then [MTV] pulled out.”

Although Jenelle had been let go from the franchise once again, she had not been let go from her contract with the production company/ Viacom.
“Jenelle signed a contract, and even if [MTV] chooses not to film her anymore, she is still locked into that contract,” the production source said. “That means Jenelle would not be allowed to appear on any other shows or anything like that, due to the non-compete clause in the contract she signed.”
The production source tells The Ashley that, once Jenelle was informed that she would no longer be filming, she asked to be let out of her contract but the higher-ups refused.
“She had to hire a lawyer and was eventually let out of the contract,” the producer said. “She had to fight to get out from under it.”

As The Ashley has previously reported, the stars of ‘Teen Mom: The Next Chapter’ are only paid when they appear in some form on an episode, so Jenelle knew she would not be making any more money if they were no longer filming her.
As for how much Jenelle was making during her season of ‘Next Chapter,’ a second production source tells The Ashley it was between $23,000 and $25,000 an episode.

“It’s a significant financial loss, because Jenelle wasn’t the only one making money from her segments,” the second source stated. “Her kids were each being paid when they appeared, too.” (The source clarified, though, that the kids were not making anywhere near as much as Jenelle was per episode.)
As for the online rumors stating that Jenelle’s manager-turned-boyfriend August Keen (real name: Daniel Miranda) was the reason Jenelle was let go from the show, The Ashley can confirm that this is only partly true.
“Jenelle was really fighting to get August on the payroll as a ‘Boyfriend’ but MTV was resistant and wouldn’t agree,” the source said. (Just FYI– if a person– such as a parent, spouse or significant other— consistently appears on the show, they are paid much better than just the standard appearance fee.)

“Having August be a ‘boyfriend’ really took away from the whole redemption arc they wanted to show Jenelle having,” the source said. “They wanted to show her living life as a single mom, away from [her estranged husband] David [Eason] and being with her kids. But showing August as her boyfriend and not just her manager would have kind of killed that.
“That was not the only reason they killed Jenelle’s story, though,” the source added.
The Ashley’s sources said that Jenelle didn’t deliver the ratings they had hoped, and there are already too many girls on the cast of the show.
Although Jenelle is no longer filming for ‘Teen Mom: The Next Chapter,’ the show is definitely coming back for another season. The Ashley is not yet aware when the new episodes will premiere, though.
UPDATE! The Ashley wanted to add in an update about the plastic surgery that Jenelle was trying to have done. Last month, Jenelle posted a photo of herself at a Vegas plastic surgeon’s office, and The Ashley told you that “August” was trying to arrange a deal with a surgeon to do Jenelle’s surgery at a massive discount, in exchange for the surgery being featured on ‘Teen Mom: Next Chapter.’
According to The Ashley’s production sources, this did not go over well with the show’s higher-ups and they refused to film the surgery for the show, angering Jenelle.
“That was kind of the start of when things went bad,” one source tells The Ashley. “Jenelle and the producers couldn’t agree on that topic and it spiraled from there. The producers didn’t want to put the surgery on the show, because they are trying to move the show away from stuff like that.”
UPDATE #2: Jenelle’s boyfriend/manager August has responded to this story, via an interview with Us Weekly. He insisted that “everything is fine” and Jenelle was not “fired.” He did admit, though, that he and Jenelle have no idea if the network will continue featuring Jenelle.

“Our lawyer is in communication with the network’s legal. As of right now, nobody has any answers,” Jenelle’s soulmate-in-training told the magazine. “Regardless of what anyone says, there is no bad breakup, no bad blood between Jenelle and MTV and everything is fine. We absolutely are and will continue our relationship with MTV and ‘Teen Mom.’ Jenelle definitely is not being fired.”
The magazine also reported that “Jenelle’s team” (aka “August”) believes that Jenelle will be in the upcoming episodes.
“The only question at the moment is how many episodes she will be included in,” he said. “With so many story lines and cast members, the network will need to be extra creative. Jenelle came in mid-season, and a lot was already filmed from other cast members. We are being respectful of everyone’s story line and the hard work that was put in prior to Jenelle’s return.”

The Ashley would like to point out here, though, that there is a (slight) possibility that Jenelle could appear in the upcoming episodes, but it would be footage that was previously filmed and unused last season. If that happens, Jenelle would be paid for the episode(s) she appears in.
The Ashley stands by her story above. MTV has not commented.
Jenelle herself has not spoken out about being let go from MTV. However, on Tuesday– one day after The Ashley broke the news— Jenelle posted a video of herself crying in a recliner. She quickly deleted it.
Jenelle I can’t cry without setting up my camera first Evans
byu/The_Flightless_Bird_ inTeenMomOGandTeenMom2
RELATED STORY: EXCLUSIVE! Original ‘Teen Mom’ Dads Bringing in Massive Salary Per Episode of ‘Teen Mom: The Next Chapter’ They’re Featured On
(Photos: MTV)
75 Responses
ahhhhh Teen Mom just wanting to stick to the fake lame drama stories and just wanted Barn back with Jenelle which didn’t work out for them so they’re disappointed 😂
How’s her knee doing? Did she have surgery yet for that horrible injury? I feel like I missed something…
She never had a “horrible” knee injury.
Karma is a bitch isn’t it Jenocchio?
I think she is a disgusting human and her kids should be removed for their own good
How can you make these girls sign a contract like that, say they’ll only get paid for appearing on the show, then not film them but refuse to release them from the contract.
How are they supposed to look after their children with that kind of nonsense. MTV is wrong for that BS and it’s a total abuse of power. Lets be honest, the majority of the cast aren’t bright so it’s really taking advantage
She did you get out of the contract, She had to hire a lawyer to do it. Good less money she has for drugs.
Payback for all those times she made her mom pay for a lawyer.
Looking after your children isn’t that difficult when you get an actual job outside of reality tv. That is precisely how she should take care of her children. While she did get out of the contract, eventually, the only thing it stipulated was that she can’t work with a competing network (ie, film for other shows). Nothing at all, except herself, stops her from getting a job and taking care of her family the way billions and billions all over the world do.
The participants literally have lawyers go over the contracts with them, spelling them out, word for word if necessary, before they even sign them-including their own lawyers. MTV is legally bound to do so, as much as I hate defending them for any reason (as an entity, and network, they suck ass), they aren’t in the wrong with the contracts. It’s not an abuse of power unless they force you to sign something-and even worse if it stipulated she can’t have any kind of employment (for X amount of time, whatever X might be). No contract has ever said that though, they simply say they won’t compete with another network, so don’t try it until your contract is up. Her lawyer likely found a loophole somewhere else in it and that’s how they got out of it. It happens all the time, even with NDAs
Once again a man is the catalyst for Jenelle getting fired. She’s never going to learn, and its pathetic at this point.
Stop paying for dick. They either work separate from you or you don’t want them. That’s called a bum.
sometimes I feel bad for Jenelle … Just Wait! hear me out! … so sometimes I feel bad for her because she receives sooooo much hate on the socials … well let’s be honest, on the Whole Dam Internet! … I’m a very sensitive empath so it must be really difficult to read so much negativity and try to put it behind you and carry on … I 100% know I personally wouldn’t be able to handle it … but back to Jenelle … there are times I feel compassion for her BUT then the very same day I read about her doing yet another dumbass thing or making Another really bad parenting decision and I have to just shake my head and say “Good Lord nevermind 🙄”
She would receive less “hate” if she just stopped being a $hitty person.
I hear you and agree … I was trying to explain My view and what it might be like if I was receiving so much negativity … in no way am I excusing Jenelle’s behaviors … I didn’t expect to get so many down votes … 😬 … I did mention I’m a sensitive empath right? … 😢
She’s gonna have a lot of turds to polish for onlyfans. Back to butthole income
I thought you wrote Butthole County.
Now get rid of the rest of the swamp. You know Amber, Macy, Jade, Brianna, catelynn, Cheyanne, Leah etc.
They made monsters out of Kailyn, Jenelle, Tyler and Catlynn won’t work, Amber. Rewarding teen pregnancy with millions and millions was not the what was supposed to happen. Ryan Edwards, he belongs in jail. It’s pathetic they were paid so much and turned out to still be shitty. Can you believe Chelsea is worth 50 million, get real people she ain’t worth a million.
Wonder if this is how Kaiser felt when you dumped him you stupid bitch! Once again you are fired. 😂
I suspect she dumped him onto his grandmother once she realized she couldn’t make any money off of him being on the show. The timing lines up.
God is good! 🙏🏿
The truth is MTV should’ve never brought her back. She’s a toxic narcissist who never puts anyone ahead of herself, her needs or her wants. I guarantee it didn’t take 3 months to remind them why they fired her before.
I guess she’s going to have to polish off her butthole and take more pictures for her spicy dumps 🤢🤮
She’s such a fucking failure and her poor kids are paying the price.
So now her ttits remain wonky AND she’s out of a job. I love this for her.
I will never stop loving The Ashley’s photos and captions. Thank you so much.
In my dreams, I am as clever as Ashley with her writing and photo captions, but alas, I am not. Thank heavens for Ashley!
YES!!!!! There just might be a God after all!!!!!! She blew her place on TV because her dumb-shit boyfriend tried to get a big discount for her plastic surgery by saying MTV could film it!!!!!!! LOL! LOL! LOL!! Like anyone would care to watch
the ugly psycho mom get plastic surgery which would NEVER help her looks anyway! LOL! She really does think she’s some kind of tv star. Oh wait, her Instagram says she’s a Producer and an Influencer!!! Sure Jan, in your dreams. If you had only treated your children decently and acted like you cared about them, maybe people would feel sorry for you. But guess what? NO ONE likes you!!! Looks like you’ll have to go back to filming your fat ass on Only Fans!!! LOL! LOL!
Oh and I’m pretty sure your recent behavior had a lot to do with you getting the boot also, what with the cops being called on you, and you being under CPS investigation AGAIN!!! LOL!
Nooo since they let her out of the contract she’s gonna do some other nonsense for money now. Should have kept her in it so she wasn’t allowed to do anything tv related for money. It would have forced her to get an actual job.
I hope she instantly got rid of that Range Rover that she was renting. What a stupid use of money.
Oh jeez, she immediately got a nice car? But too lazy to parent her kids. Nice.
Countdown to August dumping her azz in 3…2…1
Future predictions: Jenelle moves back to be the queen of the swamp, Kaiser quietly shipped back to Doris (🙏), Jenelle brags about how she dumped MTV due to ‘creative differences’, returns to OF, her children suffer 2nd hand embarrassment.
Your predictions sound 100% spot on!!!
I think she’ll get back with David too
It was all just a game splitting up with him to get back on the show.
Eh, I don’t think he wants her back.
He has a new dummy. That’s worth more than Jenelle could ever provide.
She’s broke, has no job, has been screwing God knows who, and has more cases on her?
Nah. He’s good.
Will she try to get him back? Maybe.
Was some of her anger and rage bc he brought Warty to the swamp? Oh. Absolutely.
She doesn’t want them bikes and tools! But how dare he bring his new boo along!
She did send him off quietly but then everyone reported on it and she’s back tracked to save face. If noone reported it, he would still be at doris’.
Sometimes, reporters need to keep things in the bag for the sake of children.
She did not go get him because everyone reported her on it, ffs, why do idiots keep saying that, lol. She went back to get him because CPS did as they are supposed to and threatened her with court because she couldn’t present him for the investigation. She would’ve gone back to get him even if no one had noticed or reported she shipped him off. If you can’t present the child for a CPS investigation when they tell you to, your ass is getting arrested and you’re going to court (even in cases where everyone fails to do their job properly and cases end badly, these are the legal steps taken).
You don’t know that. You shouldn’t call ppl idiots when you don’t even know if what you’re saying is true.
Yes, we do know this. We know that she is legally required to have Kaiser present for the CPS investigation-which we also know she’s under. If she does not, she’ll be arrested and she will be required to go before a judge to explain why he wasn’t present. This is something that happens in every single state in the US. Even when family courts and CPS fuck up, this is the exact process for CPS investigations-the children in question must be present (unless they are in a hospital situation, there are no exceptions to this rule). We also know she can’t have Kaiser present if he is half a country away in a different state (common sense tells us this part) because he can’t be in two places at once.
We know that nothing anyone has ever said online anywhere has ever influenced a single thing she does or says. If it did, she’d listen a little more often-and she never has, not even a single time. So we can state with confidence that the “reporters” mentioning this online did not have any effect whatsoever on whether or not she would go back to get him. She was legally obligated to, period.
It’s idiotic to assume that someone reporting something like this online is why she went back when we know certain things are facts. If you want me to use Farrah speak because it’s easier, I will…
per law, she had to go get him
Said someone named “Dumbass” 😂
She took him back because she learned that under TN laws she could have her parental rights terminated.
Lol that Google could have told her that before she took a flight across the country and back
Jenelle loves learning the hard way.
and cps want to see the child within 24 or 48 hours, for cps assessment, after complaint and investigation initiation, if you don’t bring the child, they put out a warrant for your arrest, if you don’t take that drug test, they put a warrant out for your arrest. Period the end, that’s what was going on.
He’s going ride the gravy train and stir the pot. It’s too soon for them to break up.
She was hired on as a producer and now they won’t let me produce.
Can’t stand her either, but glad she got out of that stupid contract.
There is justice in the world after all. Step one complete step 2 to jail. Hang in there Doris, you might just get Kaiser. after all 😁
Suck it Jenelle! 😂
Best news I’ve heard in ages! Sleep well bitch!
Thank you Jesus answered Prayers!
Whew! 😥 Thankfully she’s not in contract with MTV. Give all those other networks a chance 🙄
So, last month she found out MTV was done with her AND that CPS was investigating her. That’s perfect.
MTV should bring in Rachael Beaver to replace Janelle!
Bring back the Beavers!!!!!
Oh, this is delicious. Now, quit chasing D, focus on staying sober, get a real job and TAKE CARE OF YOUR CHILDREN. Your 15 minutes are up.
And that’s all she had to do was quit chasing penis.
I love how Jenelle being Jenelle cost her the MTV contract again.
She tried to get everything she wanted and wasn’t humble or grateful for that opportunity again. She also cost her children future money. Oh well they have the generational wealth on the land which will be passed down to others unless the French Moat gives up and the house sinks. Selfish small minded piece of 💩
If she couldn’t do those things for 25k per episode wtf makes anyone think shes guna do them for free, ever? Lolol
🎶🔔 ding ding, the swamp queen’s 🧟♀️ gone! 🔔🎶
buh-bye, b*tch!! 👋🏻👋🏻🖕🏻
*ding DONG
Butthole pictures for everyone!!!!!
You get a butthole picture, he gets a butthole picture, she gets a butthole picture, EVERYONE gets a butthole picture. 📸🎥
Hard pass 🤮
Now if they’d only give Amber’s ass the boot right along with her!
Why haven’t they done that yet?!?! I do not understand!!! 🤔
Maybe Amber has kept in-line with the producers despite her horrific antics that should have gotten her fired? Janelle made too many demands and was immediately difficult. But the machete assault was horrible and no excuse for MTV to continue to have kept Amber.
Amber is probably pretty easy to film since she’s always seated and stationary.
LOVE THIS FOR HER! Take several seats and maybe consider getting a real job chinny!
So did they let her go after learning about her latest run in with the police?
He’s so dumping her now 😂😂😂