Kody Brown’s attempt to rewrite the history of his marriages to ex-wives Meri, Janelle and Christine continued on Sunday’s episode of Sister Wives with Kody alleging that his first three unions were largely “f**k and fight”-style relationships.
In a cringey confessional, Kody also stated that his first three marriages didn’t provide “intimacy,” only orgasms.
The Ashley will give you a moment to pour bleach into your eyes after reading that…
During the episode, fans watched as Kody sat down with Meri for the first time this season to reflect on their often-strained marriage, which the pair officially ended in early 2023.

While Meri didn’t call it quits with Kody until after Christine and Janelle did, Kody claimed his and Meri’s marriage was the worst of the three, though he insisted all of his former marriages were “bad” when compared to the “normal relationship” he has with his only-remaining wife, Robyn Brown.

“ … You don’t know you’re in a bad relationship, you just think you’re in a normal relationship because all your friends have the same problem,” Kody said. “Until you’re in a normal relationship that has deep emotional intimacy instead of the [butting heads].
“Some people call it F&F,” he continued. “And the second word is ‘fight.’ Or F&F and the first word is ‘fight.’ That doesn’t create intimacy, that just creates orgasms.”

While Kody branded all three of his former marriages “bad,” he went on to claim that his and Meri’s was “on the rocks” the entire 30-plus years they were together and that he wished they would’ve never tied the knot.
“I married a woman that I just didn’t love so much that I wanted to serve her,” Kody said of his and Meri’s relationship. “And then, because whatever I did was never enough!

“ … And how would I know that? Because I had such a better relationship with Janelle, with Christine, with Robyn, and Janelle and Christine didn’t survive,” he said. “I should’ve gotten out of the relationship [with Meri] 25 years ago.”
Kody also revealed on the episode that, despite the challenges in his and Meri’s marriage, he always felt “compelled to stick it out” with her, seemingly (and strangely) due to a celebrity breakup that devastated him as a child.
“ … I remember when Sonny and Cher got divorced when I was six and it rattled me,” Kody said.

“I do not know why I’m still holding on a little bit. Because I know damn well that I don’t want to be in this relationship [with Meri], and I know damn well that I don’t want to be in a relationship with Janelle.
“And I know that Christine did me a favor by being brave enough to leave,” he added.

You can watch a portion of Kody’s cringey confessional below!
New episodes of ‘Sister Wives’ air Sundays on TLC.
RELATED STORY: ’Sister Wives’ Star Christine Brown Calls Ex-Husband Kody a “Deadbeat Dad”; Janelle Brown Admits Kody is “Selfish”
(Photos: TLC)
37 Responses
If Covid could be a positive manipulative for anyone????
It was Kody’s! Kody is so sick to use it for an excuse as to why he found Robin better than the ones he had settled for, for so long. AND to run, most of his kids off, with the excuse of Covid. Kody, just SHUT UP! Or carry on for our entertainment reasons but yet the continued demise of your huge family that you are now a narcissist to. So Sad.
OMG he is SOOOO full of sh*t it is laughable
Well you know the ole saying “YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT!..fits Kody perfectly!
Well, sugar, you see, Sobin grew up watchin’ her mama settle for bein’ the secret “wife”of an hidden second family, always tucked away in the shadows of that man’s real family.
That taught her from a young age that her worth was tied up in how much a man wanted her. Now, in that community, where men are often seen as the decision-makers, she carried that deep down belief with her, thinkin’ that if she could just be wanted enough, then she’d finally matter.
When the time came, she fell right into a plural marriage, hopin’ that her new husband’s desire for her would make her feel like she had been chosen, like she was finally enough.
See, she internalized this whole idea of sexual materialization, always tryin’ to prove herself through a man’s eyes, just like her mama did.
And all the while, she’d play the victim, subconsciously usin’ that role to justify why she couldn’t seem to break free. The psychology of it?
Honey, it’s called learned helplessness, where after a lifetime of bein’ overlooked and undervalued, she couldn’t help but feel like that was all she deserved.
The beautiful thing is that all these women went through this process and we know the future that Robin could have. Now just wait to see if she will find her worth inside herself.
When you are in a hole stop digging, Cody.
He can somehow always get even more awful.
That would be the ultimate win !! Game Set Match you’re done Grody & Sobyn. 👍🏼👍🏼
What is sick and sad is he literally tortured Meri over her affair with a catfish and helped turn the family against her. That is a new level of sick and twisted.
He’s really gone off his rocker. It’s crazy seeing him in the early seasons he’s a different person now. I’d never talk to my dad if I heard him talk about my mom like that.
Can someone explain to me why Robyn strung Meri around for 10 years begging her to just hold on?
Because we know Kody shared ALL of this with her.
They didn’t care one bit about her giving up her legal marriage for Robyn and her kids. Poor,poor Robyn her Christmas dreams are shattered.
I think she’s had a long honeymoon phase because he’s got other wives to aim his negative feelings at. When there is strife,
he’s got scapegoats. Any time things are happening with Robin and Kody, he turns it on the other wives.
That’s not going to continue. She’s going to get ALL of Kody, all the time. It won’t be “we’re fighting right now, you aren’t happy… and that’s not me, that’s because of them.” or “I’m mad at you, but, I know it started with THEM, so, I’m not letting them WIN”
For a while, yeah. But, in the day-to-day? They are eventually going to have to only deal with each other.
Also, Meri wasn’t Robin’s competition.
She fully, and completely towed the line and was whatever they wanted her to be. She just kind of stayed and accepted it all.
She was a “sister wife”…helping, contributing, and being there, but… Kody really didn’t have anything to do with her, emotionally or physically.
Meri was safe. Not important to Kody. Robin could live the fantasy illusion of sister-wives without any reality with meri in the family.
Janelle was the bank of the family.
Christine CHOSE to leave him, that’s where the problem lay with her, it wasn’t his choice.
He cares they left, they were scapegoats, but, more resistant and spirited than Meri, their rejections hurt Kody, probably doesn’t feel good to her. (she’s the favorite, the first wife, long suffering angel, his soul mate and legal wife.)
So I feel like, Meri was the big one for Robin. Meri was her fantasy of sister-wife life… in a sick unhealthy way.
She was afraid it might interfere with the show which in turn would interfere with the honeypot money pot. 🤑🤑🍯🍯💰💰🐂🐂
Sobyn only wanted Meri around:
A: To prove she was part of a “Plural Family”
B. Because Meri was a worker bee and Sobyn wanted her bills paid, no matter how lavishly she and Kootie spent money.
That’s it.
If I don’t love you, it’s YOUR fault! This giant toddler takes zero responsibility for his own actions. He is pathetic and I feel so sorry for his children. Thank God three of the four women escaped this vile excuse for a human being.
Kootie is unhinged, just like a certain politician. It won’t surprise me if Sobbyn divorces him, although they are both feeding into each other’s selfishness and narcissism. This show needs to come to an end. There are no more “sister wives.” There’s only one toxic couple and 3 happier-without-that-jackass women with kids. Put it to rest.
Yes Scamala Harris is unhinged & a huge liar liar 👖 on 🔥. 😁
That’s rich. They let Russian bots comment on The Ashley now? 🤣
C’mon, Gigi Babs, do better.
More like the dump Trump
I don’t think that Kamala Harris person being referred to as “unhinged “ here..let’s be real
If anyone ever spoke about my mother that way they would be getting a punch to the throat. How embarrassing to be on a show for years and preach how amazing your lifestyle is, and then be like never mind it was all lies, I never loved any of these women except Robin. You just proved to the world what we had already all guessed. You’re a narcissist and a gas lighter who doesn’t care about anyone but themselves. I feel so bad for all those kids who resulted from “just orgasms”. Your Dad is the biggest tool that ever existed on reality tv.
I firmly believe he only became a polygamist because he didn’t want the stigma of divorcing Meri. Plural marriage gave him the freedom to seek a wife he actually liked while still being technically married to Meri.
I literally shuddered when I heard that man say “orgasm”. You know, when 3/4 of your marriages have failed, maybe it’s time to look inward and admit it’s you. You’re the problem, it’s you.
What a disgusting thing to say about the three women that loved him, stuck by him for decades longer than they should have, brought so many of his children into the world, and basically did everything for him and the kids while he focused on himself and his favorite wife. He’s despicable.
Did you see his face when he screamed, And it was Never Enough!!!! The man is psychotic, and probably bipolar. End this shit show already!!
Don’t disparage the bipolar community! All BP are is, just extreme highs and extreme lows. Not a narcissistic, self-indulgent, selfish SOB, that caters to himself! I used to stick up for him. Not now, he has become every wife’s nightmare in the world!
Thank you. I have never once acted like Kody. He’s a bad person and also angry. He’s not bipolar. We’re not bad people who go around terrorizing others.
I never want to hear the word “orgasm” uttered from Kody’s mouth ever again. Please God, nooooo!!! I’m going to have nightmares.
He thinks he’s a real stud doesn’t he ?? I guess he’s never heard of women faking the big “O”. 😜😜 This has to be one of the sickest things he has said on national tv.
Don’t forget, Kootie telling the world that his own sons wanted to “wet their pencils.” POS.
Imagine being one of the children who their father said he F&F’d their moms. Terrible person and even worse father.
Was just thinking that, start the countdown to at least one of his kids posting something about that, as it does seem that they have no idea what’s in the episode until it actually airs. How absolutely insensitive, rude, and offensive to both the kids and the ex-wives.
Kody is a disgusting human. Instead of taking ANY responsibility for his part in 3 of his 4 marriages imploding, he is now saying that he didn’t really love any of them. Sure, Jan. No one with a functioning brain believes that. When Robyn came on to the scene, your other relationships, even with your children fell apart. That is ALL on you.
It’s all excuses from the narcissist! Always looking for anyone else to blame. Never taking ownership of what he did. That’s why three wives have left and none of his kids want anything to do with him.
He gets more and more horrible with each episode. It’s crazy that he got one woman let alone four to “marry” him.
He really is a horrible person and the show needs to end!
I need them to give Meri, Jenelle and Christine a spin off first, just to piss Robyn and Kody off.
Noooo it doesn’t need to end. It’s the favorite show of hundreds of thousands of people.
If people don’t like it, just stop watching, but it’s TLC’s top show and it needs to continue.