EXCLUSIVE! Jenelle Evans’ Son Jace Removed from ‘Teen Mom’ Star’s Home After Running Away Following Terrible Fight with Jenelle (Hear the 911 Call)

It’s been a very, very bad week for Jenelle Evans.

The Ashley can exclusively report that the Teen Mom star’s eldest son, Jace, has been removed from her home following a nasty fight between the mother and son. 

In a 911 call made last Sunday by Jenelle (which The Ashley has obtained the audio of and has posted below), the former ‘Teen Mom’ star frantically states that her 15-year-old son was mad and “started smashing things” in her Las Vegas rental home. She then says that he has run away for the second time in one weekend. 

Jace— whom Jenelle only regained custody of earlier this year after he had been in custody of CPS for months— reportedly first ran away on Saturday night, causing Jenelle to place a call to 911 call regarding a missing person/runaway. Jace returned home later that night.

@theashleysrealityroundup Audio: #TeenMom star Jenelle Evans calls 911 after her son Jace destroyed her house & ran away #TeenMom #JenelleEvans #jenelleevansdrama #JaceEvans #911 #theashleysrealityroundup #TheAshley #TeenMom2 #teenmomthenextchapter #TeenMomDrama #FYP #Exclusives #RealityTV ♬ original sound – The Ashley’s Reality Roundup

However, things apparently escalated again on Sunday morning, after Jace and Jenelle got into a “nasty fight,” according to a local source, who tells The Ashley that cops made their way to Jenelle’s home on Saturday and Sunday, and that Jace was located soon after he ran away on Sunday.

Jace has since been removed from Jenelle’s home and has not been back since last weekend. The Ashley can confirm Jace is safe, but will not be going back to Jenelle’s home for the foreseeable future.

The trouble with Jace came less than 24 hours after the former ‘Teen Mom’ star high-tailed it to Tennessee to bring her middle son Kaiser home, after leaving him to live with his paternal grandmotherDoris Davidson. Kaiser had just arrived back to Jenelle’s Vegas home, so he and Jenelle’s youngest child, Ensley, were both present at the scene and can be heard in the background of Jenelle’s 911 call on Sunday. At one point in the call, Jenelle tells Kaiser to stop talking to her while she’s on the phone.  

“I told my two younger kids to stay away from [Jace],” Jenelle tells the 911 operator, before adding that Jace allegedly caused damage to her home.

“He smashed his door, my door, a closet door,” Jenelle said.

“…Now everything in my house is, like, smashed, and it keeps happening and the cops said they wouldn’t help yesterday [when Jace ran away the first time],” Jenelle says tearfully. 

Later in the call, Jenelle revealed that she believes Jace smokes weed, and that he “drinks behind my back.” She added that Jace’s alleged smoking played a part in causing their argument the day before, in addition to Jenelle confiscating his pocketknife. 

“He’s mad that I took that away,” she tells the 911 operator. 

The 911 operator called Jenelle back soon after her first call and had her confirm that she herself was not currently under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

According to the 911 Communication records– also obtained by The Ashley— the operator asked Jenelle this because he became aware that, one month earlier, Jenelle’s boyfriend “August Keen” made a 911 call in which he stated that Jenelle drinks a lot, smokes marijuana and takes pills. (“August” later rescinded those claims.)

Jenelle told the 911 operator that she was totally sober and then confirmed that Jace had allegedly committed his offenses in front of Ensley and Kaiser. 

In the police incident report filed on Sunday— which has been obtained by The Ashley— Jenelle told cops that Jace screamed “f**k you b*tch” in her face and proceeded to smash her kitchen cabinets. 

Jace was located soon after Jenelle made the 911 call, and according to the 911 Communication records for the incident, he was described as “a bit uncooperative” to the cops.

The Las Vegas source added that, following Jace’s removal from Jenelle’s home, CPS paid Jenelle a visit this week to speak to Kaiser and Ensley about what happened. 

This is not the first time that Jace has been removed from Jenelle’s care. As Teen Mom 2 fans know, Jenelle’s mother Barbara Evans raised the boy until March 2023, when Barbara signed custody back over to Jenelle, who was then living in North Carolina with her husband David Eason. Just months later, though, Jace ran away from his school. Weeks later, Jace ran away again, this time leaving home for a few hours before being found at a gas station a few miles away from Jenelle’s home on The Land. He ran away again in September 2023, after allegedly being assaulted by David. (There is currently an open criminal case against David for this alleged incident.) 

Following that incident, Jace was in the custody of CPS (although he stayed briefly with Barbara and was in a number of facilities during this time.) It wasn’t until February of this year that Jenelle regained custody of Jace. That same month she left David, and soon moved with Jace (and her other two kids Kaiser and Ensley) to Las Vegas, where her boyfriend “August” lives.

Jenelle had not publicly mentioned Jace being removed from her home. Earlier this week, though, when someone asked her on Facebook if she still had her kids, Jenelle replied, “Of course I do.” 

The Ashley will continue to add more information to this story. Stay tuned…

RELATED STORY: Exclusive Details! ‘Teen Mom’ Star Jenelle Evans Heads to Tennessee to Get Son Kaiser After Being Blasted Online for Sending Him to Live with Grandma

59 Responses

  1. Jenelle has to be one of the dumbest people on this planet, she’s an absolute idiot. All of those kids need to be removed from her custody permanently. I can see Ensley, running away before she reaches her teens and ends up on prostitution or trafficking

  2. This is incredibly upsetting. Jace is still a kid and obviously is suffering severely and needs serious help. It’s not ok to smash things regardless if janelle is his mom. I’m worried about him. These kids with these issues are why we have school shootings

  3. Sadly, I can see him following in her footsteps in other things too…(Jace and Sophia will BOTH be teen parents if things go on the way they are going now)

  4. Funny thing is she can’t blame David , Barbra or Andrew for this one . Congratulations Janelle this one is all on you and of course it still won’t be her fault . CPS really needs to get them kids out of her care

    1. Ah, but she can claim Barbara had him during his formative years and so she is to blame for the young man he’s become. Everyone knows Janelle doesn’t take responsibility for anything. This time will be no different. If she can’t blame someone, she sill create an alternate reality and deny everything else.

  5. It’s not like anyone could have seen this coming a mile away. The really sad thing for him is instead of going the Janelle route of getting knocked up and dating abusive guys he will be the abusive guy and end up in jail.

  6. Imagine the anger, resentment & abandonment this poor kid has felt his entire life toward every adult he has any “close” relationship with? Not to mention finally getting back into his moms custody just to watch her co*k hop while he babysits & parents younger siblings

  7. The poor kid grew up in such a toxic environment with an unstable mother and no father figure to show him how be a real man. I hope to God he finds the strength inside himself to make better decisions in the future.

    Prayers for Jace, Kaiser and Ensley 🙏

  8. TAKE 👏🏻 ALL 👏🏻 THE 👏🏻 KIDS 👏🏻 AWAY 👏🏻 seriously what the fuck is CPS playing around at?!

  9. If anyone ever deserved to yell “fuck you bitch” to their mom, its Jace. It makes me so sad though he’s having these issues, he was such a sweet soul and she destroyed him and his spirit

  10. She is the most selfish, self absorbed, emotionally stunted, irresponsible person I’ve ever seen on TV. And we’ve all had a front row seat to it since she was 16. She’s never grown up and has never figured out how to stand on her own without relying on exploiting her children’s trauma. She is the common denominator in all her problems. All of her children suffer for having her as a mother. Pathetic.

  11. Wow. It’s almost like she had a kid EXACTLY like her 🤔 I genuinely feel bad for Jace because it’s clear he’s had a rough go of it.

    1. That’s what he saw from Jenelle as a baby, Jenelle always running away , yelling at Barbara. HE saw David’s stupid stunts as well.

  12. Just a matter of time that this is all blamed on Babs. It won’t be JE’s fault. She’ll say it’s because her mom kept him away, the same old b.s. Not her fault.

  13. 🤣🤣Oh my gosh! This all went down between Sat and Sun. Kinda strange when she sold the story to TMZ about David on land, than, The Ashley had to retract a story about him wrecking the truck. Plus, look how she speaks to Kaiser? “Quit talking to me” How awful, so sad. She could of easily responded in a kind voice and said. “Hold on honey, this is important” I really can’t take her lies anymore, none of them. She is so fame hungry.

  14. Sounds like Jenelle was trying to stop the baking free for all now that CPS is watching again. How does she think that will work? You let your kids vape until someone finds out then you try to take it away? Good luck you stupid B!! Not only Jace but poor Kaiser is baking too!!

  15. As much as I hate saying this, it’s obvious David’s the one who took care of the kids. She can’t handle them at all.

    1. I also always realized this. He was always carrying Kaiser and he was the one dealing with Marissa and Jace. I don’t think I ever saw Jenelle carrying Kaiser aside from a “go over here” way.

    2. Yeah, he cooked, he took care of the yard, he fkn raked.. he dealt with the kids while she got high in the shed.

  16. Barely a full year has passed and yet Jace has ran away this many times? Smoking weed (weed, weed, weed…) and drinking…

    Oh but surely this has to be everyone else’s fault but Jenelle’s.

  17. Meanwhile, David is living it up with Chinilda 2.0

    Jenelle has had 911 called on her, constant CPS visits, has been from what we know of fired from Teen Mom again, is slowly going broke. What do y’all think will happen next.

    We all know to expect an upcoming pregnancy announcement from Creepy Mountain Man and Chinilda 2.0 in the next month or so. But for Jenelle what’s next.

    1. That will make it even worse….

      Andrew has never been around and he’s clearly also on drugs. Uprooting Jace, yet again, isn’t going to help.

  18. Jenelle is not fit to be in charge of kids. Jace and Kaiser are spiraling out of control. She needs to sign over her rights to someone competent.
    Damn b*tch.

  19. Barbara, Jenelle, and Jace all have some sort of personality disorder that is compounded by addiction to cope, and they use anger instead of having the tools to communicate. Nature & nurture explosion

  20. So she will cry over her smashed material items but doesn’t make a choice to put HIM first. Maybe don’t jump from dick to dick to dick and put your son first. She should have never gotten him back to begin with. She should not have custody of ANY child. She can say whatever she wants, make up whatever she wants, turn on the fake waterworks and get Jace institutionalized yet again. I’ve said it before and I will say it again. Fuck Jenelle.

  21. 100% created by Jenelle.
    This is what picking d1ck over your kids, smoking weed, lack of parenting, boundaries and consistency, being a ‘friend’ and not a parent, letting kids witness dysfunction, verbal abuse and physical abuse daily when with you, letting your kid smoke weed to ‘manage their mental health’ and under age drinking creates: a perfect storm for Jace to reenact and copy his bio-mother living her ‘daily life’.

    You made this Jenelle, get Jace proper help and clean your mess up.

  22. swamp queen 🧟‍♀️ is spiraling 🌀 and i am HERE. FOR. IT. 🍿🍿👀

  23. So Kaiser was back for maybe an hour when this happened. Jesus Christ Janelle
    I really hope las Vegas will actually protect these kids
    Because they don’t stand a chance
    Good job Janelle
    Truly heartbreaking that Jace is drinking and already using
    Not suprised but still heartbreaking

  24. I hate the chaos and trauma these kids are going through, but I love seeing Jenelle’s life fall apart. Karma was slow, but it’s making up for lost time.

    Lord willing, all three will go to safe and loving homes that can help them heal. Kaiser has a good chance if he goes back to Doris. Barb clearly can’t handle Jace anymore and I don’t know who else Ensley has.

    Imagine how much better off Jace would have been if she would have given him up for adoption in the beginning like Barb begged her to? He could have gotten his own Brandon and Theresa.

  25. Stg I knew the top story would be Jenelle.
    Just a hunch I suppose!!

    So Jace is now officially Jenelle.
    Smoking weed, busting up his mother’s house, screaming and running away.
    Jenelle 2.0.
    Hope he gets the help he needs.

    Jenelle has an open case for Kaiser, an open case for Jace. Way to start over in Vegas, dumbass.

    New location, same as the old location.
    “Wherever you go, there you are” personified.

  26. So Janelle has had Jace in her custody for about a year and a half and has already lost custody twice

  27. aw, love this for her. 🤗😂🤣
    it’s exactly what swamp queen 🧟‍♀️ deserves.
    (since jace is okay i don’t feel bad AT ALL for criticizing her 🤷🏼‍♀️)

  28. And I really thought she was going to do better after David… 😅 I don’t know why, she was garbage before him.

    1. It was a possibility bc David was awful.
      He was clearly dragging her down but turns out, she’s a lowlife too.

      She had (yet another) opportunity to start right.
      Move off the swamp.
      Dump the loser.
      Get her kids back.
      Get her job back.
      Get her life on track at age 33.

      She didn’t do anything. Yet again.

      1. As much as it pains me to say this, David might have been a more engaged parent than Jan. She just doesn’t care. He’s awful and terrible, but she’s unalive inside. Pick your poison 🤷‍♀️

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