Earlier this month, The Ashley broke the news that Jenelle Evans’ manager-turned-boooyfriend, “August Keen” had called 911 asking for help because he claimed the fired Teen Mom star was very drunk and had been “hitting him all night.” After the release of the 911 call audio, “August” and Jenelle downplayed the event, but in new footage from the night— taken on the officers’ body cam— it shows just how close Jenelle came to getting arrested for domestic violence!
The body cam footage– exclusively obtained by The Ashley from the Las Vegas Metro Police Department— also shows “August” (real name: Daniel Miranda) making a number of eyebrow-raising claims. Not only does “August” tell the police that Jenelle “used to be an alcoholic,” but he also refers to her three kids as his “stepkids”— and claims that he and Jenelle have been together “about two-and-a-half years!”
(As ‘Teen Mom’ fans know, Jenelle filed for legal separation from her husband, David Eason, in late February of this year. Until that time, she was married to and supporting David, which means that “August” either exaggerated to the cops about how long he’s been with Jenelle, or Jenelle was cheating on David for years with “August.”)
The body cam footage— which was filmed outside Jenelle’s Las Vegas rental home on August 31– begins with “August” emerging from the porch/bushes (wearing tiger-striped board shorts, as you do) and explaining to the cops that Jenelle is wasted and had been threatening to call the police on him if he tried to leave her home.
“So, my girlfriend’s drunk and I’m trying to go home, but I want to grab my stuff,” he said. “…Then she started getting into the threatening s**t. So, I called the cops. I just want to protect myself. I just want to grab my s**t and go to my house.”

“August” then tells the cops that Jenelle had “about eight to 12 drinks” (just as he stated in the 911 call he made that night). The cops remind “August” that, on the 911 call, he stated that Jenelle had been hitting him “all night.” He tells the cops that he’s not injured and doesn’t want to press charges against his sloshed soulmate. The cop, however, tells “August” that it’s not up to him if charges are pressed or not.
“The State presses charges for you,” the cop said. “You alleged that she hit you.”
As you may remember, “August” vehemently denied in a statement issued shortly after The Ashley released the 911 call that Jenelle hit him. (He told Us Weekly, “No, I was not hit, I have a zero tolerance for violence and would not stick around any [domestic violence] situations.”)
Here, however, he confirms that Jenelle did, indeed, put hands on him.
“She did [hit me]. But there’s nothing wrong with me, and she does have kids,” he tells the cops.
The cops then inform “August” that, in Nevada, authorities speak to both the victim and the alleged abuser. If the alleged abuser (in this case, Jenelle) admits that she did hit “August,” then she will go to jail, regardless if “August” wants to press charges or not.

“She better not to admit to it,” ‘August’ says. “We still have a house to run.”

By this time, “August” seems to be really regretting telling the 911 operator that Jenelle had been hitting him.
“I don’t want her to go to jail,” he says.
He then confirms that, despite what he said in his statement about Jenelle’s kids not being present during the fight, they were, indeed, at home while this was all going down.
“We got three kids in there,” he confesses.
“We’ve got businesses, we’ve got a house to run, we’ve got responsibilities,” ‘August’ adds. “The kids go, she goes, it’s a big deal, you know what I’m saying? We have a family.”
The cop then questions “August” about how drunk he is himself. Although he admitted to having “two to three drinks,” the cop wasn’t buying it.
“You look like you’ve had a little more than three drinks,” the cop says.

“August” insists he’s just tired, and that “working all day” and then dealing with a drunken Jenelle is exhausting.
“She put us through this,” he says.
“August” then confirms that he is living with Jenelle and her three kids, although he does have his own house that’s not too far from Jenelle’s rental, where he desperately wants to retreat to so he can “put some space between” him and Jenelle. He assures the cops that he won’t be driving there on his own, and that he has already secured a friend to come pick him up from Jenelle’s abode.
The cops are still trying to make contact with Jenelle, whom “August” claims is passed out in her room. “August” is eager to move things along and repeatedly refuses to give details about the alleged domestic violence committed against him.
“Since you’re unwilling to talk to me any further, I can’t force you to,” the cop tells him.
“August” then says he’s going to text Jenelle and tell her that the cops are there and to “open the door” so he can grab his stuff.
As the cop goes over the Nevada domestic violence laws and informs “August” that Jenelle will be arrested if she admits that she hit him, “August” seems distraught. He insists he has no injuries from the alleged assault by Jenelle.

“We have businesses together. We have children together!” he says. “It’s not a big deal.”
The cop says that they’re required by law to arrest Jenelle for domestic violence if she admits that she hit her boyfriend.
“That statement alone gets her thrown in jail,” the cop tells “August,” who then starts texting someone.

“Anytime we have someone admit [they hit someone], [or we have] a witness, or injuries, the person goes to jail,” the cop says.
“August” then tells the cops that he and Jenelle “have a great relationship”— but then claims that Jenelle “used to be an alcoholic.”
“She used to go to alcohol classes. She had a few drinks…” he tells the cop.
“We’re in a serious relationship. We raise these kids,” ‘August’ says, referring to Jenelle’s kids Jace, Kaiser and Ensley. (As The Ashley reported, Jace is no longer living with Jenelle, but at the time of this incident on August 31, Jace was living there and present.)
The cop asks if all three kids belong to him and Jenelle, and he admits that they’re not his kids, but are his “stepkids.”
He then drops a bombshell, stating that he and Jenelle have been together “about two-and-a-half years.”
(If true, this would mean that Jenelle and “August” have been seeing each other since early 2022.)
“We raise these kids together,” he says again.
As The Ashley reported, Jenelle did not answer the door for the cops and therefore was not arrested. No charges were filed for the incident. You can listen to the 911 call made by “August” earlier that night below.
(Photos: Las Vegas Metro PD; MTV; Instagram)
46 Responses
The are clueless that calling 911 every other day & having cops comes to your house a few times a months is not normal. It’s not normal to need the police to act like therapist & come so you can talk to your partner or call police after every arguments as it gets so crazy.
I wish Janelle could understand how strange this is for most people. They need to start billing her for home visits.
These kids don’t stand a chance at a normal life
She USED to be an alcoholic ?
Now she downs 8 to 12 drinks with no problem? Duuuuude is such an ass wipe. And she disgusts me so freaking much . CPS, do your job and protect these kids!
And she ‘went to alcohol classes’ apparently. Nope, I’m afraid not. He’s such a liar.
You’d think she’d learn by now to stop allowing these men to “store their tools” in her house.
I hope Eason uses this in court or CPS contacts the NC court, so Jenelle has to be under alcohol/drug supervision, mandated parenting classes and therapy for all so those kids get the help they need. I hope those kids sue MTV for all they knew, allowed and contributed to for ratings at those children’s expense.
Does anyone think she physically harms the kids as well? Something tells me she hits her kids especially Jace and I just think the kids are so brainwashed and scared they don’t say anything about it
Guarantee that added to Jace running away. Jace, though, is big enough to fight back and likely win, which is probably what pissed her off and why she called the cops.
I believe Jace would fight back.
Idk. I think Jace could probably beat her up if he wanted to.
What a terrifying practice – an abuser has to admit to abuse in order to be arrested (or have a witness). What the actual heck. And then to just give up because she didn’t answer the door…
They can’t break into the house to arrest her. They can charge her even if she says nothing, but they would have to wait since they don’t have a warrant. Police aren’t allowed to just enter your home without permission or a warrant.
Ppl admit it all the time- many feel justified- especially women who don’t think they will get in trouble as they didn’t hurt the guy. Others downplay fight or make excuses as they dont realize admitting minor hit is getting them arrested. They say both of them were hitting or it wasn’t hard, just a push to protect themselves.
I knew a guy whose Ex GF acted crazy & took his car with him in it & he let he be crazy & didn’t try to make her stop or call call police for fear of getting DV charge. Eventually she returned to his home & made a big enough scene someone called the police. Police come & talk to both of them & maybe witness neighbors. The ONLY one who got arrested was her & I was surprised they didn’t arrest him being black male. I wondered why only she got in trouble but I bet my state has similar law that if you admit hitting you get arrested. Her state of mind was ridiculous & just because she was mad at him she felt like she was ok to hit him & I could see her admitting it to the police as felt justified didn’t think it was against the law for her.
I don’t know law but shouldn’t cops always speak to everyone involved, including the kids? They answered a 911 call about violence. Wouldn’t they want to check on the kids and janelle to see if they were possibly hurt? They took the word of a man who was clearly intoxicated.
Seems like it would absolutely be common practice to talk to ALL of them.
We already know better than to believe what Jenelle says but apparently “August” talks out his ass as well. Dude changed his story and the details repeatedly during that exchange with the police. Yeah, he’s super trustworthy and definitely someone who should be left responsible for poor Ensley and Keiser.
I will never understand the addiction to chaos that is possessed by the men Jenelle chooses. Why would you connect your personal life and livelihood to this woman?!?!
Also, what are these alleged “businesses”?!?
I’m confused, if I get hit by someone but the cops can’t get them to come outside, they can’t be charged?! This doesn’t seem right.
Because he didn’t want to press charges, the only way she would be arrested is if Jenelle admitted to it. If he would have pressed charges, she would have been arrested regardless. Hope that helps clarify!
They can still be charged, but the police can’t just walk into the house to arrest them. They would have to charge them later if they won’t come outside.
I will always stand by the fact Jenelle called 911 on David during the drunken misunderstanding because David left. You hear her get herself worked up for the beginning of the 911 call.
. If her collarbone was broken she would have gladly taken the ambulance
ride to the hospital. Jenelle is always the common denominator!
Oh I’m so hurt. Then you hear David come home & JE calls him her boyfriend
Her whole deminor changed as soon as he walked in that door. And that 911 Dispatcher missed that. Jenelle also said David doesn’t have any weapons.
Which pissed me off
I can give them both one thing they can lie. I wouldn’t be surprised if cps took the other kids by now. The workout videos lately I have a theory that her manager is pushing adult entertainment her way. This girl still hasn’t hit rock bottom smh.
Janelle must of learned some things from all those lawyers she’s hired. The fact that she never answered the door for the police was extremely smart and legal. Although Janelle makes for a terrible mother, she is not as dumb as people think.
She’s had countless arrests. You don’t need to be very smart to learn to not open the door to the police when you are wasted and just hit your boyfriend all night
No, Augtober texted her and told her not to open the fucking door. That’s why she didn’t get arrested. He’s a piece of shit who didn’t want her in jail because then he’d, 1)have to watch her kids by himself, and 2) lost his little money train (as shitty as it is).
Exactly!! That’s who he texted while he was talking to cops! He was texting Jenelle the second they told him that if she admitted she hit him, which she would probably say she did since she was so completely fucked up, she would go to jail. And OMG the happy couple couldn’t have that!! CPS might find out! MTV might find out! Her millions and millions of fans might find out! He was texting her telling her to not admit to hitting him and to definitely not open the door.
His statements about having businesses and a house to run are BS. He was afraid she’d go to jail and break up with him and he’d lose his only source of income. He’s living off Jenelle just like David did. The only difference is Octembruary is shorter and uglier than David. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I think David is smarter than Ducklips — a LOT smarter.
you win!
Uhhh, guess what dude? She’s dumb as fuck!
I remember from some recap or reunion show that both Janelle and Farrah are fairly intelligent. Both have families with history of mental illness and in Janelle self medicated.
I remember Janelle discussing something in early seasons and girl was smart/on point! Both could’ve done SO MUCH more with their lives in better environments. Janelle has just been fighting against getting help since she hit puberty. I’m cringing that that Ensley will head down same path.
Farrah has SO MUCH animosity towards her parents. Not sure what went on there, but their marriage seems dysfunctional and I think the family enables Deb the Mom. Time will tell if Farrah’s lenient and indulgent parenting style will work out with Sophia
This is too funny!! Jenelle and Farah, neither girl can put a proper sentence together, and you find them “fairly intelligent?” LOL!! The continual ignorance of those two girls is appalling. One tells the world she’s an attorney who went to law school, and the other says she graduated from “medical school” Oh this is hilarious!!
They mean years ago. When you watch old seasons and old reunions, they don’t seem as stupid as they do now. If you watch old seasons you can actually see the decline in their thought processes and you can actually see them getting dumber and dumber. And not just them, some of the other girls too.
I recall Janelle doing well on a test of some kind & I do think she has higher intelligence than the average person. She doesn’t usually sound dumb when she is talking or explaining something & her arguments makes sense & are well said.
I’m not sure about Farrah’s mind but her personality is awful & her delusion of grandeur makes it hard to feel bad for her compared to Janelle as It’s obvious J has mental health issues & diagnosis while Farrah may just be a B & AH
I recall Janelle doing well on a test or something on the show & I realized she wasn’t stupid. I do think she has higher intelligence than the average person. She doesn’t usually sound dumb when she is talking or explaining something & if she is calm her arguments makes sense & are well said.
Idk about Farrahs intelligence – I don’t like Janelle but I do have sympathy for her mental illness but DESPISE Farrah & struggle to have compassion. Just the way she talks & acts make me dislike her & the behavior comes off like an attitude problem of someone who thinks they are better than other people (but did a porn & is lazy- looks for easiest route to make money) as opposed to DSM diagnosis
No no, she is definitely dumb as a bag of dix. Just because the only “smart” thing she ever did was to not answer the door for police, does not mean she isn’t dumb. She’s a con artist, a liar, a bed hopper & a terrible awful person.
I know in some states, proof of cheating can really fk up a divorce case. Anyone have any info on if cheating affects a divorce in NC?
Yes. It can.
It can affect amount and duration of alimony payments.
It can possibly affect custody arrangements
Since neither apply to Jenelle, as she will get nothing from David and custody is settled, for the most part.
I mean, she’s pretty much only fighting CPS for her kids at this point..
I doubt she’ll have to pay David. He’s been making his own way since he left. They need to sell that land and split the profits.
I just found this online:
Alimony – Adultery can be a factor in determining alimony payments. If the supporting spouse commits adultery, the court may award alimony to the dependent spouse.
Property division – Adultery generally doesn’t directly affect the division of marital property. However, if the adultery had an economic impact on the marriage, such as using joint funds or taking on debt, it may be considered when dividing assets and debts.
Divorce from bed and board – Adultery can be grounds for a divorce from bed and board, which may allow you to receive rulings in your favor, such as loss of inheritance rights, custody and support awards, and property division
Bottom line: IF David wanted to use Octembruary’s statement against Jenelle, he might get more spousal support, a better property division and if he wanted to, he could speed up the divorce because adultery is one of the conditions to bypass the 12 month waiting period in NC.