One day after announcing that her and Vee Torres’ Baby Mamas No Drama podcast was ending after four years, Kail Lowry revealed that she’s launching a new podcast with another familiar face from Teen Mom 2– her formerly estranged friend Becky Hayter. Kail also revealed that she reportedly has “dirt” on Vee— although she denied throwing shade at her former co-host in her post announcing BMND.
After nearly a month of Kail and Vee– the wife of Kail’s first baby daddy, Jo Rivera– recording solo episodes of BMND (sometimes joined by a friend), Kail and Vee released a final episode of their podcast this week, confirming to their listeners that it was “the end of an era.”

While the pair had been hosting the podcast together since September 2020– save for a few weeks in June 2021, during which both hosts admitted they were feuding and would be recording separately for the moment– fans had been speculating in recent weeks that something was amiss between the “baby mamas,” with some even taking to social media demanding that Vee and Kail tell them what was going on with the podcast and their relationship.
In addition to releasing the final episode of ‘BMND’– which featured both Kail and Vee, albeit separately– the hosts released respective statements on social media giving listeners a (somewhat vague) explanation behind their decision to end the podcast. (Kail managed to slip in some shade to Vee in her statement.)
Kail later took to the comment section on the TeenMom Shaderoom Facebook page insisting that Jo had “absolutely nothing to do with the decision” to end ‘BMND,’ before going on to claim that, despite what some fans speculated after reading her statement, Vee doesn’t have any “dirt” on her.
“ … actually, it’s the other way around,” Kail revealed.
Kail didn’t expound on the alleged “dirt” she has on Vee, despite both she and Vee mentioning the importance of transparency in their respective statements this week.
After Vee and Kail confirmed the end of ‘BMND,’ many fans also began to speculate that Kail had included the “see you next Tuesday” sign-off in her post as a way to throw shade at Vee by (not very subtly) calling her former co-host a “c*nt.” However, Kail went on to deny the allegation, claiming she was actually referring to “the new show launching next Tuesday.”
The following day, a trailer for Kail’s latest podcase was released on the ‘BMND’ podcast page, in which she and her former bestie Becky welcomed listeners to their new podcast, Karma & Chaos, which officially drops next Tuesday.
“ … We’ll share stories about rekindling friendships, losing loved ones, and life in our 30s, but truly nothing is off limits,” Kail says in the trailer.

“We’re keeping it real, raw and maybe a little bit too chaotic,” Becky continues, to which Kail adds, “Maybe a lot of bit chaotic. So sit back, get comfortable– or drive to work, it doesn’t matter. You’re gonna laugh with us, you’re gonna cry with us, we’re gonna figure all this s**t out together.”
Longtime fans of ‘Teen Mom 2’ may remember Becky appearing on the show years ago as one of Kail’s close friends; however, the pair’s friendship ended after a feud and they only recently began speaking again. Kail documented her and Becky’s “road to redemption” on an episode of her Barely Famous podcast earlier this month, during which the former friends revealed they hadn’t spoken to each other in five years.
Kail and Becky’s “road to redemption” also included one of Kail’s podcast tour events in Philadelphia this month, where Becky joined Kail on stage as co-host.
“Who would have thought it’s been five years since we last spoke?” Becky shared on Instagram following the event. “Damn, it feels so good to be back. I just want to thank everyone for welcoming me back with open arms– I had the time of my life last night co hosting on @kaillowry podcast tour.
“Kail, I’m so grateful for the personal growth we’ve both experienced that allowed us to reconnect,” she continued. “I can’t wait for all the fun that’s still to come. I appreciate you so much!”
Kail has since wiped the Baby Mamas No Drama Instagram account clean (except for a sponsored post featuring only Kail). On Friday, Kail also took the official Baby Mamas No Drama Facebook group and changed its name to the Karma & Chaos Podcast Facebook Group, an act that angered a lot of fans. (Instead of creating a new group for the new podcast, Kail simply converted the BMND group into a group for her new podcast with Becky, in an attempt not to lose the following she and Vee had.)
This act did not go over well with her fans, with many pointing out that Kail is trying to take for herself the following that she and Vee built together.
“It’s strange to me how you renamed this group, added a trailer on BMND podcast for this new s**t,” one person wrote. “Like Vee didn’t play 50/50 in building it? Kail you’re moving realllll funny.”
“This is such a slap in the face,” another person commented. “You CAN close pages, create a new one. Build THAT page up with those fans, not just automatically claim all these Baby [Mamas] fans as your new podcast…”
Others vowed to stop listening to all of Kail’s podcasts, due to how she has treated Vee.
“You did us baby mamas wrong,” someone wrote.
“[I] unfollowed her personal accounts and took every one of her podcasts off my Spotify,” another person commented. “Don’t have time for sh**ty people like Kail….Kail’s behavior with the new podcast shows [are] why I won’t support her anymore.”
(Photos: Instagram; Facebook; MTV)
39 Responses
How crazy fcuked up is it that Kail claims to have dirt on Vee?!?!? Come on Kail, we all know damn well you made Vee sign an NDA. How shady!!!!
I feel bad for her kids because I don’t think they have ever had a man figure in Kails home, because she cannot keep a man. Read again, in her home, not in their dads homes. She can’t even keep friends now. So she had dirt on Vee uh? She has to stay relevant for some reason. Can’t we just stop seeing this crap about her already? Geez….
Exactly she threw in that party shot because she knew it was generate a bunch of controversy. I can’t stand her, but she does this shit all the time and she gets the results that she’s looking for.
Noticed we never heard a peep out of Vee when she conceived Rio or her last two ..Vee was mum .. she didn’t tell her business or sell it to her blog.. her baby daddy did that …Kail is such a bitch for ending it with Vee on this note.
Talk about a person who has problems maintaining relationships! It’s crazy how no one ever stay in her life. The craziest thing to me is how she replaces people so fast. One for another without a second thought. She went five years without speaking with this girl and easily replaced Vee with her. She replaced baby daddies. I feel like people around her mean nothing, if she doesn’t find a need for them, they are gone! All that money and can’t find a good therapist. At this point just be alone in your misery so you don’t cause anymore turmoil in anyone else’s lives.
Is this the girl that was called Peach? Or was that a different friend?
Next time on Kail and the chaos…
Kail cheats on baby daddy number 4 with long lost friend… Becky the heckler..
Didnt these two at some point had a little more going on than just a friendship?
Kail hasn’t healed herself enough to give anybody advice. She’s not a therapist, counselor or particularly insightful.
There was recently an article about Kail in the Wall Street Journal of all publications. I guess Kail has a good publicist. There’s a paywall so I couldn’t read the article, but something about her interviewing book authors on her podcasts. MAYBE there are people listening to her podcasts? But I can’t imagine the typical Wall Street Journal reader being a Kail fan or listening to her podcasts 🤣
Right? Why is Kail in the WSJ? I’ve never heard her mention books, but I admittedly would rather shove toothpicks in my ear drums than listen to her podcast.
I am REALLY happy for Vee. I never understood how she could even get along with Kail enough to produce A podcast, let alone seasons of a podcast… She is now free of that nasty witch. To echo “Kailsfifthbaby”, Kail fails to see that there is ONE BIG reason that her relationships both friendships and romantic relationships, fail. HER! At some point, after you have gone through handfuls of people within your life, you have to look around and figure out that the one responsible for all the drama, all the chaos- is yourself. I never listened to BMND and I sure as hell won’t listen now. Who TF is this Becky?! And does she realize the miniscule amount of $ she will make, if anything, is not worth going forward with a friendship that ended five years ago?! Good lord. And also, STFU Kail- you cow! You don’t have dirt on anyone- especially Vee. She doesn’t live her life the way you do, girl. Leave it alone. Of course, Vee is classy about her exit and leaves without anything else said- leave it to Kail SMH
Why would you go back to a friend you haven’t spoken to for five years? This sounds toxic.
Oh yeah, money.
She really only uses people. It is all for her convenience.
She doesn’t have anyone else to go to, she has no friends.
Sure this podcast won’t be a money maker like one with Vee. Kail better watch or she will end up broke. Since she is no longer on teen mom she needed to keep her podcasts
So no one’s lining up to buy Kail’s ‘chaos’ tv show by the looks….
Interest in hearing what Becky says – zilch.
Look out tho Becky, this won’t last long.
Do people really want to listen to Kail or Becky talk? Like voluntarily? Hard pass for me!😬
Another avenue for Kail to talk about herself
Becky’s broke, huh?
Petty Betty strikes again. She manages to blow up every relationship or friendship she has. Vee kept her post above board, but Kail showed herself, as usual.
Kail, we know what you were doing with that cryptic message. Before even coming to the comments, I knew that was a direct jab at Vee. Keep it classy, Kail. 😒😂
You do know we’re talking About Kail here right?? This is how she ends all her relationships. On a bitter note.
I would never want to be business partners with Kail (or Farrah), they will blow up all financial relationships because of petty bs. Not a smart way to live your life.
add Janelle to that list
I’m in my mid to early to late 40’s and I have never had a feud with anyone. Why does this girl feud with everyone?
So Kail is stealing ozempic from diabetes sufferers. Typical.
Becky hasn’t aged a day.
I don’t give AFU. Anyone else give a shit about her?
I think I’d rather have a yeast infection than listen to anything this broad has to say 🥴
Never thought I would wish for a yeast infection till now. Lol!
Which “her?” Oh, yeah, it doesn’t matter.
I have to give Kail credit for scheming ways to make money, but once again, money does not buy class. She can build as many houses as she wants and make them as big as she wants, but she will never fit in with the country club crowd she so desperately wants to be a part of because she’s still trying to run from the double wide and trailer park she came from, but it’s always there. It is as much a part of her as her (natural) hair color or height.
NOPE! She is still the same old wh*re she has always been. So glad Vee broke all ties with this ugly pig. A few on another site swear Kail is a tranny, I LMAO at these stories about her.
Typical day in TM land.
✅Kail burned a bridge
✅Rhine being a useless POS to some of his kids
✅Too much to unpack with Janelle
Who asked for this?
Ok you still hate Vee after all these years.
We get it.
Does the latest kept man not contribute at all to the household?
How does she spend any time with any of the kids when she spend hours a day droning on about herself and her problems she’s caused herself?
Vee, you are such a classy lady, you will be missed. So glad to see you break away from that nasty wh*re Kail.
Kail is such a messy nasty individual. She is the common denominator of ALL her failed relationships/friendships.