Jill Duggar Dillard‘s relationship with her parents is still not in a great place.
The former Counting On star— who has been estranged from her father Jim Bob Duggar for years and has a complex relationship with her mom Michelle— recently did a Q&A session on her Instagram account. During the Q&A, Jill was asked what her relationship with her mom and dad is like today.
“Complicated,” Jill began.
As The Ashley previously reported, Jill and her husband Derick Dillard wrote a tell-all book about the Duggar Family in 2023. The book— called Counting the Cost—recounts what the Dillards say is the real story behind Jill’s family and their TV shows, 19 Kids & Counting and Counting On, with many of the stories painting Jim Bob and Michelle in a negative light. Back in January, Jill stated during a podcast interview that her parents had read her book, and that she and Derick were still “on the road to figuring things out” with Ma and Pa Duggar.
According to Jill’s Q&A on Saturday, though, things are still not where Jill would like them to be, but there has been some progress made.
“I feel like we are in a rebuilding phase now, with healthy boundaries still in place,” Jill wrote.

Jill made it seem like she is now seeing both Jim Bob and Michelle, which would be a change from where the relationship between her and her parents was back in January, when she said that, although she had seen her mom in the previous few months, she couldn’t remember when she had last seen both Jim Bob and Michelle.
Now, Jill stated that she is open to seeing her parents when her mental health allows.
“We try to hang out whenever it works well and we have the [mental] bandwidth to navigate things,” she wrote.

The slight improvement in relationship comes about six months after both Jim Bob and Michelle (and many of Jill’s siblings) showed up for a memorial service for the Isla— the daughter that Jill and Derick lost in April when she died in utero when Jill was four months pregnant. In photos posted by the couple of Isla’s memorial service, Michelle and Jim Bob were seen paying their respects, despite the fact that Jim Bob has been estranged from Jill and Derick for years.
(Photos: Amazon Prime; TLC)
18 Responses
I don’t know if you’ve just never been pregnant, are a cold person, or just a troll, but most women bond quite a bit with their unborn children, even “only” four months in. It’s completely normal to be devastated by the loss of an unborn child and mourn them in the same way you would have had they pass away a few months later.
For heaven sakes people grow up!! It was a halloween costume. What is so racist about a costume? There are more important things to worry about then a Halloween costume. Get your priorities straight.
What are you talking about exactly?
Are you talking about Derrick wearing a garbage bag and Jill wearing a garbageman’s vest, in essence labeling themselves as the “garbage” supporters of a certain manchild running for political office?
oh. I didnt see that! Makes sense. Im disappointed but sadly not shocked. And no, its not JUST a costume Mia. Says a ton about someone.
Who hurt you? Lol
There have been too many editing errors on The Ashley lately. I love the snark on this website but, check the text before clicking post. Otherwise it reads like you’re using ChatGPT and copy/pasting. A.I. is a useful tool but you still need to proofread.
A comma doesn’t go after a “but.”
What were their costumes?
Those costumes were in reference to Biden calling all Trump supporters garbage. They are not being racist at all.
Soooo what is the racist part? She dressed up like a garbage collector?
Deconstruction from a religious cult is a years long process. Not every belief will immediately change. I’m sorry I’d rather show kindness to people in deconstruction so they know those of us on the other side are welcoming and not judgemental jerks like the ones they are running from. Food for thought. Also calling her costume racist is a reach. Unintelligent and showing ignorance? Yes. Racist? No.
Down voted for asking a question? 🤣 Some of you need to take a deep, cleansing breath.
They are the PERFECT definition of Toxic Parents, IMHO, because they expect their kids, and especially their daughters and their husbands to continue to bend to their will in all things even after they are married.
If they don’t, they are ostracized and cut off from the family.
I don’t think they should have gone to the memorial service.
I’m starting to wonder if this is “Hannah” using a different name and email.
It was absolutely appropriate for them to attend. They were the Grandparents ! I have seen the worst riffs in my own family be repaired b/c we set aside differences to honor a family member’s memory & the same for weddings. One cousin excluded my family from his wedding & it still hurts to this day but since then I’ve made sure our generation didn’t continue these jealousies. The children we all had love our closeness & our differences are celebrated! Now their children can’t wait for the family reunions, etc But in the Duggar case stage parents see that live doesn’t seek its own way. When they forgive & take steps to forgive for the sake of Christ & God’s love Jim Bob will recognize his need to choose love for his family. If always bothered me how Jim Bob wouldn’t take certthings seriously nor respect advice from experts. It just wasn’t funny & sent his sons ( esp) to disrespect what a woman or an expert advised ( the whole losing weight episodes where a famous football e/trainer showed him how to properly work out & I think a Weight Watcher leader showed him nutritional advice , telling him to get rid of junk food, snacks & foods high in sugar. He made an entire joke of it w/his sons to the point of disrespect w/them ! So this man has built habits to hide his own hurts & faults. But it’s time for all sides to FORGIVE. The Bk of OROVERBS is all about seeking WISDOM. First reconcile & make peace; be willing to be taught as well as just understand. LOVE is the ultimate goal & LOVE Conqiall ! God US Love UNCONDITIONALLY or AGAPE in Hebrew . Jim Bob knows this so Gid wants him to apply it & demonstrate it. It’s healthy to agree to disagree if done out of love.