Nathan Griffith says his mother is extremely sad that his baby mama, Jenelle Evans, went back on her decision to leave their son Kaiser in her care.
As The Ashley previously reported, the former Teen Mom star took Kaiser to Tennessee in September, with the intention of letting him live with Nathan’s mom Doris Davidson “indefinitely.” Just weeks later– and a few days after Kaiser started school in Tennessee— Jenelle hopped a plane to Tennessee and brought Kaiser back to live with her in Vegas. Jenelle— who had been getting a lot of hate online for leaving her son— reportedly pulled Kaiser out of his school day and took him without Doris’ knowledge.
In a new interview with The Sun, Nathan said his mom is “heartbroken” that Jenelle snatched Kaiser back after only a few weeks of him living and thriving with her and Nathan’s family in Tennessee.
“The very instant [Jenelle pulled Kaiser out of school], the school called my mom and she was crying her eyes out,” Nathan said in an on-camera interview posted on Monday.
Nathan expressed his frustration that Jenelle had the ability to remove Kaiser the way she did.
“I said, ‘Mom, I’m sorry, I wish I could do anything.’ But you really can’t. You want to do everything you can,” he said, adding that he would need to produce “solid evidence or proof” of abuse and/or neglect (which Nathan has accused Jenelle of in an interview last week) in order to change Kaiser’s custody situation. (Jenelle currently has full custody of Kaiser.)
“I was like, ‘You can’t control what [Jenelle] does,” Nathan said he told his mom, adding that he wants her to keep a “cool, level head” and “not get involved in the media that much. ”

Nathan— who has said that Jenelle has threatened to take legal action against both him and Doris— also told The Sun that he is now worried that any contact he has with Kaiser will be cut off, due to the 10-year-old living with Jenelle in Las Vegas.
Although Nathan also currently lives in Las Vegas, he has only recently started trying to rebuild his relationship with his son. Nathan had been living in Florida, then moved to Las Vegas with his wife May Oyola. It was in Las Vegas that Nathan got arrested in 2023 and sentenced for assault after strangling his sister.
He is currently doing a court-ordered rehab treatment program and is not allowed to leave the state of Nevada without permission.

“I just hope I can stay in contact with [Kaiser],” Nathan said. “As long as I can stay in contact with him, me and him can have our father/son talks because I really think it benefits him a lot when we talk.”
In a previously published part of this interview, Nathan expressed his opinion that Jenelle had made a good decision by allowing Kaiser— who has allegedly been getting in trouble in Las Vegas— to move in with his mom.
“I thought she was making the right decision in dropping Kaiser off at my mother’s house,” Nathan said. “My mother has raised five children, being a single mother and doing what she did is better than most moms can do with raising a single child.”

Nathan told The Sun that he had hoped to try to get his probation transferred to Tennessee so he could move there and be near his son.
“This in my thought process, I thought this was the opportunity where, at the same time, I could leave Vegas or maybe get my stuff transferred to be up by my son and give him the guidance and the individual treatment and attention he needed,” Nathan said last month. “Because I think Kaiser is really seeking attention right now in some of his behaviors.”
Interestingly, Jenelle issued a statement (days before high-tailing it to Tennessee to go fetch Kaiser) stating that she thought it was a good thing for the 10-year-old to be with Nathan, Doris and their family.

In a statement to Celebuzz— the clickbait site that pays Jenelle to post random ‘Teen Mom’ stories— Jenelle said, “The reason why I wanted Kaiser to be with his father is because Kaiser is at the age where it’s important for him and his father and his father’s family to spend time with one another. Kaiser loves Nathan’s family and Nathan can also use some time with his son.”
As The Ashley previously reported, Doris herself has not done any interviews with the media since Kaiser was taken from her home by Jenelle. However, the ‘Teen Mom 2’ grandma– who frequently posts Bible chats and religious sermons on her Facebook page– recently uploaded a video of a sermon that appeared to be addressing Jenelle’s actions.
During her sermon this week, Doris acknowledged that she has been persecuted by a certain person recently. (She does not mention Jenelle by name, however.)
“These last few weeks, I’ve been through some major persecution,” Doris tells her followers in the video. “But I try to smile and go on. I pray for the ones that have hurt me. I said, ‘If God comes into their lives, if God enters their souls then, you know, that’s all I want. That would be my desire because I know they’ll be a changed person and I know they’ll live a much more content life, and not be so nasty to people. That would be my prayer for them.”
Jenelle has not responded publicly to Nathan’s latest statements.
(Photos: MTV; Instagram)
13 Responses
If I was Kaiser, at this point, I would be terrified every day that I’m just going to be randomly moved to another state again
Fuck off Nathan, you’re just as much a piece of shit as Delujenelle is. You’re both a waste of air…
Wasn’t he the guy that just bailed on Kaiser after the kid waited over an hour in the car? For a lame excuse over text.
He’s just as shitty of a parent as Jenelle.
Instead of fighting for his son’s safety, he up and ran off to be with other women.
He is the male version of Jenelle, refuses to work on himself and refuses to be single.
Those poor kids don’t have any stability. I hate much she puts the kids on tiktok, like give them privacy. She puts too much of Kaiser’s business on tiktok, especially medical and dental info. And Jace looks over it when she tries to do the happy family vids. And the men she falls for! Like GIRL JUST BE SINGLE. IT’S NOT MUSICAL CHAIRS. Reportedly the kids didn’t even want to move, they had friends and support for themselves in NC. She’s so selfish it’s just mind boggling, she will never put anyone but herself first which just insane when you have children.
The fact that this bitch went straight to the school to haul Kaiser back to Vegas, WITHOUT even informing Doris herself. And I’m not even mentioning how she traumatized Kaiser for the second time in just a few weeks. Changing his entire invorement AGAIN without preparing him, poor kid!
Right?! It makes me SO angry that instead of acting like an adult, and doing what was best for Kaiser and Doris (who agreed to take him in, in the first place- not everyone has that option!), she went behind their backs and pulled him directly from the school. It also really makes me heated that she spewed all that BS about it being good for Kaiser to be with Nathan’s family and how it’ll be good for Nathan to spend time with Kaiser. While I think Nathan is a POS too for basically not being around, you know, at LEAST he somewhat has an excuse. I lived in Hawaii near the Marine base at Kaneohe and so we knew a lot of people in the service and SO many of them came back just completely broken. Some were completely different people than they were when they entered military service. I’m not giving him an excuse- he should have gotten his shit together a LONG time ago and at least tried sobriety without the law getting involved, but it is what it is. Jenelle just keeps herself in this endless drama tornado and not only keeps her children in the cycle, but she continues to add more and more trauma to their lives. SMH. It’s sickening!
If Nathan can’t get himself together, he should at least petition the court to remove Kaiser from Jenelle and send him back to Doris. I have no idea how that works, but in situations where both parents suck, it should definitely be a legal option.
I mean, he’s on the birth certificate, right?
He didn’t sign away his rights, so, he should have some power here, yes?
I can only assume he’s scared of her for some reason. Like he was scared of David. Smh!
Oh does Nathan wish he could do something??? What an absolute asinine bullshit thing for Kaiser’s father to say. You could have done something, Nathan! You could have gotten your shit together so you could raise your son instead of abdicating responsibility to David. You could have been there for your son for the past ten years instead of beating women and drinking yourself into oblivion.
These interviews where he acts like a loving, concerned father are infuriating when he has never been there for that poor boy and is just using him now to make a quick buck.
Man, I hate these two. Kaiser had some absolutely shit luck with these two aholes for parents.
I pray that Nathan will follow through on committing to supporting Kaiser in every way that he can. That little boy needs a strong and loving father who is a daily presence in his life. Doris is a loving grandmother, but she cannot control Jenelle’s bad behavior or poor decisions. I’m just praying for the best for Kaiser.
You CAN do something, Nathan, you are his freaking father and you two are living in the same city!! Grow the f up!!
Hate is such a strong word, I don’t hate anyone, but dis bitch Jenelle. Worthless trashy foolish hoe
Shouldn’t Nathan be petitioning for rights to this child?
And fuck Jenelle’s tHrEaTs. What’s she really gonna do?
She has no job and is under CPS investigation on at least 2 kids. She’d also fail a drug test if given.
She has no leg to stand on.