Another day, another Teen Mom father in the slammer.
The Ashley can exclusively report that David Eason— the estranged husband of former Teen Mom: The Next Chapter star Jenelle Evans–spent his weekend in jail, after being arrested on Friday for violating a domestic violence restraining order that Jenelle has against him. In addition, David was also charged with trespassing. Both charges are misdemeanors.
A county court clerk confirmed to The Ashley that David was arrested on November 8th by the Pender County Sheriff’s Office and released on November 10th on a $1,000 bond set by the Magistrate to encompass both charges.
Before checking into The Clink for his 48-hour stay, David posed for a new muggie. In his latest mugshot, David appears cleaned up (for David, anyway), with his hair and beard trimmed, which is a far cry from the werewolf esthetic he had been sporting before he and Jenelle split in February.

According to court records exclusively obtained by The Ashley, both of David’s charges— which, by the way, are specifically for “Domestic Criminal Trespass,” and “Violation of a Valid Protective Order”– stem from an incident that occurred on The Land in October in which David, his girlfriend Kenleigh Heatwole and a few others came to the North Carolina property that Jenelle and David once shared. After breaking through the property’s gate, David removed a security camera on the property and tried to heist expensive tools, equipment, and motor vehicles from The Land.
David— who currently has a protective order against him from Jenelle and is, therefore, not allowed on The Land— was actually escorted by a cop, who was told he was there to supervise as David retrieved his property from the shed.
“The deputy met the group and authorized them to use a SawZall tool to cut the lock of the gate leading onto the North Carolina property,” one local source told The Ashley last month. “The deputy was under the impression that David was authorized to take the ATVs, motorcycles, dirt bikes, etc. but he was not.”

It does not appear that Jenelle has filed any charges against Kenleigh or any of the others present during the October heist, as of press time.
As The Ashley previously reported, Jenelle was back in North Carolina last week for a divorce court hearing, and likely used her time back in the state to file these new charges on David.
According to North Carolina law, David coming onto The Land like he did violated Statue 14‑134.3 for Domestic Criminal Trespass. (Although Jenelle does not currently live on The Land and, instead, is living in Las Vegas, she was awarded temporary sole use of the property at a previous court hearing, and David was not allowed to go on the property.)
@theashleysrealityroundup EXCLUSIVE! David Eason– estranged husband of Jenelle Evans— arrested for trespassing & violating protective order filed against him by Jenelle#theashleysrealityroundup #TheAshley #FYP #fypシ #RealityTV #JenelleEvans #jenelleevansdrama #teenmomthenextchapter #TeenMom2 ##DavidEason ####Teenmom ♬ original sound – The Ashley’s Reality Roundup
The law states that, “Any person who enters after being forbidden to do so or remains after being ordered to leave by the lawful occupant , upon the premises occupied by a present or former spouse or by a person with whom the person charged has lived as if married, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor if the complainant and the person charged are living apart; provided, however, that no person shall be guilty if said person enters upon the premises pursuant to a judicial order or written separation agreement which gives the person the right to enter upon said premises for the purpose of visiting with minor children.”
Kenleigh had been posting photos and videos of David over the weekend, at which time he was behind bars. On the same day that David was arrested, The Ashley posted audio of Jenelle from a previous court hearing in which the former ‘Teen Mom 2’ star claimed that, after splitting from David, she found “memory cards” from David’s phone that contained materials “related to sexual exploitation of a minor.” That same day, Kenleigh seemingly reacted to the audio being released. No charges were filed against David in relation to those claims, though.

Jenelle’s restraining order against David is due to expire this month, and a court source tells The Ashley that the ‘Teen Mom’ star will have to fly back to North Carolina to attend a hearing that’s been set to decide if her protective order against David should be renewed.
In addition, David is due in court next month to answer for these new criminal charges.
UPDATE! On Wednesday, Jenelle spoke to TMZ about filing charges on David.
“Me and [my manager-turned-boyfriend] August [Keen] flew to North Carolina recently to deal with David and his minions breaking into my home and trying to steal my motorcycles,” she said. “NC law required for me to press charges and file the police report in person. I had to see the magistrate in order for the charges to be filed. To my knowledge David was arrested because of this incident, after I pressed charges via the magistrate.”
(Photos: TikTok; Instagram; Pender County Sheriff’s Office; MTV)
65 Responses
So, it’s official. David’s new meal ticket is both crazy and dumb enough to comment (repeatedly) here. Girl, get some help. He is not the prize you have deluded yourself into thinking he is.
So ubt has been Harrested, i hope all the neglected animals that were left to fend for themselves, have been rescued.
Both J&D are scum.
Any word on the animals? How has Jenelle not been charged if she left those animals without care and moved across the country? Can someone make a welfare check to see if they are there and if they are if someone is caring for them?
I always accidentally say her name wheat-hole in my head 😂 but on a serious note, David and Jenelle both suck. This comment section is wild today. In my opinion, swap king and swamp queen are true soul mates and anyone else should just run for the hills.
“Werewolf esthetic” LMAO I am dead
Dear “My Name”
We know your name is Kenleigh.
The end.
Nope, definitely not KenLeigh and I wouldn’t touch David with a 10 foot pole they someone else was holding. Every last one of you talking to the comments like it’s her look absolutely ridiculous. I’m just someone who has a real hard life, far harder than spoiled little Jenelle, and I’m sick to death of that horrible woman getting away with everything all the time. Always too much money to handle, always has the world kissing her toes, I’m sick to death of a monster like her being deemed good just because David sucked too and is a man.
Who in The Ashely has ever claimed Jenelle was “good”? Everyone hates her and she’s gotten no free passes here. She routinely gets ripped to shreds. But defending David under the guise of calling us out for defending Jenelle (which never even happened) is pathetic.
@streets ~ exactly! swamp queen 🧟♀️ has never been ‘deemed good’ here @theashley, other than by a (very) few outliers.
not sure what ‘notkenleigh’ (aka warthole 🐗🕳️ herself) is even babbling on about. 🙄
I’m so happy about POS David spending a few days in jail lol and I’m laughing my *ss off at the stupid Kenleigh paying his bond and coming here to defend him like he’s worth a damn lmfao
How pathetic can she be? Is she so desperate for d*ck that she needs to ride this hard for a racist, violent, unemployed redneck like David? Lolol
A Vienna Sausage & light switch dick.
Among all the toxic and dysfunctional relationships and appalling parenting depicted on the show, these two stand out. They are on a path to being featured on Dateline, Snapped, Who the Bleep Did I Marry, several crime podcasts, and a Piers Morgan documentary filmed in a prison.
David screwed up. He was almost done with the OP. I guess he got wasted with those friends and couldn’t control his urge. I’m guessing the OP will be extended regardless where Jenelle lives.
The dysfunctional relationship true crime version of the EGOT 😂😂😂
Clearly Kenley and David don’t know how credit and payments work…if Jenelle has expensive items in her name that she is making payments on (such as the dirt bike), she should keep those. Any expensive marital assets are usually divided up in court.
The items David needed on a regular basis, he should have legally gone to get during the time frame he was given (which was a while ago). He did not do that, he spent his days getting drunk and high on a broken down boat and posting to social media about it.
Yes, we all know Jenelle paid for everything, but assets are technically David’s as well (due to marriage and no prenuptial).
Soooooo many of these comments are so obviously Kenleigh … it’s actually embarrassing seeing someone hop onto a snark website to convince a bunch of nobodies that her deadbeat boyfriend isn’t the dog murdering, child abusing piece of shit he is. She’ll stick around long enough for him to ruin her life and all she’s built for herself. Can’t say we didn’t warn ya
I normally doubt it when people say this, but holy crapola, this is the most obvious shit I’ve seen. “Janelle is just JEALOUS!! Because he has an AMAZING, SEXY, YOUNG, RICH, GORGEOUS girlfriend like m–Kenleigh!” Giiiiiirl get a grip 😂 We can see what you look like from the article and we know your pet hobo’s rap sheet. No one is jealous of you.
😂😂 yup.
And get pregnant. I hope her dog comes out alive.
Let’s see if kenleigh has David’s baby
and marries him w/o a prenup since she trusts him so much. I’m sure David will tell her that Jenelle trusted him enough to not force him to sign a prenup and if she trusts him as much as Jenelle, she wouldn’t either. She thinks he’s such a catch and a wonderful human being. Jenelle used to feel the same way about David, as did all of his other exes & baby mommas. Heck, Jenelle even paid all of his child support payments to his exes. Oh, and he can no longer say he doesn’t work bc Jenelle doesn’t want him to. He’s no longer with her. What’s his excuse now? Does Kenleigh not want him working, either?
Imagine living a life where all these court cases, fights etc are normal? What a sad life
Why does it seem like all these pro David comments are his girlfriend making them lmaoooo!!! Fyi David sucks and will bleed you dry
@karen ~ my thoughts exactly! the user names are sus FOR SURE, and the comments were all within a few mins of each other. like, who else would ride so hard for these trashy 🗑️ aholes?
how ‘clever’ of jennleigh warthole 🐗🕳️ and swamp king 🧟♂️.
(this is very obvi NOT support of swamp queen 🧟♀️, as my utter disdain for her is well established)
Yes. Exactly. She’s so jealous.
This is all bc he has someone new and she has… August.
Yep. Wrap this shit show up. Stop prolonging and dragging it out.
Maybe Jenelle won’t let the land or his things go because she was fully expecting to go back and play house after she proved a point to him. If so, I guess that blew up in her face. He don’t want you Delujenelle.
At her age, one would expect a mature woman who doesn’t behave like a clown. But this is Jenelle. Get a new man, leave your husband, then spend months throwing a tantrum because he is with a much better woman than you, do move across the country, still spend all your time trying to ruin his life. Sounds about right. August, you’re next. 😂😂
Now who the heck is disagreeing with these facts??
Bots bought by Jenelle herself.
Happy people do not behave this way. She’s clearly jealous and angry and is going out of her way to do anything she can to him. Just like always, Jenelle gets whatever she wants and always gets away with it. She needs to grow up. Give the man his stuff and move on with your life!
Happy people also don’t pose as people they aren’t only to defend their felon, ANIMAL killing, CHILD abusing shiny new boyfriend. You are the company you keep, young one.
She’s a snake. Hate David all you want but that stuff is as much his as it is hers. No different than how a stay at home mom is supported by a working husband. Also, from what I’ve seen, Jenelle didn’t want David to work. The way she’s spreading lies about him and being so spiteful and not allowing him to even speak to the kids, she is 100% looking like pure trash. Another vindictive woman just doing all she can to make him suffer. Jenelle is the worst.
He hasn’t paid for a thing as he doesn’t have any money, he was sponging off Jenelle their whole relationship, he didn’t work or have an income so everything at the land- she paid for and owns, he has no claim to anything. He’s trying to take things that he may have used but he didn’t pay for them, so he has no right to them.
I’m so sick of seeing these stupid comments. If they had done things traditionally, the way most (but not all) Americans do, wife stays home and husband makes the money, you’d all be singing a whole different tune. But you’re so blinded by your hatred for a man you never even met, that you throw morals out the window. Sure he looks like a bad guy but you think you look good with the vindictive and hateful mindset? Ha!
People aren’t ‘blinded by their (your) hatred for a man they’ve (you) never even met’ while throwing support for Jenelle. How odd to say if roles were reversed the public would feel differently. Very odd, indeed. Even more odd is your last sentence. You suddenly changed who you were speaking to. You went from speaking to other commenters while sometimes speaking to some else, to directly speaking to Jenelle. That’s the only way your comment reads & the only way it makes sense. You mistakenly believe that people worship Jenelle and that people hate David based on what Jenelle has said about him. Untrue. People don’t like either of them. People have seen their behavior and they’ve read the court transcripts and video evidence. They’ve been made privy to most all of the evidence. Seeing them both on video alone has shown both of their behaviors. Neither of them are liked, Kenleigh. One thing to note is that David is responsible for these crimes that he’s committed and he needs to be held accountable for them. All he has to do is follow the law and not break it. That’s not Jenelle’s fault!
I wouldn’t support chinelle, if I were one of her legs.
@moveon ~ no one needs to ‘meet’ swamp king 🧟♂️ to know he SUCKS, is trashy 🗑️ AF, a criminal, violent, a deadbeat, lazy, ugly…should i continue?
all his negative qualities are out there on full display ~ on social, on MTV, in court records…
he and swamp queen 🧟♀️ are equally despicable, and in that regard were a match made in swamp heaven. 🧟♀️🧟♂️💞
You forgot hung like a Vienna Sausage and smells.
We’ve never met Jenelle either. What a specific thing to say 🤔
Dude, you are so not able to be objective due to your emotions but lemme tell ya, the words you are using have made your identity transparent.
Move on?
Great alias.
oh my goodness, you’re a hot mess….
All of it is his! They were married. Do you people not even understand what that means? She was the income for their family. She would’ve claimed him in her taxes, she was the head of household, the provider. People talking about “none of it is his, he had no money” look so stupid and honestly, like children.
The Easons don’t file taxes. David said since 2018.
This isn’t the problem. You seem to think that David should break the law, go onto property the court has stated he cannot tread upon, and TAKE items the court hasn’t deemed he can take at this time. As a matter of fact, those who committed these crimes with him should be charged, as well. They knew David was breaking a court order going onto that property yet they still went with him, lied to the police officer, and drove onto property themselves when they had not been given permission to do so, by the only property owner allowed to be there. They were party to the illegal activity. Breaking locks, taking down a camera and loading up large & expensive equipment in which ownership had not yet been determined by the court. You cannot claim that this was legal, just bc an officer had escorted you onto the property, bc the officer only went by what he was told. He wasn’t aware of the court orders or anything involved in this case. That being said, I would file a complaint against the officer, bc he should’ve known better than to trust someone’s word who’s in the middle of a divorce. He should’ve known it was a problematic divorce bc of the way David wanted an escort and bc of the locks on the property. He should’ve checked or contacted Jenelle, and bc he didn’t, and bc he allowed the illegal activity, I’d want him fired. That’s just me.
Half is his, not all.
Wait, wast he employed when they met and she didn’t want him to work? Then he was also employed by teen mom up until like a few years ago? He also did the cooking and cleaning and raising the kids, like a typical stay at home parent? Pretty sure by law, he is just as entitled to things. Just because they stopped him from removing anything until a proper hearing could be held doesn’t mean he won’t be awarded anything. Should she keep his clothes and shoes and tooth brush too? With “she paid for it all” mentality then he should’ve walked out nude. What silly, immature people. So what if you hate him. It’s still his stuff. All your man’s better watch out cause you’re the type of broads to bleed them dry and trash their house. 😂😂
Typical stay-at-home parents don’t kill dogs in a fit of anger, eat pet goats in revenge, try to strangle children, hit a pregnant partner, etc. David is a piece shit (spits on the ground)! Jenelle is no better in many ways, but she has the law on her side in this case.
Kenleigh, you will be the next victim of this human parasite, run away while there is still time!
Like UBT uses a toothbrush 🤣🤣🤣
Unfortunately that’s not the law.
Kenleigh, girl. Get a grip. You legit sound just like every other new girlfriend of a deadbeat loser. Neither of them are worth much of anything, but you tagging into the nonsense is showing the same of you. Sorry, but it’s the truth. Seriously, do yourself a favor and walk away while you can. Don’t be that dumb little girl that believes everything that is said to you just because “But I love him”. It’s not worth it and there are better men out there than Swamp Lurch.
He does not want you back.
He has moved on.
Let him get his shit.
Put that land up for sale if you are not using it.
Exactly. I loathe the guy, but why let this go on and on? Let him get his shit and wrap as much up as possible until you can legally finalize the divorce. I think she wants to twist the knife because he’s happy and she’s not.
Exactly my thoughts too. She will keep her claws in him from Vegas cause he moved on and didn’t look back. She was probably expecting to come out on top but of course she’s the same miserable Jenelle as always. She was never expecting this outcome.
She wants to keep it as a vacation home. She literally said that.
Vacation from what, though?
Her career?
Raising her kids?
Her responsibilities?
Every bad mother needs a vacation from abusing and neglecting their kids, every narcissist needs a vacay from only caring about theirselves, every OF gal needs a vacay from posing nude in front of a camera. Didn’t you know, her life is so exhausting.
Hello David’s new gf