Jenelle Evans‘ son Jace is back at her home, nearly one month after the former Teen Mom: The Next Chapter star called 911, asking police for help after the 15-year-old ran away multiple times and destroyed items in her Las Vegas rental home.
The Sun broke the news on Wednesday— and The Ashley can confirm— that Jace is once again living with Jenelle, after spending nearly a month away from her home. (For privacy reasons, The Ashley is not revealing where Jace was during this period.) Jenelle’s manager-turned-soulmate “August Keen” confirmed to The Sun that Jace is back with Jenelle, but would not comment further.
The Ashley can reveal, however, that Jenelle picked Jace up on Monday.
“Finances played a major part in Jace coming home,” the source said.
The source also revealed that CPS is still involved in Jace’s case, and that he hasn’t been put back into school yet, although “that is the plan right now. They don’t plan to homeschool him.”
Jenelle— who never lost custody of Jace, even though he was removed from her physical care and home— will be making decisions for Jace’s future.
“The plan so far is for Jace to continue to live with Jenelle,” the source added. “This is the first time all three of Jenelle’s kids have all been under her roof in several months.”

(As The Ashley previously reported, Jace was removed from Jenelle’s home on October 20, just a day or so after Jenelle flew to Tennessee to pick up her middle son, Kaiser, whom she had left with his paternal grandmother to live. After Kaiser had been living with his grandma, Doris Davidson, for several weeks, Jenelle suddenly reversed her decision and took Kaiser home with her, much to Doris’ surprise and dismay.)
As for Jenelle’s Vegas rental home, the source said that the damage done by Jace on October 20 totaled “thousands of dollars.”
As The Ashley previously reported, Jenelle frantically called 911 to report that Jace was mad and “started smashing things” in her home. In the audio of the 911 call– which was obtained by The Ashley and posted below— Jenelle says that he had run away twice in one weekend.
@theashleysrealityroundup Audio: #TeenMom star Jenelle Evans calls 911 after her son Jace destroyed her house & ran away #TeenMom #JenelleEvans #jenelleevansdrama #JaceEvans #911 #theashleysrealityroundup #TheAshley #TeenMom2 #teenmomthenextchapter #TeenMomDrama #FYP #Exclusives #RealityTV ♬ original sound – The Ashley’s Reality Roundup
“He smashed his door, my door, a closet door,” Jenelle said. “…Now everything in my house is, like, smashed, and it keeps happening and the cops said they wouldn’t help yesterday [when Jace ran away the first time].”
Later in the call, Jenelle revealed that she believes Jace smokes weed, and that he “drinks behind my back.” She added that Jace’s alleged smoking played a part in causing their argument the day before, in addition to Jenelle confiscating his pocketknife.
“He’s mad that I took that away,” she tells the 911 operator.
It’s been a very busy month for Jenelle. As The Ashley previously reported, she flew to North Carolina last week, where she filed charges against her soon-to-be ex-husband David Eason (which resulted in him being arrested this weekend). Jenelle is also currently battling David in divorce court in North Carolina.
The Ashley will update this story when more info is available…
40 Responses
I thought it was reported before that Andrew is also involved in the CPS case with Jace & he said for like the 50th time that he wanted to be involved now after David assaulted him? So where’s Andrew now? MIA again I suppose
Maybe CPS allowed him to go back because of his age and what he told them so they can gather much needed evidence against her?
This is exactly why you don’t try to raise kids in the midst of chaos There is ALWAYS something happening over there, whether it’s with the pets, the kids, the parents, the family. All. The. Time. Jace has literally known no peace in his whole life. From Jenelle shrieking and crying at Babs and storming out to the house every day, to the constant reminder from Jenelle that Babs ‘stole’ him to the rogue’s gallery of ‘soul mates’ to the constant domestic violence between Jenelle and David, to feeling unloved and unwelcome in when Jenelle & David were together, to watching family pets being abused and slaughtered, this child has only known chaos and insecurity. He could never just enjoy being Babs little boy as she raised, he was constantly reminded that he was the cause of Babs and Jenelle’s bad relationship, that Jenelle would get custody ‘any minute’ and so he has always been in a constant state of flux—never feeling secure where he is because he’s waiting to be torn away.
Most of us knew when he was 4 years old that he would be on this path that JENELLE set him on. I would be hard-pressed to blame him if he killed someone at this point—we have seen this coming for 15 years and we know that if you treat a child like this for a long enough time, his anger will come out in horrific ways. He’s going to be very lost for a long time to come. Drugs and violence seem to be a part of his future. I feel so bad for him. How can he not lash out when everyone betrayed him?
Imagine being Jenelle and trying to tell your teenager not to smoke and drink while you were on camera at close to his age doing the same bullshit and neglecting said child.
Karma is a queen.
Ela fazia tudo isso grávida e usava heroina. Jace está melhor que ela só por não ser pai adolescente.
Let’s hope he doesn’t become a teen father 🤞🏼
Jenelle should have just stayed in NC at the swamp, finished this child’s schooling, he has to be a sophomore or junior, yes?
Sent Kaiser to Doris.
She had a stable home, she had close relatives to step in. And she may have even kept her MTV welfare.
No. She had to high tail it to Vegas where she could drink and drug and whore it up with this “”manager””, who managed to help Jenelle lose a decent source of income.
If she focused less on revenge on David, who isn’t innocent in any of this, and maybe focused on her kids for just one second, Jace may avoid going to jail, bc that’s what’s next for him.
what exactly was her “decent income”?!
The 30 seconds TM hired her back.
Yes it’s trashy and embarrassing and “uncool”, but it’s more honorable than OF.
MTV gave her a redemption storyline. She blew it.
Even Amber could fake a redemption.
Even Ryan could fake one.
Not Jenelle! She wanted to do it her way, so I suppose it’s back to making homemade p0rn.
MTV welfare giveaway money.
Cops being called back to Jenelle s in 3 2 1……I give it a week.
Couldn’t she pay for Jace’s care with her only fans money?
inpatient care and treatment is expensive even with insurance covering 80% she still needs to pay rent the 20 % the insurance doesnt and bills and stuff
We just heard how rich she is. It’s a shame she can spend her whoring Money on drugs and partying. But not use it for her child’s mental health. Hell, she buys his weed, but not mental health, care and medication to help him. Once again, fucked up priorities
These states are pay Jenelle’s bills. Period the end. She was making 6 figures a year. Let her pay, the bum thinks everyone else is supposed to raise her children.
The “system” in multiple states has failed this child miserably. My heart breaks for this young man.
Well I guess CPS in Nevada is just as bad as CPS in North Carolina. I pray for those kids!
I pray for the kids too, but no way should they have put him back in her house, when he doesn’t get his way he will destroy it more.
Nope, not here. They will take those kids quickly here. He will be back in custody within a few weeks.
Jenelle managed to ruined Jace and Kaiser’s life and she’ll probably ruin Ensley’s life as well. Now she has a 16 yo smoking weed, drinking and carrying pocket knives (while probably don’t using his prescribed medication because “she believes it’s not necessary”) and a 11 yo vaping. One of them is getting arrested soon, remember my words.
I don’t think there’s any “probably” about it; any and all children are guaranteed to be doomed if left in Jenelle’s care.
This poor kid will never escape. CPS just keeps handing him right back. There is a reason that he has run away multiple times.
It’s so sad though bc where is he going to go at this age? There aren’t a ton of people lining up to adopt a 15/16 year old boy who has a weed and alcohol habit, has a history or running away and violence/destruction, and has likely been stuck in mental health care facilities a couple times now (which can be traumatic in themselves for minors who are forced into them bc they can’t say no.)
Jenelle should have given him up as a baby. People want babies.
And Babs should’ve thought it thru when she fought for custody of him. She was not able to provide consistent care to Jace thru adulthood (knowing that at the LEAST he would be another Jenelle, but at worst he would be a Jenelle PLUS Andrew—both absolute dead beat, assholes with multiple mental health and addiction issues).
I just feel like Jace is the perfect example of how everything about how we deal with CPS cases and child-protection needs to be reevaluated.
Jace is honestly Jace’s only hope at this point…and he’s 15??? And severely traumatized. He will need to have some sort of 1) awareness that everything he’s ever experienced up to now had been toxic and screwed up, and yet, 2) somehow realize that he’s worthy of fixing it and trying to do better as a human, rather than just fall into a life of addiction and abusing others bc it’s all he’s ever known, and 3) will need to have SOMEONE, ANYONE, present themselves in his life with a blueprint for HOW to extract himself from the current situation and then do better….but every time he comes into contact with CPS or treatment, he’s pulled out before he can get better.
I’m sure there are a ton of kids stuck in step 2: realizing they don’t like where they are and that they deserve better, but having absolutely zero support or access to role models or mentors who could help them.
At this point, it’s an honest miracle if any of Jenelle’s kids end up doing even half way okay.
I have always felt bad for Jace. From the time he was a baby and was stuck listening to Jenelle and Babs yelling at each other. It never stopped, there was never a truly safe place for him to be. I cannot imagine the thoughts that run rampant in his mind.
I wish CPS had done MUCH more to truly help him. They had all the evidence of abuse they needed with film from the show. All of the yelling and screaming he was subjected to on screen. If they were willing to be filmed like that, what he endured in private has to be horrific.
I do hope he finds an adult willing to really invest time and care in him so he can have a good life as adult. He deserves it.
AND Dr. Drew didn’t give good advice. The girls like Jenelle and Kailyn acted like spoiled brats all the time. Dr. Drew dared not ever tell the way it is, or they started walking off, threatening. Just go back and watch their discussions with Dr. Drew.
As abusive and disgusting as he was, we all know UBT was the one doing any of the actual parenting. I hate to give him any credit at all, but the kids probably would have starved and sat in dirty diapers surrounded by trash when they were small if it had been up to Jenelle. The only reason they’re not being physically neglected right now is because they’re old enough to fend for themselves/each other more and I’m sure November is taking on some of it to ensure his “job” as manager/soulmate.
These poor kids have been failed by almost all the adults around them time and time again.
Sorry, this was supposed to be a reply to FlowerG at the bottom of the comments.
I also hate to say it but I totally agree. David has many faults but it seems he took on the role of caregiver to all of them, even Jenelle. Jenelle couldn’t seem to care less about the kids. It’s good for her image (she seems to think) that they are in her custody, but her caring ends there.
November, lol
So the only reason he’s back is because whoever had him couldn’t afford to take care of him?
It’s heartbreaking (although not surprising) to know that the little boys we all watched grow up is already on a bad path. I pray he can straighten up in spite of Jenelle and lead a good life.
When you’re a shitty parent, your kids learn shitty things from you
CPS Is a joke.. They seem to really enjoy leaving kids and really shitty situations. I hope harmony Montgomery’s mother does sue the c mcps for putting her in her father’s possession.And I hope that makes changes for the innocent kids to end of dead, because their parents are pieces of shit
CPS IS a joke! I cannot tell you how many times they have left a child in the care of people like Jenelle, or, worse and how many times they FAIL instead of actually help. If you look up all the times they have failed/all the children that have died due to CPS failing, it’s truly disturbing!
I feel so sorry for those children. They don’t have a fighting chance with Jenelle as their “mother” and I don’t even get why she won’t give them up. Are they a nice addition to her bank account? Cause she surely doesn’t seem to keep them because she likes being a mother. I hope they grow up and cut her out. Maybe then their lives will turn out alright.
This is ridiculous. Those poor kids have no chance in hell. 5+ parents between them all sharing 2 brain cells. Someone needs to step up and get those kids out of there.
Who are these people deciding these things? I bet if someone monitored how she raised them for 24 hours they’d all be removed immediately. Does she even spend time with them besides take them out for outings for photo ops and presents? Tell them she loves them? Play board games with them? (Didn’t she accuse Barb of not doing this?) And don’t get me started on the laundry, cooking, school drop offs!
As abusive and disgusting as he was, we all know UBT was the one doing any of the actual parenting. I hate to give him any credit at all, but the kids probably would have starved and sat in dirty diapers surrounded by trash when they were small if it had been up to Jenelle. The only reason they’re not being physically neglected right now is because they’re old enough to fend for themselves/each other more and I’m sure November is taking on some of it to ensure his “job” as manager/soulmate.
These poor kids have been failed by almost all the adults around them time and time again.
Unfortunately, I don’t think it is that they want to give him back toJenelle, but more that there is quite literally no place else for him to go. I cannot stand Jenelle, but the one advantage to the children being with her is that many people are watching.
The standard to remove a child is actually pretty high. Especially when they are older and capable of doing things for themselves. Jenelle is a totally shitty parent but she falls more into the category of neglect rather than abuse. Really only a serious beating from David or one of her soulmates or sexual abuse would get them removed at this point.
That’s the horrific part of it. The absolutely traumatized, beaten down child could possible do something like try to get themselves emancipated starting around age 16. But how many abused, beaten down, in-and-out-of-school for anything from inpatient therapy to jail (bc they fought back), have the energy, time, independence, and wherewithal to even seek out the information on how to get emancipated??
And then how many of these abused children, who are very much stuck at the age when they were first abused, are somehow “mature” enough to advocate for themselves!?
And yet, when CPS fails, as it often does, that’s the option given to teenage kids. “Prove you can support yourself with a job, and also keep up with school, and also pay all bills, and do it without assistance…and then we’ll consider it.”
How does anyone expect these abused children to somehow be fully functional and self-supporting adults at 16? And so much so that they can advocate for themselves in court (court that THEY also had to file for and start themselves…) AND financially provide for themselves during court, until they might be given government assistance as an emancipated minor?