David Eason‘s dog-shooting past is catching up with him— or, at least with his new girlfriend.
Kenleigh Heatwole— who has been dating the fired Teen Mom 2 dad since shortly after he split from Jenelle Evans— took to Instagram Stories on Thursday to defend her dog-sitting business, after a local warned other North Carolina residents not to let Kenleigh babysit their animals, due to the fact that she’s living with David, a person who admitted to shooting his family’s dog in 2019.
(As The Ashley previously told you, David was previously shacking up on his and Jenelle’s broken boat, but is now living full-time with Kenleigh, his 25-year-old girlfriend.)
On Wednesday, a North Carolina resident posted a warning on the “All Things Dogs- Wilmington NC” Facebook page, telling other locals that Kenleigh– who babysits dogs as a side job— is currently living with David, a man who publicly admitted to shooting his family’s small dog, Nugget, back in 2019. The post was reposted by the @TeenMomShadeRoom Instagram account on Wednesday.
“Beware! This sitter lives with David Eason,” the post— which also included an article about David killing Nugget in 2019— reads. “Very dangerous for your dog to be around him.”
Kenleigh responded to the post on Facebook, adding that she has very good reviews on dog-sitting sites. However, the original poster had a lot to say in response.
“The people who left the [good] reviews for you likely don’t know that your live-in boyfriend murdered a dog for snapping at a child,” the person wrote. “What happens if he is with you while you’re taking care of someone’s dog and it snaps at him? He’s obviously a loose cannon and has no business being around animals. You claim to be an animal lover yet you’re in a relationship with that POS?”
Kenleigh replied to the commenter again, writing that what they’ve posted is “untrue.”
“It amazes me every day how people who have never met someone and was not there in person to witness these allegations have the most to say,” she responded.
Kenleigh then took to her own Instagram Stories to post a message to the “Karens” who posted about her and David on the Facebook page.
“My clients (who are also my friends) are well aware of who I’m dating and have spent time getting to know who he is and still trust their dogs in my care,” Kenleigh wrote. “So good luck to the Karens posting on FB community groups. Karma is a b*tch.”
She then alluded that she was not against David’s decision to shoot the dog.
“Just because you don’t believe in a certain way of taking care of things doesn’t make it wrong or even illegal.”

Although he eventually admitted to shooting Nugget, David initially lied to police about shooting the dog. Months later, Jenelle even tried to tell authorities that she and David made up the whole dog-shooting incident for “publicity.” (No, seriously.)
David admitted to killing Nugget, and authorities launched an official investigation into the incident. The shooting of Nugget kicked off a chain of events that contributed to Jenelle being fired from ‘Teen Mom 2,’ and David and Jenelle losing temporary custody of their children.
After splitting with David in February of this year, Jenelle claimed in court paperwork that David had allegedly killed another dog recently. Jenelle stated that one of the family’s puppies died after it was run over by David while he was trying to leave their home on The Land in Jenelle’s car.
“David has an argument with Jenelle outside of house in the driveway,” the paperwork submitted by Jenelle states of the alleged incident, which she said took place in February. “David storms off, gets into Jenelle’s Toyota Sequoia to drive away without asking Jenelle’s permission, pulls out really fast, ran over a puppy, and killed it.”
Jenelle stated that David’s oldest daughter, Maryssa, witnessed the puppy’s alleged death.
David has also been accused of killing or mistreating other kinds of animals. In April 2021, David’s own daughter Ensley— who was four at the time– blurted out while David was live on social media that David had allegedly killed some of the family’s baby chicks.
“Remember you killed the baby chicks?” Ensley told her dad while his camera was rolling. “Don’t shoot them again! Then I’ll be so mad.”
David denied killing chicks several time, but Ensley stuck to her story, telling her Dad, “Yesterday you killed a baby chick.”
David then started to get angry, asking her, “Why, why would you say that?”
“Because you did!” Ensley replied
“No I did not!” David said before getting even more angry and telling his daughter, “I will smack you in the mouth!”
The video cut off after that, and Jenelle defended David soon after, writing on Instagram that it “never happened.”
(Photos: TikTok; Instagram)
33 Responses
MURDERED one dog and RAN OVER/KILLED another. Rover got no business now supporting her account long as he lives there. That’s dangerous. But glad someone put it out there to give awareness because I sure darn wouldn’t leave my pets with her regardless if I’m desperate.
All the craziness of her having a side job as a dog sitter when she lives with Nugget-Killing David aside, she should also be embarrassed that she even needs a side job so she can support a man that has no job.
*In the voice of Rochelle from ‘Everybody Hates Chris’* “I don’t need this shit, my woman’s got TWO jobs!” -David Eason, probably.
Also, if I was looking to hire a pet sitter, I would definitely want to know if the pet sitter’s boyfriend is a known animal abuser/murderer. Thank you to whoever warned the community about possible dangers to their pets.
I want to give worthole a break cus she’s only 25 but she’s not making it easy. Why do these girls have no one in their life to shake some GD sense in them!!
Worthole, Run! He’s going to ruin your life!
It’s literally Jenelle 2.0!
She just keeps getting better and better with her crazy antics when it comes to David haha.
“It amazes me every day how people who have never met someone and was not there in person to witness these allegations have the most to say,”
So Kenleigh…were YOU there? Tell us, what did we miss?
How is Kenleigh having a side gig of watching dogs just now coming out? I do not care how good of friend I have, if they are dating someone (male or female) who killed any animal, my animal(s) are never going to share space with that person. I would rather lose a friend than be wrong and my animal pays the price for it. Also is there any proof Jenelle wasn’t the one who posted that to the dog group lol
So because she thinks it’s not illegal where she lives it’s just OK. Killing a dog is illegal in many states, and should be every state. As a professional pet sitter myself, this is an abhorrible statement to make, let alone doing it publicly. Don’t worry girl, soon you’ll have a lot more time on your hands to spend with your man-child swamp baby.
Wait, is her last name really Heatwole?! oy…. that’s gotta be hard
I like how she claims that none of us were there to witness what happened as if she has special knowledge. What he did is public information and she wasn’t there either. She has deluded herself into thinking that she knows “the real David” and it’s just pathetic. I’m also not sure I would classify shooting a dog as just a different way of “taking care of animals.” He will destroy her life and it’s already started.
Boy he knows just the right type of female to pick, doesn’t he? Isn’t it amazing to see that she is defending him the exact same way that Jenelle did (over and over and over again). David will destroy her (at minimum via emotional manipulation), her sources of income are in jeopardy because of her defense of him, and she has only started to face the wrath of people who have zero tolerance of his shenanigans. The fans of the show know him a lot better than she does. If she stays with him (& she will, we’ve all seen this play out before), that girl is in for a long, exhausting, stressful road ahead. She’s been warned about him, her choice to continue to enable & justify his behavior = no sympathy for her.
Lesson 1: If you are aware that someone is dangerous, definitely decline all invitations to bring fuel to their houseboat. Trust your intuition. You do not owe anyone niceness! This goes especially to girls bc we are raised to Be Nice! at all expense instead of protecting ourselves.
Lesson 2: When two people are in conflict, there is not always a “good” side and a “bad” one. Both can be bad, like with David and Jenelle.
Lesson 3: Jealousy is not cute. It’s a sign of insecurities. No one is anyone’s possession.
I just feel sorry for this girl, throwing away her future for David. I know she’s not a kid anymore but early 20s is still young. Girl, you can do anything, you can be anything. You know that something is off. Listen to your gut! The moment that she asks for space or to slow down, his ego is going to come out and I am scared for her. I think she has very low self confidence given that she thinks jealousy is “cute.” I have had friends in this same situation and it never ends well for them.
It’s amazing how Jenelle and David bring everyone else down with them. The kids are now getting in trouble. God knows what their families have been through, I’m sure Barbara could write a book and Jenelle’s sister could too. There were friends that got caught up in the mix, like Jenelle’s gay friend that ended up in some kind of altercation with David while trying to protect Jenelle from him… And now there’s this girl, who doesn’t seem particularly bright but also doesn’t seem like a bad person. I think she believes that all the stuff we’ve seen come out about David is hyperbolic and that she knows the real truth. Versus Jenelle who witnessed the real truth and still chose to lie to herself and others about what happened. I believe that once Kenleigh witnesses one of David’s outbursts, she will leave. I give it 3 – 4 months unless she gets pregnant.
100% Everything you posted
She’s willing to sacrifice her reputation and now livelihood for Lurch?!
Maryssa…where is she these days? I’d almost forgotten about that poor girl. Is she 18 yet? Is she living with her mother again? I was never sure of the story behind her mother and how she ended up with David…
Maryssa is 17 years old and just graduated early from high school and is taking college courses. She lives with her mother’s parents.
There was a post on the TM subreddit if you want to see David’s post about this, where he plays the proud dad to his followers.
Clearly she’s not a true animal lover as she wouldn’t have gave that monster the time of day.
Her business needs taking off her as no animal is safe near him and clearly not safe near her either.
Seems the monster as found some other delusional female to step in janelles shoes.
English much?
English is a second language to some people. Should try to think about that.
And the only actual typo was “as” for “has,” in the original comment. I had no trouble following it.
“…business needs taking off her…” is fine in English. It’s either a Midwestern or very British way of saying “her business should be taken away from her.” It’s like how some people say “the kitchen needs cleaned…” it’s just regional.
Thank you Amy Too and Ya mum
I always struggled with spelling since I was young
Also I’m from England UK and like you said Amy too that’s actually how I say it.
Thank you both for defending me
We British would not say ( business needs taking off her) we would say, she should lose her business.
Condescending arsehole much?
IF it was an isolated incident and we had few details… sure, her statement makes sense… we weren’t there, weren’t involved, blah blah.
We have too many details.
His continual extreme violence, his penchant for anger and pulling weapons on people for very little. The sheer number of assaults. Jail time or not.
Then… the amount of animal incidents he’s known for.
The ones he isn’t.
I mean, there are quite a few dogs and other animals that have gone missing without stories, some who’s stories don’t make sense…
I could be her client and meet him. He could be charming, disarming, and completely put me at ease. Like, just, totally whatever she’s claiming.
I still could never leave my dog with her again.
That’s like leaving my 3,000 page rap sheet family member alone in my friends house with pills, car keys, and emergency cash unsecured, in charge of a difficult baby. (All things he’s had run ins about)
Is he a changed person, sure… but, it’d still be risky and irresponsible.
How someone can’t understand that logic and lash out at people who see the obvious issue…and feel concerned for others is beyond me.
Even though his rage and anger is directed only at Janelle, seemingly justified as he’s being victimized by a crazy woman,and she’s not seeing the instability otherwise…
Come on, now.
Not to mention,
She’s not “aware” of the issue and professional, assuring etc.
She’s excusing, minimizing, and lashing out at people who are rightly concerned, (aggitating, they are acting sure, it affects business) and as a client, that would make me uncomfortable, too.
It doesn’t show she’s taking legitimate concerns seriously.
* His propensity for filling the streets with upper cuts.
He shot one puppy and ran another over! WTF!? Even if Kenleigh was the bestest dog sitter ever, I would NEVER be okay leaving my pet with her ever again now that David lives in! She can be normal and good, but her BF is obviously a manipulative psychopath. Sometimes the psychopaths get their claws into a vulnerable normie, it’s the highest level of pay off for a creepy psychopath if they can get a “normie” to support them. They then get access to all that person’s contacts. She COULD just be the vulnerable normie….
But shooting Nugget on purpose to kill that poor puppy was its own whole sort of evil!
And even if I “trusted” Kensleigh (I keep typing her name different each time bc it’s such a “trajedeigh”) about that…. David ran over ANOTHER puppy he wasn’t even “protecting” anyone from just by being the sort of asshole that is in such a volatile relationship that he just slams a vehicle (not even belonging to him) into reverse and peels out, running over and killing whatever is in his way!
I don’t even want to say “this time it was a pupppy…but next time it could be a child,” bc killing a puppy because you were more focused on giving your partner a show of your manipulative, performative, rage-leaving, is horrific on its own!!! Especially when it was just for show! What TF did that puppy do to “deserve it” like you claimed Nugget did!?
And the second dog definitely could’ve been a child. He either didn’t see behind him, didn’t care if he killed, or saw and intentionally continued on to kill the puppy. This time it was a puppy that he didn’t even have the slightest alibi for. There was no “it was attacking a child so I had to murder it for defense.” This was just full on murder.
If I’m someone who is hiring Kenleigh to be my dog-sitter….I am 100% not at all so invested in HER so much that I’m willing to risk my dog’s life with her new swamp king, multi-dog-murdering, BF. At least two dogs have died at his hands! Not like “oh two dogs lived to old age and then were put down when they were super old to alleviate their suffering.” No. He murdered 2 puppies!
And if I remember right, he used chicks for target practice (He told Ensley he’d beat her if she said if again on the live he was doing), and he’s eaten the family goat in a pretty vindictive way.
The puppy he shot ( David tortured the poor little mite first)
Stay offline about him.
Don’t post these rebuttals, these defenses, the arguing back and forth about things we all know for a FACT, the “you don’t know the truth”.. just go ahead and make all that stop. You will not win that fight. Not even once.
Good, I hope she loses business due to this! It’s like the expression says, if you lay with the dogs, you get fleas! If you wanna be dumb/naive with him, that’s on you, but don’t expose poor dogs to possible harm!
1. Yes, karma is a b*tch and you’ll experience that soon enough.
2. Shooting a dog is very much illegal. Mistreating animals is also illegal.
3. Being so desperate for d*ck that you need to cling to that swamp, unemployed redneck is beyond pathetic.
How does that ogre David get so many delusional chicks when he looks and acts like a swamp creature.
“It’s not illegal.” It is where I live. Killing an animal means jail time. The only time you can shoot a dog is if the dog is chasing deer. Which I’ve never heard of anyone shooting one in the 35 years I’ve lived here for that. I wonder what goes on in this girls head. She is so not right mentally. Sometimes I do wonder if she’s a sycophant.