Sunday’s episode of Sister Wives followed along as Christine Brown and then-boyfriend (now husband) David Woolley took the next step in their relationship– one that led Christine’s daughter Ysabel Brown to share her concerns about the new family dynamic and how it could impact her relationship with her dad, Kody Brown.
During the episode, Ysabel spoke to her mom about the reservations she has due to how quickly Christine and David’s relationship is moving.
While the 21 year-old– who, along with some of her siblings, has expressed similar concerns this season– told her mom she approves of David, as well as the couple’s relationship, she also acknowledged all the changes that are happening.

“Having met David, there’s so much change happening,” Ysabel told viewers. “[My mom] is also changing a little bit, but only for the better.”
Viewers then saw Ysabel ask her mom if she was sure that she and David were “going to last,” to which Christine replied, “yes,” before assuring Ysabel that she plans to be with David “for the rest of my life.”
As the conversation continued, Ysabel opened up to Christine about David possibly trying to replace Kody, however, Christine reassured her daughter that David– or anyone else, for that matter– would never try to take the place of her father.

“ … If you need a dad figure, or a father figure, or someone like that, [David will] be whatever you need,” Christine continued, later adding, “ … I’ve always wanted you guys to have a great relationship with your dad. A great one. So, David coming in, all that does is [give you] someone else to love. But replacing [your] dad? No.”
Ysabel proceeded tell viewers that even though she loves seeing her mom with David, she fears that her own connection with David will have a negative impact on her relationship with Kody, who is estranged from many of his children.
“I worry that my dad, and the chance of having a really close relationship with my dad, is slowly going away,” Ysabel said. “ … So I’m worried that my relationship with my father will be desolate and will not exist anymore … .”

Christine told viewers that, while Ysabel wants a dad “big time,” she “wants HER dad.” Still, Ysabel agreed with Christine on Sunday’s episode that David will be a great stepdad before going on to compliment David’s relationship with his own children.
“David, he comes off as, like, a very present dad with his children,” Ysabel said. “So, I mean, how lovely would that be, right?
“I would love to have a relationship that is as amazing with my own father,” she added.
New episodes of ‘Sister Wives’ air Sundays on TLC.
(Photos: TLC; Instagram)
14 Responses
This moment was heartbreaking. Just that line: “David, he comes off as a very present dad with his children … how lovely would that be?” All she wants is a father who wants her back. And she doesn’t have that. As someone who was raised by neglectful parents who could never muster a sh*t to give, I relate.
At this point, the kids are all adults. Its up to Kody to have a relationship with his kids. If Christine getting remarried makes Kody refuse to see his kids, that’s not Christine’s fault, that’s not David’s fault, that’s not the kids fault.
The kids can only reach out so much, I don’t care how old your kids are, it’s ALWAYS the parent’s responsibility to keep the relationship.
I feel like Ysobel, would literally be so happy if Kody just texted her once a month and met up with her for coffee once every 2 to 3 months. That’s just so sad.
Honestly, I like David. He seems like a very good guy not only to Christine, but to all the kids. I completely understand wanting your own dad, but I would love to see Ysabel give David more of a chance to be a father figure that WANTS to be. Kody doesn’t seem the least interested which is sad and she, and all of the kids, deserve so much more. It’s Kody’s loss if David WANTS to step in and be supportive and loving and… present! And if Kody wants to be a crybaby and wants to be mad about Ysabel or any of the kids having a relationship with David then he’s just who he’s always been- a selfish prick. To be honest, when Christine was with Kody- I could not stand her. Because you could tell she was miserable. I think she has completely changed for the better with David and I’m honestly happy for her.
I really wish they would put an end to Sister Wives. I feel for Kody, Janelle, Christine and Meri’s children. They were not given a choice of being put before the public as children and made to show how polygamy is just so wonderful. All those mothers, so called siblings and one father. Ridiculous. I feel sorry of Ysabel and Truely the most. Christine and her big mouth gets on my nerves. She simply cannot mind her own business. Whatever Janelle and Meri do is none of her business. Kody is a nut case plain and simple. He may have Robyn’s kids snowed for now but reality will hit them when he turns his back on them. Robyn is in it for whatever material wealth she can get. As far as her ridiculous dream of her and the other women sitting on the porch in their old age, grow up. Hell she would not even allow them in her house! Ysabel needs to face some strong truths. Her father will never change and hurtful as it is she needs to move on. As for Christine and David, good luck. Too fast, too soon and no respect for his kids or her kids feelings.
How incredibly sad that she has to worry about her dad being a jealous man child and distancing himself if she gets close to her stepfather. I know very little about David, but I hope he treats Christine’s kids like his own and is the dad they deserve because Kody clearly isn’t.
Christina and Jenelle have said over and over again that they want their kids to have a good relationship with their dad. Yet Kody says he doesn’t have a good relationship with his kids because of their moms. It’s such a mess and so sad. It’s heartbreaking to watch a man have so many kids and then just check out on being a father to most of them because he found a new wife and only cares about their relationship.
He just didn’t finish his sentence. He meant to say “I don’t have a good relationship with my kids because of their moms….. not being Robyn. It’s because their moms aren’t Robyn.”
Kody should be ashamed of himself. Ysabel has always longed for a close relationship with Kody. When she had major surgery Kody wouldn’t climb out of Robyn’s ass long enough to be there for Ysabel. Then he had the audacity to say that Christine shouldn’t go either and if Ysabel had to have the surgery then she should go alone. Christine went anyway.
Kody’s estrangement to all of his kids are HIS choices and HIS doings. His kids have expressed how they want to be close to him. Sadly I don’t think it will happen. And I think Ysabel also knows that Kody was like this before David was even a thought on the radar. But admitting that will hurt her more.
Kody is not my favourite human, but please be truthful about what happened…that was in the middle of a RAGING PANDEMIC that was going on (and still is, but we’ll pretend it’s over). And I too would have tried to talk my kid or loved one out of flying across the country to get surgery during that time as people around me were getting sick and/or dying from Covid. Flying and being in the hospital, were both huge risks to health at that point. Yes I know Ysabel was suffering, and Christine was concerned about her health, so I get it, but Kody was concerned about her health too, just in a different way. To blame Robyn for that is unfair, Kody was being super cautious about Covid. Good for him. Made me respect him a bit and see him do something right. Trust me, after you’ve watched loved ones die from Covid or struggle with disabling Long Covid, it gives you a different perspective.
He went to a fucking wedding literally at the same time as her surgery.
This must be Robin or Cody no person in there right mind would defend 2 piece of shits like Robin or Cody
If you don’t have a relationship with your dad is because he’s a POS, not because of something you, your mom or David did. Kody wouldn’t even be bothered to be there for you when you had that major surgery. He doesn’t really love any of his kids and that’s 100% his fault.
When Robyn was engaged and sometimes living in sin with Kody she had her kids call Kody dad and referred to him as dad. No wonder Ysabel is confused as to what would be expected. They were all wrong to do that to Robyn’s older kids and their dad. Kody could be a step dad and consider the kids as if full dad and the kids all consider them full siblings with the adoption. Without the parental alienation. Robyn talks of her bio dad and her not having a good relationship. The same thing when she grew up most likely. So Ysabel saw Aurora having to call Kody dad and not being able to really see her own dad and wondered the same. She does not have a partner and kids and when she left her parents not split up. Her mom was on the shelf. She also heard the surgery was the breaking point so probably has some extra concerns her name brought up.
Yeah, I think that’s a good point.
We saw that Robyn had the family portrait of Christine’s kids photoshopped to put her kids in, which was just so Michael Scott of her. So weird. just get your own portrait taken.
We saw the lengths that Robyn and Kody went to, to push Robyn’s bio father out of the picture, even though the kids did want a relationship with him, and Dayton, wasn’t happy with what she was doing.
So of course Christine’s girls are confused.