From addressing their baby mama battles to addressing fans for the first time in years, it’s been a busy week for the stars/former stars of the Teen Mom franchise! In an effort to bring you up-to-date on the latest Teen Mom: The Next Chapter, Teen Mom: Young & Pregnant and Teen Mom 2 news, The Ashley brings you the Teen Mom News Pile.
Here are some of the major (and minor but interesting) ‘Teen Mom’-related things that happened over the last week or so…
Amanda Conner says she wants to improve her relationship with Ryan Edwards’ ex Mackenzie; Mack responds

Amanda is about to become Ryan Edwards’ third baby mama, and, during a recent TikTok Live, she claimed that she hopes to end her feud with Ryan’s second baby mama (and ex-wife) Mackenzie Standifer.
Amanda— who will expel the newest Spawn of Ryan in February—does not have a good relationship with the current Mrs. Ryan Edwards. (As The Ashley previously told you, Amanda and Ryan are seemingly engaged, but can’t marry because Ryan and Mackenzie’s divorce isn’t finalized yet.) Over the past few months, Amanda and Mack have sparred online— and off— with Mackenzie even forbidding Amanda from being around Jagger and Stella, the kids Mackenzie shares with Ryan.
During her Live, Amanda addressed Mackenzie banning her from being around her kids.
@chaos_on_tiktok I hope mack’s kids can start joining amanda and ryans life again #amandaconnor #ryanedwards #macibookout #teenmom #teenmomog #mackenzieedwards #coparenting ♬ original sound – Chaos_On_TikTok
“She may really be worried for their safety like she said,” Amanda stated. “But I don’t think it’s that.”
(Amanda, like Ryan, is a recovering addict and has a long history of arrests and trouble with the law.)
“If it is [that she fears for their safety around me], then time and consistency will show that, hopefully,” Amanda said, before telling her fans to give Mack “the benefit of the doubt.”
“Pray, pray pray,” Amanda said of her relationship with Mack improving.
“I would never, ever talk bad about her to her own kids,” Amanda added. “I would never, that is not me. I would never do that.”

While Mackenzie doesn’t seem to be thrilled with the news that Ryan is procreating once again (given that, according to Mack, Ryan hasn’t been taking care of their two kids financially), Amanda claimed that Ryan’s oldest son, Bentley, is really excited and supportive of the new baby.
Amanda’s Live was screen-recorded and posted by the TikTok account @Chaos_on_TikTok and that video apparently made its way to Mackenzie. She gave her opinion on Amanda’s statements in that video’s comment section.
“Is this a mf joke?” Mack wrote, before revealing in another comment that the video surfaced on her FYP page.
When someone wrote to Mackenzie that fans stopped liking her when she let Ryan drive high to their wedding years ago, Mackenzie gave her opinion on that as well.
“I could care FKN less,” she wrote. “That life is deader than a doornail. Just stop talking about my kids and myself. It’s weird.”
Mack also replied to someone who asked fans to stop being mean to Mackenzie because she’s hurting and angry at Ryan.
“I’m not angry nor am I hurting lol I’m just being a good mother,” she wrote.
“A good mother doesn’t keep their children from a loving father!” someone responded.
“You’re right, we don’t lol!” Mack smacked back.

Corey Simms posts another adorable ‘Dadding” video about raising teenage daughters

Corey continues to light up TikTok with his too-cute “dadding” videos.
The (first) ex-husband of Leah Messer joined the social media platform a few months ago and, since then, has been letting fans into his life as a dad of three daughters. (In addition to the almost-15-year-old twins he shares with Leah, he also has daughter Remi with his wife Miranda.)
In Corey’s most-recent video, he (adorably) finds out that his daughters Aleeah and Ali aren’t putting cartoon toys on their Christmas lists like he thought.
“So the girls told me that they like Lululemon and that’s what they would like for Christmas,” Corey says. “I was like, ‘OK, that’s cool. That’s probably really cheap. It’s like a cartoon, I think.”
Poor Corey says he was shocked to find out that Lululemon is not a cartoon and is, in fact, a very pricey line of activewear.

“So I get on there and I Google search it and it pops up and I was like, ‘Whoa this is not a cartoon! This is not what I thought it was!’ But, anyway, here we are with some teenage daughters who have some very bougie tastes! So pray for me this Christmas and my bank account!”
You can watch Corey’s video below!
@csimms52Tis the season aye ?♬ original sound – csimms52
Amber Portwood Resurfaces on TikTok Live After a Two-Year Social Media Break; Addresses Next Season of Show

It’s been two years since Amber last moseyed off her trusty LazyBoy and burned up The Interwebs with one of her signature social media Live sessions, but on Wednesday, Ambie gave her fans a pre-Thanksgiving Day treat by hopping on a random TikTok account and going Live.
As ‘Teen Mom’ fans know, Amber’s past Lives were legendary. From the time she screamed at Jenelle Evans while wearing a kimono, to the day she hopped on to insult Gary Shirley’s wife Kristina and call her homewrecker (among other things), Amber has made it a habit of using the Interwebs to get her frustrations out.
This time, however, Amber was happy— even jolly!— and thanking her fans for standing by her, even though she hadn’t been online in years.
(While Amber hadn’t done Lives in more than two years, she did do an online interview earlier this year when her then-fiancé Gary “Gary 2.0” Wayt was missing. That interview was on YouTube, however.)
During her TikTok Live on Wednesday, a healthy looking Ambie answered questions (in between doing TikTok “battles” with a bunch of randos, one of whom just kept yelling “SNIPE!” and Amber had to prove that she was crying from feeling his love. Or something. I have no idea.)

She stated that she is currently single and “genuinely happy.”
Amber mentioned that she’s “a lot more calm these days.”

Amber then mentioned that she took a “break off the show, twice” but that she will be “back” for the next season of ‘Next Chapter.’ (As The Ashley previously reported, Amber and her ex Gary have been filming recently, with the topic of Amber paying— or not paying— child support for their daughter Leah being a topic of discussion.)
While Amber refused to answer any comments regarding the Gary/child support situation, she did mention that the next season of the show will “be a little different.”
“You guys will see, but it’s a good thing,” she said.
Former ‘Young & Pregnant’ Star Lexi Tatman Tells Show’s Fans to Leave Her Alone

Lexi Tatman— who starred on the first season of ‘Young & Pregnant’ before getting the boot for being “too boring”— has had it with the show’s overly critical fans.
The Season 1 star hit Instagram Stories earlier this week to rant about fans who criticize her and her relationship with her baby daddy-turned-husband Kyler Lopez. (As fans may remember, Lexi and Kyler filmed the arrival of their first son, Tobias, for ‘Young & Pregnant.’ After leaving the show, they went on to have a second son named Jay in 2019, and got married in September 2022.)
Lexi basically pulled a “Jenelle” and ordered everyone to “leave me aloooooooone!”

“I’m done with y’all,” Lexi wrote. “I’m done telling y’all what my relationship is constantly. The negativity is astronomically overwhelming.”
Lexi went on to write that fans don’t like Kyler due to things he did and said on ‘Young & Pregnant’ years ago. (She hasn’t appeared on the show since 2019, by the way.)
“It’s amazing how much of your time you waste to just tell me how much YOU don’t like him, things you saw on TV vs the person who lived it,” she wrote. “I can’t fathom why a relationship bothers you guys so much it is literally insane. I’m not trying to stay relevant, just showing my life after the show but I’m DONE.
“Y’all go ahead and just keep watching from a show 2017-2018,” Lexi continued. “I’m living in the now, happy with my life and my amazing husband.”

Lexi added that she understands that putting her life on the Internet can lead to criticism, but stated that the things said by over-critical fans affect her.
“It is so mentally and emotionally exhausting to come onto Instagram anymore,” she wrote. “70% of the comments I get are negative and it’s literally exhausting….I did not sign up to get the constant hate.”
A gander at both Lexi and Kyler’s most-recent Instagram posts do, indeed, contain a surprising amount of hateful comments in the comment section. In the comments of a post Lexi made to celebrate her and Kyler’s second wedding anniversary, many fans called her out for marrying a man who treated her so poorly on the show.
“Unless the producers FORCED him to emotionally abuse you, no amount of editing could make this relationship okay,” one person wrote. “And if producers can force your partner to abuse you, that’s just as bad.”
“I would be so embarrassed to post this,” another person commented. “But I guess it’s been her reality for so long she’s been brainwashed to think that it’s normal.”
To catch up on more recent ‘Teen Mom’ news, click here!
(Photos: TikTok; Instgram; MTV)
16 Responses
All y’all defending Mackenzie are so gross! Mack bullied Maci for years & now she’s getting her well deserved payback! Some of y’all need to accept the fact that EVERYONE has a past & people change! Yes Ryan & Amanda both have a past filled with drugs & being irresponsible parents. But that doesn’t mean people can’t change! Obviously that judge saw the change in Amanda or they wouldn’t have given her custody of her son back! I hate to see what all y’all have done in your past but wanna sit here & judge other people all day! I personally think Ryan & Amanda are doing AMAZING! And they bring out the best versions of each other! Mack is jealous that Amanda brings the best out of Ryan & she got the worst version of him bc all she was there for was the money and fame clout she was so desperate to get from him! Y’all keep feeling sorry for Mack. While Ryan & Amanda are thriving & not bothered by her clout chasing a$$!
Hahahaha ok, Amanda. Just a few weeks ago, you dressed up as Mack for Halloween so it sounds like you are plenty bothered 😂.
Mack made her mistakes, but you’re ripping her for “bullying” Maci years ago while glossing over Ryan and Amanda still acting like immature clowns now? Ok, sure.
Mackenzie and Amanda are both feeding into this drama. They’ve gone back and forth for months. One of them makes a video or a snarky post and the other is immediately in the comments responding. It’s ridiculous and it’s all over a washed junkie who is almost 40 but still relies on Mommy and Daddy for everything. What a prize.
So she dresses up as Mack for Halloween to mock her, but just a few weeks later, she’s claiming that she wants to have a good relationship and would never say anything bad about her to the kids?? I’m no Mack fan, but “Is this a joke?” was the right response. Why would Mack trust her ex’s girlfriend when she can even trust her ex to care about his kids?
Don’t have to buy your kids bougie items just because they asked and you have the money. Setting them up for using you to fund their expensive tastes lol
From what I have seen Amanda is the one who started the drama with Mackenzie. It 100% was a case of new girlfriend jealous of the estranged wife. Mackenzie has a right to be angry at Ryan after he destroyed her and her children’s home and all their belongings. Went to rehab and then shows up again with a new girlfriend from the rehab and everyone lets him off the hook for hurting and abandoning their children and pretending like none of it happened. What kind of father breaks all his kids toys and then abandons them and doesn’t even pay child support? But yeah, good luck with your redo baby Amanda. Mackenzie and her kids don’t owe Amanda or Ryan anything. If Amanda is serious about wanting to make peace then she needs to apologize and stop bringing up Mackenzie’s name and get her loser fiancé to pay child support and act like an actual father.
It’s obvious that Mack is jealous of Amanda. She probably wishes she got the “sober Ryan” instead of the train wreck. Also, I always suspected that Mack got a little high too. Don’t let her clean cut image fool ya. Sometimes, partners join their addicted spouse so they can relate.
Amanda is clearly the jealous one. She’s as transparent as glass.
Your constant shilling for Amanda lays it on just a bit too thick.
Y’all need to back off Lexi, she’s living her best mom life, her best life with Kyler…what Y’all mad cuz she don’t do y’alls drama? Keep doing u Lexi!
If Amanda does really want to mend the relationship, she needs to apologize to Mack privately and not only vow to change/stop with internet drama but also show changes. If she could try to help Ryan see his actually kids that may help too! Definitely not a Mack fan at all, but I don’t blame her for being mad. Being targeted online and having a deadbeat ex who doesn’t see his kids? Granted if you marry a guy high off his mind you shouldn’t expect a good outcome (please note I’m not saying she deserved everything that happened to her….but red flags are red flags). It’s kind of like Amanda treats her how she treated Maci, to an extent. Anyway, for the kids sake everyone needs to grow up and act like adults and keep drama offline, especially when you’re in the public eye.
Oh Ambien, happy today, yielding machetes tomorrow. Maybe focus on having a stable relationship with your children for once? And support them financially? Just a thought.
Could you imagine if Ryan and Ambien had a kid? Poor kid
Yeah, I wonder why Mack has a problem with Rhine and Rhine’s new girlfriend.
Oh, and maybe the reason the Mack wants nothing to do with Amanda…. Amanda is currently pregnant with Rhine’s baby while Rhine is still legally married to Mack and doesn’t even take care of his kids that are already on this planet. But let’s have Amanda do more of those videos bashing Mack and saying she’s the problem. 🙄🙄🙄🙄. But don’t worry, she won’t say any of that stuff to her kids. 🙄🙄🙄🙄
I find Mack annoying, but FFS, I don’t blame any parent who doesn’t want their kids around drug addicts, who have along criminal history, and are barely out of jail for like a year. She doesn’t know this woman, and the only things she does know is the videos of Amanda bashing her online, oh and her criminal history. Amanda just got custody back of her own child this week, so if the courts didn’t think Amanda was safe around her kid until like a week ago, then why is she surprised that Mack doesn’t trust her.
I mean if Kyler could smile and look like he is into Lexi a little, it might help?
At least Amanda didn’t write Mack a letter blaming Maci….
“I would never, ever talk bad about her to her own kids,” Amanda added. “I would never, that is not me. I would never do that.”
Of course Amanda, you just talk shit about her to the whole damn internet, not no her kids’ face.
Just stfu and try to make up to the kid you abandoned because you are a junkie and a felon
Seriously. She dressed up like Mack for Halloween in the pettiest, most disgusting of moves that a 6 year old would look bad doing.
And she expects Mack to be comfortable having her kids around this person?! Amanda, you do not even have the basic level of human decency to not DRESS UP LIKE YOUR BOYFRIEND’S EX for Halloween. You are a fucking fool. Shut the fuck up. Stop talking, and start doing. Words mean nothing.