Jenelle Evans and her manager-turned-soulmate “August Keen” hit TikTok Live on Monday night to answer questions, show off their pricey Vegas hotel room and brag about how much money they have.
No, seriously.
The Teen Mom star’s lip-ring-wearing lover also addressed nay-sayers who have accused him of only dating Jenelle for her money. Jenelle also dodged questions from the show’s fans as to why she is no longer filming. (As The Ashley previously told you, Jenelle was basically let go— again!— from the MTV reality show after her “redemption arc” didn’t quite play out as the show’s producers had hoped.)
Here, The Ashley breaks down all of the ridiculousness revealed during “August” and Jenelle’s TikTok Live sesh, which, based on what they said, took place at a hotel room in Vegas where “August” (real name: Daniel Miranda) was going to shoot content for Jenelle’s OnlyFans page.
On whether “August” and Jenelle will get married:

August—whom Jenelle insisted was just her manager and friend until The Ashley exposed their romantic relationship earlier this year— answered fans’ questions about whether or not he plans to pop the question to Jenelle.
“I’m not going to propose to Jenelle,” he told one person on the Live. “We spoke about that and it won’t be any time soon. We’re mature people.
“Jenelle just got out of a marriage, and she ain’t trying to get married and neither am I,” “August” insisted.
(As fans know, Jenelle is separated from her husband David Eason, but they are still legally married and will be until at least February of next year. They are currently in the middle of nasty divorce and custody proceedings.)
“August” said he might make Jenelle his bride at some point, though.
“Maybe in about five years,” he said.

Back in July, Jenelle— who already has one divorce under her belt thanks to her short-lived marriage to Courtland Rogers— was asked during an Instagram Q&A session if she will take a third trot down the aisle, but she shut the idea down.
“Don’t think so,” Jenelle replied.
On claims that “August” is only with Jenelle for her money:

“August” insisted that he is only in a relationship with Jenelle for her shining personality, and not so he can get his mitts on her money.
“Anybody sayin’ that I need Jenelle, I’ve been managin’ Jenelle for about seven years and Jenelle started off as one of my clients,” he said. “I’ve been managin’ major celebrities for over 15 years. I started at Def Jam Records workin’ with DMX, Mary J. Blige and everybody at Def Jam Records when I was 19 f**cking years old, so f**k you guys who think I f**king need Jenelle!”
“August”– ever the professional—goes on to tell everyone that he and Jenelle “are both f**king rich!”
“So, I don’t need Jenelle to be rich and powerful,” he continued. “I was rich and powerful before I even met Jenelle.”

“August” went on to insist that Jenelle is “also very well off” financially.
(Interestingly, though, earlier in the Live, Jenelle voluntarily revealed her credit card limit, raving that Capitol One bank first gave her a credit card limit of $500, and now it’s a whopping $1500.)
Jenelle, not to let “August” pour on all the compliments, interjects to proudly proclaim that “August” is the first guy she’s ever been with who “has their own place.”
Yes, Jenelle— who is about to turn 33 years old— actually said that proudly.

“August” then admits that, although he has his own house, he doesn’t really live there anymore, now that he’s shacking up at Casa de Jenelle. In fact, he says he’s thinking of renting it out.
(Click the video below to hear August bragging about how rich he and Jenelle are!)
On why Jenelle isn’t going to be on the upcoming season of ‘Teen Mom: The Next Chapter’:

Shortly after The Ashley posted her story stating that Jenelle was no longer going to be on the show, Jenelle and “August” both told the press that Jenelle was not let go. On Monday, Jenelle claimed that the show is on hiatus. (This is not actually true, as the other ‘Next Chapter’ girls are currently filming and have been for a while.)
“What happened with ‘Teen Mom?'” Jenelle repeated. “I don’t know. What happened? It went off the air,” she said flippantly. “They took a break. Gotta take breaks to film, ya know? Can’t just film your whole life.”
Jenelle– who has had a camera pointed at her mug since before her first soulmate’s spawn was shot out of her hoo-ha— then realizes that’s exactly what she’s done.
“Well…I have,” she said.
On why “August” feels Jenelle is misunderstood:
After showing the bed in the hotel room where he and Jenelle would presumably touch no-no’s that night, “August”— who frequently refers to Jenelle as “bro” (as you do)– then tells the Live followers that they don’t know what Jenelle is actually like. He claims that she is “actually super-thoughtful.”
“I don’t think that anybody knows you, babe,” he tells a blushing Jenelle. “You’re so romantic. You’re so thoughtful. You’re actually super-sweet,” “August tells her. “You’re very caring and very giving.”

“August” then regales us with tales of Jenelle’s generosity, using his, um, eloquent way of speaking.
“Jenelle during the f**king hurricane was giving away a bunch of s**t,” he says, as Jenelle beams with self-pride.

“Nobody knows that because it’s tacky to, like, brag about what you do for the homeless and for people in need,” “August” says, as he brags. “…Jenelle actually donated a s**t-ton of stuff to everybody in need during the hurricane. And she never talks about that, and I found that to be super-commendable. And I like that about her character.”

“She does a lot of good s**t and she doesn’t speak on it,” “August” added. “Shoutout to Jenelle for being cute like that!”
He goes on to insist that Jenelle’s “super f**king misunderstood” and is “actually the sweetest one out of them all.”
On how protective Jenelle is of her kids:
While Jenelle’s mothering abilities and actions have been called into question many times over the years, “August” insisted that Jenelle is a fiercely protective mother to her three kids, Jace, Kaiser and Ensley.

“She just doesn’t f**k around. If you mess with her or her kids, she’s going to whoop your ass,” he states. “And that’s granted, I think.”
36 Responses
I wonder if this guy has any skeletons in the closet too…I mean, all of her exes had them so I wouldn’t be surprised.
GOOD MOM….hahahaha, that’s a good one! I do think she thinks that she is though.
Of course December has skeletons, that’s why he’s not going by his real name. Dude is creepy AF and an addict.
Good thing that Jenelle won’t get pregnant with him since she got her tubes tied.
She is so fucking rich, but she can’t afford to pay for her sons, mental health treatment, pulls him out of treatment, and brings him home due the cost. POS lying bitch! Really has her priorities straight I see. But she sure as hell can afford weed for her kids!! God, I hate this bitch!!!
People who have money…. Don’t usually spend their spare time trying to convince people they have money. This is actually embarrassing lol
couldn’t bring myself to watch these trashholes 🗑️🕳️ trashing, but from what i’ve read (here and elsewhere) ~ seems it was snowing ❄️⛷️ in vegas on monday night.
One of the most hilarious part of this article —-> “August” telling everyone that he and Jenelle “are both f**king rich!”… If you’re rich you don’t get a credit card limit of $1,500 LMAO. I am NOT rich and my limit is well past that.
THE most hilarious part of this article ——> “So, I don’t need Jenelle to be rich and powerful,” he continued. “I was rich and powerful before I even met Jenelle.”
Sure, Jan.
Rich and powerful.
A year or two ago Janelle and Lurch had to go to the dealership to make their car payments directly. Probably to prevent the car from being repossessed. “Rich” people don’t have to do that.
I actually came to the comments just to see if I was misunderstanding something bc the amount of credit is so ridiculously low that I got confused with the “we’re rich statement”.
Jenelle, if you have a 1500 credit you are not rich. The day you have 250k credit card limit you will probably be getting there…
She is not right in the head……never has been! I’ve watched early episodes and she did nothing but whine about everything. Oh poor me 😩b.s. Then she marries that psycho David! She’s a mess for sure. Feel bad for the kids.
I separated from my husband in august and I can’t even think of dating right now.. my kids simply don’t need that right now, or for years tbh so it’s sad she’s already doing this
She has terminal captain-save-a-hoe syndrome. She can’t even understand the concept of being alone, and she’s far too narcissistic to even acknowledge that she’s the problem.
Jenelle defended David every single time he abused her children so no, she’s not protective of her kids. She barely tolerates her kids when she’s around them and is constantly annoyed at them for being kids. Since August is this dude’s alias it’s heavily speculated he uses an alias due to the child abuse charges he has under his actual name. These people acting like they care about kids is a joke. Jenelle wouldn’t even claim this clown for months and that’s probably because he’s so effing weird and not much in the looks department. They both act like they’re middle schoolers and they’re flat out embarrassing.
did anyone else get andrew vibes when “august” was going on about how rich and powerful he already was before jenelle???
Jenelle is for sure beating Daniel Miranda’s ass, as evidenced by his 911 call.
“She just doesn’t f**k around. If you mess with her or her kids, she’s going to whoop your ass,” he states. “And that’s granted, I think.”
My brain hurts! Who does he think he’s fooling?
The caption with that god awful photo of Kieffer sent me straight to Mars
@Kels– thank you, I was particularly proud of that one. -The Ashley
Your snark was masterfully on display!!!
Yeah, Jenelle is super protective with her kids. Especially with Jace whom she basically gave up to her mother and then blamed for his own abuse at the hands of David (the same with Kaiser).
What an absolute POS they both are.
There is something so creepy about a man who photographs for his woman’s OF. Is it like, foreplay? Gross!! Men are supposed to be protective and territorial to a certain extent. Just gross!!
Go look at “august keen” on linked in. It’s a joke. https://www.linkedin.com/in/august-keen-56019135/
After you read his very thin, very fake profile, go google the places he claims to have worked. “I Am Media Now” is a dead page. “Fameandphilanthropy.com” is a dead page. “iCommandMedia” is NOT his company. It was founded by a woman named Christina Fernandze and she is still very much running the company. “Artist Tour One” leads to a dead page. There is a Facebook account for that “company” but they haven’t made a post since early 2023. “M Records” has an IG page that hasn’t posted in over 200 weeks. In other words, Daniel Miranda — aka August Keen — is a total and complete blowhard with no job and no real job experience.
I was pretty sure this new guy was yet another flop. After reading this, confirmation of his floppiness is literally all I walked away with. 🤣🤣
@mix ~ he certainly gives off ‘floppy’ vibes.
A quick Google says this dude was on a “street team” promoting artists.
He essentially handed out flyers.
“All those years being a professional in the music biz”, ok Liz and Karen!
I was thinking the same thing. I remember from my clubbing days meeting these guys that claimed to be nightclub promoters. They were essentially just getting paid a few bucks (if at all) to hand out flyers, get bodies in the door and in exchange they didn’t have to pay the cover to get in. Pretty sure the actual club employees just viewed them as wanna-be’s and took advantage of their stupidity by letting them claim to work for the club while handing out the flyers. And for being her “manager” what else has he been able to secure for her? She was let go from MTV…again, she’s doing OF but doesn’t seem to really need a “manager” for that. So she’s paying him to manage her but he’s managed to do nothing. She’s paying him to be her boyfriend. How pathetic.
Yes, that’s essentially the job! Get ppl into the venue, talk about the band lol.
Nowadays the job is all online.
I’m sure he sets the upload times, maybe makes her captions? Idk.
Nothing. He does nothing.
I needed a good laugh today 🤣🤣🤣 this was perfection!
Yes I’m sure Chinelle donated a lot and helped others during the hurricane because she’s so private and doesn’t post anything and so giving….sure Jan.
If he represented her for 7 years then that says everything you need to know about him. They deserve each other 🙄
I spit my drink out when I read August/September/October’s comment about how *mature* they are.
And if they are *so rich*, you would think that the limit on her credit card would be over $1500.
Right lol. I live off what feels like poverty wages and my credit is embarrassing and Capitol one still gave me 3k. Is her credit 300?? Cuz mine was probably 600 when I got that card 💀
I’m pretty sure the limit on my first credit card when I was just doing part time serving jobs was more than that.
If you got a down vote, it was from me. I was trying to give u an upvote, and when I did, it disappeared. My apologies
Yes, so protected that she signed her custody rights away to her first son, and then she lets her husband abuse him when he moves home
Is this satire? My good Lord