Meri Brown Responds to ‘Sister Wives’ Fans Who Claim She Threw Janelle “Under the Bus” By Telling Robyn & Kody That Janelle Warned Her About Coyote Pass

“Kody promised to share his hair gel if I told him what I knew about Janelle! What was I supposed to do?!”

Meri Brown is clapping back at Sister Wives fans who accused her of throwing her former sister wife Janelle “under the bus” during the most-recent episode of the TLC series.

Viewers watched Sunday as Meri informed her ex-husband Kody Brown and his (only) remaining wife, Robyn, that Janelle had issued her a secret warning that Kody and Robyn may be trying to screw her out of her rightful share of the family’s Coyote Pass property. During a TikTok Live session after the episode aired, Meri responded to fans who criticized her for telling on Janelle when Janelle was only trying to help her. 

“Janelle and I actually were talking about it yesterday,” Meri told her friend Jen, who appeared in the Live with her. “Because I was like, ‘People think that I was throwing you under the bus.'”

Janelle, checking her body for bus tire marks…

During the first scene in question, Janelle acknowledged that she and Meri have never had a great relationship; however, she felt warning Meri about Kody and Robyn possibly trying to swindle them out of the property was the right thing to do. (Later in the same episode, Kody admitted that he had, indeed, thought about “screwing over” his ex-wives, but Robyn wouldn’t allow it.)

“My conscience really dictated that I went and spoke with [Meri] about the property,” Janelle told the cameras. “It wasn’t to create drama; it was just to make sure she was aware and could be educated going into the situation.” 

Meri told the cameras that she was aware that Kody’s name was on every single piece of the Coyote Pass property, and that Robyn’s was on about three, making it so Mr. and Mrs. Brown “own the monopoly.” 

Me, mentally adding a mustache, monocle and top hat to this photo to turn Kody into Mr. Monopoly….

“I hope that they will be fair, and they will be honest, and I hope that it doesn’t get ugly,” Meri added. 

After speaking to Janelle, Meri went to Kody and Robyn to inform them that Janelle had warned her that she should be on alert in case Kody and Robyn tried to screw her out of her share of the property. 

In the comment section of the official ‘Sister Wives’ Facebook page’s post about the scene, viewers ripped into Meri for telling Robyn and Kody about Janelle’s warning.

“Meri is a tattletale,” one person wrote. “Janelle is the most business-minded of all of them and Meri should listen to her advice and not try throwing her under the bus.”


“That was beyond wrong of Meri to throw Janelle under the bus like that,” another person commented. “Janelle doesn’t even care for Meri but told her to watch out for herself out of the kindness of her heart and Meri spit in her face.”

During her TikTok Live, Meri stated that, since Janelle warned her on-camera, she didn’t feel that it was wrong to inform Kody and Robyn about it.

“[The viewers] thought that I was throwing her under the bus, and that was not my intention,” Meri said, before hinting that she also disclosed some important info to Janelle during that conversation.

“I told [Janelle] some more information that I am not revealing to the public and she’s like, all cool. We are all cool,” Meri said. “So, she didn’t feel that way and all is cool.”

“Um…yeah. Sure.”

‘Sister Wives’ airs Sundays on TLC. 

RELATED STORY: Dyeing, Drying & Donning a Hairnet: ‘Sister Wives’ Star Kody Brown Reveals His Haircare Routine; “I Need It to Be Pretty”

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14 Responses

  1. 3
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    Kody Brown is showing his true colors. Everyone of the sister wives needs to lawyer up. Kody and Robin lives a pretty extravagant life on the coat tails of the other wives. Which makes a person wonder why anyone would want to live that kind of life. If there was resentment and jealousy towards Robin that is only human nature. Can’t help but wonder how Robin would feel if Kody took on another younger wife. Kody has a big head and an ugly one at that. All the curls in the world won’t hide his balding. And Robin’s crocodile tears make me sick. She is one of those women who can fake cry on a dime. Sickening.

    1. 0
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      You know what I said thee same thing I think they had this whole excuse me for a curse word but to me i really think Koby and Robyn had this shit PLANNED from day one it just didn’t happen by coincidence for all the wives to up and get a divorce from him and they live this lavish life with her kids and her kids half of her kids or not his and he just abandon all his other kids and she sit up and pretend to CRY and not one tear falls off her face and now he’s saying that everyone else is so bad BUT him and Ms good two shoe this is a bunch of nonsense to me ,
      he needs to pay child support for everyone of them kids and they need get alimony from him. How did Rob come in there and have nothing and leave with more than one of the wives they’ve been with him for 15 years plus and have less and Robin has. Please make this make sense to me please ….ijs

  2. 9
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    Did anyone else notice how Robyn started breathing heavy when Meri brought it up?? It looked to me like her and Kody had defiantly discussed it already. I would not at all be surprised if they were always planning on screwing over Meri and Janelle.

  3. 14
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    I always see Meri as being dumb, and not so smart. Can’t she see that Kody doesn’t give a sh** about her? How
    Many ways does he have to show her that. She’ll take him back in a heartbeat if he wants her back, which will never happen. She makes me sick on how much in love she is with Kody, who never reciprocate. SMH!!!

    1. 2
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      I don’t see Mary as being in love with Kody at all. Per Kody they haven’t had “relations” for many years. She doesn’t want a real companion and would rather be unchallenged and secure by residing near Kody and Robyn. She would screw her best friend if it pleased Kody, much like puppet women who get involved in crime for a boyfriend..

  4. 28
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    I realize you make money from ads. But it’s almost impossible to read the story when pop up ads and floaters are all over the article making it very difficult to read. It’s annoying af. Please fix it because it sucks, and there’s really no excuse for this mess.

    1. 1
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      I agree. I’ve had to completely click off stories and stop reading them at times because it’s too much. I love the Ashley, but I only click on the stories that I absolutely want to read because I can’t stand the ads. Even as I type this there is one blocking the box. It’s didn’t used to be this bad so I don’t know what happened.

  5. 4
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    Meri was doing what Meri does awkwardly ! ( I’m sooo glad she’s no longer an abused wife. ) I know what we’re currently watching took place 2 yrs ago now. What I was confused about was Meri’s hesitancy towards Robyn. Were they not good friends more than tge others were w/them? Meri really spent time w/Robyn’s kids. Anyway, she was honest & Janelle did right by giving her a heads up. B ur does stone know what actually happened? Did Kody greedily take Janelle’s hard-working $’s? He is such an awful man & I have liked Robyn until she gladly stayed w/him. Now I know she hasn’t any skills but why not @ least figure out her options to see if she has to be dependent on Kody? In the beginning I believe she was in love w/him but now I don’t see it. She needs help raising her younger kids & the autistic son greatly benefited from being in the large family which is extremely unusual for someone w/autism. But hr has matured well & his independence should be revered way more than it has been–hint hint producers ! So how did Robyn & Ody get such a big house w/all that square footage? No one needs that much space to raise their kids. What about the ‘family mansion ‘ in the Flagstaff mts? Whose is thatmansion now? Is it a vacant property investment for the children of each wife? Or does it belong to each wife + Kody equally , & if so why? Are they using it? If not they should @ least rent it or to movie -makers. I seem to recall they found it difficult to find a house to rent in Flagstaff so having a mansion means they ‘d be helping the community by making it available to rent to a few families. Anyway, this past Sunday’s episode really closed the door or seeing Robyn as being stuck. She has enabled Kody . She hasn’t been as sneaky as ppl accused her but she is enabling Ody’s behavior for her kids to had security & herself once they’ve left home & begun careers post education. Will she make it that long? I sure couldn’t be w/an egotistical narcissist who can’t admit any wrongdoings nor make amends 1st w/your kids just b/c you’re the adult & the onus of modeling good behavior began w/him. The longer Robyn willingly sleeps w/him & allows his physical contact intimately, the less I respect her as a person.

  6. 16
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    Meri never learned the subtle art of not showing her hand. She should have played dumb, Kody already knows Janelle and Meri don’t like each other, and he thinks they don’t have a relationship. So she was better off just being like, what’s Janelle’s thought. Oh, she doesn’t want an appraisal, I wonder why. Maybe we should call her together, and just see what’s up.

    Meri still would go running Kody back in a minute if he let her. She’s still so desperate for his good graces and for him to like him, for her to be the favorite EX wife. I mean, does Meri not hear herself, who wants to be the favorite EX-wife?

    Kody already screwed Meri a million times, treated her poorly. He’s never had her back. Why would he know when they are officially not together anymore? (I mean we all know they haven’t been together for 10 years, but finally Meri is saying it.)

    So what’s Kody’s incentive to be kind to her? She’s only on ONE property, with Janelle & Kody. That’s when he liked her. He did that. Imagine what he would give her now? Plus, Robyn is legally married to Kody, so if they were to get a divorce, she would be entitled to half his assets.

  7. 7
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    Kody claims he didn’t/doesn’t love any of the 3 that got smart and left him, But he must of , He lay’d down with each of them and had how many babies?? Maybe the 3 that left should send Robin a thank you and a sympathy card,ha,ha!! She’s stuck with kody ,all his fit throwing, temper tantrum’s, manipulation, Narcissism, gas lighting, guilt tripping too, isn’t she lucky?? Oh how sweet karma is, Robin’s going to be wishing she’d left too, But she has No work experience so she’s going to need some kind of a income and place to stay, So she’s stuck,and when sister wife’s is canceled Ops there go’s that income, how they going to pay those big payments and Bill’s for that big ass 2.?? Something place. The show can’t be called sister wife’s much longer, when there’s only 1. And there are no sisters,

  8. 10
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    Ha!! Ha!!! Kody and Robin established new company for their family,?? Robin doesn’t know the first thing about working or even starting much less anything company wise,, Hell she don’t even watch her own kids, clean house,or cook, they’ve hired ppl for all that,…

  9. 19
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    She absolutely threw her under the bus. Whether Kody watches the show later (and he probably won’t because of the betrayal, lack of loyalty and knife to the kidneys) or not doesn’t matter. It wasn’t Meri’s place to run and tell Kody and Robyn.

    I like Meri more this season than I ever have when she looks like she is actually removing the blinders from her eyes. It gets me frustrated when she does this kind of a thing. I could be wrong but I felt like Meri had her own suspicions about Kody and Robyn and there was no way she was going to go to them and say, “Listen. We aren’t married anymore and I need to protect my investments. If you don’t like it, talk to my attorney. Sorry, not sorry.” It was much easier for her to say that Jenelle told her that so Kody could get mad at Jenelle and not Meri.

    If Meri hasn’t figured out yet that Kody and Robyn are manipulative snakes after everything that has happened then I don’t even know what to say.

    1. 10
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      Meri will never figure it out. Running to Kody and Robyn to spill the beans on Janelle proves Meri is still desperate for Kody’s attention. And Robyn said she does not want to sell Coyote Pass. My god! Get a damn brain Meri and lawyer up before it is too late. Big deal that the Kreep helped you move. And as far as his phony sobbing and calling her his favorite ex wife? I would have punched him square in the face and told him to get the hell out. Lawyer up Meri! Before it is too late.

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