The two oldest daughters of Robyn and Kody Brown revealed their thoughts on entering plural marriage and attending church on Sunday’s episode of Sister Wives, but the scene is being labelled “creepy” and “weird” by some ‘Sister Wives’ fans, who took to social media to state that it felt that the girls were being controlled by Robyn, despite both being adults.
The topic of plural marriage came up on Sunday’s episode when 19-year-old Breanna Brown and 22-year-old Aurora Brown sat down with Robyn to discuss the idea of joining a new church. During the conversation, Aurora told her mom she would like to get back into the “church community,” to which Breanna added that she would like to “start dating guys” who share similar beliefs and life goals that she does, suggesting that church would “probably be a good place to start” meeting such people.

After Robyn– who also share sons Dayton, 24, and Solomon, 13, and daughter Ariella, 8, with Kody– pointed out to her daughters that there aren’t churches in their area that believe in plural marriage, Aurora revealed she’s not interested in being a polygamist.
“I don’t have the same call to [plural marriage] that you and dad do and did,” Aurora said.
Robyn then asked Breanna where she stood on plural marriage, and Breanna provided her mom with a similar response.

“I have conflicting thoughts, but right now, I don’t think so,” Breanna said. “I’m not sure if I want to live that.”
Six of the ‘Sister Wives’ adult children– Maddie, Mykelti, Aspyn, Leon, Logan and Gwendlyn Brown– are currently in monogamist marriages. On Sunday’s episode, Kody said he doesn’t believe any of his children will ultimately “live a plural marriage,” possibly as a result of seeing his splits from wives Christine, Janelle and Meri Brown.

“I could possibly see it if one of my daughters wanted to marry a married man,” Kody said. “I don’t think the experience they’ve had with our family would make them want to do that. I wouldn’t really care to have my daughters in plural marriage. I really don’t think any of my sons are interested in plural marriage, either.”
After a clip of the scene was posted to the official ‘Sister Wives’ Facebook page, many viewers expressed their concern for Robyn’s adult daughters, who seemed to be asking their mother for permission to attend church. Some insisted that Breanna and Aurora are being controlled by Robyn and Kody, despite being adults.
“Do these girls even have their own life goals? They always look so creepy…sad and depressed. Their eyes are so empty. It’s really sad that they have been soooo controlled and kept away the rest of the family,” someone wrote in the comment section.
“This scene is just weird to me,” someone else commented. “Why are you talking to your grown kids as if they’re five years old and having to make decisions for them. They even react as if they’re little girls and needing permission from their mom for their decisions.”
“These girls are 22 & 19 years old and asking their mother if they can go to church, make friends and start dating,” another person wrote. This is an unhealthy family dynamic.”
“Why do they have to justify their reasons for wanting to go to church and why does Robyn feel like she has to approve of their reasons to grant them permission. This is so weird,” someone else commented.
Watch Aurora and Breanna talk to Robyn about returning to church below.
New episodes of ‘Sister Wives’ air Sundays on TLC.
(Photos: TLC; Instagram)
17 Responses
I came to this site to see if I was correct in my thoughts after yelling back to the TV after the plural marriage church scene: these girls are NOT kids! Why are they still living at home without boyfriends, jobs, responsibilities … and I don’t mean washing their dishes after they eat or making their beds and getting praised for it? WHY are they asking Robin if they can go to church!? OR why are they worried what Kody will think?! I felt gross watching theidr depressed faces almost begging for a chance to LIVE a normal life of an adult woman. Like they didn’t KNOW they were allowed to have their own thoughts and decisions! Then I was laughing so hard at God being Kody’s wing man!? Other guys might hit on Robin!? It’s just GROSS. I could just not watch the show, but the shear stupidity of these two makes me laugh! Even the decor of their home has a feeling of darkness and despair with the dark colors and art work. The hypocrisy of Kody saying their church was like a cult, when Kody is a true cult leader. Thank God the other wives and kids realized it and dumped him and hopefully can become normalized to the REAL world. ty
Granted, I have not really paid much attention to Robyn’s kids in the whole SW saga… they’re ADULTS??? Based on this conversation I was sure they were like 15/16. What an insane controlling mother.
Breanna is Sobbyn 2.0. She’s also a mean girl that snubs her supposed sister Savanah. Aurora isn’t much better. They both act like they’re prisoners in the She-Ra Chateau. Very sad situation. Shitty parents that have held them aside and stymied both of them.
Those 2 girls are headed for a huge mess in their lives. They need to get jobs, go to church if they so want and certainly date. But the way they have been raised, the first jackass who whispers in their ears will become their husbands. I was not raised Mormon but I too was not allowed to make my own decisions and I ended up marrying the first jackass I met. Kody and Robyn have no damn business raising kids.
Girl, same. That jackass ended up almost killing me. I wasn’t allowed to date with guidance as a teenager and learn how to spot red flags or set boundaries, so I ended up quickly marrying a “sweet” guy in my early twenties that almost instantly changed once I was trapped. Just like any other life skill, dating needs to be taught before adulthood.
I escaped a childhood. I “knew” what to avoid. (careful as a 16-18 year old can be) Still,
trapped till I was 25! I could not get out! Then he stalked me for two decades!
Parents need to do better. These girls are easily in for a special kind of F’ed up relationship, and the won’t have the tools to help themselves see it, avoid it, or escape it. (not only that, they are also at risk of ending up with someone just like Kody.)
They didn’t prepare them for the real world. They didn’t prepare them for adulthood. They didn’t prepare them for dating. They didn’t prepare them for responsible finances and work. It’s tragic!
Yup. Aurora has her first boyfriend right now and her Pinterest boards are already filled with all kinds of wedding boards & quotes about being a good and obedient wife.
LMAO! I agree and hope you’re jackass-free now.
Dude, it was so weird. I had to keep reminding myself these are adult woman, and not children. Like They are asking mommy for permission to go to church. Like what was this?!?!
I was like okay they live at home, but the rules you have for adult children living at home are like you pitch in with chores or rent or something. Not that you need to get Mom & Dad’s permission for piercing your ears. Robyn is like thank you for washing your plate. Dude… umm… these are grown-ups, and they are praised for cleaning up after themselves, like they are children.
Maddie was 21 when she married. Myketli was 20. Aspyn was 23. Gwen was 22. Leon got engaged at 24. Logan has been with his wife since he was 21.
Now, I don’t think people should get married that young. But just the stark difference between Janelle, Meri Christine’s kids. These kids were infantilized because Robyn knew that Kody only likes the tender age children, so she needed them to act tender aged so he would continue to be around. These girls are like stunted.
At 21, I was living in my own apartment, had a full-time job, graduate university. By 22, I moved out of the country and lived aboard. I can’t even comprehend this. If I went to my parents with this conversation at 21, my parents would have been like, why are you asking us, it’s your life go do what you want, you’re an adult. At 18, they would have said that.
I think Kody and Robyn failed these girls. This nativity is going let people take real advantage of them. it’s harming them long term, not to mention they haven’t like any independent skills that will actually set them up in life.
Sobyn Robyn has always had control issues. From the actual wedding and talking about her sacrifices….I knew then it was a large pike of rocks rgat dropped on that family.
Robin started off by 1. Crying with no tears. 2. She’s done that more than anything else. 3. She has been a control freek from the beginning. Her dress…where the place would be…she always had THE NICEST HOUSES out of all of them. The list goes on with Sobyn Robin and there’s NO DOUBT she is the catalyst that is behind all the dynamics.
What? Sounds strange? Nahhh…she knows she has Kodys heart strings. She got him all up in her spider trap. What blows my mind is how someone could fall for her crap. Meri fell for it. Poor Meri who lost the most…all the kids are pretty much back in Utah. She talked about the kids every show and now she doesn’t ever see them. I hope someday Kody can grow up and be a real boy. Only time will tell. I know one thing for certain, Kody has lied about money, the property, his past relationships and how all of a sudden he didn’t live any of them? Liar. A artist collection I heard was about 1.8 million. He also has his nasty hands into the property. He should NEVER get part of a parcel just because he is the matriarch….those women all put money into all of it and should be divided amongst them all fairly and equally.
Robyn and Kody have crippled these young women with their coddling and sheltering. The difference between them and the other Brown kids at the same (or even younger) age is crazy.
How big of Robyn to “be like okay” with her daughters being monogamous or not since they’re adults and can do whatever they want whether she likes it or not. She is the ultimate control freak.
Why does everyone cry all the time? Omg!
Why do they look so pained to even speak? Like it hurts to get words out.
They both look exactly like Robyn and sound exactly like her.
They have Robyn’s permanent frown face.