David Eason was back in court on Tuesday– and back to being a pain in his estranged wife Jenelle Evans‘ wallet!
The Ashley can exclusively reveal that the fired Teen Mom 2 dad appeared in a North Carolina courtroom to answer for criminal charges filed against him last month stemming from his attempt to heist motorbikes and other items from Jenelle’s home on The Land in October.
As The Ashley previously reported, David was arrested and charged with two misdemeanors for his bungled burgle: trespassing and violating the protective order that Jenelle has had against him since May. (Just a few weeks ago, a judge extended the restraining order for another two years.)
Anyway, David had to appear in court (or he would have been arrested), as did Jenelle. In order to appear in court on Tuesday, Jenelle— who now lives in Las Vegas—- had to purchase airfare to North Carolina and fly in for the court hearing, only to quickly find out it was all for nothing.
“The case was continued at the request of the Defendant [David],” a Columbus County court clerk told The Ashley. “Both parties were present in court, but the Defendant asked for public defender so it was continued.”

David— who has a whole cornucopia of other court cases open right now, both criminal and civil— is basically broke, according to a financial affidavit he filled out back in August. In documents filed with court for his other pending criminal case (for child abuse and assault by strangulation for his alleged acts against Jenelle’s son Jace), David declared himself indigent (aka living in poverty and unable to afford basic life necessities).
At the time, he reported that he was nearly $49,000 in debt.

(David is able to get a public defender because his charges for trespassing and violating a protective order are criminal. He does not have an attorney for his divorce case with Jenelle because it is a civil case and no public defenders are assigned for civil cases. Last month, David had their divorce case continued and vowed to lawyer up, but it does not appear that he currently has an attorney retained for that case.)
“This is now the second time that Jenelle flew all the way out from Vegas and paid for a hotel to go to court for basically no reason,” a source told The Ashley. “David can continue the case several more times, with just cause, and basically just force Jenelle to waste money on travel expenses.”
As for why Jenelle had to stay in a hotel for this trip to the Tar Heel State, the source tells The Ashley that Jenelle’s home on The Land has “some sort of mold damage.”

“There was a problem with the roof and David never fixed it and it’s been leaking for a long time, so now there’s a mold issue in the house,” the source said.
Interestingly, Jenelle’s manager-turned-soulmate “August Keen” did not make the cross-country trip to North Carolina this time around. “August,” who has been Jenelle’s constant companion since becoming her booooooyfriend earlier this year, reportedly “stayed in Vegas with the kids.”
According to the Columbus County court clerk, David’s next court date for this case will be on January 28, 2025.
As of press time, no charges have been filed against David’s new live-in galpal Kenleigh Heatwole, even though she was present during the heist attempt on The Land that David was charged for.
The Ashley will continue to update on this case. Stay tuned…
RELATED STORY: Jenelle Evans’ Boyfriend August Keen Denies Dating Former ‘Teen Mom’ Star For Her Money; Reveals If They’ll Get Married & More (Recap)
30 Responses
Don’t like UDV, can’t stand his sorry ass, definitely believe he should be locked up for life (for all sorts of reasons, as does she)…but so hope he costs her even more money for years and years and years (and the courts will definitely keep allowing shit to be pushed off), because she deserves it. He deserves it too, no doubt, but he’s not the one bitching about it costing money, she is. I hope every penny she has to spend hurts her wallet and leaves lasting scars all over it.
Also, fivehead, YOU could easily fix any mold issues in the house that you *also* knew were already there long before now (especially since, as you claimed, you made all the money). That mold issue isn’t new, it’s been ongoing the entire time you lived there as well. It was a primary source for illnesses in your children, contributed heavily to Ensley’s sinus and breathing problems, contributed heavily to behavioral problems and probably (dare I say it) contributed to many of your own. Want it fixed, well then buck up and get it fixed, stupid ass. Then you’d have a place to stay for the countless times you’ll have to come back and forth for various court cases. The longer you let that mold be a problem, the more it’ll grow, literally and figuratively, and the more expensive it’ll be once you are finally able to sell (if that day ever comes). In fact, you probably won’t be able to sell it as a habitable dwelling by that point and you’ll likely only get maybe 1/4 (if you’re lucky) of its actual worth as land because of it. Go on, let that mold grow, so you’ll have something else to cry about down the road.
When Daniel Miranda and Jenelle and Jace went to the swamp there was cans of Kilz everywhere. I think that’s what it’s called for mold.
I agree with everything you said. She knew it was there and effecting her children. She doesn’t care. If I was making $40,000 a month like she is, my shit would be fixed.
I would let it fall in the ground before David got half of it.
That would also mean she’d get less for it as well. Personally, I wouldn’t want him to get half either (then again I’d never be with someone like him, so, moot point, lol). But she’s only hurting herself more letting it stay in a state of disarray. At that point, it’s difficult to understand why anyone would feel sorry for her at all, while she bitches about cost and things he didn’t do to “fix it”. She lifted not a single finger to fix anything, and still isn’t. It’s on her if it falls to the ground, no one else.
I wonder if Jenelle tried to press charges against the GF and couldn’t?
If anything proves that Jenelle will never be a real mother, it’s the fact that yet another man who shouldn’t have any authority over her kids, is always left there in charge of them. She will always need a man because she doesn’t want to raise her own kids. And I don’t doubt at all that he mistreats those poor kids, but she doesn’t care, as long as she doesn’t have to fuss with them. I truly despise Jenelle Evans. When she says so, a man is everything and does no wrong, but then as soon as she is done with them, she’s vindictive and runs their name and character through the mud. I keep up on this story PURELY because I am bursting at the seems, hopeful for the downfall of this absolutely rotten woman.
Exactly!!! I was casting doubt on Jenelle’s part, I have no reason to believe August is mistreating the kids, but as a MOTHER, you have to use your brain and think hey, maybe I shouldn’t leave a dude with my little girl for days at a time? Just IN CASE???? Also.. I have never seen a person jump from relationship to relationship so quickly. She has no mental capacity.
It makes no sense at all to be leaving your kids with this random guy. I’d pull my kids out of school for the day and take them with me, before I’d leave some random with them. I’m a mother and I’m the type of mom who doesn’t give anyone the chance to hurt my kids. But I also had a mother worse than Jenelle, she didn’t care at all about me or my safety, and I know that you can CHOOSE to be a great mom no matter what you came from. She makes me downright sick.
I just can’t help but think that Jennelle scurried all the way back for the court date on the same premise as when she dressed up to the nines to go discuss Kaiser with Nathan that time lol. With David waiting in the car. So of course, no surprise she ditched the kiddos to go. There is 0 reason she couldn’t have called the court and not gone in person.
Or had her lawyer represent her.
He has some child abuse case on his criminal history
I’m guessing he doesn’t get along with Kaiser or Jace considering she has shipped them both off since moving to Vegas.
You nailed it! I personally feel the same exact way!
Nugget is rollin’ in the clover, chasing squirrels and eating nuggies on the otherside. He is completely oblivious as karma rains down on these assholes. But we are loving the implosion, destruction, and pure agony these two are swimming in. Karma is the little dog on the otherside.
Well sure, CPS is on the radar so the kids can’t just be left alone for weeks at a time anymore. Poor lovebirds.
Jenleigh’s lovey dovey face tuned photos make a ton of sense now, as does Jenelle’s smug blackmail threat.
sorry not sorry but it’s just like dummy jenelle to move far away just to have to keep flying back and forth for all these court cases against david, and ESPECIALLY now that she’s not posting on tiktok, only fans anymore, no sponsorships and got axed from the show, well deserved 😂😂
Wait she quit OF?
He stayed at home with her kids???
I’m sorry but.. who is giving endsley a bath or putting her to bed at night?? This random grown man?
Don’t ya think you could call the court and ask if you needed to be present before flying out there??
They need to sell the swamp.
I’m sure Blackstone or Blackrock or whoever will buy it for pennies on the dollar and bulldoze the mold mansion.
Sell it, split it and be done with it.
jenelle’s not able to do anything with the land yet because the house is under both her and david’s name, she’s gonna have to wait until after the divorce is final and everything has been settled on who gets what including property
A normal adult couple would recognize that since neither is living there, and that neither can afford to repair damages and that both desperately need money, they’d be selling.
Although, something tells me they still owe a whole lot on that trailer.
Don’t care that this cost Jenelle money but why doesn’t NC allow witnesses/victims to attend via zoom for these type of preliminary hearings? I get for an actual trial (state will cover travel costs sometimes)
This would be cost prohibitive for a lot of people.
I have a feeling that in this case the court is making them both appear just to inconvenience them as much as they’re inconveniencing the courts. Jenelle has used the court system as a weapon against her DOTM for as long as we’ve known she exists. How many times did they make that elderly man go back and forth to court for the damage to his truck? How many times were the two of them scheduled to appear in court for CPS cases, traffic cases, etc. and they got a continuance over and over? Now it’s time for Nelly to get a taste of her own medicine. I hope David gets 12 more continuances and Jenelle has to fly back to NC for every one of them — and then I hope the judge dismisses the charges.
Haha I detest them both but that would be friggin hilarious! Like girl you defended this monster for years, now he’s gonna screw you over too!
If he would get a lawyer he could get temporary alimony/maintenance.
Jenelle said more than once he was a stay home dad and her manager and photographer.
But I thought he was making a lot of money somehow 😂 didn’t he say that on a live stream like a month ago and now he’s indigent?
David used to do some kind of boat cleaning, but it probably isn’t a lot of money. He’s probably getting paid under-the-table as well. He just doesn’t want to pay for a lawyer.