‘Sister Wives’ Star Meri Brown Gives Update on Her Relationship with Her Only Child Leon; Reveals Why She Doesn’t Discuss Leon Publicly

We’d LOVE to hear the conversations these two have about Kody…

Meri Brown’s inner circle has certainly shifted in recent years, but the Sister Wives star insists that she continues to have a close relationship with her child, Leon Brown, even if it’s one that fans don’t see or hear about very much. 

“We talk often,” Meri told People in a recent interview. “They’re doing well.” 

As fans of ‘Sister Wives’ know, 29-year-old Leon is Meri’s only child with ex-husband Kody Brown. (Leon came out as transgender and queer in June 2022 and uses they/them pronouns.) 

Like some of the other Brown family children, Leon no longer appears on ‘Sister Wives.’ Instead, Meri said, Leon uses social media to give the public small glimpses into their life.

“ … whatever they want to put on social media is what people get to know about them,” Meri explained. 

Meri noted that Leon’s decision to keep parts of their life private is the reason she doesn’t talk about them very often herself. (Some fans have speculated online that Meri and Leon are estranged, which is not true.) 

“They, by their choice, have made a decision to not be super-public,” Meri said. “So, I don’t talk about them so much.” 

Leon is currently living in Denver, Colorado, while Meri resides in Utah.

While Leon chooses to stay off of their family’s show and mostly out of the spotlight all together, both Leon and their partner, Audrey Kriss, were present at Christine Brown’s wedding to David Woolley in October 2023–- an event that neither Meri nor Kody were invited to attend. 

Christine and David with most of the Brown Family kids on their wedding day…

As The Ashley reported last year, Leon and Audrey, who is also transgender, had secretly tied the knot in October 2022 in a ceremony held at a residence in Colorado Springs, Colorado. The pair had been engaged since January 2019, when Leon proposed to Audrey at the Women’s March in Washington, D.C. (Viewers may remember Leon and Audrey discussing wedding plans on ‘Sister Wives’ before Leon stopped appearing on the TLC series.) 

Despite neither of Leon’s parents being present at their wedding, Meri has remained very supportive of Leon since their transition; however, the same cannot be said for Kody, who has reportedly not had a relationship with Leon since their gender-affirming top surgery. (Leon revealed on social media in January 2023 that they had undergone the procedure at some point.) 

“…but only the ones named Dayton, Aurora, Breanna, Sol or Ari.”

Earlier this year, Meri discussed her relationship with Leon on The Sarah Fraser Show, telling the host that, while Leon no longer appears on ‘Sister Wives,’ she continues to receive comments about her child– not all of which are kind. 

“The commentary that I get about Leon is very polarizing,” Meri said on the podcast. “I mean, it is…it’s going to be that way.” 

Meri noted that while she appreciates the supportive comments she receives, she doesn’t appreciate “the hate that comes at me,” which she said doesn’t have “any purpose or any value.” 

Meri also stated on the podcast that despite not speaking publicly about Leon very often, they continue to have “a really good relationship.” 

New episodes of ‘Sister Wives’ air Sundays on TLC. 

RELATED STORY: ’Sister Wives’ Star Meri Brown Opens Up About Her “Nonexistent” Relationship with Christine Brown: “Our Paths Just Don’t Align” 

(Photos: Instagram; TLC) 

28 Responses

  1. Fuck every TERF in this comments section who think your bigotry make you superior. Your savior would not approve of you in the slightest and you damn well know it. Now go kick rocks.

    1. I hope some day you find a way to open your bigot mindset, until then enjoy your cold Christmas in your ignorant hate-filled house.

  2. No, I don’t believe in god. Fanatical religious people are a lot of times mentally ill. They also use religion as a tool to insult and degrade others. It’s pretty funny that you accuse others not living in “reality “ while believing in sky daddy. I’m curious to know how much you pick and choose from your book. Do you believe in talking donkeys? Men living til almost 400 years old? All the animals just “getting along” on some ridiculous boat..laughable

  3. “Leon” is a female who’s living in Denver trying to smoke all her issues away with marijuana.. if you believe in God at all, what Mariah is doing is wrong, he made her a female.. if you believe in reality at all, that’s a very confused individual. Society does this when it reaches its end, it’s truly fascinating as well as terrifying for what comes next tbh

        1. All the Christians out in force in these comments!!!
          “We love everyone for the Lord made them;… but not those ones, or those ones”
          It’s so disgusting hiding behind outdated religious thoughts.

          1. Are you serious? You think you have to be Christian to know that subjective feelings don’t determine your biology? This is scientific, not religious. My stepdad is an atheist and he would laugh at everything you’re saying.

            And btw, it’s interesting how the woke only has problems with religion when it’s Christianity. You are bigoted of Christians. The negative stereotypical comments and the ignorant, false interpretations you spew about Christian doctrine makes that so obvious.

        2. Yup, definitely don’t like American Christians.
          Blaming all their racism, sexism and bigotry on their beliefs and an old book of fairytales.

          I’m from a predominantly Christian/Catholic country and using Jesus as a bandaid for being a jerk doesn’t happen.

          1. That is the most hypocritical comment I’ve ever read. You are coming off just as close minded and hateful as the people you are accusing.

            Guess what? I’ve met anti-religious/atheists that are horrible people. Does that mean I think all secularists are bad? No. I don’t. Because I’m a mature adult that knows individuality exists and my own anacdotal experience doesn’t represent all people that have that same belief system. Grow up.

  4. The “they/them” thing is not only stupid but it’s completely nonsensical. You can’t refer to one person as “they” because “they” is a plural pronoun.

    Grown adults can live they way they want to live their lives. I don’t care about that. However, I do care when you start dictating to people that they have to change the English language to align with your personal self perception. That is ridiculous. You can call me a transphobe, bigot, hater, etc. I DO NOT CARE. I will not apologize for having common sense.

    1. You state, “The “they/them” thing is not only stupid but it’s completely nonsensical. You can’t refer to one person as “they” because “they” is a plural pronoun” – but the history of language & linguistics shows that you are wrong.

      The Oxford English Dictionary explained this history in an article on their site:
      A brief history of singular ‘they’: https://www.oed.com/discover/a-brief-history-of-singular-they?tl=true

      “Singular they has become the pronoun of choice to replace he and she in cases where the gender of the antecedent – the word the pronoun refers to – is unknown, irrelevant, or nonbinary, or where gender needs to be concealed…

      But that’s nothing new. The Oxford English Dictionary traces singular they back to 1375, where it appears in the medieval romance William and the Werewolf …

      Since forms may exist in speech long before they’re written down, it’s likely that singular they was common even before the late fourteenth century. That makes an old form even older.”

      I suggest you educate yourself before posting misinformation – because your “common sense” is based on ignorance.
      -A veteran English teacher who actually studies language & linguistics and has taught grammar for decades

      1. If you haven’t noticed, old English is completely different from how modern English is spoken. And even if this did matter, “they” was not being used as a substitute for “he” and “she” for someone that “identities” as “non binary” aka someone that has masculine and feminine traits. The context was completely different. You’re comparing apples and oranges. Sorry but you can’t just change the rules of language and demand everyone go along with it because it threatens your subjective feelings. That’s ridiculous and completely irrational.

        1. Old English is completely different – and Old English language was language spoken and written in England before 1100.

          The OED (and the Oxford Dictionary is about as expert as you get) article the OED traces the singular they back to 1375 – is Middle English.

          Both are the basis of Modern English.

          You state, “”Sorry but you can’t just change the rules of language and demand everyone go along with it because it threatens your subjective feelings. That’s ridiculous and completely irrational.”

          “The Oxford English Dictionary (OED) is widely regarded as the accepted authority on the English language. It is an unsurpassed guide to the meaning, history, and usage of 500,000 words and phrases past and present, from across the English-speaking world.

          As a historical dictionary, the OED is very different from dictionaries of current English, in which the focus is on present-day meanings. You’ll still find present-day meanings in the OED, but you’ll also find the history of individual words, sometimes from as far back as the 11th century, and of the language—traced through 3.5 million quotations, from classic literature and specialist periodicals to film scripts, song lyrics, and social media posts.”

          When you argue against experts and facts, you are one that comes off as having your subjective feelings threatened.

          Seems a bit ridiculous and irrational. 🤷🏼‍♀️

          1. I’m arguing against facts? Lol. No. It’s the other way around. There is no such thing as non-binary. You are either a man or a woman. You can feel feminine or masculine or whatever. That doesn’t change the fact that you are a male or female. Biology is interchangeable. There are infinite personalities, not infinite genders. End of story.

            Any “expert” that rejects this fundamental truth is full of shit and letting their woke politics getting in the way of science.

  5. I can’t stand Meri, but I absolutely applaud her for the way she has supported Leon through their transition and has put forth the effort to educate herself on ways to be respectful of Leon’s pronouns and experience as a trans person.

    1. Yes, she.
      I have my way of thinking and that’s mine. Others who tolerate or understand this TG lifestyle/mindset can and I don’t care. That’s their opinion and I have mine. I cannot understand how someone can just hack away at their body and then be referred to as they them and others have to agree with it. I don’t and it’s not coming from a hateful place, I don’t understand it and that’s no one’s concern but mine and anyone else’s who feels that way. To be called ignorant is out of line. In my eyes Mariah is a she. I will not compromise my beliefs and morals for something that is in my heart, not okay. I will not respond to hateful replies. I figure we are all adults here we can express our thoughts without insults. But, go ahead. Just letting you all know, I’m open to a healthy discussion but not a hateful one. And btw, my opinion does not come from a religious standpoint at all. I do not follow a religion or claim to be part of one. Not my jam.

      1. Nice pot of ignorant and hateful jam buddy.

        In my eyes Frontdoormom is a bigot. I will not compromise my beliefs and morals for something that is in my heart, not okay.

        I cannot understand how someone can just insult, degrade and devalue a consenting adult who adjusted their body to improve their mental health, body comfort and gender alignment and then be referred to as they them and others have to agree with it.

        1,000,000% this Frontdoormom has fillers and Botox to hide her horrible, ignorant and big bigot head.

        Don’t understand their choice, fine, but does it kill you to respect it? How they live doesn’t hurt you, it doesn’t change your life at all; but it has probably made a huge difference to the quality of Leons life. So you can argue you aren’t a horrible and nasty bigot as much as you want; but your argument is tainted.

        1. No fillers or Botox. What a weird insult lol. Again my opinion not yours. Do you think Mariah cares what I think? I don’t think so. So idk why you care so much?

          1. Because you disputed being called ignorant and said it was out of line.

            But you are ignorant, and a disgusting bigot.

            And I doubt that’s just my opinion.

            Go and spread your filth and hate somewhere else.

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