EXCLUSIVE! Hearing Held for Christine Brown’s Lawsuit Against Ex Kody Brown: ‘Sister Wives’ Stars’ Case Classified as a “Significant Custody Dispute”

“See you in court, Curly Sue!”

Christine Brown‘s court battle against her ex, Kody Brown, continues—and appears to be getting intense!

The Ashley can exclusively reveal that the Sister Wives exes had a hearing on Wednesday for Christine’s court case against her ex-husband, whom she sued in September for custody, paternity and child support for their youngest child Truly. 

According to court documents pulled by The Ashley, Kody and Christine’s lawyers met (via web conference, due to Kody living in Arizona and Christine residing in Utah) to discuss the status of the case. The court docs state that both sides have completed their disclosures for the case, and that the exes are ordered to attend a mediation conference set for May 21, 2025.

While that’s relatively expected, what’s not expected is that, on Wednesday, the Court classified Kody and Christine’s case on Track 1 and Track 3. Utah domestic court cases set to Track 1 are “standard,” but Track 3 assignments are only for cases classified as having a “significant custody dispute.”

According to the Utah State Courts website, “This category includes cases with significant custody disputes, including custody disputes involving allegations of child abuse or domestic violence. For a Track 3 case, at the case management conference the court and parties will address: 1) whether a custody evaluation is necessary, and, if so, the form of the evaluation and appointment considerations; and 2) whether appointment of a private guardian ad litem is necessary, and if so, the scope of the appointment and apportionment of costs.”

In addition, “The court will prepare and issue any resulting orders appointing a custody evaluator or guardian ad litem
and schedule the case for either a pretrial hearing or a custody evaluation settlement conference.”

“Hmmm….that doesn’t sound safe. Maybe they should let me be the evaluator!”

(Just to add here: the fact that this case is “Track 3” does not mean that there have been any allegations of child abuse or domestic violence. While those types of cases are often classified as “Track 3,” The Ashley is not reporting that’s what is happening in this case. However, Track 3 is typically reserved for cases with the highest conflict or need the highest level of consideration and negotiation.) 

As The Ashley previously reported, Christine filed a “Petition for Declaration of Paternity, Child Custody, Parent Time, and Support” on September 16 against Kody. (Christine and Kody share six children, but Truly is only one who is under the age of 18.) 

In the petition, Christine demanded that Kody take a paternity test to show that Truly is his biological daughter. (As ‘Sister Wives’ fans will remember, Christine was Kody’s third wife. Since their marriage wasn’t legal and they weren’t open about being polygamists at the time, Kody’s name didn’t appear on any of the birth certificates for his and Christine’s six kids.) 

“Truly…Truly….little help here? Which one is that? One of Janelle’s kids?”

It appears that the paternity test has been completed (or is underway), as a fee was paid for something paternity-related on October 23, the same day that Kody filed his answer to Christine’s lawsuit. 

While Kody and Christine’s court battle will likely be addressed on a future season of ‘Sister Wives,’ this week’s court hearing will not be included, as the court specifically ruled that the hearing could not be recorded, photographed or transmitted. Had any party tried to record it, they would have been charged with being in contempt with court, which was to be punishable by fine and time in jail.

Christine (and/or Kody) have taken steps to keep the public from knowing personal, family information (which could include income declarations and other private info). The information contained in Kody’s response/counterclaim has been marked “not public” and is not able to be viewed by anyone other than the courts, Kody and Christine and their legal counsel. 

@theashleysrealityroundup EXCLUSIVE! 'Sister Wives' Stars' Kody & Christine Brown's Custody Case Classified as a "Significant Custody Dispute" This Week in Court Read full details here: https://www.theashleysrealityroundup.com/2024/12/21/exclusive-hearing-held-for-christine-browns-lawsuit-against-ex-kody-brown-sister-wives-stars-case-classified-as-a-significant-custody-dispute/ #fypp#RealityTV#theashleysrealityroundup#fypシ#FYP#fypage#RealityTVClips#KodyBrown#sisterwivestiktok#sisterwivestok#sisterwivestalk#TheAshley#Court #ChristineBrown #christinebrownsisterwives #christinebrownsuingkody #EXCLUSIVES #fypp ♬ original sound – The Ashley’s Reality Roundup

The Ashley will continue to update on this case. Stay tuned…

RELATED STORY: ‘Sister Wives’ Star Kody Brown Worries Men at Church Will Try to Woo Wife Robyn: “There’s A Lot of Men Interested in Robyn”

(Photos: TLC)

17 Responses

  1. I was late to the game getting into Sister Wives (only started watching because of The Ashley’s articles) and I’m now at the part where the adult kids are at odds with Robyn because she tried to takeover their whole gift exchange thing. I absolutely LOVE watching Christine stand up for herself and her kids and now Janelle doing the same. It’s heartbreaking seeing how hurt Garrison is by Kody and knowing how that is going to turn out, though. Kody should be ashamed of himself. He’s been a sorry excuse for a father since the second Robyn came into the picture.

  2. Every really thought Janelle was the smart one in this family.

    But Christine has proven in that last couple of years to really handle this smart.

    She knew she wasn’t married to Kody, and she was the only paying mortgage (the family only contribute to the down payment), she since she was the only one on the deed. She said, I know Kody is going to make Coyote Pass living hell (like he’s doing with Janelle and Meri), so you keep it, I’ll take my house.

    She moved close to family, made sure to actively tell Kody when she was coming to town, so he could truly, so no proof of abandonment or parent alienation. Offered a blanket invite for him to see her in AZ. The proof of the years he lived next door and didn’t bother seeing her. And then waited until she was old enough to get a say where she lives, and the only demand she had for Kody is she has her own room there. (Which for average Americans isn’t always possible), but for someone like Kody she could make the argument he has a 6 bedroom home, and only two minor children, why can’t she have her own bedroom. Forcing the judge to see her request as reasonable, and Robyn would never take away her baby daughters who are grown ups bedroom. Now with their bigger house, there is no excuse they can’t a room for Truly.

    Oh and AZ allows back pay, so since Kody hasn’t done a damn thing for her kids in years. He even admits that the only thing he does is bought them cars and insurance. Um… okay that’s when they are teenagers…

    The backpay is great, because you can’t argue over what happened, she already was sole parent to Truely that entire time, so she will get her back pay. And now it will force Kody to step up and actually provide for his kid.

    Kody always wants to look like a provider, but the only kids he’s provided for is Robyn’s kids. Janelle, Meri, and Christine all worked.

    Whoever Christine has got representing her… good lawyer…. she’s getting her money’s worth.

        1. Your comment wasn’t necessary and just picked a fight for no reason. That’s why the downvotes.

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