Briana DeJesus Speaks Out About Her ‘Teen Mom’ Co-Star Amber Portwood’s Accusations About Gary Shirley; Plus Amber’s Book Reveals Truth About Her Abortion

“Amber, back away from the smartphone! I repeat, back away from the smartphone!”

At least one person from the Teen Mom franchise is speaking out about Amber Portwood‘s jaw-dropping TikTok rant against Gary Shirley on Christmas Eve. 

Two days after Amber accused her baby daddy of raping her, as well as blackmailing her into getting an abortion years ago (among other things), Briana DeJesus aired her thoughts about her co-star’s accusations. As The Ashley previously told you, Amber hit TikTok Live in the early morning hours of Christmas Eve, telling her followers she was upset that she has been removed from their daughter Leah’s life entirely. (As ‘Teen Mom’ fans know, Amber and the 16-year-old have had a complicated relationship for years.) 

During the Live, a sobbing Amber claimed to “finally feel free” after making the allegations against Gary, whom she also stated she was angry at because she believed he was the reason Leah no longer wanted to be around her. While many in the comment section accused Amber of making the claims against Gary as revenge, Amber denied it.

On Thursday, Briana— who will appear on the upcoming season of Teen Mom: The Next Chapter alongside Amber— spoke out against Amber making these accusations on a public forum, pointing out how doing so will affect Leah.

“This is crazy! True or not….ur daughter can see all this bs!” Briana posted on X, along with a link to The Ashley’s recap of Amber’s meltdown.

Briana also pointed out that Amber is frequently stating that she wants to improve her relationship with Leah.

“U want a relationship with her but ur actions r showing otherwise?” Briana wrote.

This is not the first time that Briana has called Amber out for her behavior. Back in June— before the infamous episode in which Amber ruined Leah’s birthday dinner aired— Briana let fans know that she took issue with the way Amber spoke to her daughter and encouraged her to “do better.”

“I know I’ll probably get dragged or get a phone call but after watching a certain scene….I don’t support talking down on ur kids or even calling them names. Do better!” Briana posted to X at the time, confirming later that she was referring to Amber. 

Gary (and his wife Kristina) have not yet commented on the accusations Amber made against Gary on Christmas Eve, and MTV has remained silent (as of press time) as well. 

Gary right now…probably.

The Ashley has been getting a lot of questions regarding the claims Amber made against Gary, particularly her claim that Gary once took her to get an abortion and that he told her if she didn’t get one, she wouldn’t be able to see Leah, who was three at the time. Fans assumed that the child that Amber was pregnant with was Gary’s, and Amber did not correct anyone who asked or stated as such in the comment section of her Live. 

However, a look inside Amber’s 2022 memoir, So, You’re Crazy Too? reveals more information about the abortion, which happened shortly before Amber went to prison in 2012. Amber revealed that the man who got her pregnant that time was not Gary, but was actually a drug user Amber was sleeping with while on a break from her relationship with Gary.

“When my ex [Gary] and I had broken up for a while because the fighting was so bad, I was hanging out with a heroin addict and I accidentally got pregnant,” Amber wrote. “It was not an ideal situation. Of course I was not equipped to handle another child. But not being able to handle something and having to terminate a life were worlds apart for me. I finally had an abortion, however, it was devastating for me. 

“Again, I do not know why I made the decisions that I did during this time in my life,” Amber went on. “I was on drugs and didn’t know what I was doing half the time.”


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In another part of Amber’s book, she reveals why she had so much anger and aggression inside of her toward Gary. (During her TikTok Live, Amber stated that she was violent and angry toward Gary because he had raped her.)

However, in her book, Amber talks about why she felt the aggression toward Gary at that time.

“On TV it might have looked like I unleashed fury out of nowhere and that I needed to be locked up in jail,” Amber said. “The truth is he had hooked up with another girl and I was so mad I don’t even remember attacking him…I maintain firmly that, at that point in my life, I lashed out because I had been hurt by the person I was hitting…”

Amber has not logged on to TikTik Live since the Christmas Eve meltdown. The Ashley will have more on this situation soon, stay tuned…

RELATED STORY: Amber Portwood Makes Shocking Claims Against Gary Shirley During Late-Night TikTok Meltdown: Accuses Him of Rape & More (Recap)

(Photos: MTV; X)

25 Responses

  1. Amber lies so much (to herself and everyone else) that she probably doesn’t even know what the truth is anymore. Sadly, the best thing she can do for Leah is to just completely walk away.

  2. Amber constantly makes excuses for her horrible behavior….It’s my mom’s fault, it’s Gary’s fault, it was the drugs, it’s my depression, it’s my bi-polar Ness, it’s the medication, it’s Andrew, It’s Matt, it’s Gary ll, it’s Leah, it’s MTV, Blah Blah Blah…. IT’S GETTING OLD AMBER! GROW UP AND TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR *OWN* ACTIONS! You are a grown woman…act like one!
    MTV needs to cut ties and stop enabling her

  3. Do we need an online petition to FIRE Amber? If so I would sign it in a fast minute. She shows her *ss then starts making accusations about Gary. Come on Amber, start taking your meds and grow the *ell up. We are tired of watching Leah being upset over you and your mouth. You can only say you’re sorry so many times before it becomes a cycle for you. Get her off the show please!

  4. She’s accusing him of statutory rape- well by the laws of their state, it’s not. As they are 3 years apart.
    If she had an issue with it, she wouldn’t have waited 15 years to say anything

    In Indiana, the age of consent is 16 years old:
    Age of consent: No one under 16 years old can legally consent to sexual activity.
    Statutory rape: Consensual sexual activity between an adult and a person under 16 is considered statutory rape and is a serious crime.
    Exceptions: There are some exceptions to the age of consent law, including the Romeo and Juliet law and the Close-in-Age (CIA) exemption:
    Romeo and Juliet law: Allows consensual sex between people who are in a dating or ongoing personal relationship and are no more than four years apart in age.
    Close-in-Age (CIA) exemption: Allows consensual sex between people who are both over 14 and under 18 and are no more than four years apart in age.

  5. Brianna has her many faults, but at least she’ll call the others out instead of going above and beyond to coddle them. I can’t wait to see how Maci and Catelynn justify Amber’s behavior this time.

    1. Brianna and her sister and mom have some stuff going on that seems unhealthy, but I think Bri is actually a good mom. Is she someone I’d hang out with? Probably not, but at least she works and apparently knows how to pay taxes. I think her mother was quite damaging to her growing up.

      1. I agree. She doesn’t move a new soulmate in with her kids every month, she has consistently kept a real job and made smarter purchases (a house for her mother and then one for herself, neither one extravagant), seems to understand how a budget works, and she actually takes care of her kids mostly by herself. I think she wants to be a good person, she’s just got a ratchet/ghetto upbringing that she has trouble overcoming sometimes attitude-wise.

        I think her not immediately being picked up for a Teen Mom show after 16 and Pregnant and having to live a regular life before the money started pouring in helped.

  6. So we’ve seen the violent abuse with Gary. Court records show that she was violent with Andrew. No one ever mentions when the TV crew had to peel her off of Matt when she tried to attack him after his lie detector test. And Lord only knows what happened between the French (?) guy and Gary 2.0.

  7. “I lashed out because I had been hurt by the person I was hitting…” hmmm ok amber. What about Andrew then??
    Also this is obviously the wrong way to look at things. Amber, you are promoting violence because of your FEELINGS. Gary was not a direct threat to you, he didn’t push you first or anything of the sort. You are admitting you became violent because you were angry at him for cheating or whatever claim you want to make. This is EXACTLY what us good parents work so hard to teach our kids is WRONG ANF INEXCUSABLE. Imagine a man put his hands on your daughter for no reason other than “I am angry at her”. Is that okay? No, of course not.
    We strive to teach our kids that it is NOT okay to become violent with another person and it is NOT okay for another person to become violent with us, especially when there is literally 0 threat, as was the situation between Amber and Gary.
    Only an uneducated, feeble minded person would think this way.
    And unfortunately, these people do exist, which is why Gary and Kristina, amongst every other good mom and dad out there, has to teach their kids that people who think this way (Amber) are trash we should stay away from.

  8. whether or not the accusations are true i dont think mtv will finally fire amber, if anything maybe gary but they better not make briana shut up and if anything she and other moms on the show should continue to call out this behavior because clearly the way cate and maci “call her out” doesn’t work

  9. Well, that’s it…. Im thinking there’s nothing else she needs to do to never see Leah again. She could have tried her luck with the court system for at least one counseling session a month with her daughter. But after this last stunt there’s no way a judge would give her anything at all.
    If she doesn’t get her way she loses her mind. Very disturbing.
    Gary should sue.

  10. She does herself no favours. She claims she’s ‘healing’ & working on herself, comes back to socials & immediately kicks off when things don’t go her way or someone calls her out. She hasn’t been around Leah in months, I genuinely don’t think Gary has a reason to lie about the times she is around Leah, she may be contributing financially but that’s not a good substitute for a relationship with your child. You think cause you throw some money at them that’s all it takes? Gary needs to cut her contact & Leah has made it clear she doesn’t want a relationship with her anyways. I get wanting a healthy co-parenting relationship but that will never happen with Amber or it only lasts as long as the latest man is around. Let Leah be happy, let Kristina adopt her.

  11. Stop giving the insanity this loser constantly spews an outlet. It just allows her madness to further disturb the peace poor Leah deserves for whatever passes as the remainder of her childhood. This article likely only guaranteed her a continued spot on the show. I feel so bad for Leah. 15 years of this bullshit and it’s certainly not going to end if her mother keeps getting attention for every vile live social media event she holds at 3 a.m. Amber lives to scream, “look at me!“- no matter the cost to her kids.

  12. I hate to agree with Briana on anything but you know what at least she called her out. Unlike Maci who is probably letting her cry on her shoulder while Cate buys her a therapy horse. At this point, Gary needs a restraining order for him AND Leah… probably Kristina and her girls too. And he needs to get a judge to sign a court order barring Amber from disparaging him online as the father of her child. She has officially crossed every line but murder…and we momentarily thought she did that too earlier this year.

    1. Leah does not want to have a relationship with Amber (she’s literally said this on tv). It’s likely that Gary is taking the fall for Leah, and Amber is blaming him because she’s a forever victim.

    2. it basically started with that clip from leah’s birthday dinner last year! and of course amber thinks they “patched things up” after she got engaged but it went to sh!t again after gary and her got into a fight about child support and responded back to a comment if amber’s seen leah which he said no, then amber decided now was the perfect time to get back on social media after two years and kick it off with more manic episodes on tiktok live basically saying gary told her she’s not allowed to see leah anymore and trying to make it seem like it’s all gary’s fault why leah wants nothing to do with amber

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