On Sunday’s episode of Sister Wives, Meri Brown recounted the decision she made in 2014 to legally divorce husband Kody Brown in order for Kody to marry his fourth (and now only) wife Robyn Brown– something Robyn claims she never even wanted. According to Kody’s (other) ex-wives, though, it was something Robyn had been plotting— and planting in her family members’ heads— for a long time.
As fans of ’Sister Wives’ know, Meri was Kody’s first wife and, until 2014, the only wife to whom Kody had been legally married. In 2014, however, Meri and Kody ended their legal union in order for Kody and Robyn to legally marry so that Kody could adopt Robyn’s three children from her first marriage. Meri and Kody, who wed in 1990, ended up filing jointly and finalizing their divorce in September 2014. Less than three months later, Kody and Robyn legally tied the knot.
“We have chosen to legally restructure our family,” the Browns said in a statement at the time. “We made this decision together as a family. We are grateful to our family, friends and fans for all their love and support.”

Though Kody claimed on Sunday’s episode that he didn’t feel that his and Meri’s legal divorce “did anything” to their relationship, the couple’s relationship continued to worsen after their legal split. Despite this, Meri and Kody remained spiritually married until January 2023.
When discussing the decision Meri made back in 2014, Janelle Brown– who ended her spiritual marriage to Kody in 2022– noted that Meri and Kody’s legal marriage “seemed very important to Meri,” admitting that she was “sort of speechless” when Meri revealed that she had decided to divorce Kody so Robyn could have the legal marriage.

“ … I thought Meri would never do this,” Janelle said. “I already had started to see that there was a little bit of favoritism for Robyn from Kody at that point and I did worry.”
As for Christine Brown, who left Kody in November 2021, she recalled Robyn previously mentioning examples of other plural families where a husband had legally married another wife in order to adopt that wife’s children, suggesting that Robyn had planted the divorce idea in Meri’s head.

“ … [Robyn] mentioned that several times through the years, like she was putting that in there because she would have loved that to happen,” Christine said. “I don’t think Meri felt like it was planted. I think Meri felt like it was her own idea.”
Though Meri admitted during the episode that legally divorcing Kody was what she felt she “needed to do,” Robyn denied planting the idea in her head, calling Christine’s claim “an absolute lie.”
“I never said it,” Robyn insisted. “I don’t even know anyone who divorced their first wife so that the second wife could adopt kids. I’ve never even heard of that before.
“Meri told me when she made the offer [to legally divorce Kody] that when we were getting to know each other, she had the idea in her head to offer to give me the legal marriage so that Kody could adopt my kids,” she added.

Robyn not only claimed that the legal divorce was entirely Meri’s idea, but insisted that she “never even wanted to be legally married to Kody,” due to the “trauma” she experienced from her first divorce.
“I was actually really grateful that I wasn’t going to be legally married to Kody because I’d gone through so much trauma with my legal divorce in my last marriage,” Robyn stated. “I was very happy and content with my spiritual marriage.

“I didn’t need anything else,” she added.
New episodes of ‘Sister Wives’ air Sundays on TLC.
RELATED STORY: ‘Sister Wives’ Star Meri Brown Hints That She’s Changed Her Last Name– to Something Surprising– Following Her Split From Kody Brown
(Photos: TLC)
14 Responses
Robyn tells so many lies that she can’t keep her stories straight. The episode where Meri was signing the divorce papers made me sick. Robyn had a certain gleam in her eyes and although she claimed she did not want to marry Kody, 3 months later they had an over the top wedding. Disgusting. You got what you wanted Robyn and at a price that will come back to bite your ass. You may think you can keep your adult kids under your thumb but given time they will break away. My god. You can’t even let them go to church alone? What are you afraid of Robyn? Boy your ex husband got off easy when he lost you!
Ok Robyn then you should have said no. Because everyone knows that Kody didn’t need to marry you in order to adopt your kids.
It was so clear that Meri was telling the truth on this one. Meri has obvious ‘tells’ when she’s lying and last night there weren’t any at all.
Then why not say, “Meri, that is so sweet of you to offer but I’m not interested and won’t be doing that.” if you don’t want be legally married? Is she trying to insinuate that Meri pushed her into it? I also don’t get the adoption, either, but that’s another story.
Side note: do you guys remember the episode where she had Kody superimposed on a picture of her kids when they were little? Which is exactly what Michael Scott did on The Office with his girlfriend’s kids 😂
Remember she had to get her ex husband to sign away his rights to those kids. That was at least one full episode. 🙄Now she’s going to act like this was all Meri’s idea.
Like I said. She has told so many lies that she can’t keep her stories straight.
Robyn a Kody are both revisionist and liars. Their scenes are unwatchable. Especiallt with this new storyline of trying to get Robyns socially awkards wall flower daughters in to a church so they can meet a man🙄 They realized they have no storyline and desperately need one to stay in the show. Since none of Kodus kids deal with him they have to pull Robyns goofy mousey kids out to have someone to film with. They are trying to get the daughters a wedding special like Christine. They are pathetic.
She has been a liar from day one. But karma will come back to her and that idiot.
What an utter load of codswallop! Someone once compared Robin and her children to the book Flowers in the Attic and they were right! She is so “be sweet” manipulative and Machiavellian. No one is buying the crocodile tears. She lives her life like the ends justify the means. She and Grotty deserve each other. Watching his wife break down in tears as she signs divorce papers and playing helpless. Sorry, not sorry, more like heartless.
On a side note, what the hell closet/eaves is Grotty courtin’ the women folk in? Seriously? I’ve seen fundie prayer closets on TLC that were bigger.
what utter horse sh*t out of Robyn’s mouth….
She didn’t want it because it was so hard when she left her last marriage…. it was hard because the woman had accrued thousands in Victoria Secret CC debt and he refused to take on the debt in the divorce.
And if that’s so true… Robyn could have said, she wasn’t marrying Cody, that under no circumstance would she marry him. She could have had a prenup done….
… Robyn is just the victim of this family… Everyone, even people who don’t talk to each other, all have the same story, except Robyn…..
A certain part of this woman’s anatomy must be magic because she’s not attractive with those ridiculous eyebrows and her personality is exhausting. I said what I said.
Robyn is full of shit to pretend that she never wanted to “legally marry” Kody. She can feign stupidity if she would like to. I don’t think Robyn is stupid, she is methodical. To act like she doesn’t realize the benefits of being Kody’s legal wife is laughable. There is a reason she wants to hang on to Coyote Pass. She would have been the only wife that legally was entitled to Coyote Pass. Christine signed off her portion of the land. If Meri hasn’t done that she will or she will sell it to Kody discounted to the hilt. Jenelle will probably sell. Robyn has lived now in two houses worth millions. They could have paid off the land and built a home for the millions of dollars they have spent on their houses. Robyn also didn’t put one cent into anything. She doesn’t work. She conned all of the wives to put their money into her and Kody’s first Flagstaff house. She has been guilting and conning Meri since the day they met. I fully believe that she planted the thought of Kody legally adopting Briana and Aurora if only she was the legal wife. She knew Meri was loyal to a fault and Meri loved Robyn’s kids fiercely. The same kids that she no longer is allowed to be in their lives. Kody and Robyn got what they wanted. Each other.
Donkeywife 1000% planted that idea in Meris head.
Also, if Meri and Baldylocks discussed this idea “many times” why did he act so surprised when she mentioned it on air? Donkeywife didn’t look shocked of course
I assume because she’s willing to circle the donkey for Kody?!?!