Nathan Griffith recently resurfaced after a year’s worth of legal issues, rehab and probation with a new girlfriend— and a new appearance on Instagram Live on Saturday night that had Teen Mom 2 fans uttering, “WTF?”
Nathan— who is the father of Jenelle Evans‘ middle son Kaiser— only recently got off probation after pleading guilty in 2023 to attacking his sister via attempted assault by strangulation. Last year, Nathan was thrown out of the Veteran’s Court program he was sentenced to in 2023 for not having “adhered to the programming rules and policies.” He was sentenced in July to yet another trip to a residential treatment facility (despite the fact that he has been unsuccessful in several court-ordered rehab programs since his original arrest). He only recently completed the terms of his sentence.
Anyway, Nathan appears to have ditched his wife, May Oyola (who went back with him after legal trouble and was with him just a few months ago), in favor of a new girl, whom– during his late-night Live session, Nathan revealed to be only 21 years old. (Nathan is currently 37 years old.) During the Live, Nathan also highly concerned his followers, due to him slurring his words and proclaiming that it’s OK to control your partner’s phone, life and activities if you are in love.
The Live— which had more red flags than Nick Cannon has baby mamas— had Nathan proudly proclaiming that there should be “no privacy” in a relationship, and that if a person allows their partner to follow people of the opposite gender on social media, you are setting them up to cheat.
“I’ve never been so happy in my entire life, I haven’t,” Nathan said, before declaring that he follows no women on Instagram, and his girlfriend follows no men.
“It’s not being obsessive or possessive, and to a certain extent it is, but why put your spouse in a position where they could cheat?” a rough-looking Nathan asked his followers. “Why, when you’re having a rough time, or anything and you feel distance, that you allow them to be in communication or contact where they could cheat? Do you not love them?”

Nathan claimed that his new soulmate makes him happier than he’s ever been.
“I love her to death,” Nathan proclaimed. “I haven’t been so happy in my entire life, I really haven’t. And this woman has made me feel like I wasn’t crazy.
“Every single time I try to step out the door, she’s right there to follow me,” he continued. “Every single time she wants to leave or do something, I’m right there and I say, ‘I don’t want you to leave.'”

“Call us crazy, call us possessive, call us obsessive, but I’m absolutely in love with her and I don’t think our relationship is toxic,” Nathan said, adding that he has all of the girls’ account numbers, and she has his Instagram password.
“It’s absolutely not crazy because in a relationship you don’t need privacy. Why do you need privacy?” he asked. “If you really are obsessed with that person, there should be no alibi why they should go behind your back on Snapchat or Instagram or Facebook. And I thought it was toxic in the beginning, but out of 10 years– me being 37 years old— I’ve never had nobody control my Instagram, and I love that she controls my Instagram.”

Nathan then bragged about how well he is doing under his new girlfriend’s control care.
“Look at me now. I go to the gym, I don’t drink or anything because she constantly reassures me that she’s not going to leave me. And you think it’s toxic?”
(Hours before the Live, Nathan posted several photos to Instagram Stories, including of a drink at a Vegas restaurant. Shockingly, despite Nathan’s many alcohol-related arrests over the years–his probation terms do allow him to drink, but not “to excess.” If he is tested and is found to have a 0.08 blood alcohol content or higher, it will be ruled as “proof of excess.”)
Nathan then gave advice to other men in relationships.
No, seriously…

“Any men who need advice, just because you’re trying to protect your woman because you love her to death, I agree with you,” he said. “There’s no privacy in a relationship, and there shouldn’t be any privacy in a relationship, and that’s it.
“It took a 21-year-old to teach me that, that I don’t need any privacy with her, and she doesn’t need any privacy with me,” he continued. “That’s not toxic that we control each other’s phone or anything. It’s not at all. Go ahead, disagree with me, I don’t care. I am absolutely in love with her. I will do anything for her. And I know she would do the same thing.”
Nathan went on to explain that the “media” tells us that our partner should not be allowed to look at our phone, something he disagrees with.
“They should have total control over what you do, who you see, who you follow and everything,” Nathan said. “Because it’s not because they’re being controlling or possessive, it’s because they love you and they care about you and they’re concerned. They think you’re the best and I know my girl thinks I’m the best in the world.”

In the comment section of the post— which is still on Nathan’s Instagram feed as of press time— fans not only commented on how concerning Nathan’s words were, but also how, given his past history of violence against women, this Live was a major red flag to his girlfriend.
“Nathan, I work in family violence. Everything you’ve just described is a MASSIVE red flag and are things I warn women away from,” one person wrote. “This is controlling behaviour. You have a history of family violence. You’re headed right back down that road all over again. This is how it starts.”
“Welp, this is not going to end well,” another person wrote.
“This man said, ‘I don’t drink’ while slurring his words…” someone else commented. “But besides this entire drunken rant being scary, the second he said, ‘You shouldn’t have privacy,’ my stomach turned. I’m both sad and scared for that 21-year-old girl.”
The Ashley can find no divorce filing for Nathan and May, meaning they are likely still legally married.
About a week ago, Nathan posted a photo of his girlfriend’s thong-covered rearend (as you do), with a caption proclaiming his love for her…in a very “dramastic” way.
“We are the same person, as one with [our] body mind and soul,” he wrote. “I’m absolutely crazy about you and will do anything for you to prove it! It’s a love that means more than love itself. It’s a depth deeper than the ocean and as vast as the stars above.”

Jenelle has not yet spoken out about Nathan’s Live; however, she recently state that, since Nathan got out of rehab, he only called Kaiser once, and then didn’t check in for a month until Christmas, despite him and Jenelle (and Kaiser) all currently residing in Las Vegas.
“He calls me from a random Florida number… and he says, ‘Hey, can I see Kaiser.’ And I’m like, ‘I told you, bro, we’re not going to do unsupervised visits until I am comfortable to see if you’re sober enough,” Jenelle said during a recent TikTok Live. “But, I will meet you in person. And I can supervise the visits, and then once there’s, like, three or four supervised visits and I’m comfortable and you show up consistently, like a father should– on time, on schedule— then, yeah, you can take him alone. But, Nathan used to drink [when he had] Kaiser so I can’t have that.”
You can watch some of Nathan’s concerning Live below:
@theashleysrealityroundup Nathan Griffith makes concerning rambling video about being "obsessed" with his 21-year-old girlfriend, declaring that "There should be no privacy in a relationship!" Jenelle Evans' baby daddy concerned his followers, due to him slurring his words and proclaiming that it's OK to control your partner's phone, life and activities if you are in love. Go to theashleysrealityroundup.com for full recap! #FYP#fypp#TheAshley#Teenmom#teenmomthenextchapter#theashleysrealityroundup#nathangriffith#jenelleevans #fypツ ♬ original sound – The Ashley’s Reality Roundup
RELATED STORY: 12 Months of ‘Teen Mom’: The Wildest & Weirdest ‘Teen Mom’ Scandals of 2024
(Photos: MTV; Instagram)
24 Responses
This relationship isn’t healthy; it’s codependent AF.
There’s no trust and he’s trying so hard to control everything. He’ so much older than she is that she likely doesn’t see the whole picture. I’m not saying he’s grooming her, but she is much too young for him.
It’s sketch AF all the way around.
“They should have total control over what you do, who you see, who you follow and everything,” Nathan said.
He’s old enough to be her dad and he’s controlling her every move. I wonder how long will that last and if she will be the girl that he finally unalives
Nathan can’t keep it together for 5 minutes and try to be a support for his poor son, Kaiser!! (This new girl is WAY closer to JACE’S age than Nathan’s!! 😳🔥) Nathan sounds SUPER CREEPY, and if this girl was my daughter I’d be in my car on my way to pick her up, and get her AWAY from Crazy Nathan! As usual, KAISER is the one who is totally losing out on his father’s attention!!
When reading this
The first thing that came into my head is whose going to be up on a murder charge?
Even if you TRY to ignore the 16-year old gap (it’s weird that he went after such a young woman), everything he said is how a relationship SHOULDN’T be. It does show however that they don’t trust each other. AT ALL. Why would you…why do you have to…I am lost for words. Remember…we used to think this guy was on the right track in the past.
How interesting that both David and Nathan are “so happily in love” with a couple of early 20 something women. I mean genuinely, how fascinating. Does this speak on the mentality of the type of man that Jenelle likes? She has tended to lean toward mentally/emotionally immature guys. So she likes to be the breadwinner like Barbara, and she likes unstable men like her own dad, it’s just all so interesting.
Funny how Jenelle says he can’t see Kaiser until she’s comfortable enough with his sobriety when she’s always wasted and leaving her kids with the babysitter
I’m genuinely concerned about Nathan’s girlfriend’s safety. If she goes missing like Gary this year, we won’t be sure if she’s actually alive.
And I’m like, ‘I told you, bro, we’re not going to do unsupervised visits until I am comfortable to see if you’re sober enough,” Jenelle said during a recent TikTok Live
Yes, Jenelle. Please take your own advice and stay sober around your kids.
This is scary. The way he says he ‘loves her to death’ is disturbing. I know it’s a saying but given his history and lack of self control it’s a red flag. With this level of possession and obsession if that girl steps one toe “out of line” she’ll be lucky to make it out alive. He needs a lot of serious help before he ends up killlng someone.
What a controlling idiot. Ofc she “thinks” it’s love, she’s 21 ffs. This is not gonna end well
Wonder how long until he is arrested again for domestic violence. I give it a month
In Teen Mom years, Nathan could easily be his GF’s dad with a 16 year gap.
Does anyone else think that nathan will be on Dateline at some point for killing a woman?? Clearly, rehab doesn’t work.He needs prison where he should be
Empty vessels rattle the loudest. Social media is a brain-drain.
Please don’t impregnate her!!! This sounds just like the way Nathan was with Janelle in the early days. He shouldn’t be out and about – he needs to be behind bars or in some sort of psychiatric facility. He’s seriously damaged and not stable.
He will. Less than two months.
Pretty amusing that Jenelle says she just can’t have Nathan drinking around Kaiser, yet SHE drinks AND uses drugs around her kids EVERYDAY!!! LOL!! Also, Jenelle never once concerned herself with the drinking, drug use, and violence that went on for years when David was around abusing Kaiser from the moment he started to walk!! LOL!! Oh yes Jenelle, we can all see that you’re still as bat-shit insane and unstable as you’ve been since age 15!!! LOL!! Grow up you useless bitch!!
She just loves that she gets that control after so many years of Barb having control over Jace. Like all things with Jenelle, it’s never about her child.
Well said! And ssoooo true!
Nothing says “nontoxic relationship” like needing to post a video on social media about how not toxic it is to control your partner’s phone. I’m beginning to think that Nathan is the real “trailer trash who hit the lottery”.
I feel like this girl comes from a bad childhood. I know it sounds weird because she’s 20, but he probably groomed her. Some people can spot the weak/vulnerable ones. I’m not trying to say anything negative about her. She’s basically still a child. I have BPD and we are often the “targets” of the narcissistic personality disorder. That might be the case. I don’t know. She obviously doesn’t understand that she has her own autonomy. Scary
So creepy 😱! Nathan will kill a woman one day if he doesn’t go in jail or in a psychiatric unit.
Poor little Kaiser. When Jenelle is your “responsible” parent, your life didn’t start with the best chances.
words can’t convey how creepy, weird, antiquated and scary this (cave)man’s views are…
as for the ‘girlfriend’ ~ no sympathy. a quick google would display ALL the red flags. 🚩🚩