Chris Lopez Details Recent Interaction with Baby Mama Kail Lowry Where Cops Were Called: Calls ‘Teen Mom’ Star a “Vile, Sad Excuse of a Human Being”

Let’s get ready to ruuuuuumble…again.

The bitter co-parenting relationship of Teen Mom 2 star Kail Lowry and her third baby daddy, Chris Lopez, escalated (once again) on Monday, when Chris took to Instagram Stories to accuse Kail of making their kids “suffer,” and stating that cops recently had to be called during an interaction between them in which Kail allegedly tried to throw away their kids’ Christmas gifts and more.

As ‘Teen Mom’ fans know, Kail and Chris— who share sons Lux and Creed— have been battling both on and off the Internet for years. In his latest rant about Kail, Chris also claimed that Lux wants to be with him more than her.

“Never be so miserable that after not seeing or speaking to your children in 17 days the first thing you do is try to throw away their Christmas presents in front of a police officer and kids,” Chris wrote. (Kail recently took her kids to Spain, so this is likely part of the “17 days” Chris mentions here.)

“Never be so miserable that your hate for another parent [outweighs] your love for your children,” Chris wrote. “Never be [so] miserable and ugly inside and out that you would rather make your kids suffer because you are a vile sad excuse of a human being. NEVER BE SO MISERABLE THAT YOUR 7-year-old is starting to recognize your behavior to the point a 7-year-old told a police officer to his face ‘I WANT TO BE WITH MY DAD.'”

Chris didn’t elaborate as to what caused cops to be called to the interaction; however, this is just the latest serious accusation that he has thrown Kail’s way. Last month, Chris seemingly accused Kail’s fiancé, Elijah Scott, of getting physical with Chris’ kids.

“Children can tell you multiple times that a grown man is putting his hands on them and it was downplayed every single time,” Chris wrote in a post to Instagram Stories in December, adding that he supposedly has more than five videos of the child saying this. 


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Kail did not respond to Chris’ claims on Monday, nor has she ever addressed what Chris stated about Elijah allegedly getting physical with her kids. However, during an interview in August, Kail praised Elijah for how great he is with all seven of her kids, including Creed and Lux. (Three of Kail’s kids– Rio, Valley and Verse— are shared with Elijah.)

“He’s an angel on this earth and I don’t know what I did to deserve him…Lux and Creed love him because they just jump all over him,” Kail said. “They think he’s like, the cool dad. Maybe not their dad, but the cool dad.”

In the same interview, Kail gave an interesting quote that may explain why she hasn’t immediately taken to The Interwebs to respond to Chris’ recent online tirades against her, as she had done in the past.

“[I’ve learned to] keep most of it off of the Internet,” she said of her coparenting drama. 

Javi’s face while reading this…probably.

Kail and Chris are currently still battling in court. Back in June, a friend of Chris’ created a GoFundMe campaign to raise money for Chris to fight against Kail in court. The fundraiser only garnered $675

RELATED STORY: Kail Lowry’s Baby Daddy Chris Lopez Announces Upcoming Release of His Children’s Book “I Love You Dad”

(Photos: TikTok; Instagram; MTV)

52 Responses

  1. Chris is getting a reputation as a bitter baby daddy for a reason. He is always saying something and it’s apparent he tries to stress her out when she has something going on, this time is recovery from a surgery, such toxic behavior. He’s just so lame. Delaware is a 50 50 state so if he didn’t get 50% there is a reason and he just needs to quietly improve instead of being a B on the internet. She must be so embarrassed to be associated with him lol I would be.

    1. This is true! I think if he’s so unhappy with not being able to see his kids then he should take her to court but we all know he won’t because there’s something he doesn’t want out. He thinks that publishing a children’s book makes him a good dad but it doesn’t.

  2. It’s just not possible to spend quality time with seven different children and to be a part of all of their special moments. Sure, they’re all financially taken care of, but kail is trying to re-raise herself through all these kids, rather than raise kids for the KIDS benefit. You can’t tell me that she is attentive to 7 kids different needs. It isn’t possible. Life is about the little moments, not about parading around a circus just because you can afford one.

    1. Thank you (clap)! I am so sick of people saying “Well, she can afford them and they’re taken care of, so I don’t see the issue”. That doesn’t mean anything- Okay they are fed, housed, and clothed… Kids need much more than that.
      I have three boys (Twin 12 year olds and a 5 year old) and it is HARD to spend equal time with them. I also have to work though :/
      Regardless, I just do not see how she can spend much time with any of them except the babies because they literally need her at this point and hell, there are four that are under age 3 at this point… That in itself would be almost impossible to give those four equal attention at those ages let alone THREE more (depending on their dispositions and behavior) that are older.
      Sorry, not sorry! But I think we all are not blind to Kail making poor decisions and being a total liar.

      1. Not to mention a lot of her “time with them” is spent away from them, with nanny(s), or with her recovering from pretty serious elective surgeries (that absolutely could & have killed women in the past- what a responsible & sane decision for a month of 7 2-3 of them babies.)

    2. I have 4 and get so overwhelmed and sad when I have to miss something one is doing because another one has something else going on. Mind you, dad and stepmom and I split ourselves between them so no matter what at least one parent is present but it still sucks, like you’re choosing one kid over the other. I couldn’t imagine doing that with 7 kids. And it only recently became a problem because they’re all finally big enough for after school activities and sports. My youngest damn near cried when she found out I was going to have to miss her choir performance because her older sister had a game and I live closer to where her game was taking place. Thank God they switched her game to another day because the devastation on her little face about killed me. There’s just no possible way to give them all the individual attention they need.

    3. Exactly she’s not present. She can’t be. Especially if sh is focused on these men. And maybe she low-key feels a certain way toward Lux and Creed because of who their dad is.

  3. All these pro kail comments, after she throws away her kids gifts just because of who bought them, is truly disgusting. Yall cannot say you’re good people if you support the way this VILE woman treats human beings, as if they’re all merely pawns and this is HER world. 🤢🤮

  4. To me it’s just really odd that people keep bringing up how he wanted to write off his kid all those years ago. Anyone ever found out yourself or your girl is pregnant? It can be scary AF. Now imagine finding out you’ll be having a baby with Kailyn Lowry. I don’t blame the man for panicking and want TF out for a hot minute. But he does his thing as a dad. Visits and such. I couldn’t imagine having Kail in my life AT ALL, let alone as a baby mama. Yikes! People are so weird always bringing up one stupid little thing Chris did many years ago that he has more than made up for.

    1. Also. The whole “Chris beat me up” is hard for me to buy. She claimed Jo hit her when he didn’t and she was only using it as a way to punish him because she was jealous over Vee. And we WATCHED her hit javi. So maybe she tried going after Chris and he defended himself or stopped her in her tracks. We will never know the truth and she sure as heck won’t tell it.

    2. I don’t follow him too closely but from what I’ve seen he does try. He doesn’t have the money she does but he does seem to at least spend time with the boys. She NEEDS the drama, she LIVES for it so I have no doubt she stirs it up every chance she gets so she can hear the “Oh, Kail, I don’t know HOW you put up with him” comments because for whatever reason people fall for her BS. She’s so desperate for attention. She needs to get over herself.

    3. She wasn’t pregnant when that happened. Lux was a year old. He was already a living, breathing person when his dad tried to sign him away. He hasn’t made up for anything when he still can’t support himself, let alone his kids.

      1. I literally couldn’t care less. That changes nothing to me. Nothing. Kail was someone with a hard life who worked to rise up. Then she became (or maybe always was) a total shit person. She’s not a good mother in my eyes, and even when a guy is good to her and the kids, she treats them like dirt. I’m glad someone finally gave her a taste of her own medicine. Sadly though, she has all the money and he doesn’t stand a chance against her.

        1. We can all see that Kail isn’t a good person. That doesn’t mean Chris is. They both suck. Nothing you said remotely changes the fact that Chris is barely a step above a deadbeat.

          1. I’d rather eat crumbs with a bum than to eat steak with a snake. Some people have it so good that they have zero excuse to be awful because they’re comfy in life and can work on their faults. While others have to deal with a lot of other stuff that holds them down and they rightfully so, might grow at a slower pace. Kailyn and Chris are not on the same level, they’re apples and oranges, incomparable.

          2. Defending this dude so hard when he has proven to be a deadbeat who loves the public attention isn’t a good look. You do realize that Kail also had a hard childhood, right? At least Chris’s grandma has a basement he can squat in. Kail’s family gave her nothing. Yes, she has money now, because she made that happen. But having a rough childhood is not an excuse for either of them to be shitty people.

    4. 100% agree with you. I was terrified after I had my baby, I had no help and no clue what to do. I genuinely looked into adoption after I brought my baby home. I gathered information and was set on giving my daughter to adults more prepared and capable than myself. Thankfully I was able to get myself together and raise her myself. But, I would be mortified if someone kept bringing up decisions I contemplated when I was at my lowest.

    5. Panicking when you find out your girl is pregnant is not the same as asking a judge to terminate your parental rights to your one-year-old son. Doing your thing as a dad requires more than “visits and such.” That’s sad af.

    6. And look at Devoin, who God knows didn’t start out as the best baby daddy out there. He’s grown up some, mature some and now is “daddy” even to little girl who is not his, and who he has never lived with. Kail is the one who has failed to grow up in any way.

  5. Both terrible people – hard to know wherein lies the truth. He’s dumb as dirt – she’s not stupid but messy AF. And the kids suffer. They might have nice stuff and go on fancy trips, but their lives are not normal with the swirl of dysfunction.

  6. idc how much yall hate kail but chris’s claims honestly don’t sound like kail at all, and yall would know this if yall actually paid attention to her relationship with her kids and how she doesn’t act or talk the same way to them she does to other people
    if yall wanna disagree with that then ask yourself this, if chris is such a concerned father why hasn’t he taken it to court yet? he’s been spending months taking their business to social media but doesn’t use that same energy to take it to a judge?

    1. Did you even bother to read the article??? It clearly states in here that a friend of chris’ posted a go fund me to try to raise funds for chris to fight Kail in court. This clearly isn’t a normal situation as most people don’t have the kind of money Kail does to fight in court. It’s expensive and he knows he won’t win because he doesn’t have the same kind of money she does. Maybe him posting all of this on social media is to show people his truth and to hopefully raise enough money to hire a decent lawyer. It makes sense. Obviously people don’t know what goes on behind closed doors and an abuser wouldn’t allow outsiders to see how they speak behind closed doors.

      1. If only there were a way Chris could earn some sort of regular income so that he wouldn’t need to continue relying on a struggling GoFundMe that hasn’t seen a single donation in 7 months

    2. EXACTLY! And isn’t it funny Chris who originally wanted nothing to do with the show or living a public life now spends a majority of his time trashing Kail and her parenting on the internet?

      Like you said, he could take Kail to court if there were really the issues he’s claiming.

      1. I do think it’s off that Chris wouldn’t go on the show, when he would have earned enough to have zero $ issues but I digress.

    3. Maybe you need to be reminded of the way anyone can make themselves look any way they please, that doesn’t mean you have any clue how they are behind a closed door. Kail learned to show what she wanted and hide what she wanted. People who go too hard for kail looks just as messy as she does.

    4. Kail doesn’t even take care of her children’s medical needs. She refuses vaccinations, don’t forget, and not because science but because…”I read/heard something somewhere”. She was willing to expose countless people to measles while she was told to keep herself and her kids in quarantine. She doesn’t even get them regular checkups like they should (this gets worse when you consider time spent in the NICU, however short people may say it is, it’s often the case that the child stays somewhat immune-compromised for a while but she didn’t give a shit about that. She’s one half-step away from a flat earther.

      I don’t like Chris, don’t get me wrong, I think they are both shit parents. But this 100% sounds like Kail. We have seen her get violent with men. We have seen her shit talk everyone in her life. We have seen her throw shade even towards her kids when they don’t stay inline and say/do what she wants for the camera/podcast/whatever interview is going on. Kail being a shit mom, and she most definitely IS a shit mom, doesn’t make Chris a good dad, or person. They are BOTH shit parents and people, period.

  7. everytime Kail takes the kids on vacay this amazing father of the year goes on a rant about her…… half the time i dont understand what hes complaining about … like are you just jealous you cant go on free vacations anymore?

    also kail has a sweetheart of a 16 yr old you think if some rando was hitting the other kids he wouldnt have told someone???? also the son thats in all her ig stories???

    if you listen to her podcasts most of her friend fall outs happened because of her relationship with Chris… look kail hasnt had a shiny past but shes learning and has raised some good kids and this guy needs to sit down and shut it….. or go see Amber they can sit on the couch together going woe is me…

    1. I miss the old Chris… you know the one who didn’t want to be on camera, who didn’t want attention for being Kail’s baby daddy…. what happened to the guy who wanted nothing to do with the spotlight…

      Just get a job already. Because if it’s true the kids are being terribly abused, how dare he put that out on social media for money and clout, how dare you abuse them more. It could effect their home life, it will now affect school… we know the kids at school know about these kids…. this wasn’t done because he’s some altruistic person looking for help, he did this for attention.

      If you really think it’s that bad, your kids are telling you, you go to the police, you document everything, you go to the doctor, you document everything, you report to CPS/DCF, you find legal aid, you get as many jobs as it takes to get a lawyer to get them out of their care… you don’t post their worst moments on the internet….

      Please also note that Chris believes in corporal punishment, he’s said so, this isn’t a situation where they wouldn’t get hit in his care, they would, he would be the one doing it, instead of what he’s accused Elijah of doing…

      Good both of them just suck….

  8. What does she expect taking her kids out of the country for 17 days when you have so many baby daddies? She acts like she’s so high and mighty but if she’s so smart she would have thought of that before getting preggo.

  9. They both suck but Chris is not Dad of the year by any means. He tried to sign his rights away to the same son he cares so much about. If a child is confiding in you that they are abused you probably don’t want to put what your child told you in confidence on the internet. That’s stupid in so many ways. Let’s say he is being abused. What do you think will happen to him now? Now his alleged abuser knows that he told and there could be horrible consequences for his son. You think he would feel safe confiding in you again?

    Kail said Chris beat her and broke into her house. Chris said Kail beat him. They both have called the cops on each other. This was when they only had one child. They sure did jump in the sack and make another one though didn’t they? The way they tell it they knew who each other was before she got pregnant again. You can’t accuse either one of using their brains much.

    1. Chris even admitted he believes in corporal punishment, just that Elijah isn’t allowed to do it to HIS kids, ONLY he can…

      So anyone who wants great parenting advice from the man who tried to give up his rights to the first kid, then got her pregnant again after that, hits his kids, and does on par what a babysitter would do, go buy his new children’s book, “I love you, Dad”… just $13.99

  10. Kail sucks, but Chris is a bum. They’re both the problem. And god I can’t believe I’m saying this, but he’s the one saying all this stuff publicly- she isn’t. Imagine how that will look to a judge. Imagine how this post will look to a judge. He’s trying to bait her, which is a total narcissist move. And again, she’s the worst. But so is he. Both things can be true. Look at Jenelle and Nathan, after all.

  11. Never be so miserable that after not seeing or speaking to your children in 17 days the first thing you do is try to throw away their Christmas presents in front of a police officer and kids,” Chris wrote. (Kail recently took her kids to Spain, so this is likely part of the “17 days” Chris mentions here.)

    Wait what? Chris didn’t see them or kail didn’t? Kail threw away the gifts??? Makes no sense

    1. Yeah, that didn’t make sense. It was Chris who didn’t see the kids for 17 days (and Kail would never agree to go that long anyways). And what did he get the kids that she threw it away in front of them, if that’s what happened? And who called the cops?

      These two are so messy and their poor kids have to deal with the fallout.

    2. I believe the 17 days she wasn’t with them was over Christmas break. They were with Chris and she was recovering from more plastic surgery. All of the dads had their kids during this time.

  12. If any of this is true, Chris needs to go to court for his kids.
    Fuck a G.F.M.
    Get a J.O.B.

    And lol at Kail defending the latest dude.
    Yeah, I highly doubt he’s an angel on earth.
    He just puts up with her bullshit bc she pays his bills. Ofc he’s on good behavior. Smh.

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