Spencer Pratt Responds to “Trolls” Criticizing Him & Heidi Montag for Accepting More Than $27,000 in Donations After Losing Home in Wildfire

Spencer Pratt is defending his decision to accept monetary donations from fans after revealing earlier this week that he and wife Heidi Montag had lost their home in the Pacific Palisades wildfire.

After a friend of the MTV stars created a GoFundMe for them and shared a TikTok detailing Spencer and Heidi’s story, some people questioned the friend’s decision to help raise money for “celebrities,” noting that Spencer and Heidi are likely “better off” than so many others whose homes have been destroyed this week. Spencer later took to TikTok Live to discuss the situation.

As The Ashley told you on Tuesday, the home owned by The Hills stars is one of many that’s been destroyed this week in the wildfires currently burning in Los Angeles. 

While Spencer, Heidi and their two children were fortunately able to evacuate safely before their home caught fire on Tuesday, the couple continued to keep fans updated on social media after leaving their home and later shared video of their residence ablaze, via their home security cameras. 

(Spencer and Heidi initially evacuated to Spencer’s parents’ home; however, the Pratt family home was also unfortunately destroyed in the wildfire, according to People.) 

Following the news that Spencer and Heidi had lost their home, a close friend of the couple named Brandon Johns organized a GoFundMe for them– with a fundraising goal of $100,000– where friends, family and fans can donate to “Help Spencer and Heidi Rebuild After Fire.”

“ … The money will go directly to them and it will be used at their discretion to rebuild their lives,” Brandon explained on the GoFundMe page. “They need to buy everything, clothes, food, household items, etc.” 



https://gofund.me/3f89fa11 This precious family is so special to us. Money can’t buy all the memories lost, but it can help them get through this horrible time. They didn’t even take clothes. Please share this video and the go fund me to everyone. Thank you all so much. I’ll add the go fund me link to my bio #palisadesfire #pacificpalisades @Spencer Pratt @heidimontag @Courtney 🦋

♬ Ambient-style emotional piano – MoppySound

After presumably getting wind of some of the negative comments, Spencer took to TikTok Live to address his financial situation, insisting that he and Heidi are not nearly as wealthy as some may believe. 

“ … the funniest thing about the internet is most times people are always trolling me, like, saying how broke we are and saying, ‘You’re so broke you TikTok Battle, like, you’re broke,’ and then our house burns down and everyone’s like, ‘Oh, you’re a millionaire, you’re so rich,’ like, which is it,” Spencer asked. “Are we broke or are we millionaires? Trolls gotta figure it out … .” 


This is really sad! So many homes have burned, so many people’s lives have changed in a matter of hours! 🥺 #realitytv #palisadesfire #spencerpratt #fire #itsgivingreality

♬ original sound – itsgivingreality

Spencer also assured fans that he and Heidi wouldn’t be asking for or accepting help if they didn’t genuinely need it. 

“ … I promise you, if I was rich I would not be on TikTok Live asking for your gifts and Amazon Wish Lists and promoting a GoFundMe, let’s be clear here,” Spencer said.

In an update posted to Spencer and Heidi’s GoFundMe yesterday, Brandon confirmed there had been “a big jump” in donations following Spencer’s TikTok Live. As of press time, the couple’s GoFundMe sits at more than $27,000. 

“Thank you all so much,” Brandon told contributors. “We are working on an Amazon Wish List for them as well.” 

Spencer also responded to the negative comments with a message posted to the GoFundMe page.

“Watching [our house burn down] live will haunt me forever. Definitely one of the worst feelings of my life,” he wrote. “Watching all the hard work of the last 15 years go up in flames. I know people are like, ‘You’re rich, you will be fine’ (Yeah, I wish). Everything in our house was paid for by Heidi and I hustling any way we could. EVERYTHING we have worked for was in this house. For the people that are like, ‘Insurance will cover it,’ obviously you don’t know what you’re talking about. I know everyone is like, ‘At least you have your family.’ Yes, I know, but we are starting at zero now. All of our family memories are just that now. No physical connection to any of our family’s life journey together.”

♬ original sound – Spencer Pratt

As for what they have planned for the future, Spencer told fans this week that he and Heidi will either rebuild the home they lost or possibly relocate to a new state. 

“I think we’re going to obviously try to rebuild our house but if not, maybe move to Arkansas,” Spencer said, noting that some of his and Heidi’s friends have a “ranch-type, big property” in Arkansas and may possibly have a piece of farm where his family can live. 

RELATED STORY: Spencer Pratt & Heidi Montag’s Home Completely Destroyed in Pacifica Palisades Wildfire: ‘The Hills’ Stars Document Fire on Social Media 

(Photos: Instagram; TikTok; GoFundMe) 

35 Responses

  1. So, to echo several- I do not wish this on anyone. It is awful for even a billionaire to lose sentimental things, pictures, things their children made them, heirlooms- priceless items. Even high valued material items… To lose your home, where many memories are made- it is awful. I DO feel bad for anyone in this situation- celebrity or not. However- The Pratts have family that can take them in. Their family can help them with finances for awhile, they DO have a business that they can still run and I assume much of the stock of crystals they sell, were not in the actual home. Regardless if they were, they are so much better off than SO many that have also lost their homes, everything they owned, pets, their lives… So while I won’t exactly bash them for asking for money from others, I will say there are SO many others that are A) more deserving and B) in a MUCH worse place without ANY resources and/or family. I think it’s pretty common knowledge that they are no longer rich- with that said, they could have made VERY different choices in life and retained some/much of that wealth. That isn’t anyone else’s issue but their own. I am sure though that they have SOME money though or they wouldn’t have been able to stay where they were before the fires started.

  2. My childhood home burnt down in 2017. My parents lived there for 32 years prior. I’ve been through this pain before.

    That being said, even if you don’t have insurance, there are state and federal resources. They also still have the value of the land. If they’re that strapped for cash, sell the land and purchase something you can afford. They also have their social media accounts to continue to recoup cash. My parents never had that.

    There are so many other working class families that deserve funding more than them. They should not accept money and should have shut down this account. They’re profiting just from social media alone.

    1. I agree, I mean I feel terrible for them but they have it so much better than some. They have an amazing house to stay at until they figure out what they will do. It really upset me when I saw them buying wine, if you’re so strapped for money stop buying all this stuff and put it toward whatever you’re going to do now. I just don’t understand it.

  3. I hardly think some snarky comments is the end of the world. How many people needed help while they had money? I can assure you many people did. These comments are more like “welcome to the real world, you’re one of us now.” 🤣

  4. I really enjoy read The Ashley and have for years but the comment section is sometimes a nasty cesspool of hate and ugliness…… This is one of those times.

  5. Someday when your life is shattered, I hope everyone kicks you all while you’re down too. Have the day you deserve!

  6. I’m not going to bash someone for asking for help, if they need it. True, Spencer and Heidi are more fortunate than others, but it’s not a competition. They did also blow a lot of money they could have saved.

    I’m not going to donate to the gofundme, but I’m also not going to bash either.

  7. Spencer said their fire insurance was canceled recently too. So they were not insured. Spencer and Heidi are far from being rich, they have hussled to get where they are but they aren’t rolling in it.

    1. I thought he said his parents fire insurance was canceled, not theirs. Either way, it’s just a horrible situation.

  8. Anyone else think of the episode of The Hills when Heidi goes to see her mom after all her cosmetic surgery, and then cries when her mom tells her she doesnt look good The video of Heidi crying is just like that episode.

  9. i’m sorry but it’s so icky to see how horrible people are acting towards these celebrities losing their homes. no matter how much you make this is so sad all around! and yall don’t seem to understand how net worth’s work or that these people don’t actually make that much money yall think they do

  10. Greedy ass people. They should be ashamed of themselves. Go sell that 1 to 200 thousand dollar diamond wedding ring. Many people have lost their homes. You aren’t that special. You should have had emergency fund money put away but yall were too busy with crystals and plastic surgeries. Now you expect your fans to rebuild your home. Disgusting

    1. OTOH, I’m reading about everyday people who work hard but still live paycheck to paycheck that have their affordable rent plus all of their possessions. Those are the people that deserve GoFundMe assistance.

    2. She just lost almost all her possessions and I’m sure her wedding ring is one of the very few things she has left. I don’t really like them either but saying that someone should sell their wedding ring after they lost nearly everything is actually disgusting and shameful. I hope you have a better day and rethink this comment and attitude.

    1. i heard a bunch of people’s insurances actually cancelled their fire insurances right before the fires started but i’m not sure how true that is because some people from those areas are saying they cancelled them back in july

  11. I don’t know a thing about these people and I have no opinion on the situation. My only comment is WHO THE HECK dresses that way for a family outing to the pumpkin patch? Ew.

      1. It’s not that it’s just ugly, it’s pretty inappropriate for a “family” outing. You can pretty much see her ass.

  12. I wouldn’t wish losing a home to a fire on my worst enemy. Neighbors of mine had a major fire in their home – they lost everything and were out of their home for a year. I remember seeing the wife and child crying. These people were rude AF to me and I didn’t like them, but my heart broke for them that day.

    If friends and family want to privately help then cool. But unless they lived very modestly, to beg publicly is an icky look. Do people think they have money because they live large (nice cars and home)?

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