Catelynn Lowell says she doesn’t regret placing her daughter Carly for adoption in 2009; however, the Teen Mom star says she does regret who she picked as Carly’s parents.
As The Ashley has previously reported, Catelynn and her husband Tyler Baltierra have been speaking out against Carly’s parents, Brandon and Teresa Davis, since last year. In September, Cate and Ty amped up their social media posts about the Davises when the North Carolina couple blocked them and essentially cut off contact between them and Carly. In multiple social media posts, Lives and media interviews, Ty and Cate have also blasted the premise of adoption, detailing how they feel they were taken advantage of as teens.
In a new interview with E! News, Catelynn said she would not choose Brandon and Teresa again if she could redo things.
“I would make different decisions with my choice,” Catelynn told the news outlet.
Catelynn gave specific reasons as to why she would not allow Brandon and Teresa to adopt Carly, if she could do things over.

“I definitely would have picked a couple in Michigan,” Catelynn said, adding that Brandon and Teresa’s initial desire to have a closed adoption should have been something that took them out of the running to be Carly’s parents. (Although they weren’t looking for an open or semi-open adoption initially, Brandon and Teresa eventually agreed to the open adoption, with the understanding that they had the right to “close” it at any time.)
“I would have picked a couple that wanted fully open adoption from the get-go,” Catelynn said. “So, there’s things in my decision that I would have changed.”

Despite this, Catelynn told E! that she does not regret placing Carly for adoption.
“I think that I would have made the same choice, because I feel like it took her away from a lot of the traumas and things that I was going through growing up, that she shouldn’t have to go through,” Catelynn said.
She does, however, regret not getting herself a lawyer before going through with the adoption, as she was only 16 at the time.
“No adult stepped in to say, ‘Hey, this is what this means,'” Catelynn said. “Everybody just threw papers at me as a literal child, and I had to just sign them, not knowing what I was signing.

“…people need to know, if you’re making a decision for your child, these are things that they can struggle with,” Catelynn said later in the interview. “And I wasn’t told any of that, so I feel blindsided by a lot of it as I’m getting older. It’s just really hard.”
Like Catelynn, Tyler has also expressed regret about choosing Brandon and Teresa as Carly’s parents. During a Live in September, Tyler stated that what he would do differently.
“I would not have gone through an [adoption] agency and I would have picked different parents,” Tyler said. “That’s just the truth.”
“I would have probably spent more time with the parents that we chose,” Tyler added. “We tried to ask [our adoption counselor] Dawn if we could visit at a park and get to know them…that didn’t happen. But at 16, you just kind of listen to the adults. They’re saying, ‘no, this is how it works…’
“For me, I don’t regret placing her, I still believe it was the right thing,” he said. “Me and Cate were in chaos. I don’t regret it, I just regret how I did it and who I did it with.”

While Tyler regrets placing Carly with Brandon and Teresa, he did acknowledge on X in September that they have done a good job raising Carly.
“But I don’t ever want her to resent her parents! I firmly believe that they are good parents & I will always be grateful to them for that,” he wrote. “I just hope her parents give her the right tools, resources & education that she deserves to know in regards to her own healing process. Adoptees have their own unique journey when it comes to facing the trauma that inevitably comes with that unique experience. All I want is for Carly to know the truth & have all of the facts. She deserves that!”
Catelynn and Tyler will be discussing their problems with Carly’s parents a lot on the upcoming season of Teen Mom: The Next Chapter, which premieres Thursday on MTV.
RELATED STORY: ‘Teen Mom’ Star Catelynn Lowell Says Her Bio Daughter Carly’s Parents Told Her to Stop Sending Carly Gifts Because It’s “Inappropriate”
(Photos: MTV; Instagram)
98 Responses
I wish Dr.Drew chose someone else to go on teen mom.
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣Lol. You think Dr. Drew has anything to do with production and hiring decisions?!?!?!?! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Bless your heart… no, just no.
Dr. Drew was a host for the reunions, he’s even said he doesn’t watch the show, they gave him a clip package to watch and he watched it on the plane ride over, that’s all he did, watch a clips package production gave him and read a Teleprompter. Viacom and MTV used his medical title to justify all his bad opinions and statements.
I used to watch him on Celebrity Rehab. They called him panda face.
SHUT UP! SHUT UP! SHUT UP!! I am so sick of them moaning…you do understand Carly isn’t a little girl anymore, right?! She can make her own decisions and God, I know she prob wouldn’t want the attention but I would love for her to write a book about being mentioned on the show for so many years despite living a quiet life away from cameras. Brandon&Theresa never signed up for decades of this, they only wanted to be parents! No wonder they cut you off, you became a nuisance to them (I also believe a fan of Cait&Ty might have attacked them on socials too, it wouldn’t surprise me, these two will never EVER admit they are the problem. Ever) Please stop talking about this, I feel like they are only talking now cuz they have no storyline. I doubt they would get another kid (even tho Ty would “love to have a boy”)
And I wish 16 and pregnant picked another couple to follow. My Lord she’s annoying.
This cow makes everything about her. She should just be grateful her bio kid has a good life and move TF on
After all that heartache and pain, they’ve managed to undo all the good they did for Carly by giving her up. Cait is a toxic pothead and prescription drug addict, and Tyler is a ketamine-addicted loser who schlocks his wacker all over Only Fans because, like Cait, he is too lazy to get a job. Both of their kids they kept are a mess of nerves, panic attacks, and acting out. Pray for those three girls; they are the ones who are suffering because of these two TOXIC individuals. I hope B & T gets a cease and desist or other legal relief from these two.
You nailed it, also Catelynn is the one who DEMANDED Ty go on only fans so she would not have toget up off the couch and get a real job.
I will preface this with…. am using quotes because open adoption is NOT a legal thing, cannot be enforced in any way, shape, or form, nor is it a real thing by any measurement that exists today…but…people (wrongly) use the term all the time.
More than 95% of “open adoptions” come with serious caveats. ALL “open adoptions” carry the ability to be “closed” at the sole discretion of the adopting parent(s) at any given time of his/her/their choosing, for whatever reason(s) he/she/they decide….period. They knew this going into it, every single person that goes into fostering or adoption (on either side) knows this, it is reinforced constantly. We even saw it explained to them, numerous times, on the show and they reiterated it themselves numerous times throughout the shows and most interviews they did for quite a few years. THEY KNEW THIS!!!!
The way any individual adoption scenario plays out can vary greatly. In our family’s case, we run the spectrum, as both foster and adoptions are concerned. We have some biological family with whom we have to cut any and all ties and communication outside of legal necessity-for various reasons. We have some where communication and relationships exist, with different levels of caveats, or if you’d rather “rules” we all follow. We have some where it’s about as open as one can get-we’re all family and that’s just what works. In every instance, it’s always based on what is best for the child(ren) involved, and *never* do our needs or desires as foster or adoptive parents, or those belonging to biological family take precedence. This is how every case should be, sadly, it doesn’t always work out that way. This is one such case, where the needs of the child are only considered by one side of the equation and the other couldn’t possibly care less.
Carly’s case is one where her parents, Brandon and Theresa, should have cut all ties and communication years ago. It never should have even gotten to the five years everyone originally decided *might be ideal. It was obvious years ago that this is where Cate and Tyler were headed. They were *never* going to get the level of “openness” they have now decided they always wanted. Their expectations then were a bit high, but they’ve grown exponentially every single time C&T have sold their story to yet another trash rag or news outlet. Their desire to capitalize monetarily from this whole experience so frequently is proof positive that they would have behaved this way no matter who they chose or the level of openness or communication involved. They were always going to behave like this and they’re just proving this every single time they open their mouths or go to social media. It has nothing to do with Carly or what’s best for her and hasn’t been since the day they said goodbye. Giving her a better family and a better life was the one and only time they ever thought of her and her needs. This is all the me me me me us us us ours ours ours show and not the “we have a lot of feelings that we need to work through even though we still know this has always been in Carly’s best interest” show that it should be. It’s disgusting, to say the least.
You are way too invested in this, your post is way too long to give attention to….
When you’re an adoptive family, you are invested in this story because of all the misinformation about adoption being purported. Maybe you should just skip to the articles about Sister Wives?
Catelynn is that you?
Or it could be you’re just too lazy to read it…
Poor lil fella, I know, words are hard. Someday you’ll get there though, keep trying, I have faith in you!
Of course they knew this, they don’t have a story line and just like Maci they were on the chopping block so they use old story lines because that is the best they can do.
Does she not realise how hurtful saying these kind of things would be for Carly to hear? She’s talking about her parents, the ones she loves and cares about. Catelynn needs to just shut the hell up already. I know when Carly is old enough to make her own decisions, she won’t come running because how toxic C&T have been and the amount of shit they have talked about her parents
Maybe if you got up off the sofa and stopped smoking weed, generally made yourself a better person then they might not have taken the action they have. The problem is you, not them. It doesn’t matter who you “chose” the other outcome would have been the same because YOU are the problem.
And she wonders why she is so fat.
I know teenagers can have their own idea of what’s cool or what they would like their family to be like, but I can’t imagine even the most rebellious teen looking at C&T and thinking “yeah, that’s who I wish was raising me” even with B&T being weird evangelicals. I’ve got tattoos and piercings, I do plenty of weird things as an adult, I was plenty rebellious as a kid but watching Cait smoke on the couch and Tyler show up in a cut off tshit to meet me while posting weird poetry, nevermind the show or the interviews, wouldn’t have seemed desirable even at my rebellious high point.
Carly’s first act as an adult is going to be to go NO CONTACT with C&T! They have used Carly as content $$$ and violated her privacy for her whole life! She’s 15, it’s all on the internet, SHE KNOWS!! At 15, it’s HER decision whether she wants to see them! Carly votes NO!!! Then there’s the whole gross O.F. thing!
I think they idealize the daughter they gave away due to their failures as parents with the children they kept. I don’t believe they are loving/caring parents, I don’t believe they broke the cycle the way they publicized it, and i think they full blown know it. They project the ‘what ifs’ onto the “daughter that got away” because their whole story line was “breaking generational trauma” yet they went on to very much so continue the generational trauma. It takes the eyes off their actual lives and projects onto B&T who gave Carly a life that they didn’t give the other girls, despite having the means to be much better.
To be fair, they are feeling what alot of people feel when they give up a child and have more, or if a child passes. They focus on that one child and neglect the others. They need to recognize that they have children at home that need their full attention. It was telling (at least to me) that at one of their last visits with Carly, Tyler remarked on camera that she was the one basically watching the little ones and paying attention to them. Perhaps she even recognizes it. I don’t know any of these people but that is what I surmised from hearing his comment.
Catelyn and Tyler need to grow up and shut up (in that order).
Cait, a different couple would have blocked you and cut off contact and closed the semi open adoption years ago, I used to think you were a selfless person for making such a big and correct decision at a young age, now you are just selfish and fkn horrible, remember when ty told you if you keep the child im outta here, so if anyone is to blame it’s your in the closet husband.
Right I’ve recently rewatched their 16 & pregnant episode now being older all I can say is I feel like the reason she was giving her up was cuz of Ty. I feel like he was pressuring her to do it and I think caits mom felt that way to cuz she even said herself to cat that it was cuz of ty. I really don’t understand why they chose to give her up when clearly that stayed together and had more kids. How fair was that to Carly how unwanted she can or must feel.
PLEASE can this bitch shut the hell up already???? The world is tired of listening to you whine. You gave your kid away thank God! Now let her live the life she deserves.
You are literally stalking her!!
Carly is what? 14? 15? She’s gonna see this! How do you think she’ll feel when reading that? But of course catelynn and Tyler only care about themselves. Two 30 year old middle schoolers. I can’t believe people think they’re in the right. Leave that poor family alone. B&T and Carly’s parents NOT YOU!
Long story short, Catelynn could care less about Brandon, Teresa, and Carly, she knows she is on the chopping block, she has no story line, so here it is. Everytime she is on the chopping block, BINGO, here comes more lies about Brandon and Teresa. Fire this stupid BIT**.
She couldn’t care less about her 3not Carly’s either.
I understand their frustration at this, but let’s keep in mind Carly is getting older, it’s very possible that she herself doesn’t want contact with them & her parents are respecting that. Or if it’s the parents decision there’s obviously a reason behind it. They’ve made multiple requests for them both to stop posting about Carly on socials and they never did. At the end of the day Cate & Tyler handed Carly over to these people, they are the parents. If Carly turns 18 and wants to reach out she will. Until then be respectful.
“Although they weren’t looking for an open or semi-open adoption initially, Brandon and Teresa eventually agreed to the open adoption, with the understanding that they had the right to “close” it at any time.”
What part of this are Cate & Ty not grasping?? They even spoke about their fears of the adoption being closed in earlier seasons. B&T allowed them to keep some contact with Carly over the years. It really sounds like Cate just wanted someone local to take care of the hard parts and she could come in with gifts and occasional visits. It’s giving Jenelle and Barb tbh
Imagine being in Carly’s position and seeing this. I really have no sympathy left for cate and ty. It’s one thing to speak about the ups and downs of adoption. It’s something else entirely to spend this much of your existence obsessing over Carly’s parents. They’ve known since 2009 about the possibility of the adoption closing so why are they acting surprised now??
Exactly there was an episode on Teen mom where they went over the papers and it stated the first 5 years is when they could get updates and possible vis8with Carly but after that then it was up to B and T. And also B and T had told Cate and Ty to keep Catly off of social media bc they getting bugged and probably not in a good way.
At this point, Cate and Tyler are digging themselves into a deeper hole from which there is no coming back. The latest comment made publicly is something neither of them can ever walk back. It is one thing to send an annual gift with an “ I love you” note, it’s a whole other to bad-mouth this young woman’s parents on every public platform that will have you.
In a surprise to almost no one, Catelynn doubled down on the stupid. Good grief, just leave those people alone that were nice enough to raise her when you wouldn’t/couldn’t. Glad you got to play with horses though.
She doubles down the stupid every time so she’s at about ^64 at this point
Of course Cate would like a couple that let her and Tyler walk all over them and expose their family’s privacy. Luckily for Carly, they chose Brandon and Theresa so she was raised like a normal kid in a normal, loving, healthy environment.
Cate and Tyler should thank their lucky stars for them because any other couple would have block them as soon as Carly turned 5 and their agreement expired.
Translation: They would choose a couple that would have adopted them too and taken care of Carly physically and financially while they let Tyler and Catelynn use her to play house when they felt like it.
Sidenote: I’m their age and I remember watching the episode when it first aired and having no problem whatsoever understanding the agreement and what everything meant. I feel like it was all explained pretty well to them, they’re just trying to rewrite history.
Ahhh yes, comments like this are a great way to get B&T to unblock you and resume lines of communication…. 🙄🙄🙄
I think it’s very telling that in the beginning when C&T were adoptions advocates everyone praised them for being so mature and sacrificing for their child. But now, when they acknowledge that this isn’t what they expected and they wish they had more contact with B&T before the adoption and more information about it they get so much hate and are called selfish and immature. They are allowed to share the negative and the positive sides of adoption.
But they have created the negative side. That’s the problem. They openly and bluntly said that they would do and say whatever they want, refusing to respect B&T’s wishes to not be discussed on the show, not to have their personal texts read, not have pictures shared, etc.
They’re being called selfish because they are bashing the adoptive parents, completely rewriting history, and worst of all – exploiting Carly for money.
They aren’t doing that though…. C&T have said repeatedly that they are trying to minimize any trauma to Carly by being adopted. A lot of people are uneducated on traumas that can come with adoption which is what C&T have been speaking about. Their situation is different because they went on to get married and have 3 other children. They don’t want Carly to feel less than because they didn’t raise her but are raising her siblings. What they are doing is the exact opposite of selfish and the people who have looked into the effects adoption can have will know this. A lot of people spewing hate their way are looking at this like Carly is a puppy and not an actual human being and it’s crazy.
They are the ones causing the trauma! They’re the ones causing all of the issues here, not B&T. They have continued to speak about them after being asked not to. They continued to blow up Theresa’s phone after being asked not to. They continued to send gifts after being asked not to. And, obviously, the problem is C&T because they have even stated THEMSELVES that B&T have a wonderful relationship with their son’s bio mom and that she is still allowed contact.
They only started sending excessive gifts recently. Remember when Dawn called them out for not sending gifts or cards.
The delusional is real. Cate and Tyler do not know Carly. Period. They do not know how she feels, what she wants, what trauma she has, etc. They have no clue. So, their bullshit about wanting to minimize her trauma is gross. THEY are exploiting her. THEY are traumatizing her. What is the actual purpose of these repeated interviews that they get paid for (in addition to show publicity)? They’ve said their piece and yet keep coming back for more. That has nothing to do with protecting Carly whose actual parents have begged them to let Carly lead a private and normal life. The only people treating Carly like a puppy are Cate and Tyler. She is a real person with real feelings that they don’t actually seem to respect.
Yes, but we need to see both sides of the process even if it is C&T’s fault. The need some serious help to let go at this point. Focus on the children you have custody of.
Saying they are trying to minimize the trauma and actually doing that are two different things. Actions speak louder than words. Catelynn and Tyler have repeatedly put Carly and her parents in the press and on tv in order to have a storyline on an aging reality show so their lazy butts don’t need to earn a living. So how is that minimizing any trauma that Carly may or may not have?
Bottom of the line, Catelynn and Tyler only care about their own feelings.
Here’s a thought, what if she’s just a normal teenager without “trauma”? Just because c&t focus solely on their own trauma doesn’t mean everyone else does. I’m adopted, I have zero desire to locate my birth parents. I have friends who are adopted very few have relationships with their birth parents beyond the initial meeting. If the parents are doing their job well there isn’t trauma and problems. C&T are causing trauma by constantly overstepping reasonable boundaries and constantly reminding anyone that will listen that Carly is adopted. Have they ever thought that she just wants to be a regular family with her brother and parents without being constantly reminded that she’s adopted?? I wish they would shut up and go away.
Are you adopted?
I am, and I would have completely disowned my biological parents if they had treated my actual parents like this. She’s 15 she knows what goes on. She knows about OF.
It’s hard to be a teenager and
C & T are making it worse for her not better.
This comment was regarding Sam’s post.
I think that is the point. Adoption isn’t an instant extended family! Make sure you understand that open doesn’t mean you have control. If there was option to close it, you should’ve been prepared for that. I agree, they created the situation due to their lack of maturity and unrealistic expectations.
C&T need therapy to help them cope and let go. They are old enough now to really not act like this or think it through but it seems emotions are clouding logic. They’ve done a lot of damage, maybe irreparable…who knows. But if there had been therapy early on to help them have realistic expectations maybe they would not have acted so entitled with B&T. I’m surprised therapy was required as part of the teen and/or open adoption process.
I believe all of the TM’s needed and continue to need intensive counseling. Mental as well as financial
How you express something is as important as the message you want to express.
No one, anywhere that I can tell anyway, has ever faulted them for having the feelings, thoughts, opinions and yes even the regrets they do regarding their experience.
They get judged because of the way they go about expressing it, their obvious need for attention, their constant manipulation of the events, the flat out lies they’ve told, berating and harassing Carly and her parents constantly to the point a literal child and then her parents had to block them from contact, the inability to speak their mind without trying to make a buck off it, the way they behave, the fact that their entire lives revolve around this despite the fact that they have the whole world at their fingertips and three beautiful little girls that need them to be at the very least slightly more stable and present to parent them………need I go on with that giant run-on sentence? They aren’t getting judged for sharing the negative aspects, because trust me, there are a lot, on both sides of the fence, and most intelligent people understand that. They get judged for…waves hands wildly…..all their bullshit.
Hundreds of thousands, if not millions share their experiences, both positive and negative, every single day all around the world in countless different mediums. Few ever get the kind of backlash for doing so the way these two do, and it’s because of their delivery and general asshatery, not because they’re unhappy about the way things turned out. FFS.
Brandon and Teresa have shown a lot of grace in this situation. They agreed to give Tyler and Catelynn way more liberties concerning Carly than they had to. It’s understandable why they chose to cut contact, all Tyler and Catelynn do is make demands on a child they have zero rights to. I still won’t be surprised if we hear about Tyler and Catelynn being served with NDA’s and restraining orders soon because they can’t shut their yaps about this stuff. The Baltierra megalomania is going to come back to bite them in their collective asses, just watch.
I’m in the minority. I don’t like Brandon and Teresa. It has nothing to do with the adoption situation. I just think they are like sticks in the mud. No personality.
And that’s makes them less qualified to be parents?
Have you actually met them in person?
Then you can’t judge their stick in the mud personality.
Yikes. I feel bad for everyone involved. There is so much trauma here. I cannot imagine Carly will take well to dining out they wished she had different parents. I do feel for Catelynn and Tyler, they were in an impossible situation. I also think that Brandon and Theresa did not take lightly, the decision to cut them off. I feel like there had to be a lot of boundary crossing for that to have happened.
I remember early on when they had that meeting about the Davises being upset that C&T were posting pictures of Carly on SM, Brandon said to be clear it would take alot for them to cut off C&T when C&T said that was one of their concerns and the “power imbalance”. I did do a google search, it says Brandon is head of some Christian aid group in the Carolinas. Also, if he was a financial planner, it means most likely that their credit is excellent and they are responsible with money.
C & T are making things worse by talking bad about Carly’s adoptive parents. I know personally for me, if I was Carly and knew about how bad they are trashing B & T, I would not want anything to do with C & T. They are not too smart to go public with everything that is on their mind. They need to focus on the kids they have and leave poor Carly alone. You should be ashamed of yourselves!
Cate & Ty are no better than their trash bag parents. They had every single opportunity handed to h th em on a silver platter & fed to them on a silver spoon yet they squandered and gave it a big fuck-you. I used to feel sorry for Cate when she was younger & suffering abuse from her mom but now? No damn way. She’s doing the same shit to Carly that her own mother did to her, obviously ignoring the opportunity to break those generational curses. I hope Carly gives them the biggest ‘fuck off and leave me alone’ she can muster.
This miserable woman just needs to stop talking about this situation publicly. If the adoptive parents are so terrible I’m sure she will hear from her daughter in a couple years when she’s 18. Until then let her live her life in peace.
they literally just wanted adoptive parents who would’ve been cool with them dropping by anytime they wanted but that’s not how it works nor would any parent be ok with that smdh and i get what she means about regretting not hiring a lawyer because that’s very valid however why doesn’t she hold dawn accountable especially when there’s other similar complaints against her and the adoption agency??
Exactly! They act like B & T are Carly’s babysitter instead of her parents now. They will regret trashing them like this. They won’t have anyone to blame when Carly is 18 and wants nothing to do with them. Karma is real and they will get theirs once day or another.
And let the adoptive family pay all the kids bills (Dr.,clothing, etc) while C&T comes and goes and buys cool gifts as they please.
Maybe they feel in their minds Dawn got them on Teen Mom/16&P because didn’t MTV contact the agency looking for couples looking to place and she recommended them? That is the only thing I could think of.
ETA: MTV started going downhill with the Real World and when it ventured into reality. Now it’s a shell of its former self.
Cate seems to forget that Tyler did not want an open adoption and did not want a relationship with Carley.. they were perfectly happy with just photos and a call and maybe one visit a year initially… They also signed something saying they knew that visits could end at any time and that they were only guaranteed them for a certain number of years of Carley’s life and then after that it would have to be reassessed.
The living of this alternative reality that her and Ty are doing isn’t healthy.
If they didn’t choose BCS they wouldn’t have been put on MTV, if they went with not adoption, they wouldn’t have been picked for TM, if they have picked another couple things could have been better or so much worse. Some families would have not allowed their kids to go to C&T wedding if Butch and April were there because of their history. Let alone have Butch go up to Carley and tell this little girl that doesn’t know him that he’s her grandpa… um sir your a stranger. Another couple could have been milking it for MTV money or moved in with C&T and demanded they support them when they got more money. A lot of things could have happened, both great but also so terrible.
But that’s not reality… reality is you did pick B&T and now you have the situation you have. Now go from there.
Caitlin and Tyler act like Carly is a library book they just loaned out. Disgusting behavior by them.
These two have no idea how much grace Brandon and Theresa have extended to them. Most other adoptive couples probably would have closed the door a long time ago because this has never been about Brandon and Theresa wanting to close the adoption. This has always been about Cate and Tyler’s inability to maintain a functional, healthy relationship with anyone. They don’t have any idea how to do that. No clue how to respect people’s boundaries. No idea how to not be co-dependent. It’s sad that they blew their chance to be a part of Carly’s life. It’s worse that they keep digging themselves in deeper. But, this is on them.
The absolutely proof of this is Brandon and Theresa keeping the door open to their son’s bio-mom.
Well said
I swear, their favorite word is trauma *eye roll*
If trauma was the word for a drinking game at Cate and Ty’s, everybody would be dead.
Traaaumaaaah 🤣 Cringey every time they say it.
Yikes! I haven’t watched this show in many years. Is that top pic what she looks like now?
She likes more like her mom aprils sister.
Hey way to endear themselves to Carly. I’m sure she’ll be so impressed by Catelynn and Tyler saying they wish she would’ve had different adoptive parents and their continuously trashing her parents who raised her and gave her a good life.
From what I’ve picked up on here, they’ve always done the opposite of what they should have done to improve the relationship.
When are these half wits going to realize they are in this situation because of their actions and constant need to disregard the safety net Carly’s parents have put in place. The safety net is now needed BECAUSE of C&T! You are the problem, not Carly’s parents! Good grief.
Exactly! She said she regretted not having an attorney back then, but that is their own fault. They like to blame others for everything.
Cait any Ty are gonna be even more pissed off and upset when Carly turns 18 and still wants nothing to do with them.
Catelynn and Tyler don’t understand other people’s boundaries. They’ve been trashing and harassing Brandon and Theresa for YEARS!! There were visits filmed where C&T arrived hours late.
A cease and desist should have been sent a long time ago. In all the years they’ve complained about the adoptive parents, never once have they put themselves in B&T shoes. B&T have gone above and beyond to fulfill what was agreed upon for the adoption.
This is what constantly indulging your child looks like in adulthood.
These 2 have clearly never been told “no” in their entire lives.
They’ve never had consequences, never had to live with results of their decisions.
This podcast is going to be more of this needless bitching. Just like these interviews and undoubtedly this upcoming TM season.
What a life.
Oh and Cate? You’re aging like April. I honestly thought that picture of her, was you.
Carly is not a little kid anymore. She is pretty close to being an actual adult and probably made this decision on her own. They’re in deep denial, it’s a defense mechanism. They never healed or let this adoption go, how could they? Their entire life, their jobs ect all revolve around this adoption.. they have never truly moved on or let go and they’re embarrassing themselves. It’s pure delusion.
Leaving everything else aside, I do agree that it was unwise to choose a couple who was against an open adoption initially and became okay upon learning that they could close it.
I do not fault B&T for feeling this way – makes perfect sense to me why one would not want a scenario where the open adoption has to be honored no matter what.
That said, if open adoption was important to C&T, makes sense to me not to go for a couple who made it clear from the jump they may want to close it.
Can’t say I blame B&T for closing the adoption. Just saying that, realistically, it wouldn’t have made sense to me to choose them under the above scenario.
I think any couple would have closed them adoption because Cait & Ty act like the parents are just babysitters. They feel they should be able to have constant communication & should be able to see Carly when they want. She might be involved in sports or some other activity or her brother might that limits time.
Not just babysitters, but also forced sidekicks on their TV show and topics for their clickbait tweets. If either of them had ever gotten a damned job and they didn’t act like the main characters in their own little world, they would probably still be in contact with them.
I fully believe that B&T saw that possibility and knew they had to have safeguards for when/if it happened. I believe they hoped that C&T would grow up but it obviously never happened. Because of the behavior of C&T, B&T had no choice but to protect Carly. Good for them, and back the F off C&T
C&T have never treated them like babysitters that’s wild to say. They want B&T to stick to the agreement that was made when Carly was adopted. They agreed to yearly visits initiated by Tyler. B&T have denied those visits on multiple years which is what started this whole mess. B&T are the ones who broke the adoption agreement and went back on their word not C&T.
That’s not what they agreed to at all. They signed a document (that clearly stated it wasn’t legally binding) that they’d do the yearly visits until she was five and send some pictures at certain intranasal throughout the year. That agreement ended ten years ago. Brandon and Teresa went way above and beyond their promise. They even let Carly be in Catelynn and Tyler’s wedding. Things would still be open if C+T could have respected any of the very reasonable boundaries B+T tried to put in place for years, but C+T are entitled brats that refused to.
They didn’t agree to indefinite annual visits and we all know that. Cate and Tyler know that. I’m not sure why you would perpetuate an obvious lie. A copy of the agreement has literally been shown on the show.
What started this whole mess was a repeated refusal to respect reasonable boundaries.
I’m not perpetuating a lie…. @ The Ashley literally posted about it not too long ago…… like, I read that on this website?? It’s not my fault if you have bad reading comprehension. But they 100% agreed to yearly visits initiated by Tyler.
The Ashley has never claimed that Tyler and Cate were promised annual visits indefinitely. In fact, The Ashley has literally posted the screenshot of the agreement that made it very clear that visits would be for the first five years. You can probably find the screenshot with a tiny bit of effort.
No, the first five years agreement was for a dvd and pictures of her birthday party not visits. They didn’t even get visits the first few years
They aired the visit when Carly was one. And so you agree that they were never promised 18 annual visits?
They have never been denied a visit except the last one which CARLY said she didn’t want to go to. They also never agreed to yearly visits at all. Nor were they ever promised anything beyond *some contact, some photos, possible visits down the road…for the first five years and at the SOLE discretion of Brandon and Theresa based on the best interests of Carly. It’s literally something all 4 of them agreed to and specifically put in their paperwork with the caveat that such an amendment to an adoption agreement is *not* legally binding or enforceable in the US (or anywhere else in the world for that matter) as those caveats are required for such a legal document.
Carly is well past five years old and has, herself, decided she no longer wants any contact. If a child can see it’s detrimental to her own wellbeing, two grown ass adults should be able to understand it too.
I just don’t get the point of having anyone sign those agreements if they are not legally enforceable. They aren’t worth the paper they are typed out on. I know a family lawyer and he said that they are not enforceable. They are basically used because the girls that give the kids up are typically young and don’t know much. The adoptive parents are basically pushed to follow them by the agency up to age 5. They cannot force them to follow it however when push comes to shove. What they can do is refuse to adopt them another child from that agency or have their profile shown to birth parents. When the child the adopted is aged 5 by the they would/had be looking to have their next child.
Most people don’t actually have those types of agreements, you’ll find way more people online talk about them than you will actual contracts like that. While in some cases there is some contact, it’s not typically written into the adoption contract at all (and happens less and less these days). I know a lot of people avoid that whole contract word because it makes adoption sound so clinical or like some kind of weird and cold transaction, but it is the best word, really. You won’t find many contracts today with anything about it being “open”. Most family lawyers shy away from the topic entirely, for good reason.
What you might find though is that the contracts spell out the conversations that are had during the agreement like “both parties agree that some contact may be beneficial for the child…” and such things. Those are really just expressed ideas and not key points of the contract, or agreement if you’d rather call it that. They may say things about limited contact, type of contact, duration, etc.. and will *always say they are at the sole discretion of the parent (s) (in this case, the one(s) adopting the child).
Some of my children still stay in contact with biological family without having it in their adoption paperwork at all. Some it’s in there because we talked about it, a lot, during the process. In either case, I’m not legally obligated to allow contact. I am legally obligated to do what’s best for my children though, and whether or not contact exists sometimes plays a role in that. Some kids I have always refused any and all contact (for their safety and ours) despite the biological family not liking that or expressing a desire for it in the discussions during the process. It’s not my fault they suck as people, I won’t subject a child to their asshatery.
It’s why it bugs me so much that Brandon and Theresa allowed contact at all, much less for as long as they did. C&T have done nothing but show asshatery the entire time and it’s always been detrimental to Carly. I get why they tried, at first, to allow C&T contact, but it was obvious early on that it was a really bad idea.
Another couple would have cut them off a long time ago.