Former ‘Teen Mom’ Star Jenelle Evans Talks About Her Breakup with August Keen After Posting Cringy Video of Him Leaving in Car She Co-Signed For

“Anyone know where I can get another soulmate real quick? This ‘being single’ thing is making me itchy!”

Jenelle Evans is down yet another soulmate.

The fired Teen Mom star discussed her recent breakup with her manager-turned-boooooyfriend“August Keen,” whom she split with earlier this month. “August”— whom Jenelle began dating around the time she split from her husband David Eason— unknowingly starred in a video posted to social media by Jenelle on Friday. The former “soulmate-ager” is seen leaving Jenelle’s home and getting into his Range Rover as Jenelle secretly films him.


In the cringetastic video captioned “The Final Chapter” (possibly as a nod to Teen Mom: The Next Chapter— the show she was booted from), Jenelle (poorly) lip-syncs to “Irreplaceable” by Beyonce‘ as “August” is seen getting into his car and leaving Jenelle’s driveway. Jenelle— a 33-year-old woman, mind you— then goes out onto her balcony (in her pajamas, naturally) to lip-sync and film as “August” (real name: Daniel Miranda) drives away.

Is this the final chapter?
byu/Ambitious-Mark3714 inTeenMomOGandTeenMom2

While Jenelle bragged via lip-synced song that she “could have another [“August”] in a minute,” it may not be the flex she thinks it is, considering she recently admitted that she actually co-signed for “August” to get the Range Rover he’s currently driving. (There’s no word on why August— who recently claimed to be “rich and powerful”— needed Jenelle as a co-signer to get a car.)

According to Lending Tree, Jenelle will have to make the payments on the car if “August” does not.

“The cosigner is legally responsible for the debt if the primary borrower can’t make payments,” the site states. “Any late or missed payments can negatively impact both parties’ credit scores. Furthermore, the cosigner doesn’t have any ownership of the vehicle.”

“It’s fine. I asked him if he was gonna make the payments and he said he totally would.”

Just a week or so ago, on January 17, Jenelle was swooning over “August,” writing a loved-up birthday post for him and then posting videos of a birthday “party” later that night.

The next day, Jenelle claimed on social media that the previous night was “scary.” 

Jenelle went on to bash “August,’ stating that he cheated on her. (It was around this time that a girl came forward claiming to be his real girlfriend, stating that Jenelle was actually his side chick all along. The girl shared screenshots of texts, among other things, to back up her claims.)

However, according to a friend of the alleged “other girlfriend,” who recently reached out to The Ashley, Jenelle and “August” ended things after a “really, really bad fight” that happened on the night of his birthday party. 

“It escalated and turned very frightening very quickly,” the source close to the other girlfriend told The Ashley, adding that the “girlfriend” never met Jenelle in person, although “Jenelle did find her online and the girlfriend blocked her and that pissed Jenelle off.” 

On Friday, Jenelle spoke about the breakup of her relationship with “August” on TikTok. 

“Yeah, it’s really disappointing to me,” Jenelle said of the breakup. “Because you never really know a person until you meet them.”

“Um…ya THINK!?!”

“Like, I knew him for seven years and didn’t meet him [in-person] until last March, I would say,” Jenelle— who legit moved to Las Vegas just a month or so later to be with him– stated. “You never know a person’s true colors until you get to really know them, you know, in real life. There was just a side of him I saw that I did not like.”

She then went on to again claim that she “got cheated on.”

“I never thought in a million years he would do something like that,” Jenelle said.

Yeah…who in a million years would ever think that this THIS guy wasn’t the epitome of honesty?!

Jenelle then stated that she plans to tell her story, even though “August” was reluctant to ever share about their relationship online. 

As The Ashley has previously told you, the relationship between Jenelle and “August” was anything but stable. During a particularly bad fight in October, “August” called 911 on Jenelle, whom he claimed was drunk and had been hitting him “all night.” After the 911 call was released by The Ashley, “August” denied that Jenelle was physically violent with him, despite him telling the 911 operator that. The couple then told the public that all was well and that they simply had “one bad night.” 

Although Jenelle and “August” had been together for a short time, they confirmed in December that “August” was basically living with Jenelle and her three kids (whom “August” once told the cops were his “stepkids.”)

“I tells ya, it’s like the Ringlin’ Brothas Circus any time Juh-nelle is involved!”

The Ashley will continue to update this story. Stay tuned…

RELATED STORY: David Eason’s Girlfriend Kenleigh Heatwole Swoons Over the Fired ‘Teen Mom 2′ Dad; Weighs In On David & Jenelle Evans’ “Drama” & More

(Photos: MTV; Instagram; Facebook)

51 Responses

  1. Not that Janelle is anything to be proud of in any universe, but IMAGINE… Fighting over this August Dude 😀

  2. I was reading tonite on “Radar Online” and “The US Sun” that Jenelle and Davids divorce has been dismissed at the request of Jenelle????? Wonder what the hell that’s about. Hopefully it’s not her usual pattern of going back to the
    sadistic ass-hole. I doubt she could anyway, with charges still pending against David for abusing Jace.
    Also, Jenelle knew about Augusts other girlfriend from the very beginning. That’s why she bought him the car.
    I saw the texts that went back and forth on youtube between Jenelle and the girlfriend, and those two girls are on the exact same maturity and stupidity level.!!! Neither girl can write a sentence that makes sense!! They both have the intellectual level of people who were most likely created by two siblings that had sex.

    1. She hasn’t even filed for divorce yet. She can’t file until sometime this month.
      In NC you have to be separated for a year before you can file.

      1. I know. I totally don’t get it. All of the stories say it’s her request for divorce from “Bed and Board” that her attorney was allowed to file back when they separated is what was recently dismissed. Some kind of confusing legal shit I guess. In North Carolina you also file your request for “Divorce from Bed and Board” when you file for legal separation. No idea what all that means.

        1. Possible she’s readying to file for divorce and the separation will no longer apply?

          I didn’t need to do a separation when I divorced.

    2. I agree that she always knew. There were a few didn’t things that were said or shared that left me with the impression that Jenelle always knew about the other woman.

  3. Jenelle has tried to buy every guy she is with effectively making her the very definition of a sugar mama. Then she complains that they are broke, won’t work and live off of her.🥴

  4. Oh Geez…count have happened to a nicer girl! Lol 😂
    I can smell her desperation and bad decisions as we speak. That said, if she put forth the effort and money into caring for children that she did towards these “losers” she allows into her life. I do not condone violence or hate but something needs to be done about her horrible mothering skills or lack there of, she straight up needs her butt whipped. I wish some agency would step in for these poor kiddos.
    We all know Jenelle will be showing her ass on all social media platforms and trying to secure a new man. At what point do we stop watching her ruin and neglect her children? This is nothing new for her and her children suffer. She was banking on a fat MTv l paycheck and blew that opportunity again. She has shown she isn’t and can’t be a mother, so how do we help these kiddos? Jenelle has had every opportunity and has weaseled her way out of any type of struggle. I love reading the gossip of her dumpster of a life but she always finds a way to bounce back, usually at the expense of her children. Is this what entertainment now looks like? I hate the whole “cancel culture” but Jenelle needs to go away and her children deserve a safe and happy childhood.

  5. So was February’s real girlfriend on board with the Jenelle relationship? Were they scamming her? At what point did Jenelle find out she was the side chick?

    Got a whole ass vehicle out of the deal, plus whatever else she bought for him and whatever other money she gave him. While it’s hilarious that that happened to Jenelle, it’s sad that the kids had to deal with all the added chaos and instability. How long until she moves back to The Land? What fresh drama will go down between her, Lurch, and Kenelle?

  6. In 3-2-1, she’ll leave Vegas and go back to The Land. David and Kenley Beefjerky will break up and all of David’s charges will get dropped.

    1. I was thinking this too.
      She may try to crawl back to him but he’s got something really good going with his new ATM, and Jenelle would be a step backwards for him.

    2. Jenelle can’t drop the abuse charges David has from assaulting Jace, the state would have to do that I believe.
      His other charges.. we’ll see.

  7. I wonder if she’ll be moving back to The Land now. I think she likes big cities too much; besides, she has a better change of meeting her new soulmate (if she hasn’t already) in a bigger city.

    1. I think the house in inhabitable and she has no money to basically replace the entire trailer.

      She should have never left.
      She could have stayed, given David all his shit, left this February guy alone and had a paying job on MTV. The kids would have had more stability than being in a strange city where they know no one.

      Instead she’s down and out in Vegas, stuck selling sphincter pics online.
      Rock bottom for most normal ppl.

      “Wherever you go, there you are” is Jenelle’s calling card.

      1. Who’s going to take them butthole pictures now?
        Jace? Ensley? Tori?
        Farrah dad Michael?
        Now that’s a combination OF I didn’t think about.

  8. I will say at least Janelle went in the right direction. He was a step up from David, jus 80,000 more to go to get an ok guy

    1. I don’t know. Something about this guy really rubs me wrong. David is not a good man, but this guy really gives me the heebee jeebees.

      1. I 100% agree. David is a violent dipshit, but one thing I’ll give him is he doesn’t give off the pedo vibe I get from February. David passes me off, but this guy makes my skin crawl.

  9. I’m confused, “August” had a girlfriend the entire time and the girlfriend was ok with him having Jenelle as a side piece?

    And “August” was living with Jenelle but had a girlfriend? Lol

    Can Jenelle ever just have one normal, functional relationship?

  10. The last picture and caption of Barb 😂😂😂

    Just remember everyone, “You never really know a person until you meet them.”

    😂😂 no shit, Jenelle. Luckily his other girlfriends had the sense to block Jenelle. That saved the court system another hearing over assault with a glass of homemade ice water.

    1. And don’t forget this gem: “You never know a person’s true colors until you get to really know them, you know, in real life.” 🤣🙄

        1. The infamous “bein a felon ain’t illegal.”

          “I’m sick of your Antichrist attitude.”

          It’s a plethora of choices.

          1. I can’t go to court tomorrow, I just got my nails done and had roach clip feathers put in my hair for the Kesha concert, 😂


    Okay I had to get that out.

    I’m sure Jenelle will have her next soulmate by next weekend. We all know this 33 year old mother of three can’t stand to actually be alone and focus on her kids…

  12. My aunt co signed for her girlfriend of 10 years to get a car. She left with the car, but the worst offense was she took the dog too.

        1. Charlie is the one dog. Do we know the new dogs name yet?
          I still want to know where
          Rosie #1 and Rosie #2 went.

  13. So this soulmate was “reluctant to ever share about their relationship online.” Odd, yet he had no problem selling click bait story about her son getting mugged by older kids in a park. And she cosigned his car loan?!?! It’s the icing on the cake of bad choices she’s made since she hit puberty.

  14. So Jenelle moved herself and her 3 kids to Vegas to be with a man she met in person 1 month prior? And she also lost her spot on TM because of him because they wanted a “redemption story” and you can’t have that when you just left your POS husband and the next month you are moving in with a new dude instead of focusing on yourself and your troubled kids.
    She’s the dumbest woman I’ve seen on TV.

    1. Kenny Lee sure gives Janelle stiff competition for pampering a deadbeat. Maybe half a brain cell between Janelle and Kenny. Who needs to watch these clowns on TV when we have The Ashley.

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