File this one under: “Another Reason Why Kody Brown Has the Hair He Deserves.”
In a recent social media video, part of which was posted to Reddit, Sister Wives star Meri Brown recalled a particularly hurtful stunt her then-husband Kody pulled years ago, one that is arguably cruel, even for Kody.
In the latest of her weekly social media videos featuring her BFF/known Kody critic Jenn Sullivan, Meri shared the painful memory, which occurred years ago when the Brown family still lived in Las Vegas, and when Kody was still married to wives Robyn, Meri, Janelle and Christine.
Meri explained that the incident began when she and Kody went to visit the gallery of an artist she liked, presumably to look at the artist’s work.
However, upon arriving at the gallery, Meri said she learned that Kody wasn’t just at the gallery to admire the art with her, he was actually there to make a payment on a piece of the artist’s work.
“ … I was like, ‘Oh, I really love that one,’ or ‘I like this one,’” Meri recalled. “[Kody] was like, ‘Oh, this one? I just bought it for Robyn. You can go to her house and look at it.’”

As fans of ‘Sister Wives’ know, the walls of Kody and Robyn’s (now former) Mountain Mansion were nearly covered with various art pieces and the purple-drenched residence also featured an array of reportedly pricey sculptures and other collectible pieces. Unfortunately, we don’t know which of these pieces Meri was referring to in her video.

Naturally, Meri’s BFF was mortified to hear about Kody’s abominable act involving the artwork, (jokingly) suggesting that Meri should have responded to Kody’s callous comment with violence.
“Why didn’t you just push him off a cliff?” Jenn asked. “That’s justifiable homicide, bro!”

While Meri insisted that Kody’s low-down action was not a cause for violence, Jenn argued otherwise.
“It could be,” she said. “ … Ya know what? I feel like you’re being really negative right now. You can do anything you want to do.”
Watch the clip of Meri discussing the art incident below.
The time Kody bought Robyn the painting Meri really wanted and told her she can look at it in Robyn's house….🙄🙄🙄
byu/Reality_titties95 inSisterWivesFans
RELATED STORY: Meri Brown Holds Robyn Accountable, Janelle Denies Being Asexual & More: Watch the ‘Sister Wives’ Season 19 Mid-Season Trailer
(Photos: TLC; Reddit)
9 Responses
Every time I want to have any sympathy for Meri, I just think how pathetic she is. Most people would have left after this. Most people would have called out their partner for this!?!?
Why would she allow Kody to take her to an art gallery to pay for art that is in Robyn’s house and then when she says she likes one of the painting to tell her that she could go over to Robyn’s house and see it because he already bought that one for her before!!?!?
How little she thought of herself?!?! Worthy up Meri, Worthy up!!! Imagine your husband takes you to the florists on Feb 13 to buy flowers for his mistress, and when you say you like a bouquet, he says, oh I got her that one last week, you can drive over tomorrow and look at her throw it out. And he’s never bought you flowers. That’s what this is!!!!
I don’t blame Meri for the whole Catfish thing, Kody was treating her like garbage for years, she was raised in a cult that made her think that this is her life and she can’t leave. But she should have left. When they tricked her into the legal divorce, she should have been like, I want 50%, and I’m done.
It’s crazy that Christine was the first to leave. Christine was treated poorly, but Christine didn’t even allow Kody to treat her this badly, for she was done. Janelle bounced before he could even try to treat her this poorly. She wouldn’t even tolerate a fraction of this crap.
While I do feel for Meri, she really did choose to put up with this too long and kept holding on to something that I personally think, was never there. It was sad for a while and then very pathetic that she allowed herself to be treated that way and disregarded. It was VERY clear that once Robyn entered the picture, Kody was out of his legal marriage with Meri and his spiritual marriage with Janelle and Christine. He’s atrocious. The way he talks about all of them is just gross. And Robyn is JUST as much to blame. I honestly see them together at night conspiring on how to hurt the three others and ways to push them out…
I pictured Sobbyn making voodoo dolls of the OG 3, and sticking pins in them, gleefully. Then acting all innocent, and as pure as the driven snow. She’s an evil b**ch.
Sobyn not only has horrible taste in men, she clearly lacks style as well. That house, especially the hideous bedroom, is so vile and foul. It suits them
I remember watching season one and thinking he was a nice guy trying his best to be a good husband and a good dad. It is actually astonishing how wrong that perception was.
He’s a con artist. He literally admitted to bamboozling Robyn into thinking he and the OG3 were in functional and happy marriages, and that they had a great polygamous family lifestyle. All of them plus the older kids have said that this was far from the truth.
Once again I ask, what did those women see in him? I am sure he was a major jerk long before Robyn came into the picture. Believe me, if my husband even toyed with the idea of more wives I would kick his teeth out and throw him out once and for all. The very idea of knowing he was going to another woman’s bed on certain nights of the week makes me ill. As for the excuse, that the women all came from polygamist families, I say hogwash. All of their kids want nothing to do with polygamy. As for Kody and Robyn’s art work , awful. They may think they have great stuff but whoever they bought it from must have laughed all the way to the bank.
I agree with the BFF of Meri as well with one little adjustment. I would have taken Kody up on his offer for Meri to go to Robyns house and look at it. I would look with both my hands and admire all the beautiful pieces both my violent hands had created just for Robyn. Then explain that Kody said I could come and look at her new piece of art that Kody purchased for her on our date!! I would give an obnoxious giggle tell both Robyn and Kody by the way your welcome!
I’m sorry, but I agree with her bff. I would have kicked his f’n teeth in. That is so cruel. I get it. Meri should have left and all that. Nobody deserves to be treated like crap though. Why is Kody buying “art” that he needs to be in a payment plan for?? Is it that expensive? I can’t imagine it’s normal. I bet he used Janelle’s monetary input to buy it anyways. Such a loser.