Amber Portwood Admits to Faking Pregnancy Scare to Get Out of Filming on Latest Episode of ‘Teen Mom: The Next Chapter’

Amber, describing her ‘Teen Mom: The Next Chapter’ Season 2B debut…

Amber Portwood took viewers (and at least one producer) on a rollercoaster ride during Thursday’s episode of Teen Mom: The Next Chapter after admitting that she faked a pregnancy scare just to get out of filming the MTV reality series. 

Thursday marked the second episode of the new season and the first to feature Amber. While “Amber’s” segments largely focused on Amber’s ex Gary Shirley, Gary’s wife Kristina and Amber and Gary’s teenage daughter Leah, Gary hinted that Amber’s mental health issues may have something to do with Amber’s distant behavior, claiming that he had messaged her “a few times,” but hadn’t received a reply. 

“She was probably busy doin’ one of them late night TikTok battles again…”

“A person with bipolar disorder, there’s ups and downs,” Gary said. 

Gary went on to speak about Leah and Amber’s ongoing estrangement and how Amber’s diagnosis has seemingly contributed to that, as well. 

“ … When [Amber’s] up, she’s feeling good, she might think everything’s perfect and want things a certain way, like, ‘Oh, I really am sorry, but now I want you to instantly forgive me for years and years of abandonment,’” he said. “It don’t work that way. I want Leah to have a relationship with her mother … but at this point, it’s really not even enough to feel like it’s worth it.” 

As the episode continued, viewers watched as ‘Teen Mom’ producers and a camera crew showed up at Amber’s house to film with her, only for Amber to request that a producer bring her a pregnancy test and for filming to be postponed to the following day. 

“ … [I] don’t want all of them in here,” Amber told the producer in a conversation that was picked up by a microphone. In response, the producer asked if Amber really believed she was pregnant. 

“It’s possible,” she claimed. “It was an ex. I’m freaking out right now. I’m scared. Just pray for me that I wasn’t too much of a jackass.” 

Me, watching this scene and thinking we’re about to see the return of Matt Baier…

Later on, viewers watched as the producer and film crew returned to Amber’s home where the producer pointed out that the pregnancy test that had been brought to Amber remained unopened. When questioned about this, Amber admitted that she hadn’t taken the pregnancy test before going on to reveal that she never actually needed one in the first place. 

“ … There’s been many times in my life where I’ve had to lie in order to get out of doing things because I’m not able to get ready, get dressed, move around, do anything,” she explained. “You just lie to people and say, ‘I’m busy, I have this sickness.’ You want to make up something to where they’re like, ‘We’re not going to do anything,’ [or] ‘You don’t have to film.’”

Amber confirmed that she wasn’t pregnant before suggesting that her actions were a result of her being in a dark place. 

“When you start lying in order to be alone, that’s me in the darkest,” she said. 

When asked if her (very dramatic) split from fiancé Gary Wayt (aka Gary 2.0) had anything to do with the way she was feeling, Amber confirmed that it did, noting that the situation had left her “more than heartbroken.” 

“I’m f**ked up from what he did to me,” she told the producer. “We’re talking trauma. Being told you’re a murderer and thinking your fiancé is dead. I did not sleep for four days, I did not eat.” 

Amber and Gary 2.0, prior to Gary 2.0’s cross-country ghosting…

(As The Ashley previously reported, Gary 2.0 went “missing” in June after attending the wedding of Amber’s brother, Shawn Portwood, in North Carolina. Days after Gary 2.0’s disappearance, Amber tearfully begged fans for prayers for her fiancé, who reportedly stormed out of their vacation rental home without his phone and without contacting Amber or his family. The search for Gary 2.0 went on for several days– with Gary 2.0 even being listed as a missing person in North Carolina– before he was spotted in Oklahoma and New Mexico. Gary 2.0 later contacted police to let them know he was “missing” by choice and not in any danger.)

Amber claimed on Thursday’s episode that she didn’t know “what’s going to happen” with Leah or James– the son she shares with ex Andrew Glennon– noting that the situation with both children is different, as her relationship with James is “magic.” 

“Unlike my relationship with SOME people!”

“ … With my daughter, she doesn’t even want to be around me,” Amber said. “I’m understanding right now that I don’t have a choice.” 

Amber vowed to “wait” for Leah to come around and to also focus on not being “a horrifically depressed person.” 

“I’ve never been a mom that didn’t care,” Amber insisted during the episode. “Just a f**ked up mom.” 

New episodes of ‘Teen Mom: The Next Chapter’ air Thursdays on MTV. 

RELATED STORY: Amber Portwodo Claims Gary Shirley is “Blackmailing” Her & Begged Her to Return to ‘Teen Mom’; Encourages Fans to “Stop Watching” Show

(Photos: MTV) 

26 Responses

  1. Amber, take your medicine continuously. The reason you feel better is bc you take them, don’t quit it and don’t skip it bc without it you go… well, we all saw you on TikTok….
    You don’t work so get you a** to the gym, clean your house and go to a psychologist. Remember these two things:
    *Your children come first than you.
    *Stay away from men to stay away from jail.

  2. I have CPTSD, Bp and bpd. I do not make up ridiculous stories. Yes, there was a time before meds and therapy that I had psychotic depression. I couldn’t even speak. That’s when you try to get some help. I absolutely acknowledge that there are hard days. But Amber doesn’t even try. That’s fact. She’s had all the time in the world to get better and all the money she needs.

    1. Not only does Amber never try, or work on herself, but she is also a perpetual victim. I find it disgusting how she constantly uses mental illness as an excuse for her bad behavior. In her eyes, mental illness has been a free pass for her bad behavior. She doesn’t try to get better.. she’s not taking meds consistently, doesn’t take responsibility/accountability for her actions, doesn’t seem to be in therapy, and everyone around her is at fault, not her! She’s a vile disgusting person, not one positive change in 16 years.

  3. She says she lies to get out of doing things? Yeah, she used to lie and say she was sick to get out of her visits with Leah, and also James.

  4. Absolutely tf not. I have severe, treatment resistant depression and cptsd. I have never faked a pregnancy scare to get out of work. I have taken a day off on occasion, but to say “I lied because I’m depressed” is such a weak ass excuse. For Amber to claim she’s an advocate for mental health and then pull this shit is laughable. I’m so done with her bs. Everything is an excuse and it’s always someone else’s fault 🙄

    1. She uses her mental illness as an excuse to be a shitty person. In reality she is just a shitty vile person who doesn’t take any accountability, who also has mental illness. She is in a unique situation with support & access to some of the best mental health facilities. She has Viacom backing her. Most ppl don’t have that type of opportunity. Amber hasn’t even tried to work on herself, or make any positive changes. It’s easier for her to play the victim, blame mental illness for disgusting behavior, and take no accountability. In return her platform ultimately further stigmatizes mental health.

  5. Color me not shocked! We all know Amber has been a liar for years. Instead of using filming as an excuse for your lies try taking some responsibility for being a pathological liar your entire life. Stop hiding behind your mental illness too.

  6. Not trying to stick for up for Amber, this was just bizarre and she’s being completely ridiculous but at least she admitted she lied. Jenelle would’ve lied to cover up her lie…and then cried when she was busted.

  7. “Just pray for me that I wasn’t too much of a jackass.” Wow Amber…. Asking for prayers amidst a pregnancy scare. What about prayers for you to get your shit together and be a mom?!? What about prayers for your TWO children you don’t have custody of?!!!! No no no, god forbid we think about that silliness. We have to think of amber here!

  8. i have people like amber who give mental illness specifically bipolar disorder a bad name and make people who have it look like bad people when that part has nothing to do with the illness you’re just a piece of sh!t

    1. As someone who is bipolar, it’s very comforting to know other people see that. If you’re an asshole without bipolar disorder, you’re an asshole with bipolar disorder. Amber is just an abusive asshole.

      1. I know medication has been successful for people with depression, so I’m wondering if there is much success in medication for bipolar disorder??? I don’t know anyone personally who has bipolar disorder so I’m not very familiar with it.
        Also, does anyone know if Amber is being treated at all for this? I haven’t watched for a while.

        1. Amber has been “getting treatment” for many years. Whether or not she follows what she is supposed to, takes her medication, avoids her triggers, etc… is anyone’s guess. My personal guess is she doesn’t do ANY of the stuff she should, and does ALL of the stuff she shouldn’t. I use quotes because she’s made numerous claims about different issues/ailments over the years, not all of them are true, while some it’s obvious are quite true. She likes to use them as excuses for literally everything, and, as she’s now admitted, has no qualms lying about them, or their “effects” in order to do/get, or not, what she wants.

          Also, yes, there are medications and treatments that can greatly help those with bipolar. Many people go on to live quite normal lives with very few, if any, lows, because they follow the regimen they should and they’re willing to help themselves get, do, and be better. Some still struggle, regardless, but they would certainly struggle more if they failed to treat the problem(s).

        2. Hi! Bipolar 2 here!

          There are medications out there that are very good for treating the chemical imbalance side of bipolar. But it’s always going to have to be a multi-faceted approach – meds are just one part. For me, talk therapy has been great for processing trauma & things like cognitive behavioral therapy & dialectical behavioral therapy are game changers. They deal with recognizing & changing your thought patterns & how to process emotions in a healthy way. The other part of this is recognizing & staying away from your triggers – especially if you have a prior history w/substance abuse. You do not want to mix meds with any of that.

          It takes a lot of work & patience & you have to want to get better but it is possible. It’s definitely up & down (for me finding the right medication combo was the hardest part) but you can live with it. My goal throughout was to look at things as being on a boat in choppy water. There’s going to be waves & crashes but the goal is to stay as even-keeled as possible.

          I think she is being “treated” for it but like I said it takes buy-in to be successful. She’s definitely not there.?

          1. Boat on choppy water. I love that analogy. <3

            What I've always wondered about Amber is if she's on/off about meds. Like if she's "feeling good" and feels she doesn't need it, she takes herself off and then goes back on after awhile.

        3. Yes. I have CPTSD, bipolar, borderline personality disorder and severe panic/anxiety. I take meds, get sleep, don’t use any substances. There is also DBT therapy. If you met me. You’d have no idea. I raised 5 very successful/kind children. I have the same friends since I was 8. Mental illness is not an excuse to be an asshole. Yes I have “harder” days. Probably because I have rapid cycling/mixed episodes. There are definitely treatments for it.

          No. She’s definitely not taking meds. She sees a child therapist also.

  9. Amber Lie!?!? Color me shocked. /s

    Yeah, Amber is a liar, what a surprise. I don’t believe anything she says.

    Amber needs to find that cave that Jo wanted to send Kail to and go there. She’s just ruining her kids lives.

  10. Honestly, this is mental illness. She is in psychosis. Either from wrong meds or no meds. There will be a point of no return. I think MTV is actually keeping her alive. Almost giving her something to live for. I believe without the money being made for Leah, Amber has no purpose in life and that is scary.

  11. I really do not understand this girl. Every season she has been on Teen Mom OG supposedly she is in therapy, dont think it’s working. I don’t think this therapists is doing anything for her, if anything she is worse. But I also question how many sessions she cancels.
    I am not questioning her mental health because she is differently messed up, but I see no improvement in her at all. I don’t doubt she has good intentions with her kids but they aren’t a priority in her life. It’s easier for her to lay on the couch and blame it on her mental illness. At this point MTV should cut her from the show, shes gives nothing positive in her life.

  12. Keep making excuses for being an irresponsible POS, Amber. I wonder how many times she made excuses to not go see her kids. Fuckin deadbeat egg donor

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