As Ryan Edwards and Mackenzie Standifer’s child support battle wages on, the Teen Mom dad has admitted in court documents that his parenting of his children Jagger and Stella is minimal, though not quite as minimal as his soon-to-be ex-wife previously claimed.
In recent financial information filed by Ryan in preparation for the exes’ upcoming hearing, Ryan revealed that Mackenzie has their two children, Jagger and Stella, in her custody 339 days of the year, while Ryan has the children just 26 days, according to The Sun.
The latest filing also revealed Ryan’s monstrous monthly salary, which he earns from his mechanic job as well as from appearing on Teen Mom: The Next Chapter.
Mackenzie, who claims Ryan owes and is refusing to pay her child support, stated in October that the children are with her 365 days a year and with Ryan “zero days.”
The Sun previously reported that Ryan– who is also a father to 16-year-old son Bentley with ex Maci Bookout and is expecting a child later this month with fiancée Amanda Conner– does have visits with Jagger and Stella twice a month.
Ryan’s latest court filing also states that his monthly income is $16,010, while his “good faith estimate” of Mackenzie’s monthly income is $4,166.

As The Ashley previously reported, Ryan earns a $35,000 paycheck for each episode of ‘Teen Mom’ that he appears on. He also began working a “regular” job in August, earning approximately $27 an hour as a diesel mechanic.
Mackenzie and Ryan’s hearing is scheduled for later this month; however, the two are also still dealing with legal issues related to their divorce.
Just last week, Ryan demanded that the judge overseeing the exes’ divorce case charge Mackenzie with contempt, alleging that Mack sold (or got rid of) items that had “significant monetary and/or sentimental value” to him, despite a court order in place forbidding either party from doing so until their divorce is settled.
In the motion filed by Ryan’s lawyer, Mackenzie was accused of selling or getting rid of items including a car jack, kayak, jet ski, lawnmower, hunting rifle, sectional couch, race car/motor/transmission and various tools including a plasma cutter, two welders, generator, pressure washer and other items.
According to court records, Ryan and Mack were in court on Monday, with the contempt motion being continued until later this month.
(Photos: MTV; Instagram)
33 Responses
Maci sure does set a good example for her son by supporting this dead beat abuser and his gold digging new honey! and for her daughters by hating on his victim. So despite her meticulous planning to control the narrative (thank goodness Jenelle taught me that term cause it really comes in handy when discussing all the TM clowns) she fails to convince me that she is as perfect and put together as she pretends to be.
If that guy earn $16000/month, we are truly doomed. He has shown himself to be lazy, selfish and overall a horrible person. It’s a good thing your income is not based on your value as a human, he would owe money each month.
i do not condone his past behaviors, but the guy is trying to do right now and get his life together and be a good person, you cant hold a persons past against them while they are actively trying to better their situation!
How is he trying to be a better person when he hasn’t reimbursed Mack for the thousands of dollars of damage he did to the house or paid any child support for their kids?? In fact, instead of apologizing to Mack and trying to repay her, he’s trying to claim that she owes him money for stuff that he left behind (probably damaged).
He was a bad person before the drugs and he’s still a bad person now. I’m glad he’s sober. But, he is not trying to be a good person.
She is living in their joint home and selling off his belongings while refusing to let him see the kids because she is a jealous ex who doesn’t want his new girlfriend around her kids. Why in the world should he be paying child support yet? He has done awful things and there is obviously a lot of fear and resentment on Macs side but retaliation isn’t going to get her anywhere and its not good for their 2 young kids.
He fully trashed their family home and did absolutely nothing to help repair it. Homeowner’s insurance didn’t cover any of the repairs since the damage was done intentionally by one of the home owners.
He completely trashed their home, causing thousands of dollars in damages. He has not even offered to pay for those damages. Mack had to pay that out of pocket.
And why the hell wouldn’t he pay child support?? Those are his kids. Ryan doesn’t see the kids because Ryan is barely on the wagon and has never been an involved dad. Ever.
good for her for selling off his stuff if he is not paying child support
$192K a year for being a deadbeat dad. Good job, MTV. Good job. Thanks for “entertaining” us with this bullshit.
I cannot believe anyone claims he “seeems changed” because a changed man wouldn’t abandon his kids and a changed man would be DISGUSTED with what he did to them and their mother. Changed men don’t just move on, start a new family, and forget the old. The simple fact alone that he isn’t sorry or sympathetic toward Mac shows he hasn’t changed and I think that’s also exactly why Amanda and Maci hate her. They hate her because he loved Mac enough to rather off her than lose her. Neither Amanda nor Maci got that from him and anyone with a brain can tell Maci NEVER got over Ryan.
I’m glad Mack kept pushing in court for child support. This man needs to pay back child support, and also pay Mack back for all the repairs she had to do to the house.
For everyone trying to say Rhine is a changed man, no he’s just as selfish as he’s always been. He destroyed that house, he knew that was where his kids lived, he knew that was the only house they had. Did he offer to pay for the repairs? nope. Did he offer to reimburse Mack for the repairs? nope. He let his kids live in his chaos for two years while making 16k/month and going and getting another woman pregnant.
He’s been a selfish vindictive child his whole life and his parents continue to coddle him.
how do you know he hasnt offered child support, he is trying through the court system to agree his divorce and child support etc, they guy is trying to do as he is told and do things through the system. Mac enabled him to become the addict and married the addict, she doesnt come out of this whiter then white either!
Maybe when he repays Mack for the thousands of dollars of damage he did, you can try to convince us that he’s a good guy. Until then, no. Just, no.
Ryan looked great and looks healthy good for him.
Debatable on his outward appearance, but what isn’t up for debate is that on the inside he is disgusting and quite frankly evil.
What does looks have to do with it? This is real life, not a runway.
A grown ass adult that refuses to actually grow up, deal with their problems, take care of business and be a productive member of society absolutely NEVER looks good, period.
It doesn’t matter what their physical appearance is, that level of ugly seeps from the inside out ad saturates every bit of their being.
In other words, he’s as ugly as he’s ever been, more so even, because he refuses to do and be better.
Am I the only one sitting here waiting on The Ashley to address the second most offensive pair of eyebrows (the first one being Robyn’s on Sister Wives)?
$16k per month?? Oh NOW I understand how he keeps getting women
I also think he’s probably working with something, too..
That’s why Maci couldn’t let go.
and this is confirms i need to work on my reading comprehension skills because idk why in my head i thought he made 16k a YEAR until i read this comment 🤣🤣🤣i was even thinking it didn’t add up with how much he makes from the show and his job 😂
As mentioned in a prior story, Mac makes $3k a month, supports 2 kids, and had to make expensive home repairs after Ryan trashed the home. She dealt with DV on top of that.
Yes, she’s not a perfect victim and didn’t listen to anyone trying to talk sense into her, instead she doubled down. She also accused Maci about knowing about Ryan’s addiction and not telling anyone (Mac knew). She also enabled him and chose to bring two kids into the unstable situation.
Ryan majes $16k a month and chose not to be there to even financially support his two kiss with Mac for months and chose not to pay into the restoration of the home. Yes, I understand things need to go through court, but the fact he wouldn’t give a dime tells me everything I need to know.
I don’t care he golfed with Bentley during that time or helped pick out his first car. Most of the years of Bentley’s life he wasn’t there either.
What a piece of trash. I’m glad he’s sober now, but some serious reflection and ammends need to be made.
*2 kids
$16k a month and that POS doesn’t have the decency to pay child support?! Child support is one thing courts don’t mess around with, so either that POS will have to pay up or go to the clink again. His judge buddy might not be able to help him get out of that mess.
The main lesson that came out of TM wasn’t that being a TM is hard because those women wound up with plenty of money. The cautionary tale is to not get knocked up by a lowlife. Rhine, Adumb, all of Janelle’s baby daddies, Chris Lopez. All no good bums and sorry excuses for “fathers”. No matter how pretty of a picture Maci now wants to paint.
Those poor babies deserve so much better. Say what you want about Mackenzie, but she has been raising them on her own while also working to support them. Rhine doesn’t even care enough to make sure his kids have what they need. He is going to eventually do the same exact thing with Amanduh’s baby, only that kid won’t have a capable mother. I know Mimi Jen will step in, but that doesn’t change the fact that she raised a deadbeat dad.
Is it really 26 days if the kids are actually at his parents’ house every other weekend for an overnight? He makes 4x as much as Mack and hasn’t contributed one red cent to his children for over a year. This guy is pathetic, even when sober.
And he doesn’t spend the night with them.
His gf has posted TT of her going to pick him up.
So Mackenzie takes care of the kids 93% of the year while their paternal grandparents (not their deadbeat sperm donor) get them the remaining 7%.
Also Ryan makes almost 3 times what Mackenzie makes and refuses to pay child support while wanting to SUE HER for allegedly selling some of his stuff??
COULD HE BE A BIGGER PIECE OF SH*T?? And Amanda is clinging to him like he’s such a catch??
I can’t take this amount of bullsh*t no more
Less than that. As they’re only six hour visits, he has them a whopping 1.8% of the time. And it’s at Jen’s, so who knows how much time he’s even there.
26 days huh, so he’s hoping if he gets more time the less child support he will have to pay. His children will have less time without the one constant and stable parent they have had but it’s cool because he gets save money. Besides it’s not like he will be doing any of the work, it will mimi Jen or fiancé Amanda’s job. So, as usual it’s all about Rhine.
He looks like he’s in his 50’s.
I’d respond sorry Ryan everything gotten rid of was trash you already vandalized and covered with your own feces. It was garbage. Oh well.
“Fiancé” Amanda lol as if Ryan wasn’t engaged to all 3 of these bms