Catelynn Lowell Defends Her & Tyler Baltierra’s Attempts to Reach Out to Bio Daughter Carly After Carly’s Parents Close Her Adoption: “I Don’t Feel It’s Her Wanting This!”

The battle continues…

Catelynn Lowell and her husband Tyler Baltierra have been very outspoken since being cut off from their biological daughter, Carly, and, over the weekend the Teen Mom stars took to social media to shed new light on their ongoing battle with Carly’s parents, Brandon and Teresa Davis, with Cate stating that she believes Carly wants to maintain a relationship with her and Tyler, but Brandon and Teresa are against it.

As The Ashley previously reported, Catelynn announced last year that Carly’s parents had blocked her, cutting off communication between them and the 15-year-old. Cate and Tyler took to social media to discuss the situation at length, and to blast the concept of adoption in general. Earlier this month, Catelynn stated in an interview that Brandon and Teresa have since asked her to stop sending gifts and items to their home, calling Cate’s gift-giving “inappropriate” and “uncalled for.”

Over the weekend, Catelynn told her 4 million Instagram followers that she thinks it’s Brandon and Teresa— and not Carly— who wanted to kick her and Tyler out of their lives.

Brandon and Teresa right now…probably.

“Before communication was cut, I was told Carly was asking her parents, ‘Why can’t we get together more?’ ‘Why can’t we get together with them for the holidays?’ ‘They would fly here to come see me.’ So in my heart, I don’t feel it’s her wanting this,” Catelynn wrote. “If B&T would tell me it’s in fact Carly not wanting contact, then I would respect that with all of me!” 

Catelynn and Tyler have both stated that Carly’s parents have refused to give them a reason for the relationship being severed. Catelynn insisted over the weekend that she would respect Carly’s wishes, if she was told that the 15-year-old didn’t want to associate them anymore.

“And if her mom and dad called and said it’s what Carly wants, I would be silent. Y’all wouldn’t hear a thing from me again about the situation!” Cate wrote. “Because at the end of the day she is what is most important.”

On the most-recent episode of Teen Mom: The Next Chapter, Ty and Cate discussed cutting Carly’s parents cutting off communication with them. The couple turned to Dawn, the adoption counselor who helped them navigate Carly’s adoption in 2009, for help. When Dawn suggested that Catelynn and Tyler give it a rest in regard to their quest to contact and/or get messages to Carly, Catelynn stated that she refused to back down.

“Maybe kill the TikTok Lives for a while too.”

On Friday, though, Tyler posted to Instagram that he and Catelynn have agreed to “pause” a bit on trying to get in contact with Carly.

“Adoption Update: We have taken Dawns advice & have since stopped sending gifts & updates,” he wrote. “All we can do now is continue to share our perspective, experience & truth as birthparents. All we can do now is continue to advocate for the minority group of adoptees.

91 Responses

  1. C & T made an agreement that they wouldn’t post anything about Carly on the internet and as far as I can see they have been doing it for years. I think they play the victims so whatever fans they have will get angry and go after B & T. The older Carly gets the crazier those two get and if I were B & T I would get a restraining order, they said it themselves they won’t stop. Carly has become an obsession with them, to the point were it seems like their other kids are just fill ins. When Carly turns 18 I guarantee C & T will do whatever they have to see her and the MTV cameras will be there. They need this show or maybe their own spin off. They never did anything with their lives that they said they were going to do, isn’t that one of the reasons they put her up for adoption? Wasn’t it like three years they didn’t pay taxes and it was a ridiculous amount of money? The adoption started out open but over the years they haven’t kept up their end, they do whatever they want because they think Carly is still their daughter and they just hired babysitters until she turns 18. I don’t know anyone, especially a teenager that would want to go from living upper class to trailer park. The closer she gets to 18 they will get their fans all worked up and have them do their dirty work. That’s why they’re saying Carly wants to see us and T & B won’t let her. Catelynn you’re home all day please get yourself together. If this show ever ends she will get a wake up call. Again T & B get a restraining order!!

  2. Catelynn’s mom April said to the agency and to B&T stop communicating with my minor daughter. They did not. April said no to adoption of her grandchild from her minor daughter. They disregarded. Tyler’s dad did not want the adoption. They did not pay them any respect. If they had money they would left the kids alone to do the same to another vulnerable pregnant girl. They did not hand over in hospital. They handed over on a sidewalk. The adoption was not set up like an adoption after the year 2000 in the USA. It was set up like an adoption from the late 80’s. This was only to benefit the adoptive parents. This is not an adoption that Bethany should be proud of. Why would C and T trust these people? The reason adoptions are not like they were in the 60’s or the 80’s is the kids got older and didn’t like how they came to be in care of others. It’s why there is contact.

    1. Are you serious? You think that teens should be forced to keep a baby they can’t actually raise because their parents said so? Let’s be very clear that April and Burch were and are complete messes. April had literally just gotten custody of Catelynn back before all of this. They were both active addicts and were completely incapable of taking care of their own children. And yet, you think those to had the right to force Cate and Tyler to parent? Tyler did not want to raise Carly. We know that. That is a fact. And, it was the right choice. Cate, Tyler, April, and Butch were in no position to take care of Carly.

      It’s absolutely insane to think that you should force people to keep a baby they don’t want/can’t raise because their neglectful, abusive parents said so.

    2. @kristine ~ how many times (in the SAME comment section) do you plan to bring up the utterly irrelevant trash 🗑️ butch and april? 🙄
      their opinions/desires re: the adoption were (and still are) meaningless.

    3. That’s why the judge appointed a Guardian Ad Litem for Caitlynn and Tyler. It would be terrible if the courts forced pregnant teens to raise children they didn’t want just because the grandparents disapproved of adoption.

  3. It’s always been a closed adoption. You were lucky that they gave you any visits & allowed you to be apart of her life. Her adoptive parents owe you nothing so what part of she’s not your child do you fools not understand. B&T asked you not to film conversations & that meant not going on camera afterwards to discuss what you talked about or go online & post about your discussions. If your willing to trash them online then what else are you capable of doing when you don’t get your way. They are being good parents by protecting her from what you’ve been doing. Instead of trying to save Carly you need be saving yourselves & get out of your own way. Cate & Ty claim their “documenting” their attempts online for Carly to have proof but what their not getting is that it’s showing how crazy they are. You can document your attempts privately not everything needs to be done publicly online.

  4. It’s just they make everything about this, like do they even have other storylines?? Maybe focus on the 3 not-Carlys? It’s so invasive.

    Carly doesn’t need to deal with this obssessive and belligerance C/T got going on. She’s just a kid, B/T are doing the best they can to shield from all this, but C/T just can’t shut up and are putting too much pressure on the whole situation. They need to focus on their own family, and let Carly be. B/T aren’t their babysitters.

  5. The worst part about this entire thing is that C&T have made this public. They are only doing this to stay relevant, and it’s at Brandon, Teresa, and Carly’s expense. If they really wanted this relationship, they would have kept it private, but instead they chose to make it their story line on a “popular” MTV show. This is all by their choice. Carly doesn’t have any choice in the matter and C&T could care less about her privacy as they keep spewing nonsense on Instagram or Tik Tok. I can’t imagine how embarrassing that is for a teenager. If they really had Carly’s best interest, they would keep it off the internet and television.

  6. Carly could scream this in their faces, burn it in to their lawn, hire sky writers, make a superbowl ad and they’d still deny it was her.

  7. I’m a birthparent and this is unhinged behavior. I also had a semi open adoption where I chose the parents through bethany christian services in michigan. I was 19 at the time. You know going into this that the adoptive parents can close this at any time with an underage child, and as a birthmother you also have the right to stop communicating. I’m embarassed at their behavior, it’s ridiculous. Let it go, soon she will be 18 and she can make her own choice then. Until then, Brandon and Theresa call the shots. I’d cut them off too.

  8. Here’s the thing though…. What if Carly DOES want this? I’m not saying that’s the case but it has just of a chance of being the case as her not wanting it is. I don’t think they can handle that information.

    1. My daughter confides a lot in me and relies on me to communicate to others when she doesn’t wanna go. Maybe Carly feels too awkward or doesn’t wanna deal with all the judgement her parents have to from their public display of all

    2. She could…but to Brandon and Theresa it may look like their 15 year old daughter, who suddenly thinks she’s “basically an adult,” is attempting to befriend and hang out with a couple of 30-something years olds eho have no job outside of reality TV, Only Fans, and allowing their social media to be used for click bait posts of the WORST kind, who smoke week, smoke cigarettes, drink, have had multiple more unexpected pregnancies and alternately ignore or traumatize those girls based on however they’re feeling at the time. These “friends” who want contact with Carly also have a history of making horrible financial decisions, owe so much money in back-taxes, and buy and sell “therapy pets” on a whim. These people who want to be a “mentor” and “parental figure” to their daughter just seem like terrible influences.

      I’m sure Carly is conflicted, she may actually want more contact with Cait and Tyler and her bio sisters, but that may not be what’s best for her right now…and as she matures, she may realize that and thank her parents. Or she might not.

      What Cait and Tyler don’t get is thet even IF Carly wants to see them more often, it may not be best for her. When I was 15, I wanted to put gauges in my earlobes, dye my hair pitch black, and pierce my tongue. I’m glad my parents didn’t let me do any of those things.

      1. I’m sorry, I just realized I misread your comment as Carly wanting to talk to C and T when you meant “what if she doesn’t.”

        1. All good! Sometimes I read things too quickly as well …. I definitely should have clarified a bit better in my comment. But honestly if I was Brandon and Teresa I wouldn’t want my child being involved in the things cate and ty are either, and especially with the way they carry themselves and make dirty laundry public. The only person who suffers is Carly and it’s sad because it’s at the hand of her birth parents

  9. “Before communication was cut, I was told Carly was asking her parents, ‘Why can’t we get together more?’ ‘Why can’t we get together with them for the holidays?’ ‘They would fly here to come see me.’

    Who is telling her this?!? B&T didn’t tell her. Carly obviously didn’t tell her. Did the voices in her head tell her?

    1. I think C & T are making that up. They post that, they say that on the show because they know their “fans” and people that support them will get mad at T & B and could harass them like they have in the past. Sometimes people will give in if they’re harassed just to make it stop. I would get a restraining order against C & T if I were them.

  10. I 100% think that this has everything to do with B&T being very conservative and they don’t agree with the way C&T live their life and they don’t want Carly to be exposed to them. Carly is 16 doesn’t have a cell phone with access to the internet and is homeschooled. She is very sheltered.

    1. Tyler is the one who claimed she is very sheltered and doesn’t have phone and internet access. So, I take that with a huge grain of salt. How would he know?

      Who said she was homeschooled?

  11. They need to stop. This child is 14. She doesn’t KNOW what she wants!! Who knows, maybe she IS saying to Brandon & Teresa that the whole thing makes her uncomfortable and she would rather not have contact, or at least not right now. But maybe, because she IS only 14, she doesn’t want Tyler & Cate because she doesn’t want to be hurtful to anyone. So Brandon & Teresa are taking the brunt of the anger and frustration. Cate and Tyler are being so blinded by their own “want” and “hope” that they’re not seeing how their gross, aggressive persistence is only going to push Carly even further away. If they only respected what it is, and leave it be, Carly is going to be a legal adult soon enough, and IF she has any desire to know, she WILL be able to find and reach out to Tyler and Cate and go from there. It’s a difficult, sad situation and the details of adoption are only NOW being brought to the forefront, but it doesn’t change that Carly is a human being. She is a YOUNG girl at this point and even if it hurts some of the ADULTS, she needs to just be left to live her life and be a child without stress or worry. She’ll find her way and things will be what they will when she is an ADULT too.

    1. Carly will be 16 in a few months. She isn’t 14. But that is not the point.

      April, Catelynn’s mom when Catelynn was a minor was talking to an adoption agency and Brandon and Theresa. April told them NOT to contact her minor daughter anymore. They continued contact and took Catelynn’s daughter from her off the sidewalk. Tyler’s dad did not her placed for adoption either. Either it’s wrong to contact another person’s minor child or it isn’t. Bethany the agency should be ashamed.

      I don’t think Carly will flee the day after she turns 18. They have clearly said it’s an us or the highway situation. But the reason adoptions at the time Carly was adopted were meant to more open than this one was for reasons that boggle my mind is adopted kids grew up, didn’t like how they came to be adopted and wanted it less adoptive parent centered. Carly’s adoption was adoptive parent centered. Not child centered. Child exploitive to how they treated her minor parent(s) and her birth grandparents. It’s all on film. I am an adoptive parent I went through the classes 2025. This adoption happened much later. This is not how AP’s were meant to be prepared. I don’t know how they passed the SW interviews. You make a decision to get involved with a family that makes different decisions in their life and other people’s drama. Or you don’t do it. They knew the publicity they themselves were on the show. There is no I didn’t realize it would be like this for B&T, C&T don’t get to say that either obviously. I was excited adoption would be featured but confused why they were showing up at an agency for photos and why that was supposed to be a such a great thing. They could not be emailed for some reason? A tentative date to meet up was not decided before delivery? What the heck? B&T at some point, the moment after handoff felt they were dealing with a couple kids and have treated them as such ever since. They hoped they would split up, partner with another and they would only have to deal with a distracted Catelynn. That when Carly asked they would say when you are 18 I’ll help you contact them. What a mess.

      1. “They have clearly said it’s an us or the highway situation.”

        When did Brandon or Theresa ever say this?? They’ve never even implied that if Carly maintained contact with Cate and Tyler that they would disown her. That’s an insane accusation.

  12. They have been talking about this for 16 years. They knew 10 years ago, when Dawn sat them down, what they signed.

    I do think they should have an advocate since they were minors just to fully explain everything. But I really don’t think it would have changed anything because back then they really didn’t want contact outside of one visit and pictures. They really didn’t want to raise Carly, they were in no position and they know it.

    They have let Carly know and B&T know and the world know they want to talk to Carly. Are they so desperate to get that 16-year-old Carly for the 16 year anniversary, they don’t care how much it hurts her, her parents, their children!?!!?

    Like enough… Carly is 15/16. She is able to reach out if she wanted to. She’s a kid of the modern age. If she wanted to she would. If at the extreme end she really can’t… well that was a decision made by her parents who thought this was the best choice for her whatever the reason.

    So at this point it’s two years, just wait till two years till she’s 18, and then you’ll get the final answer, but this is only hurting Carly this weird media spectacle about how she won’t respond and how B&T won’t respond is only hurting Carly is not helping anyone.

    Also, a lot of those stats about kids who are adopted and don’t have a relationship with birth parents. Are not Carly’s situation. Carly has met C&T multiple times, she knows who they are, why they placed her. Now she does have the extra hurdle of they stayed together and had more kids but didn’t keep her, but even that, watch the first two seasons of TM and you understand very quickly why that would have been a terrible idea. Some people just don’t want a relationship with their birth parents.

    1. Minors can’t sign a contract. Her mother against it. His mother against it. She was a minor and April told the agency and the couple not to contact her own minor daughter.

      1. oh look ~ kristine thought she’d be ‘clever’ by using a new name. SO smart. 🙄🙄
        too bad the mention of irrelevant april foiled her ‘brilliant’ plan.
        again ~ wondering how many times she plans to say the same (inane) thing in this comment section? 🙄
        cate and ty apologists really ARE as dense as their trashy 🗑️ heroes. 🥴🤪🤤

  13. “We were told” by who??? How would they have been told what Carly said? They apparently did not hear directly from Carly and the only other people who could know that are Brandon, Theresa, or Dawn.

    It does not matter what Cate feels Carly wants. She is not their child. Period. Carly’s parents get to decide what is in her best interest. Cate and Tyler’s inability to understand that speaks to their dysfunctional understanding of what parenting even is or how relationships work. And the reality is that if Carly wanted to contact Cate and Tyler, she knows exactly where to find them. She’s not a little girl. A determined teen is going to find a way.

    They are driving a permanent wedge, but at least they’re getting money and attention. That’s apparently what they really want.

    1. “We were told” by who??? How would they have been told what Carly said? They apparently did not hear directly from Carly and the only other people who could know that are Brandon, Theresa, or Dawn.

      Probably some kids she goes to school with thinking it’s funny to cause trouble. Like, oh I’m in Carly class, here’s a picture, she wants to talk keep reaching out. hahah. C&T are so social stunned they are like oh, okay, yeah she wants to talk…

      1. I actually suspect it’s not even that. They probably heard from other totally unrelated adoptees that they would have loved to get together for visits and holidays. They seem to have really latched on to “adoptees’ trauma” as if that means they know how Carly feels.

        1. And the craziest part is the statistics they use for all this “trauma” is based on kids who have little to no relationship or no knowledge of their birth parents or kids who learn later in life they were adopted.

          Carly has met them multiple times has had a relationship with them, has met their children. She has access to the entire catalog of team mom to understand why they were not in a place to raise Carly.

          I can understand still being a teenager and self exploration. You struggle with self identity, you struggle with knowing where you belong… but all teens deal with that, I’m sure adopted kids more so. Maybe Carly is really struggling with them raising her full bio siblings, but not her. But the way to deal with that isn’t to harass her, it’s to give her space to process.

      2. Take it from somebody who has a mom exactly like April. I really had no choice and giving her up for adoption if they wanted to do what was best for Carly. Also take it from somebody who let a completely sheltered life after being raised by somebody else from the age of 12 on. No cell phone no Internet all the way to 18 years of age. B&t can disagree with c and t’s lifestyle all they want. It was laid out very clearly and on video what was expected. I get that b&t think that it’s too much but just because they aren’t getting their way doesn’t mean they should just get to cut all ties with these two people that very clearly laid out what they wanted for their life and for Carly. You agree to something you shouldn’t get to decide years later to go back on that agreement. It’s called honor. On top of that I don’t know why people are acting like this is a new thing. B&t have always wanted to withhold Carly from them. They did what they could to keep up appearances but they have always canceled meetings one after another, just refuse to let them see her for a long time, didn’t respond to them. I think it’s very clear that they didn’t think the show would blow up like it did or that anyone would care what they were doing. Now they want them silenced because b&t are tired of having witnesses to their crimes. I’m more than positive that if a relationship is what Carly wants, she will not speak to her adoptive parents when she turns 18. That will be no one’s fault but their own however I do believe they will blame it on C&t. It’s a very sad situation.

  14. So you’re telling me that C & T didn’t look at the entire adoption until recently? That is placing blame on Dawn as a counselor/ coach in my opinion. Quit playing the victim in this. Carly is the victim in this whole mess that you 2 started. Grow up and start reading legal documents all the way through. Their elevator clearly does not go all the way up.

    1. No they did. Multiple times. We even have it on camera a number of times that they re-read what C&T signed. They just want to re-write history.

      I do think that as minors, they should have been given to some type of legal counsel or advocate. But I don’t think it would have changed anything because C&T didn’t want more than that from B&T.

      Butch and April took C&T to court off camera at the time of Carly’s adoption and tried to argue that they C&T shouldn’t sign anything because they want to raise Carly.

      Cate was assigned a guardian ad litem by the courts as a result.

      The judge took one look at those two tweekers and just was like nope. C&T can place her adoption if they want. You are in no position to raise her.

    2. They were babies having a baby and obviously trusted the wrong person to guide them!! DAWN!! This was an open adoption. She will always be Caitlyn’s biological child. When her and Ty “grew up” got married and had other children they wanted to introduce Carly…these people had no problem with that?! They allowed these SIBLINGS to interact, to love each other and then they changed their minds. That’s not ok.
      That’s hurting Carly and her sisters. BIOLOGICAL sisters who they introduced to her. They signed papers for an OPEN adoption and then didn’t like the attention. I’d wait the 2yrs out and bet my life Carly comes knocking when she’s able. You can not forbid a child to love without consequences. She is the victim here. As are the other girls. Are these people this insecure?

      1. Carly has seen Cate and Tyler’s daughters a couple of times. How have you decided that they’re bonded and love each other? This is unhinged.

      2. EXACTLY!!
        I believe the adopted parents are getting nervous, and this is why Carley is homeschooled, has no cell
        Phone, and surly no way to get on internet, to communicate with Bio parents or siblings.

        1. Says Tyler? That’s where that information is coming from. Meanwhile, how does he know that when he hasn’t seen or spoken to Carly is over two years and why is his information to blast publicly?

  15. How convenient.. they give Carly away then after she’s all good and raised into a healthy young lady, with loving parents, now these losers want to stake their claim on her. They’re more immature and moronic now than they were all those years ago when this all began. They should walk away from the show, fix their deep seated issues, and lead a normal life before they push away their kids.

  16. The only reason these two decides to “back down” is because they were informed that if they don’t an RO can be put into place quite easily. They already know Carly was the one who cut contact, Cate was bitching about it in a few of the interviews. It was her reason for contacting B&T directly because “Carly stopped communicating with us and now has us blocked”. Cate is the one who made up what she *thinks* Carly was saying about wanting to spend time with them, Carly never actually asked that nor were C&T ever told that. They were told the exact opposite, that Carly had them blocked, did not want to continue communication and that it was her choice. That made Cate go off the deep end, it’s in some of her “interviews”.

    The whole email thing is beyond unhinged and just shows exactly why these two shouldn’t be in her life, whatsoever, unless SHE later decides it’s okay (which is doubtful at this point). They are showing a complete disregard for her, her opinions, her feelings, her experience and even their other three children. They clearly do not give one tiny little shit about anything outside of what they want and haven’t given any of it a moment’s thought since the day they gave her up. The me me me and us us us show is beyond ridiculous at this point and has crossed over into scary stalker and dangerous territory. It’s no wonder Carly cut contact.

    1. Where did this information come from? I generally keep up with news about C&T since the beginning and I have never seen factual proof of any statements made by anyone. I have read many opinions stated from both sides over the years, but actual quotes/facts of who said what–no. It is all opinions that some like to present as hard core facts–when they are not.

      1. This poster posts ridiculous lies about Carly on every single post about Catelynn or Tyler. It directly contradicts what is posted in the article and this poster never gives sources for their claims. Just a troll or someone who hates C&T so much they just make stuff up. Idk.

        1. Go back and look at all the stories posted about them here (I know you said you’ve read them, but literally everyone here can tell you’re lying because you constantly simp for them). Cate has admitted herself, in several different interviews in the last couple of years that Carly cut off contact and had blocked them. She literally said that is why she started contacting B&T directly instead of using the contact they had through Carly. She learned through B&T that the constant texts and pictures were getting to be too much, Theresa told her this is why Carly wanted to slow down contact and eventually just blocked her when she wouldn’t. That’s also when this whole “they’ve closed the adoption” mess starting getting ramped up (by C&T, not by anyone else), because Carly cut off contact and C&T can’t accept this.

          I have been here for years, have never trolled and would never troll this site. I don’t *hate* C&T, although I also don’t like them for the way they treat the three children they have, Carly and her actual parents. I think they do far more harm than good. I think they could be and do better, if they chose to. I also think they could turn this whole thing around if they chose to do better and be better. Until they do, though, I think they’re causing damage they may not realize until years from now when I suspect it will really hit them hard.

          I have seen the same type of scenario play out in my own family, with my own children. I know the kind of damage that biological family who behave the way these two have can do to a child. I respect the fact that C&T have their feelings, their regrets, opinions, etc.. I really do. I do NOT respect the way they voice them or use them to cause further harm to a child who has said “please back off”-even if not in those exact words.

          1. Several different interviews, huh? Please provide the name and approximate date of one publication that posted an interview where Catelynn said Carly cut off contact with them.

  17. There was I time when I really used to vote for Cate and Ty. But those days are gone – they don’t realize that they themselves are now the entitled and selfish predators.

    They are acting like if Carly is in a hostage situation, when actually THEY are the ones every decent parent would – and should! – protect their kid from.

    C&T chose to enter – and remain – in the limelight and make money from spewing their emotions allover. Carly and her parents certainly did not. They deserve integrity and they really should take legal actions to protect their health and safety.

    And now Kail is providing C&T a pod, aka yet another platform to harass Carly and her family…

  18. I’ve recently done a 16 and pregnant rewatch. Before the adoption was even finalised Cate and Ty were talking about “maybe we can have her for weeks over the summer”

      1. Oh please! They were some of the most mature and rational 16 year olds. For petes sake. People with this crap line of “they didn’t know what they were doing” just enable their antics. They knew what they were doing. They made a choice and now no matter how they FeEL, they need to shut up and accept reality. This girl is a complete stranger to them. Then gave her away many many years ago, saw her maybe once a year for the first five years, she is as much of a stranger to them as they are to her. They didn’t raise her with their time or money or put any emotional effort into her. They’re just literal brats having a temper tantrum.

      2. They were informed correctly and were more mature at 16 than now. They knew back then they weren’t suited to raise a kid in their environment of junkies and violence and gave Carly a normal life. They should have called it a day.

    1. That breaks my heart! They were being told it was going to be n open adoption like a joint venture kind of thing when that never was B&T intentions! I really really hope Carly speaks publicly at some point because they r hurting. And it’s all because of T’s trauma with not being able to have her own kids I think because it’s crazy that they all can’t be in her life it’s more people Carly has to love her!!! And Catelyn and Tyler both would 100% travel to them for cookouts parties, Carly’s birthday or if she plays sports or whatever they would go is the point so B&T keeping them away is selfish behavior

      1. As long as they don’t have to put together a scrapbook for her. For Cait, it is way more important to put a bunch of pics, etc together to show Carly what she’s missing then actually see Carly. Lol Cait can’t erase the fact she chose to be hours late to meet Carly because she was finishing a scrapbook she had months to put together. So sure, they couldn’t even make it to a meeting on time to do what they claim they want (time with Carly) but they will drop everything and travel to go to anything for her. Did you even read the texts Cait was sending? Not a single question about Carly, just this is what we are doing, this is where we are, this is our great life. No how are you? What are you up to? Nothing. So C&T have shown repeatedly over the years, even recently, that it’s all about them not Carly. But sure continue your delusion that they would 100% travel to her at the drop of a hat. Lol thank you for the laugh.

      2. An open adoption doesn’t mean you get treated like an actual family member😂 it meant they got updates at B&T discretion and even then it was only agreed for five years. There not just baby sitting her for them.

  19. Catelynn is completely unhinged. Brandon and Theresa need a restraining order against these two entitled psychos that think they can walk all over Carly’s parents to do as they please.

  20. “minority group of adoptees”

    Oh, so that’s what it’s about. Tyler wants to be a minority and call himself surpressed and a victim. He can’t say he is black and doesn’t want to be gay or “trans” so he is trying to make adoption be a minority group.

    1. Adoptees are absolutely a minority group. It’s insane how many “experts” on adoption there are when in reality the most experienced & affected one is the adoptee. The actual subject of the contract to purchase a child. We are the only ones in the mix with NO RIGHTS to our own info and no means to void a contract even in middle age. But it’s nice to hear all the experts who know someone who adopted 🤮 there’s a reason most grown adoptees do share experience w non adoptees bc y’all just know it all 🙄 no need to group or compare us with trans or other situations who actually have access to their real birth cert and genetic mirroring.

      1. Your comment is completely irrelevant. None of this is about fEeLiNgS. They legally gave Carly to another couple. It was a legally binding decision. Not a one single person has to be an adoptee to understand what went on. Not a single person has to have given a child away to understand what’s gone on. C&T are completely unhinged clowns who want full control. It has NOTHING to do with their fEeLiNgS. 🙄🙄🙄

      2. People who have been adopted are, absolutely, the most important person involved in any adoption. There is zero question to that, whatsoever. They also have a history of being the least involved, or, as you stated, the least likely to have many, if any, rights. However, in recent decades (and I do mean decades, because things have been changing, for the better, for a very, very long time now) those rights available to adoptees have also changed. Many states, and some other areas around the world, have, thankfully, changed for the better and started to ensure adoptees have more rights than ever before. As long as the information is out there, it is available to adoptees. One of the main problems is that in some cases, the information just isn’t available, for various reasons. I have a couple adult children who have this same problem. They too have no access to their genetic information, there is no real birth certificate in one case.

        But none of that has anything at all to do with Tyler who is *not* an adoptee, nor is he a minority, and can’t, or shouldn’t, speak on it because he isn’t one. He can’t speak for Carly, or any other adoptee, any more than anyone else can. I can share the experiences my adopted children have had, as I understand them, but I can’t speak for them about how they understand them. Therein lies the difference between these two chuckleheads and most others who give children up for adoption. Most people don’t try to speak FOR the children they’ve given up. These two can’t seem to stop doing so, while foisting their own trauma and various life issues on the shoulders of everyone around them, including actual, literal, children.

  21. What Cate and Ty really don’t seem to understand is that Carly was raised in a completely different environment from them. She most likely goes to school with other middle class kids, that have never stepped foot in a trailer park. It has to be quite embarrassing to Carly that she has a Butch and an April in her bloodline. It’s time for them to realize that she is likely trying to distance herself from their circus. Cate and Ty really need to quit with the psychobabble, get out of their therapy bubble, and make something of themselves outside of Carly and the whole TM universe.

  22. C & T need hobbies, jobs, productive ways to occupy their time. Shouldn’t they be focusing on the kids they have who are behind in school? Don’t they have horses and animals that need attention? They could learn a new skill, exercise, learn about managing their money. So many other things to pour energy into rather than social media. They all need time and space for a minute.

    1. Especially at damn near 16. She is probably very bonded to her mom and dad at home and relatives there. From what Tyler (he said on his live) said she is involved in violin like Teresa. Sounds like those two have a bond. She sounds like she is thriving. If she was not thriving I would say otherwise but it sounds like she is. I know this is about filming for MTV not Carly or even their three children. If they were smart they would not tell the younger two about any of this. They do not need to know and it would just cause them anxiety like it is Nova and probably Carly.

  23. “If B&T would tell me it’s in fact Carly not wanting contact, then I would respect that with all of me!”
    Carly is a MINOR and HER PARENTS have said they do not want you contacting THEIR CHILD. How these two are incapable of understanding this is completely beyond comprehension. It doesn’t really matter what Carly wants right now because she’s a kid and if her parents said no, it’s no. Again, this all goes back to cate and ty not giving a flying fk about consent and that’s a huge problem.

    1. There is no way Carly did not go to her mom and dad and tell them this is all making her uncomfortable. Because Carly is near 18 in a few years they are trying to ger her on board with some reunion show and Brandon and Teresa know this. They are probably getting a ton of pressure from MTV which is why all this is happening. Don’t forget B&T have jobs and another child they have to protect. They can’t have all this garbage going on. Why they have not gotten an attorney and filed something in court is beyond me. Not just restraining order. Order of protection is what they need. It really is out of control. MTV should just change its name to train wreck TV.

      1. I’m surprised too. Bc I read about how MTV wanted to film Kristina’s older child and that Gary’s wife Kristin’s ex husband had to get a court order restraining order against Kristina just so MTv wouldn’t film their older child. I think that’s the only way MTV will back off. The order wasn’t really on Kristina just more on MTV.

  24. I don’t normally comment but everytime I see more and more of this it really irks me! My goodness. What a mess!
    I feel so bad for Carly and her parents. The ones who have raised her. Not the ones who legally put her up for adoption. All of this was above board and legal. I agree, the birth parents’ behavior IS inappropriate. No doubt about it. None of this ever should have happened. I too agree that legal assistance is needed on the part of Carly and her parents. They don’t owe the birth parents any explanation. None. And all of this repeatedly spewed across social media, TV, etc. is just so nuts, and flat out terrifying. Stalking, threats, insinuations, invasion of privacy LIES, what is their problem? They have 3 other kids, they need to be raising THEM. Not terrorizing the child THEY put up for adoption and her parents. I will say it. Get a lawyer and shut them down! It is way past time.

    1. I agree. The adoption was above board. They made sure of that because there were some bad contested cases in the 1990’s – early 2000’s where the adopted parents had to surrender the child as a toddler and they fixed that. No way did any agency want to go through that again. So they did clean alot up.

  25. Catelynn and Tyler don’t WANT to believe cutting off contact could be coming from Carly. I have a feeling if Carly were to somehow reach out and say “Leave me alone”, they would still find an excuse to keep harassing Carly and her parents. And the thing is… even if f it is just Brandon and Teresa behind blocking C&T…. that is their right as Carly’s parents.
    And the email address… how much does anyone want to bet it’s filled with nothing but bashing Brandon and Teresa to Carly?

    1. They’d say she is still in the “adoptive fog”. They seem like they are talking to these radical anti adoption cps groups on facebook. Some of those groups and people on there are scary. Like set themselves on fire in front of the courthouse scary. They lost their kids for damn good reason.

  26. They are exhausting. The way that C & T have tried to bully B & T using their TV show and social media is quite frankly disgusting. They caused this with their behavior.

    I think Carly does want this. You can’t tell me that Carly doesn’t have C & T’s contact information. She is a teenager. If she wanted to contact them and her parents not know then she would go to a friend’s house and use their cell phone or go in the bathroom at school and use someone’s cell phone. B & T are not with her 24/7 monitoring whether she contacts them or not.

    B & T owe them NOTHING at this point. They could unblock C & T right now and text them and say ‘We are following Carly’s wishes and she doesn’t want to see you.” And C & T would go online and on Teen Mom and say that they don’t believe it and they feel it is B & T not wanting contact because of their supposed insecurities of C & T. (At least that’s what Ty believes)

    I’m beginning to wonder if they aren’t just using this for a Teen Mom storyline. We have seen the clickbait posted by Cate that says “Why we decided to give Nova up” then you click on it and it is completely unrelated. Then they face backlash and Cate will go online and say someone else runs her account so the clickbait didn’t technically come from her.

    At this point they must think we are all suckers with a short attention span and no memory of all of this shit we have watched first hand.

  27. When Catelynn was a minor and pregnant her own mom said no contact for both the couple and the agency, but they ignored her. So they have a lot of nerve thinking they are in charge of anything. Bethany did not educate the adoptive couple on adoption. This was not a couple meant to adoption a baby in the 21st century. Nothing about how it was set up made sense for the time. For Bethany it was about a fee and which birth mom they could manipulate. Why could B&T adopt Catelynn’s baby when she was a minor and her mom said no to the adoption and no to them even talking to Catelynn and no to the agency being in contact with the girl?

    I don’t think Carly will leave the house and run to her birth parents on her birthday. I am sure she knows they will make her choose.

    1. Your ability to be as unhinged as these two, while taking great leaps of ridiculousness is absolutely astounding. If it were in the Olympics, you’d win gold!

      The reason a minor can give a child up for adoption, without consulting their own actual parent is because people giving children up for adoption have these things we call rights. Her own parents were unfit, and even admitted themselves countless times that they were unfit parents. Why on earth do you think a person’s parent should get any say, whatsoever, in whether or not they keep the child? Why do you think that parent, of a pregnant female, should have rights that supersede the rights of a female to NOT have to be a parent? Do you think she should also have a say in whether or not Cate had medical treatment? If she had chosen abortion should April have a say? Where the hell do you get the audacity to assume April’s opinion should mean more than the actual person carrying and then choosing a new life, for the baby she created? In what world does that actually make sense?

      You do know children still have rights in the United States, correct? I mean, you understand that they are people and sometimes they have parents who don’t know what’s best, don’t do what’s best, and in fact are horrible people (like April). Or do you live in some weird bubble the rest of us can’t see?

      1. There are also safe surrender babies in every state where any parent can surrender to a fire station, whatever, no questions asked. They were having a rash of babies left in garbage cans, where they did not survive and thus the govt created this for someone who may be in crisis and considering that.

  28. It doesn’t matter what Cate and Ty believe about what Carly wants. B&T are Carly’s parents and they are doing what they believe is best for their daughter. If Nova wanted something that Cate and Ty felt was not the best choice, would they just let her do whatever she wanted? Probably not, but they can’t seem to see past their own wants to realize that.

    Dawn is partially responsible for this because she has been playing both sides for years and kept filling them with false hope.

    1. I notice that. She seems the type of social worker that tells you what you want to hear rather than what you need to hear. I remember when she was scolding Caitlyn and Tyler for “staying in their own camp.” or something like that. When Cait said it was awkward contacting them. And now she said “we need to take a pause.”

  29. STOP! JUST STOP! You have three other children who are going to be adversely affected by your desperate efforts to stay relevant. I can’t wait for those children to start acting out. I’ll bet one of them will be knocked up by 15. These two are generally ignorant, have no marketable skills and exhibit zero work ethic.

  30. If Carly wanted to get in touch with them, she’d find a way. I’m sure she could borrow a friend’s phone to secretly send a message, etc. I’m sure Carly is mortified by their behavior…why wouldn’t she be?! Good grief, they’re an absolute embarrassment.

  31. Ugh part of me feels sad because I remember them reassuring each other that she might come back and live with them someday. She’s their DNA but she’s lived a different life. If she does come around, it’s going to take some time.

  32. At this point B&T need a court order shutting these psychos up about Carly. This is stalking and harassment now. That is not their child. Period. I can’t wait to see their faces when Carly hits 18 and all they hear from her is crickets…or they get a process server at their door with her restraining order.

  33. Cate also went live on TikTok and admitted Tyler is sending their adoption records to content creators. She sounds completely deranged and I hope Brandon and Theresa seek legal protection from these psychopaths.

  34. I’m sure they are very nervous that Carly is not going to want to film when she turns 18. That is what this is all about . Then their gravy train is over. He got the file. They are going to publish that for money I’m sure.

  35. Carly is a child and B&T are her parents. C&T are irrelevant and sickly obsessed. They need actual serious professional help. They said they’d stop if they got an explanation but now it’s just not ‘good enough’ for them.

  36. I’m gonna call bullshit on the fact that if carly didn’t want caitlin and tyler to communicate with her, they would just leave it and be all good with it…
    They also need to remember they don’t know carly, so they don’t know what she would or wouldn’t want, so they have no clue if it’sB&T or Carly.. But let’s also keep in mind that somebody is a few hours late to have a visit because somebody else wanted to sit on their house and make a Crap book

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