EXCLUSIVE! Judge Orders ‘Teen Mom’ Star Ryan Edwards to Pay Ex Mackenzie Child Support; Rules Ryan’s Fiancée Amanda Conner Can Be Around Ryan’s Kids

“Damn that Mackenzie….and stuff!”

Ryan Edwards and his soon-to-be ex-wife Mackenzie are (finally) making some progress in their divorce and custody battle.

The Ashley can exclusively reveal that– at a court hearing held on February 3— a Tennessee judge ordered the Teen Mom dad to pay Mackenzie child support for their two kids, Jagger and Stella, starting this week. The judge also used the hearing to rule on several other topics that the estranged exes have been legally battling over, including the Motion for Contempt that Ryan filed against Mack earlier this month, and their disagreement about Ryan’s pregnant fiancée, Amanda Conner, being allowed around Jagger and Stella.

According to court documents obtained by The Ashley, the judge granted Mackenzie’s request that Ryan be made to pay child support for their two children, whom Ryan admitted in his Official Affidavit to only seeing for 26 days out of the year. The judge ruled that Ryan has to pay Mack $1553 each month. (As The Ashley previously reported, Ryan stated in his court Affidavit that he currently makes $16,000 a month via his ‘Teen Mom’ paychecks and pay from his mechanic job.)

The court order states that the amount of child support that Ryan will pay could change “after testimony of the parties regarding past and current incomes.”

Back in October, Mack accused Ryan of refusing to pay child support for their kids. That month, Mackenzie sued Ryan for temporary and back child support, and asked the judge to make Ryan pay.

The next order of business handled at the February 3 court hearing was whether or not Amanda would be allowed to be present when Ryan had visitation with Jagger and Stella. As The Ashley previously told you, the exes were unable to agree on divorce/custody terms during their mediation session in December.

Amanda and Ryan are due to welcome their first child together any day…

According to The Ashley’s sources, “Ryan and Mackenzie agreed on everything…except how Ryan’s girlfriend Amanda would be worked into the kids’ lives. That was the dealbreaker. Mackenzie and Ryan went back and forth a few times with offers, but Ryan refused any offer that didn’t immediately include Amanda being able to be around the kids,” the source said. “Mackenzie suggested a slow transition into letting Amanda be around the kids and letting Ryan have them unsupervised.”

Ryan currently visits with Jagger and Stella twice a month. These visits allegedly take place every other Saturday to Sunday at his mom Jen’s house. The judge ruled that the visitation schedule would remain the same for the time being– with the exception that Amanda is no longer barred from being around Jagger and Stella.


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“Amanda Conner may participate in Father’s visitation with the minor children,” the court docs read.

Ryan and Amanda— who recently got engaged— are expecting their first child together, a girl, within the week.

Finally, Ryan’s Motion for Contempt from last month was addressed at the hearing. As The Ashley previously reported, Ryan asked the judge to charge Mackenzie with contempt, alleging that Mack sold (or got rid of) items that had “significant monetary and/or sentimental value” to him, despite a court order in place forbidding either party from doing so until their divorce is settled. 

In the motion filed by Ryan’s lawyer, Mackenzie was accused of selling or getting rid of items including a car jack, kayak, jet ski, lawnmower, hunting rifle, sectional couch, race car/motor/transmission and various tools including a plasma cutter, two welders, generator, pressure washer and other items. In the motion, it was stated that the items had “significant monetary and/or sentimental value” to Ryan. 

“I loved that lawnmower like it was my own son!”

Mackenzie “intentionally, willfully and/or maliciously disposed of the following marital property,” the motion filed by Ryan claims. “[Mackenzie] made no attempt to discuss the sale, gift or transfer of these assets with [Ryan or Ryan’s] counsel.”

In the court docs, a judge ordered the Contempt motion be continued until February 24. However, in the meantime, the judge ruled that Ryan “should be given access to the marital home to inspect the premises and inventory the contents of the home.” (We can assume that he would be using this opportunity to look for the items– such as the “sentimental” jet ski— that he claims Mack sold or disposed of.)

“Now where is that daggone sentimental jetski!?”

The judge ruled that Mackenzie and Ryan’s lawyers would figure out a day that worked for both parties for Ryan to go to Mackenzie’s home. She will not be allowed to be there when Ryan is there (most likely due to the active restraining order in place); however, Mack will be allowed to designate a person of her choosing to be present.

“Mrs. Edwards shall [e]nsure that locked areas, including but not limited to closets, toolboxes and safes, shall be made accessible to Ryan Edwards to view and photograph the contents,” the documents state.

On Tuesday, Mackenzie filed a Motion to Compel, which asks the judge to order Ryan to do something, although The Ashley is not sure what action she’s asking the judge to make Ryan take. 

Mack and Ryan are next due in court on February 24. 

RELATED STORY: Ryan Edwards Admits He Earns $16k a Month; Says He Only Sees His Kids Jagger & Stella 26 Days a Year

29 Responses

  1. I mean this is pretty typical, for anyone whose had to deal with family court. Child support is always either too low or too high. At best the judge was going to rule that Amanda couldn’t be around the kids unsupervised, it’s uncommon to flat out ban one of the parent’s significant others from being around. Nothing here is unusual or surprising. The lesson is, don’t marry a crack head that drove to your wedding high and have children together. If it goes to court they are going to let him be involved, unless there is a record of child abuse, and even then it’s not guaranteed.

    1. Yup! Despite the claims, Family Court does not put the best interest of the child at play.

      It’ll be interesting how much time he will get with the children once the custody is officially litigated. And then when he relapses, we’ll see how long it takes for the court to act. I enjoy watching the reporting on Family Court, though. Most people do not know how it works and the danger kids are placed in everyday.

      After seeing Macks home destroyed by that man, we know what he’s capable of. How can he be safe to be around two young children?

  2. I think Ryan is so happy with Amanda. Amanda got her son back so she is doing what she needs to. They both look happy and healthy. I’m happy for them. Now Ryan has all his kids lately. Baby girl is due soon and they are happy. All the haters needs to stop and get over it.

    1. Yeah the guy who, up until he was COURT ORDERED, refused to help financially care for his children. What an upstanding guy! All men should strive to be like Ryan!

  3. “Mack” was an idiot to marry him. He was high as fuck driving to their friggin wedding! Her choice though. She knew.

    Amanda? Just as dumb. She knows too.

    MTV / Viacom = where being junky deadbeats pays well!!

    1. exactly even though i sympathize for mackenzie and don’t think anyone deserves what happened to her, idk why people think what ryan did her excuses how much of a horrible human being she’s been proven to be

    1. She only got her son back because her dad and stepmom were the legal guardians. Her dad passed away. Since the stepmom isn’t biologically related to the son, Amanda got him back by default.

  4. This judge is a clown! If Mack is smart….she will sue Rhine for the home damages. Does he literally have to kill someone on purpose or under the influence before anything is done? How many chances does this loser get?? His “new” fiancé should watch it, he could do this to her. It’s been proven she has NO issue giving up her child in a whim or in her case some meth. The whole “lipstick on a pig” comes to mind. I wonder how she’s feels being a pawn in Macy, Ryan’s and Teen Moms narrative. Girl, they don’t like you, definitely don’t trust you and it will be in to the next soon. MTV hit the lottery with this train wreck and the Jerry Spinger connection is a gift to the Teen Mom franchise. Ryan and Amanda are dangerous and how would this judge feel about these 2 idiots raising his kids?? Mack…don’t be k down. Fight for the safety of your kids, and Jen &Larry are absolute enablers. They need to be monitored watching while these kids are in their company until the court issues are resolved. Does this hudge know how bad Amanda mocked and hatred Mack online? This judge needs to be thrown off the bench and a swirlie.

    Mack, take care of you and your kids! I would ge worried about the brainwashing and trash talk these idiots will try to inflict on these innocent children. This judge is such a piss poor, disgrace. Are ppl like these really making decisions for you sweet babies? God help us!

    1. I think the judge took more of a look at the fact that Maci and Taylor are getting along with Ryan and Amanda and have had all the kids around each other. That could be the case here.

  5. i meeaaan that is a fair ruling 🤷🏻‍♀️ idk why ryan had an issue to pay child support he should be supporting his kids who are with their mother majority of the time and it makes sense to let amanda be around the kids when they’re engaged and she’s about to give birth to their new baby sister and even got full custody back of her son so it’s been proven she is safe to be around but still seems like these petty exes just wasted time and money in court for stuff that was bound to happen anyway

  6. $1500 a month for two kids when he claims he makes 16,000/month.

    Is this judge also a “family friend” as well!?!!

    I can’t believe how many chances and breaks he gets.

  7. Imagine having a baby with a troglodyte that has to be forced to pay for his own kids 😂 Also, he shouldn’t have access to anything after what he did to that property. In my opinion, he forfeited his right to his jetski when he smeared his own **** on the walls where his kids live. Get bent.

    I also don’t care that they’re trying to use drugs as the excuse for what he did. There is no excuse for that, period.

  8. This is a disgrace. He has to pay less than 10% of his salary to his kids, paid ZERO for the damages he caused to their house and now he has another babysitter so he doesn’t have to actually care for them a single minute of his life.
    He’s a POS and so is the judge.

  9. Ryan and Amanda are sober and living their best lives. That is the greatest form of revenge. A part of getting sober is forgiving yourself. It’s in the 12 steps. Hopefully, Maci sees how good they are doing and seeks help herself. She is looking awful lately.

    1. Do you actually know what the 12 steps are? If you did, you’d know he’s done absolutely none of them, lol. He went to rehab because he was ordered to. He has only paid child support when ordered to (and even that, he hasn’t done consistently). He has never actually admitted fault. He hasn’t attempted to make amends. He doesn’t take personal inventory, which includes accountability and responsibility for both past and present choices. He has *never admitted the exact nature of his crimes, in fact, he still believes his wrongdoings are minimal, at best.

      He isn’t religious at all. The 12 steps very much are, which is why many sobriety programs do not follow them today because not everyone is religious (and far less people than ever are now). Most sobriety programs that do not follow the “12 steps” rely more on personal accountability and not holding some higher power responsible for changing the individual, their choices, their actions, etc… Those methods have a proven track record of less repeat offenders because they don’t place ANY of the responsibility on a higher power. The 12 steps puts all of it on a higher power, it’s literally written in two of the steps that the individual is reliant on “God” to remove their shortcomings and defaults of character. It’s a load of horseshit when you can’t admit that no deity is responsible for your life choices, nor is any deity responsible for changing you.

      1. Actually, I am active in recovery and have gone through the steps many times and incorporate all into my daily life as you are supposed to. The 12 steps aren’t religious… they are spiritual. You basically just cannot see yourself or any human being as your higher power but literally you could see your dog as a higher power. As far as placing “responsibility” on a higher power… that is absolutely not true at all. We RELY on a power other than ourselves, to help US take responsibility and to help us stay sober. We aren’t solely reliant on “God” to remove our shortcomings and character defects- we are reliant on a higher power/god of our understanding, to HELP us remove our shortcomings. We are all acutely aware that a higher power will just remove these things, without our participation and taking a hard look at ourselves. There is even a chapter in the big book specifically for agnostics… which are people that basically do not believe in god, but do not discredit there is a god. I will, however, agree with you that Ryan and Amanda, IMO are not in RECOVERY. They are sober, but it is EXTREMELY rare you can be sober long-term, without being in some sort of recovery which DOES involve personal responsibility and doing the right thing. Having to have a judge tell you that you HAVE to pay child support, is not indicative of being in recovery. Hell, my ex husband is in recovery and even when in active addiction he was paying child support because he loves his kids… Ryan needs to grow TF up and stop holding this clear resentment towards Mack or it will literally put him back “chasing the dragon”.

    2. It’s also in the 12 steps to ask for forgiveness, not keep treating your ex and children like shit and refusing to help with the financial care of your children. You’re ridiculous.

    3. And one of the tenants of being sober is no romantic relationships for a year. These two met in rehab and she got pregnant with a quickness. This is not the healthiest of scenarios.

  10. Wow, terrorize your ex, destroy her home, be able to repeatedly break the law and all without any meaningful consequences. Then walk into court and get court ordered access to the same house and unfettered access to kids he had no interest in. It’s the south, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised, but still despicable.

    1. Exactly. This is why women often don’t leave their abusive spouse. Because now there are 4 days a month that Ryan and Amanda have those kids without Mack around, and she can’t do a dang thing about it. And look what he did to their house and their kids the last time he got mad.

    2. Yeeeee hawwwww. Southern here ………..our culture and food can beat the pants off of any dull, plain northern state any ol day!

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