Jenelle Evans’ Ex August Keen Says “Jail May Teach” Jenelle A Lesson After His Ex Accuses ‘Teen Mom’ Star of Throwing Away Her Mail Out of Spite

“To the slammer with you!”

Jenelle Evans‘ (most-recent) estranged soulmate says the Teen Mom star needs to be taught a lesson— one that apparently includes three hots and a cot!

“August Keen”— who recently split from Jenelle after about 10 months of being her manager-turned-boyfriend— told OK! Magazine that Jenelle needs to “grow up” and stop her “diabolical antics,” and that going to jail may be the thing that makes her do it.

As The Ashley told you on Monday, “August” (real name: Daniel Miranda) and Jenelle split in part because she discovered he had been living with another girlfriend while Jenelle was dating him. That girlfriend— whose name is Cristal Herrera— recently went to the police station to report that Jenelle allegedly threw away her mail out of spite. Jenelle then apparently bragged about committing the crime in messages sent to Cristal on social media before Cristal blocked her.

After The Ashley posted the story about Cristal reporting the alleged crime to the police, Jenelle took to X to deny Cristal’s claims, stating she’s never met Cristal and that she never throws away mail unless it’s her own.

In his new interview “August” stated that he has asked Cristal to pause on going after Jenelle for the alleged mail-trashing crime for now, but that he won’t hesitate to move forward with it if necessary.

“[I don’t] want Jenelle to go to jail because she has kids to raise,” he said. “I’m not a monster like she is. I can think normally and understand consequences and, if Jenelle goes to jail, the kids will suffer because she is their source of income — and the kids love her very much.”

However, he claims if the fired ‘Teen Mom’ star continues with her “diabolical antics,” he wants her punished.

“Jail might teach her the lesson because she needs to grow up and love herself,” “August”— who also accused Jenelle on social media of hacking into and wiping his phone of data— said.

“Well, goin’ to jail neva taught Juh-nelle any lessons before, but ya never know, AugustSeptemba!”

“She will have two felonies on her record, and she will go to jail for both wiping [my] phone and [tossing] Cristal’s mail, both of which are federal crimes.”

As The Ashley reported, Cristal stated in her report to police that she had been living with Jenelle and “August,” something “August” went on to clarify. He told the magazine that Cristal lived with him for two years (and never with Jenelle), and that some of Cristal’s mail had been sent to his house even though she no longer lived with him. This alleged incident occurred while “August” and Jenelle were still together.

“When I picked up my mail, I threw it in the car without looking at it,” “August” said. “Jenelle cleaned my car and saw the mail the next day. She told me she threw her mail away, and that annoyed me, but what can I do? I apologized to Jenelle.” 

“Hold up! Juh-nelle cleaned?!”

Jenelle went on to allegedly brag to Cristal about throwing away her mail. (“August” shared a screenshot of the messages with OK!

“August” claims that Jenelle continues to raise hell with him, and Cristal is angry about it.

“Cristal is pissed that Jenelle is lying about everything,” he told the magazine. “She would have left her alone, but Jenelle keeps attacking me and since Cristal is someone who cares for me, she doesn’t appreciate [Jenelle’s] behavior toward me — especially because she knows how close me and Jenelle were, and she thinks it’s a huge stab in the back.”

“How ya gonna do me like that, Jenelle?!”

“August” said that, despite having people telling him that he should call Child Protective Services on Jenelle, he would never do that, because he was so close to Jenelle’s kids Jace, Kaiser and Ensley. (As The Ashley told you, “August” once called Jenelle’s children his “stepkids” during a conversation with the police.)

“The kids and Jenelle and I became an instant family and that’s not an easy thing to figure out,” the lip ring aficionado stated. “But the kids are happy children.”

RELATED STORY: EXCLUSIVE! Girlfriend of Jenelle Evans’ Ex August Keen Files Police Report After ‘Teen Mom’ Star Admits to Throwing Away Her Mail

22 Responses

  1. Nothing is ever going to teach Jenelle a lesson! She will go to her grave with her finger pointing at someone else for her life choices.

  2. She wouldn’t go to jail, she wouldn’t a fine or community service and also would be extremely hard to prove she threw mail away

    1. Well she sent text messages saying she did, as well as posted it on social media. There is proof out of her own mouth. Even if she was just processed through the jail here in Las Vegas, it is no walk in the park. She sure as heck won’t get special treatment like she received in that small town she is from. Processing takes like twelve hours.

  3. I don’t care how ridiculous it is, I hope she finally gets some consequences. She can help men like David blossom into their full POS potential, then walk away and leave them in the dirt while getting anything and everything she wants. She IS the problem. I dont care what anyone says. I can’t be convinced otherwise. I know that a good woman can bring out the best in a man. The opposite applies to Jenelle: a terrible woman can bring out the worst in a man.

  4. I bet lurch is loving watching this shit show unfurl. Probably nice to have the heat taken off you for a minute by some other deadbeat

    1. Snapping pictures of your 💩hole doesn’t exactly make her a hard working woman. She has never done real work in her life, and she doesn’t take care of her kids. She is the definition of a deadbeat. I do not like David but he atleast took care of the house and kids. She is by far, more of a deadbeat than even he is.

  5. This guy is such a loser. Everyone knows who Jenelle is. She’s legit the worst. No one needs you to tell us who she is. You’re not enlightening the masses, Calendar. You are most likely an alcoholic dbag who looks for single moms they can leech off of. You’re literally no better than her. At this point we all have to assume that any guy willing to be with her is either just as terrible or (somehow) worse .

  6. Augtembruary is just like Jenelle. He threatens a restraining order but won’t follow through. He threatens to have her arrested for “federal felonies”, but won’t do anything about it and makes excuses for not doing it. He threatens to tell CPS what he’s seen and heard in Jenelle’s house but then back pedals and says he won’t do it because he supposedly loves the kids. Fuck you, Calendar Boy. If you cared about those kids you’d report everything you know to CPS. God knows those kids are being neglected and probably abused by Jenelle, who you called a monster. They’re not going to school regularly. They live in a house with hardly any furniture. Jace gets high with sistermom because she takes his Adderall. Kaiser is vaping and God knows what else he’s into. Jenelle — and YOU TOO, Fukcboi, left them with total strangers for 3 weeks while you traveled back to NC to use the courts against David.

    Jenelle will never face consequences for her actions because assholes like “August Keen” won’t speak up against her. That total dumbass is contributing to the abuse and neglect those kids are living in, and I hope he realizes that if CPS finds out the shit going on in that house while he was staying with Jenelle, HE can be held liable too. I wish he’d just STFU and slink back into his hole if he’s not going to step up and do something to help those kids.

    1. The bar for a permanent restraining order is extremely high. At least in some states, not sure about Nevada. Highly unlikely a judge will grant one.

      And the police and postal inspectors have waaaaay more important things to deal with than a jealous woman throwing out some other woman’s SHEIN coupons.

  7. “[I don’t] want Jenelle to go to jail because she has kids to raise,” he said. “I’m not a monster like she is. I can think normally and understand consequences and, if Jenelle goes to jail, the kids will suffer because she is their source of income — and the kids love her very much.”

    Since when is Jenelle raising her children? While her children probably do live her, her mother raised her oldest son until he was 14 and, unbeknownst to her middle child, didn’t she try to pawn him off on his grandmother in the fall? Mother of the year she is not.

      1. It’s all very confusing to me.
        It’s just a big trash heap of shit. I can’t understand this amount of disaster.

  8. Wow! The ego on this loser is incredible! No wonder he was with Jenelle. Stupidity attracts stupidity. He tries to sound so smart. LOL

  9. If he has any kind of morals or thoughts or feelings for those kids, he’d call c p s cause she’s a shit parent.

  10. Let’s be real, august or daniel, or whatever the fuck you wanna be called.. You know Jenelle i have three kids who she won’t take care of whether she’s in the home or in jail

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