Amber Portwood Defends Her Decision to Lie About Possibly Being Pregnant to Get Out of Filming for ‘Teen Mom: The Next Chapter’

“Everyone can breathe a sigh of relief— I am not carrying the 20th spawn of Matt Baier inside of me!”

Teen Mom: The Next Chapter fans were shocked (and, frankly a little bit confused) during the most-recent episode when Amber Portwood told a producer that she couldn’t film because she was in the middle of a pregnancy scare…only to later reveal on-camera that she lied about possibly being knocked up because she wanted to get out of her filming obligations for the show.

As you do…

Since the episode aired, fans have been sounding off on social media about Amber’s antics, with many slamming the couch aficionado for lying about something so important, as well as for slacking off on an already easy job of being filmed on her recliner.

Amber recently logged on to TikTok Live and addressed her actions, laughing it off and admitting to frequently lying to get out of things she doesn’t want to do.

“I did! This last season to not film, 100 percent [I did]!” Amber said, cackling. “I didn’t want to film so I told [production], ‘Oh, I’m feeling sick. I don’t know, I think I got pregnant.’ I don’t know, they gave me an extra week or two just away from them. Then when they came back, I just told them, like, ‘Sometimes when we don’t wanna do s**t we just lie! Say we are sick or I don’t know.'”

“Soooo all of those times you said you were too sick to pick up Leah for visits…?”

When Amber’s friend on the Live seemed confused and a bit disturbed by Amber’s hijinks, Amber continued to laugh, saying she was “weak when I watched that” clip. 

“You never did that s**t before? Like, said you were sick or something?” she asked him.

“I can honestly say I’ve never called in PREGNANT to work, but maybe that’s just me!” 

Amber’s friend continued to be bothered by Amber’s actions, so Amber again defended herself.

“But to get, like, cameras away, you have to really say something. You’ve got to be dying. Like, it’s got to be something serious!” she said, adding that she told producers that she may have been knocked up by an “ex” to make it sound more convincing.

“Couldn’t have been me! I fled on foot into the mountains to escape Ambie!”

Amber admitted that her scheme “went to far” because she allowed her producers to buy her a pregnancy test. 

“I was like, ‘Oh my God, I wasn’t wanting all that guys,’ Amber—who specifically told the producers to pick her up a test— stated. “I thought [they] would just leave.

“Am I a weirdo for that? Do I get in trouble for that?” Amber continued. “Well, I mean, it happened.”

She then revealed that this wasn’t the only time she pulled a stunt like this to get out of filming for the show.

“I will go hard,” Amber bragged. “Listen, if I feel like I’m too sick or can’t film and they’re not listening— because they don’t!— I will literally say some f**ked up s**t like, ‘I just broke my pinkie toe’ or ‘I just cut off my thumb!’ You can’t just say you’re sick because they will say, ‘Oh we want to film you when you’re sick.’

Fans on the Live seemed confused about Amber’s explanation, with one person even writing, “How does you faking [being] pregnant get you out of a show that you were on because you were pregnant?!” (Amber called the commenter “dumb.”)

“Why would you think that we WOULDN’T want to film you being knocked up by some rando ex? Do I look like a man of high morality to you!? Come on!”

She then revealed that she had previously tried to claim that she had COVID to get out of filming, but that producers had called her bluff and given her a COVID test. 

“It was for a mental break,” Amber insisted. “I don’t think any of the other girls [on the cast] have done that before. I just make up s**t [to get out of filming].”

“Hold up. You’re telling me I let them film me with an STD, and while I was out of it from plastic surgery and I could have just pretended to be knocked up and got out of it?! WTF!?”

Amber continued to chuckle about making the producers and crew have to come back to film.

“Sometimes you just don’t want to [film], ya know?” she laughed.

The ‘Teen Mom’ producers right about now…probably.

‘Teen Mom: The Next Chapter’ airs (with Amber…unless she fakes having leprosy or something) Thursday nights on MTV.

RELATED STORY: Amber Portwood Admits to Faking Pregnancy Scare to Get Out of Filming on Latest Episode of ‘Teen Mom: The Next Chapter’

30 Responses

  1. I understand that Amber has mental issues. But how long can she use that as an excuse for being a horrible person? You have a psychiatrist. You have medication. You have production there to always help you. Gary has always tried to put Leah first. He always tried to facilitate the relationship between Leah and Amber. He’s put up with physical mental and psychological abuse from Amber. But he always wanted what was best for Leah. Amber blows every opportunity she has to be a stand up parent. She cancels visits or leaves the minute anyone says anything she doesn’t like. Leah loves her dad and Christina. She doesn’t like when Amber badmouths them. But does Amber care? No! She’s a petulant child. She puts men first. Then when that relationship blows up, she blames Gary because “he doesn’t want me to come see Leah.” How many times can we hear the same excuse? I think he tries to accommodate every visit, even if it’s been 4 or 5 months. Amber doesn’t appreciate anything. She’s not responsible. She doesn’t know how to handle herself in any situation. She’s so volatile. I think she should have to leave the show. I don’t feel sorry for anyone who doesn’t try when it comes to their kids. She says she tries but I don’t see it. No one does. All we hear is how Gary won’t let her see Leah. Leah has her own car now. Let’s see how many times she comes to visit Amber. I’ll wait….

  2. I heard she only pretended to be pregnant / or fake taking a pregnancy test. Was bc she knew they were going to ask her about Leah and how she turned 16 and got a new car and would probably go as far as asking her why Leah calls Kristina mom and how she wasn’t apart of things when it came to Leah and she wanted the attention shifted away from Leah and pretended this to get little attention and little film. She wanted to film just not want attention on Leah she wanted it for herself.

  3. She admits she can lie so easily & about such simple things…. I’m all for believing people when they mention SA but this right here makes me completely not believe her, if I even had a small amount of me that did believe her. 🥴

  4. No. It’s not a manic episode. She’s a terrible person. Garbage. I have mixed episodes and rapid cycling. Also delusions and psychosis. Yes, some days are harder. Even with meds and sleep. I abstain from weed and alcohol. I see a psych and a therapist. (Although I did love a good joint years ago) lol
    These are things that amber refuses to do. Besides the child therapist 😒
    This is just simply her lying and being lazy as usual. If she would take it seriously and have some self awareness, she would get “better” over time.

  5. Lying about a pregnancy is never ok. I have a friend who had a stillbirth and a miscarriage. I can’t speak for everyone, obviously. She is furious when she sees this kind of bullshit. Maybe that’s just her. I don’t know.

  6. MTV would eat that storyline right up. Her out of all people know that production LIVES for pregnancies with these girls, especially dead beats. Her thinking that they would leave her alone is funny. In fact, it was probably the opposite.

  7. I don’t think there’s a single life decision that this individual could defend. They are too narcissistic to realize they are the problem.

  8. So, your ONLY job is to film, and you couldn’t do that? LOL Pathetic! For pulling this shit, MTV should fire her ass so maybe she’d have to get up off the couch and get a “rill” job!

    1. Sadly though even if she got fired she would say she has too many issues and couldn’t work and sit on disability.

  9. I mean, I’ve certain taken a sick day at work when I wasn’t actually sick: I think we all have. But somehow this seems so much worse? And I’m not sure if it’s because I am so biased against Amber or what

    1. No. You’re fair.
      If you could have gone to work, you would have. That’s the difference.

      She was capable. She just didn’t.
      She doesn’t want this job. She doesn’t care about the show. Or much else.

    2. Oh geez. You shouldn’t go to work sick. I work in a school where people do sneaky things, because they don’t want to stay home with the kids.Then we end up sending them home. It spreads like wildfire.

      Amber is a loser. She’s not even a “mom.” She’s a bum attached to a couch.

  10. She needs to be fired. Gary and his wife needs to stay on the show, since they are normal people that DON’T lie to get out of something. All she wants is a easy paycheck from MTV. Get that girl off the screen. What kind of example is she setting for the young viewers? They are probably thinking “I can lie too, because she got away with it”…. She should have been fired years ago when she fought with Gary and ended up with criminal charges. She is not a good example for anyone,, period!

  11. Amber is an abusive narcissist and should have been fired when she hit Gary on screen. Teen Mom really likes protecting abusers smfh.

  12. This is the most immature thing this 30+ year old GROWN ASS woman has said to date. She is a spoiled child, used to getting what she wants by lying, or throwing tantrums and she keeps getting rewarded for it. Get her off the show before she publicly embarrasses Leah again for the 1000th time.

  13. well since she wants to keep calling out form her only job, she should get fired like any other employee. idk why the producers are doing the most to accommodate for her but not for the other girls and try their hardest to keep amber on the show when the fans have made it clear they wouldn’t miss her

  14. I genuinely used to feel bad for Amber. She seemed like someone who had gone through a lot and was trying to do better. But just like with the never ending Cate & Ty shit show, I’ve run out of sympathy. This really calls into question everything she’s ever said and what all has been a lie. She’s completely outed herself as an untrustworthy liar and that’s really unfortunate for Leah.

  15. I just came here to say, Kristina looks so good! All of her hard work has really paid off. She looks amazing!!

  16. Everyone (myself included) always talks about how stupid and dumb these girls on Teen Mom are, but I gotta say THE PRODUCERS FOR MTV TEEN MOM are the dumbest of any producers on a show and these girls all know it and that is why they walk all the producers. Please MTV cancel this shit show.

  17. I….
    Okay she did admit she lied but… how does one equate calling in sick to “I may be pregnant, can’t film”?
    Is this part of a manic episode? I’ve never experienced manic depression nor do I know anyone with it but YIKES.
    And has Amber never heard the concept of crying wolf? What producer is going to believe her now when she says she can’t do something?

  18. They need to fire her since she doesn’t take her job with them seriously and is likely breaking contracts. I’m sick of seeing Amber on the show and would rather see Gary, Kristina, Leah and Emilie instead.

  19. Ambien, you literally just sit there, complain about missing your kids, do nothing about it, whine to the camera, and they send you a big check. And you feel the need to lie to get out of that?

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