‘Teen Mom’ Star Ryan Edwards Welcomes Baby Girl with Fiancée Amanda Conner: See the First Photos

“We done had another kid, y’all!”

Ryan Edwards is officially the father of four.

The star of Teen Mom: The Next Chapter welcomed a baby girl with his fiancée, Amanda Conner, on Wednesday, February 12.

In an interview with People, the couple revealed the baby’s full name to be Presley Sage Elianna Edwards. 

Ryan is already the father of son Bentley (with Maci Bookout), as well as son Jagger and daughter Stella with his estranged wife Mackenzie. Amanda has one son from a previous marriage whom she recently regained custody of.

People reports that Presley was born at 6:15 a.m., and weighed in at 7 lbs., 3 oz. She measured 20 inches long.

“Today is the day we welcomed our gift from God, Presley Sage Elianna Edwards. We are truly blessed to welcome this beautiful healthy baby girl into our family,” Ryan and Amanda told the magazine.

The couple also provided People with the first photos of Presley. In one, Amanda is holding the baby as Ryan kisses her forehead.

As ‘Teen Mom’ fans know, both Amanda and Ryan have struggled for years with addiction issues. The pair met while they were both rehabbing in 2023. They recently became engaged.

“We have worked so hard to reach our goals and build a new life with all of our children,” Ryan and Amanda told the magazine. “We are looking forward to being a healthy happy family and are just deeply thankful for everyone’s love and support.”

Amanda— who lost custody of her son when he was very young– told People in October that she is looking forward to having the chance to mother her baby this time around.

“We have overcome so much in the last year and a half, and we are in a very happy, safe place,” she told the magazine at the time. “For me, I can enjoy this pregnancy and I have a second chance at motherhood. For Ryan, he is in a place that he hasn’t been in for a long time. We are excited to move forward from our past mistakes. We have a great support system with family and friends, and they are very happy for this new chapter of our lives.”


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Amanda told Us Weekly in October that she plans to be open with her daughter about her and Ryan’s pasts.

“Honesty is one of my biggest things, honest about who you are, about who me and Ryan are, I want to be honest about that,” she said. “I don’t want to hide anything from her. I’m going to be very cautious. I don’t want to be a helicopter mom, but I don’t want our child to go through anything that we’ve had to go through. I just want her to be very open to the world, but strong-minded about certain things.”

Although the couple is in a “new chapter” of their lives, Ryan is still dealing with his past obligations. As The Ashley reported earlier this week, Ryan and Mackenzie are in the middle of a nasty custody battle and divorce. Just last week, Ryan was ordered by a judge to pay Mack $1553 a month starting on Friday. At the same hearing, it was decided that Amanda would be allowed to be around Jagger and Stella. (Up until last week, she had been barred from being present at Ryan’s visits with the children.) 


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On TikTok, Amanda had told her followers that she was planning to have a C-section early next week, but on Tuesday posted that she was feeling very sick, so it’s likely she was taken in early to have the baby. 

It is not yet known if Presley’s birth was filmed for ‘Next Chapter”; however, The Ashley’s sources tell her that the Edwards clan has been filming lately so it’s very likely. 

RELATED STORY: EXCLUSIVE! Judge Orders ‘Teen Mom’ Star Ryan Edwards to Pay Ex Mackenzie Child Support; Rules Ryan’s Fiancée Amanda Conner Can Be Around Ryan’s Kids

(Photos: Instagram; TikTok; MTV)

18 Responses

  1. I hate this narrative that Rhine and Maci and the show is pushing that Rhine just needed the “right woman” and now he’s going to be the perfect partner, the perfect father, the perfect son.

    No, Rhine is still in the honeymoon phase/getting back at Mack phase…. once that ends… we know what will happen.

    Rhine will go back to what he’s done to his three other children, ignore them for all periods blame their mothers from keeping them from him, dodge any type of responsibility.

    I just feel back for Mack’s children, who have to see their father refuse to have anything to do with them because he’s too lazy to drive himself to his parents’ house to see his kids.

    I give it a year before Amanda is crying that Rhine cheated on her/Rhine isn’t stepping up/Rhine is just gone all the time/Rhine isn’t taking responsibility for his kid.

    And three years before Amanda and Rhine just dump the kid on Jen to raise.

  2. Saddest thing is you can almost take bets that this time next year this is just going to be one more child and ex that Ryan doesn’t support.

  3. I actually really hope these two stay sober only for the sake of their kids. Lots of little lives have been affected by these two and their poor choices. Please clean up the mess you’ve already made and please do not bring any more innocent lives into the world. Please dejesus GOD Leah.

  4. First I want to say that every baby is a blessing and I’m glad she made it here healthy and safe, even if I dislike her parents. I also truly hope they can do better by her than either have a track record of doing for their children.

    All that said, I have very little faith in these two. They’re both very newly sober and have been in a “honeymoon phase” of sorts up until this point. Now they’ll have the stress of a newborn crying all night in addition to responsibilities to other children back in their lives and I fear one or both won’t be able to handle real life without self-medicating. I also want to mention that neither is as “changed” as they claim to be. Amanda posts trashy stuff making fun of Mack just because Mack wants Ryan to take responsibility for his children. That Jerry Springer mentality is still a part of her personality. Ryan hasn’t taken accountability for all his bullshit and has just recently had the audacity to try to hold Mack in contempt for selling his stuff after he has withheld child support this entire time and destroyed the home his children live in. Those petty actions are full dopehead mentality and addicts that don’t shake that mentality almost always go back to using.

  5. Amanda – people who are ”in a very happy, safe place” do not bully other people.

    You bully the mother who provides everything for your boyfriends kids – your own babys siblings! By attacking a mother you really ruin the kids happiness and safety.

    The social media mocking and to even think about and dressing up like your new stepkids mom for Halloween is beyond unhealthy. That alone says all we need to know about your ”happy” and ”safe” place. Do better.

  6. All babies are a gift, even when their parents suck at being human beings.

    Congrats on successfully managing to bring a sweet little life into this world, I mean that sincerely.

    Now how about you promise to do better, be better and keep that little life, oh, I don’t know…thriving, despite the numerous obstacles you’ve already thrown in her path. While you’re at it, make the same promise to the lives you’ve previously brought forth on this planet. You both owe it to them all, even (especially) if you’re unwilling to do it for your own selves.

    If ever there was a sobering reminder of just how precious a gift life can be, it’s a newborn, so treat that baby, and all of your other children with the respect and love they deserve. Use HER and THEM as your proper foundation towards *real* steps to achieving true and continually maintained sobriety.

  7. My c-section recovery was rough…idk about anyone else’s…I was on Percocet for about 10 days. Not good with 2 newly sober people 😵‍💫

    1. For the most part, women are prescribed a combination of ibuprofen and Tylenol for the first several days. I had two c-sections and that is how they did it. They try not to prescribe control substances when possible.

  8. Congrats! I hope they able to stay sober and together and Presley gets the stability that Bentley, Jagger and Stella didn’t get.

    1. It does look absolutely bizarre. Her face is a completely different color than her neck and the connection between the two is super fuzzy. But she’s always filtered the hell out of all her photos, so it could just be a ton of filtering and airbrushing.

  9. Congrats….I guess 🤔 Its a blessing this sweet baby is here but I’m still not convinced these 2 will stay straight. I legit hope and pray they do, they have been giving an amazing gift and 2nd chance, this baby need healthy parents.

    I’m all about improving oneself and growing into a sober life however these 2 can’t be upset ppl are concerned for this sweet baby.

    I’ve read that Ryan has a 5th child but his mom is going paid to keep quiet…any truth to this? If so, maybe he will realize that child needs love too. I’m not sure if it’s legit info but if so, MTV/Viacom are being strangely quiet.

    Congrats on this new life, sorry about your parents but if history repeats itself, you won’t need to worry for long…here’s hoping your parents can stay sober.
    Hate what I may say but how many parents would give their kids over to to addicted, even if they’re in recovery.

  10. Damn they didn’t even wait 2 seconds before selling photos of their do-over baby. Should have named her Presley Money Ticket Edwards

    1. I give them 6 months of having an actual full time responsibility and nana Jen will be the one looking after her. Ryan will lose interest the minute Amanda shows that baby more attention than him

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