9 of the Hardest (Valentine’s Day-Themed!) ‘Teen Mom’ “Would You Rather?” Questions Ever

“Ya know ya want to be my sweethaaaart Docta Drew!”
“Barbara, kindly remove your hand from my rear end…”

Roses are red…violets are blue…The Ashley knows you have no life, so here’s something you can do!

It’s Valentine’s Day! It’s time to celebrate the ones you love (or love to hate)! You can light some candles, open a bottle of champagne and spend time with your soulmate/baby daddy/ that girl who’s ready to move to Dover….or you can take The Ashley’s extremely demented Valentine’s Day-themed Teen Mom “Would You Rather?” quiz!

Once again, The Ashley has dipped into her demented brain (which is half full of cinnamon red hots and Hershey’s kisses today), to force her readers to choose between two impossibly hard ‘Teen Mom’-themed scenarios! If you don’t have a boooooyfriend to enjoy living in the street with, or it’s not conjugal visit day over at the county jail, this will give you something to fill your time while you’re waiting for your Mama Celeste Pizza for One to heat up in the microwave!

(Warning: This quiz is just for fun, is not for the faint of heart! If you’re easily offended, you may want to skip this quiz and go clutch your pearls somewhere else!)

Want to take more of The Ashley’s twisted “Would You Rather?” quizzes? Click here!

(Photo: MTV; Instagram)

14 Responses

  1. Reading on my phone and I can’t see which “for the rest of your life….would you rather…” won because the results cut off at “would you rather…” I just know one of them is 70ish% and the other is 30ish%.

    Anyone have the answer for me?

    1. Currently winning is bathing after watching Kail conceive her kids over having sex with Adam Lind. (this is the weirdest sentence I’ve ever typed)

  2. I used to like Dr. Drew on Celebrity Rehab. I just don’t like him on this show. He seems less like a Dr. and more like a Jerry Springer type. Anyway above is pretty funny. These people are basically an updated version of Anna Nicole.

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