Cory Wharton is busting out his best Jenelle Evans-esque “Leave me alooooone!”
In a new rant posted to Snapchat, the star of Teen Mom: The Next Chapter and The Challenge expressed his frustration with fans who continue to question him about when he plans to (finally) propose to his longtime girlfriend and baby mama, Taylor Selfridge. Cory— who was dressed as an old-timey train conductor in the video (for some reason)— told his fans that he does plan to marry Taylor at some point, but that he will propose when he’s ready.
“If I hear one more person talk about the fact that Taylor and me aren’t married yet, listen, that’s not your business. We are happy. We are fine. We are gonna get married,” Cory insisted.

As Teen Mom Family Reunion fans will remember, Cory not proposing to Taylor after more than seven years together was a major issue in the couple’s relationship. Taylor repeatedly told Cory during the season that she wants to marry him, and that she’s tired of making excuses to people as to why Cory— with whom she shares two children— refuses to propose to her. At one point Taylor even told Cory that she feels embarrassed to go to the grocery store with a cart-full of kids and no engagement ring.
That season was filmed last year, but it appears that not much progress has been made in getting Taylor that engagement ring she desperately wanted. In his rant, though, Cory assured his fans that a proposal for Taylor is coming someday, and he advised everyone to mind their own business.
“I have never cared so much about somebody else’s life,” Cory said. “What are you guys doing…go live your life. Half of you telling me to get married but y’all aren’t even married yourself. You guys have been doing this for two-plus years. Has it affected me? No. I would do it on our time, when we are both ready. And we are, but I want to make sure it’s perfect.”

Cory went on to assure Taylor fans that he does plan to propose, even though it may not happen “as fast as you guys would like.”
“I only plan on doing this once, I don’t want to do this multiple times,” Cory added.

“I apologize for that, I’m sorry I can’t live my life perfectly to your standards,” Cory went on to say to the fans criticizing him for making Taylor wait so long for a ring. “If you guys go tell Taylor to leave me, come on now. I’m more than just a ring, OK?”
Cory’s post on Instagram for Valentine’s Day may have been what spurred the abundance of comments regarding Cory’s unwillingness to propose to Taylor. In the caption of a family photo, Cory thanked Taylor for everything she does for him and their family and even called her his “wifey”— until he got absolutely tore up in the comment section for referring to Taylor like that, despite the fact that they’re not married.
“Calling her wifey and refusing to propose is soooo disrespectful,” one person wrote. “It makes me sick. It’s so immature and selfish.”
“Not the ‘wifey’ but no ringgggggg come on now!” another person wrote.
Cory eventually changed his caption from “To my wifey Taylor” to “To my lovely Taylor.” However, that did not stop people in the comment section from ripping him for refusing to marry Taylor.
This is certainly not the first time Cory has been roasted by fans for refusing to propose to Taylor. Back in September, the ‘Challenge’ star took to Instagram to express how much he appreciated Taylor for taking care of him after he had surgery. However, Cory’s cringy caption didn’t exactly have the effect Cory had hoped it would, with many fans pointing out that his words just highlighted the fact that he has still not made Taylor his wife.
“Most women want a man that’s already established,” Cory wrote in the post’s caption. “A strong woman will be part of his struggle, survive it, succeed together, and build an empire. We’ve been with each other for 7 years despite what everyone was saying about it & I’m so thankful to have her by my side, especially through times like this where I’m no help and I’m down on crutches. Love you baby.”
“Wife duties with a girlfriend title, the audacity to say she survived it,” one person wrote in the post’s comment section. “The right man knows immediately, she deserves so much more.”
“Sad that she has to be reduced to BEGGING for commitment on national television,” someone else commented. “If you really love her then make an honest woman out of her. She’s a saint, she deserves it.”
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(Photos: MTV; Snapchat, Instagram)
38 Responses
I’m just so embarassed for Taylor. She’s begging and crying on TV for everyone to see, indefinitely, to marry Corey… International fuck boi joke who is known for being immature beyond his years and obsessed with “the Challenge.”
She if so far above this dumbass guy in maturity, looks, intelligence, and emotional relations….and is still begging him to marry her.
I can’t even stand to read the recaps of their scenes on the show. She could do SO MUCH BETTER, and yet has some kind of Stockholm Syndrome that tells herself she MUST BE WITH CORY, and loves him, and likes him, and maybe should even have another kid with him.
Girl, set a hard boundary that you get. married (even if it’s just a court ceremony that is done to protect the amount of assets you’re entitled to as the wife and mother of his kids) or leave and move on.
If he ever does propose it’s going be planned around filming for whatever show he’s on and it’s going to be about “looking romantic,” and making good TV. Same with the wedding. It’s going to be about making him look good….his storyline.
He doesn’t care about you enough to just marry you for the sake of being married and all the legal and financial protections it would then give you as his legal wife. He cares about “storylines,” and right now his storyline is, “how long can I make Taylor wait without her leaving me?”
Here I am wondering why anyone would want to marry this guy or think he’s a catch in any way… Especially after the disgusting comments he has made specifically to Taylor. I Hope she eventually leaves his ass.
Sunk cost fallacy. Taylor could do so much better, but now she’s has 2 kids with him, and is a step mom to his other daughter….thats a lot of relationships to upend if she leaves. And he knows that she knows that and is too much of a good person who would feel guilty about leaving him bc of the kids, so he knows she’s not leaving. And she’s just going to be degraded and never get the life and marriage she wants, while he gets a bang maid and baby mama out of her.
Look. My late spouse and I were together for 7 years as well before he passed last July. We never got married because we BOTH agreed we didn’t want to, it just wasn’t something that we wanted. He referred to me as his wife, I referred to him as my husband. I think technically at the point he passed we would have been considered common law married, but it’s whatever to me. We just didn’t really care.
Taylor cares. Taylor has cried on TV over this issue. And Corey does not care. And that’s the difference.
He said on teen mom that he’s never seen a healthy happy marriage and only wants to do this once.
But he was basically made fun of immediately afterwards because his dads happily married now and has been for awhile, his mom is married and happy with his stepdad.
It’s just excuses
However when they’re relationship started on ex on the beach, she told him that she didn’t want to be playing games
She wanted marriage, babies, a home and forever
And he said he was all in
They broke up for a year and a bit before they agreed to get back together and she had again made it very clear what she wanted.
I personally think she’ll eventually end up leaving.
She should have left already. He cheated on her not only once but multiple times, the guy is a fucking joke
Agreed. She’s eventually going to realize her self worth and leave him for someone who will give her what she wants. What is that phrase? “Don’t let your boyfriend stand in the way of your husband”.
I honestly wish this for her, but the amount of time she’s spent with him, already the longer she spends with him, the less likely it is that she’ll leave him and actually find a good man who WANTS to be her husband.
Cory and his “no cap fr fr” haircut need to STFU. Dude literally makes a living by sharing “his business” with the world on television and on social media. The nerve to tell people to mind their own business about his business that he willingly shares with everyone is wild as hell. The jokes are writing themselves at this point.
It seems pretty apparent that he doesn’t want to commit to her, which is pretty sad considering everything they have gone through together. I imagine she knows this deep down, but when you’re financially dependent on publicly keeping up appearances as a family unit, I can imagine why she hasn’t left.
I mean hes only doing what she allows him to do & for all we kno her wanting marriage couldve jus been a storyline for them to be on that show. The comments dont change how hes navigating thieir relationship 🤷🏽♀️
I love to see The Ashley drag these jokers on her website. They’ll never learn, & will continue to pop off and say wild shit that gets them laughed at.
These comments are so weird to me. I understand that marriage is something Taylor wants. Realistically, what’s important is their commitment to each other and their kids. Marriage is just a paper and a party 🤷🏻♀️ my parents have been married for almost 40yrs and they’ve never even really liked each other. It was a shotgun wedding and they only stayed with each other out of convenience. My dad already had one divorce under his belt and said it was cheaper to stay married. The healthiest environment for the kids does not require marriage.
It doesn’t matter. Marriage is important to her and he doesn’t care about it “because he’s not ready”. How are you ready to have 2 kids with someone but not ready to marry that person? That’s lunacy.
He clearly does care but isn’t ready to propose. That’s their business. Not every kid is planned and sometimes people have them long before they’re ready. Everyone wants them to live according to some parasocial timeline but we don’t know them or what happens when the cameras are off. Trying to force someone into a marriage just because they have kids together is so fkn weird. Yall really need to relax.
If he’s not ready after 7 (more??) years and two kids, what exactly would make him ready? That’s an absurd excuse. If he’s not ready at this point, then just let the woman go and find someone who does want to commit to her.
No one is trying to force him into marriage. Please. But, questioning what he’s doing when Taylor has been saying she wants to get married for years and he publicly refers to her as wifey is fair game.
She’s free to leave whenever she wants 🤷🏻♀️ like I said, it’s their business. Why do yall feel like you have to be so invested in their relationship?
Here you are on The Ashley wondering why we’re commenting on their business?? That’s quite literally the purpose of this website, but go off. LOL
I think Cheyenne really wished she married him but Corey was just not that into her. Taylor deserves better. Corey seems like he enjoys chasing MTV level fame more than any relationship.
You can tell Cory was never into Cheyenne, and for good reason. He appeared to be a one and done with her.
When he finally does propose it’s going to be a super long engagement.
I’m sure it’ll start with a “promise ring…”
A strong woman stays with her man through struggles? Sir, how much money have you made off of MTV? What struggles are there? The judgment from the internet?
I didn’t even bother reading the article. Taylor Never-Wharton should just leave. She’s a sweet girl and needs to find a man that actually wants to be a husband instead of wasting her time on this clown.
This all day. She needs to gather her self respect and take it somewhere she’s appreciated and valued. Corey isn’t it.
Taylor never Wharton LOL
People need to marry before they have babies. Call me old fashioned but I just think it’s the moral and logical thing to do. Both people need to be committed to each other before they bring a child into the world.
People divorce all the it’s no different than breaking up. The kids still go through the same things.
I know people divorce but being married is still more of a commitment than not being married and I think people with children need to be committed before they have kids.
Being committed to someone has literally nothing to do with marriage. I’ve known people who married their spouse only to find out their partner has been cheating on them for years. Is that more of a “commitment “ because they didn’t sign a piece of paper? My mom has been married three times. Is that commitment? What people need is to actually work at the relationship. Instead of just quitting.
The entire teen mom franchise was built off the complete opposite of that 😂 people make whoopsie babies all the time. Life literally just happens sometimes. It’s WAY more important that the kids are taken care of. How they happened or if the parents are together really doesn’t matter.
As the old saying goes “Why buy the cow when you get the milk for free?”
If you don’t want to get married then that’s your choice. The problem is that there are 2 people in this relationship. Clearly getting married is something that Taylor wants. We have seen her cry over it. If he loves her and doesn’t care about marriage either way then why not make her happy? It’s called compromise. Corey wouldn’t know about that though because he still thinks that he is a teenage jock.
I’m not married.I’ve been with same person for quite a while. He does a lot for me. Probably more than a lot of men who are married do for their wives. I’m divorced with 3 kids. We have two kids together. It doesn’t bother me that we aren’t married. However, if it’s something very important to you. You shouldn’t just live with it. It clearly makes her unhappy.
Well said. If it was important to her, she should not settle or wait. He’s still acting like he’s an 18 year old high school jock. You sound confident in yourself and your relationship, good for you.
I still can’t believe Taylor was fired and Cheyenne wasn’t. Cheyenne is the reason I quit the show for good. She needs to go.
EXACTLY! That is why I quit watching. All Cheyenne does is lie. Anyone remember her lie about being at the rodeo and being called the N word, yep, it was a big fat lie. She is so in love with Cory it is sickening. She is a ugly and racist PIG. On the other hand Taylor is absolutely gorgeous.
During that same Florida trip she made a big deal about going into a bar or something just because people had Confederate flag shirts or something along those lines. I’m from Florida born and raised and the Dixie Outfitter shirts were really popular when I was in high school (they’d usually have graphics on the back with Confederate flags incorporated into other designs). A lot of countrier black kids wore them just the same as white kids and nobody batted an eye. Everybody got along well and hate between the races was few and far between.
Cheyenne came down here with her mind made up that everybody was going to be “racist” and hateful towards her. I loved when they were sitting outside talking about it all and Brianna broke from the script for a second and talked about how she brought her kids to that town all the time and they’ve never had any issues and always felt comfortable.
You have mentioned this before and that’s cool’s for you and your corner of the world. But acting like everyone should have the same attitude is WILD. That’s just not how it is everywhere else and you shouldn’t expect people to just be OK with something they have been told to fear.
Cheyenne willingly came to visit an area with that flag is a known part of the cultural identity. She wasn’t in “fear,” she was looking to be a victim from the get-go because it’s a storyline. If anything, white people (white babies, at least) have a legitimate reason to fear being anywhere near Cheyenne. Massive racists like her have no right whatsoever to try to play the victim because a flag scared them, she gave that up when she tweeted her violently racist nonsense.
A strong woman would have left your immature ass years ago. You were ready to have 2 kids with her but you are not ready to marry her?? You are just a f*ck boy, bye