Robyn Brown has at least one supporter in her quest to repopulate Flagstaff with well-dressed American Girl dolls.
Mykelti Brown recently attempted to defend Robyn after Mrs. Kody Brown‘s secret (and insanely pricey) doll-collecting habit was exposed by Sister Wives fans online. As The Ashley previously reported, Robyn has apparently spent more than $62,000 on dolls and doll accessories over the past few years on Etsy alone, with some doll’s outfits costing hundreds of dollars each!
After Robyn’s Etsy purchase history was exposed– revealing hundreds of doll-related purchases over the past few years—‘Sister Wives’ fans expressed their disbelief that Robyn could spend so much of the family’s money on a hobby, while other family members (including some of Kody’s kids and then-wives) struggled for money.

In a new video posted to her YouTube channel, Mykelti— who, unlike most of her siblings, has maintained a relationship with Robyn over the past few years— defended Robyn’s spendy habit, arguing that American Girl dolls are collector’s items and that they are “beautiful.”
“I’m always playing Devil’s Advocate,” Mykelti said.
Mykelti then stated that there’s a sentimental reason behind Robyn spending literally the equivalent of the average American’s yearly salary on toys. However, she declined to give details about that reason.
“I’m not going to go into the story because it’s not my story,” Mykelti said. “But it is something very special that she shared with some very special important people to her, was this collection of dolls.
“So, I know it sounds absurd and that is a lot of money, so I don’t necessarily support that much money [being spent on dolls] but I support the heart behind it,” Mykelti added. “And the reasons behind it I think are very sweet.”

According to one Reddit user, Robyn has made nearly 500 doll-related purchases in the last six years, with more than 100 Etsy transactions in 2024 alone. In some of the reviews left by Robyn for her doll purchases, she revealed that at least one of her older daughters is also involved in the doll-collecting obsession.
“My 20-year-old daughter oohed and aahed at this outfit,” Robyn wrote in a review posted in 2024. (Robyn’s daughter Breanna is currently 20 so we can assume she is the “daughter” who Robyn was writing about here.) In another review, Robyn mentions that her mother is also taking part in the doll-a-polooza.
In the YouTube video posted this week, Mykelti’s husband Tony Padron seemed shocked at the amount of money Robyn has spent on her doll craze.
“Damn! $62,000?!” he said.
“That’s straight-up, that’s a down payment, a nice down payment on a house!” Mykelti said, adding that she had “anxiety” thinking about what else they could have spent $62,000 on besides doll clothes. “That pays off any vehicle we’ve ever owned!

In the past, several of Kody’s other adult children have spoken publicly about his and Robyn’s tendency to spend a ton of money.
Gwendlyn Brown— the daughter of Kody and his ex-third-wife, Christine— opened up in a 2023 YouTube video about her dad and Robyn’s habit of spending ridiculous amounts of money.
“I think that my dad and Robyn have a terrible habit of, like, spending very crazy and not within their means at all,” Gwendlyn said.
More-recently Maddie Brown— the daughter of Kody and his ex-second-wife Janelle— talked about how Kody and his wives were never responsible with their money, and that, before ‘Sister Wives’ came into their lives, the Brown family was “very poor.”
“When we got our tax returns when I was younger, immediately my parents immediately spent it on something,” she said on December episode of her podcast.
Robyn has yet to publicly address her doll habit; however, she recently made her Etsy purchase profile private.
RELATED STORY: ‘Sister Wives’ Star Robyn Brown Has Allegedly Spent Over $60k on Homemade Doll Clothing
(Photos: TLC; Etsy)
25 Responses
Robin reminds me of Raygun
I can see it as a one time special thing if there’s an outfit that would be really cool, or that means something to you personally sure but when it’s this level there’s a bigger problem.
I wonder if Janelle and Meri will get their money back from the coyote pass property. If they have an attorney for this land they should also let that attorney know how much she has spent on dolls. If I had to guess, the tax payers had to pay for Ysabel’s back surgery even though they were still a family unit. So that surgery should have been paid from the family fund. Kody is a scum bag for not going to her surgery, period. Ysabel will never forget that and I feel so bad for her. J or M’s attorney’s should be in the know about that $60K + on dolls, especially if M & J don’t get their part. If they don’t get what they deserve, then the courts should make her sell them to help pay them off. This family is so whacked out because of Kody ( or at least 60 % of him). The other 40 % is the women since they wanted this love triangle too. I love how he deflects everything thrown at him.
I have no problem with it.It’s their own money and they can do whatever they want with it.And i am a Doll/Doll Houses lover myself so i understand her.I wish that i had that much money for my hobby.
Robyn…..is that you?
If you can reed a little,you will see that my name is Celine.
I was chuckling at SJ’s comment
I think it’s one of the weirdo daughters.
I understand your hobby Celine. I collected dolls years ago but not to the extent Robyn does. I eventually passed my doll on to my great nieces and they enjoyed playing with them. Robyn seems to have a shopping problem and spending hundreds on an outfit for a doll is crazy. As for the American dolls, they make thousands of them. They are nice dolls but not priceless. I kept 2 of my dolls, a Shirley Temple doll and my Melanie Hamilton doll from Gone with the Wind.
Imagine spending the amount of dolls. You could pay college tuition with. Of course Robyn doesn’t think about others though. It wouldn’t be so bad if she didn’t have a nanny. She put no money into the “family” fund they used to have.
I realize my comment resembles Farrah’s word salad. lol. I was consumed with disgust and my head went crazy.
We all type out a little word salad on here every now and then and we don’t realize until we hit ‘post’ and can’t edit it. Lol.
The problem isn’t that she’s spent so much on her collection – the problem is she’s spent so much money of THE FAMILY MONEY FROM THE FAMILY ACCOUNT on this! If she has her OWN account and spends her OWN money, earned by HERSELF that she has AFTER she put in an amount EQUAL to everyone ELSE to the family pot – fine. Spend your OWN money as you will, it’s yours. When Meri has put so much money into the “family account” yet had to purchase a vehicle and helped pay for college for KODY and her child from her OWN earned money and NOT the family account, yet the family account was dipped into to help purchase these things for other children…well…. it’s now become a “selective family account”. I’m just surprised Robyn would purchase these handmade doll clothes instead of making them herself. The price might be justified if they were high end outfits made by a known designer, but not handmade by someone on Etsy. Not for those prices. #TeamMeri
The 3 other wives wish they had that kind.of money too!!!
The pic captions are hilarious!!! Love it!
No money in the family fund for Ysabel’s much-needed back surgery, but there was $60,000 for doll clothes. And Kody says he doesn’t have favorites.
Assuming Robin does get paid by TLC (for playing a professional victim), that is still not her money to spend on such frivolous crap when kids need health insurance, well care, and education costs paid for. Family first?
That’s just the dolls too. Someone else added up the art and the bear collections and that totaled $149,000.
Completely absurd. I don’t care how special or sentimental a doll is, spending $60k on it is some kind of mental disorder.
Oh, stop it!!! What utter nonsense. No adult woman, who had other people pay off her 30K+ STORE credit card debt, has a legitimate justification for spending $60K+ on doll clothes. Dear misguided Mykelti, no one goes to Sears and Target and drops $30,000. That’s a whole lot of tools, groceries and lawnmowers. She has a shopping addiction. It’s doll flipping clothes. She’s 50+ years old. It’s time for you both to grow up.
It’s one thing to have a collection when you’re actually getting a job and making the money to spend it. But it’s another when you’re taking everybody else’s money, then they’re making by working and spending it on this bullshit,