The cast of Sister Wives has been known to make some poor life decisions— but Kody and his crew have also made some very poor fashion decisions in the 15 years that we’ve known them!
The Ashley has decided to take a look back at some of the show’s most frighteningly bad fashion moments. Over the past 15 years or so, the franchise’s cast has sported some wacky, weird and frankly ridiculous frocks.
From obnoxiously oversized accessories to an abundance of unnecessary undershirts, it was hard for The Ashley to narrow it down to just a dozen bad looks. However, here are her choices for the worst ‘Sister Wives’ fashion looks of all time! Please note that The Ashley is only including clothing and accessories in this list— not things like makeup, hairstyles and eyebrow looks.
Kody’s Purple Silk Shirt
Kody’s decision to wear a bright purple button-up shirt made of silk was quite the, um…choice. While the pajama-like dress shirt seemed bizarre (even by Kody’s very low fashion standards) at the time, it now makes sense why Kody probably chose this Prince-meets-pimp shirt: he was attempting to look good for his favorite wife, Robyn, whose favorite color just happens to be purple. (If you look back at the early years of ‘Sister Wives, Kody is frequently wearing purple.)
Meri’s Four-Shirt Fourth of the July Fashion Fiasco
What’s more patriotic than wearing a red, white and blue shirt for the Fourth of July? Wearing four red, white and blue shirts, of course! Despite the Vegas heat soaring into the 100+-degree territory, Meri remained patriotic (and modest) when she sported four shirts at once. Her layer-upon-layer of T-shirts and tank tops (a look the Brown women favored heavily in the show’s early seasons) was topped off by a fashionable oversized necklace (which honestly probably deserved its own place on this list).
Mykelti’s Dumb Hat
The Brown’s “Commitment Ceremony” in 2013 brought us a lot of cringe-tastic moments, as well as a plethora of WTF? fashion choices. (We will be revisiting some of these later in the list). While there were numerous crimes against fashion committed that day, The Ashley has to include Mykelti’s hat as one of the biggest fashion missteps ever seen on the show. Mykelti— who was attempting to be a Fundie fashionista…or something— sported this bow-topped bowler hat the entire day, despite the ridicule she caught from some of her brothers.
Christine’s Wedding Dress Disaster
While Christine wasn’t technically on ‘Sister Wives’ when she wore this monstrosity, her wedding dress has been featured extensively on the show, so The Ashley feels it’s appropriate that it be included on this list. Christine has admitted to hating her wedding dress, which was ill-fitting, made in a rush and legit looked like a lace-covered flour sack. From the poorly constructed trumpet-shaped bottom to the too-long sleeves, this dress was (almost) as big of a disaster as Christine’s marriage to Kody.
The ‘Sister Wives’ Wacky Workout Wear
Kody’s pack of wives decided to get in shape…and, for some reason, decided to get into these outfits. The ladies sported these brightly colored, ill-fitting tanks over their sleeved shirts, rather than just wearing the sleeved shirt in attempt to look “sporty”…or something?
The Poop-Brown Wedding Day Frocks
Robyn ensured that nobody looked better than she did on her wedding day when she chose these frumpy frocks for her sister wives to wear on the day she married Kody. As if the cheap, shiny fabric of the dresses weren’t bad enough, Robyn chose for everyone to wear brown for the family photos. Even Robyn’s frock screamed “Great Aunty at a Bar Mitzvah” but it at least fit properly, which is more than can be said about the sad dresses worn by Janelle and Christine.
Meri’s Overly Oversized Scarf
For some reason, Meri thought it was good idea to wear this giant infinity scarf while talking crap on Christine for peacing out of her marriage to Kody. The carpet-like scarf— which was basically the size of the state of Arizona/Kody’s ego— essentially swallowed Meri’s whole body.
Robyn & Meri’s Twinning Tank Layered Look
Robyn and Meri weren’t just sharing a husband at this point— they were also sharing terrible fashion style! Two of the four Mrs. Kody Browns randomly sported a floral tank top over a baby pink long-sleeved T-shirt for an interview. They finished the look with matching jeans and necklaces. Despite Meri’s attempt to dress like Robyn, Kody continued to ignore her while lavishing attention onto Robyn.
Meri’s Commitment Ceremony Fashion Fail
Meri couldn’t even attempt to hide her disdain for this dress, which was being made for her by a fashion student for the family’s 2013 Commitment Ceremony. While the poor student desparately tried to fix this mess, Meri made it clear that she was not happy with the frock— which resembled a worn leather couch. She eventually bailed on the dress altogether and went to a dress shop to purchase something else to wear for the big day. Which brings us to…
Every Single Dress Worn to the Commitment Ceremony
No, you’re not looking at a weird cosplay event— these are actually the dresses the Sister Wives chose to wear to their family’s Commitment Ceremony. While many could assume that the ladies were held at gunpoint to sport these horrorfests, that is not the case. Several of the dresses were made by a fashion student, while others— including Meri’s celery green fashion don’t— were purchased (for actual money) at a store. Christine’s Renaissance princess costume dress and Robyn’s school marm-in-mourning outfit were bad enough, but Meri and Janelle took the prize for worst dresses, given that neither woman’s dress fit AT ALL.
Kody’s Visor
The only thing Kody has been more-committed to than Robyn is this visor. Throughout all of his relationship ups and downs, Kody has busted out this head cover like it was 1993 with no shame whatsoever. It’s the fashion disaster that just keeps happening again and again.
Kody’s Underwear Extravaganza
Kody’s decision to strip down to his skivvies and romp around in a mud pit to celebrate the purchase of Coyote Pass resulted in what The Ashley considers to be the biggest ‘Sister Wives’ fashion misstep to date. On this day, viewers saw more of Kody Brown than they ever wanted to see, creating a horrible mental image that is permanently etched into The Ashley’s mind.
Did The Ashley forget one of your favorite ‘Sister Wives’ bad fashion looks? Be sure to include your choices in the comment section below!
RELATED STORY: ‘Sister Wives’ Star Mykelti Brown Defends Her Stepmom Robyn’s $60k+ Doll Shopping Spree but Admits “It Sounds Absurd”
11 Responses
When is Flagstaff’s Fashion Week?
“Mykelti’s dumb hat.” I cannot stop laughing.
Do the women even look in a mirror after dressing up? I do agree, Christine’s wedding gown was the worst i have ever seen. And the 4 women in those brown wedding outfits. Sorry but i would have told Robyn and Kody “not just no but hell no”. But why show the Klown in his undies getting ready to jump into the cow pie pond? Revolting!
Unfortunately, her mother made that sack! I guess c felt she had to wear it! You gotta wonder though, did her mother EVER SEW ANYTHING BEFORE!!!!
For sure, Christine’s wedding dress can’t be topped. Her mom should have been charged with a crime for that.
The summer tops or tank tops with the long sleeve top underneath used to make me LMAO. The funny thing was how long it took them to realize how stupid it looked. It had to be at least 3 seasons, if not more.
Why oh why did you dredge up the photo of Kody in his panties?! Must bleach eyes now.
Yeah I could have lived without seeing that again.
Hahahaha! Panties.
Cody+ the word “panties”… I just threw up in my mouth. LOL I already vomited after seeing the actual picture. Also, I hate the word panties. It’s up there with the word moist and loaf, for me anyway