Ryan Edwards Claims to Have $18k in Credit Card Debt Despite Pulling in $35k Per Episode of ‘Teen Mom’ He Appears In

“I’m broke…and stuff.”

Ryan Edwards has been ordered to pay his soon-to-be ex-wife Mackenzie $1553 in child support for their two children, but the Teen Mom dad is now claiming to be in massive debt— despite the jumbo salary he’s been making from appearing on Teen Mom: The Next Chapter.

The Sun broke the news on Wednesday that Ryan filed paperwork with the court that revealed the state of his finances, including the $18,000 he owes in credit card debt. Ryan was also required to reveal that amount of money in each of his checking accounts over the last three years. The ‘Teen Mom’ star claimed to have $2,200 in his personal checking account (as of September 2024), and only $57.47 in a joint checking account he has with his mother, Jen Edwards

Ryan also indicated that he has no savings accounts and no retirement plan.

“Retirement plan? Is that like when you plan out when you’re gonna be tired? Like a nap schedule? ’cause that sounds good.”

As The Ashley previously reported, Ryan stated in his recent court Affidavit that he currently makes $16,000 a month via his ‘Teen Mom’ paychecks and pay from his $27-an-hour mechanic job. He also declared in court documents that he– like many of the original ‘Teen Mom’ dads– makes $35,000 per episode of the show he appears on. (As The Ashley told you, the cast of ‘Next Chapter’ is only paid for the episodes that they are on in some form— whether it be in-person, via phone call, etc.) 

In the court documents obtained by The Sun, Ryan stated that he also has debt from his 2020 and 2021 income taxes.

“Mackenzie told me she had the taxes done filing jointly, but as I found out this year, they were not filed,” Ryan wrote. “I am in the process of trying to get the 1099’s from [‘Teen Mom’ production company] New Remote Productions but have not received them yet. I do not know how much was made in those years.”

As far as assets, Ryan admitted to owning a Ford F-150 truck valued at $25,000. (On February 11, the judge ruled that Ryan is allowed to sell that truck and buy a new one.) Other valuable assets listed by Ryan include a $18,000 Harley Davison motorcycle and a new Ducati motorcycle worth $24,000. He also listed $50,000 worth of tools and a 2018 jet ski worth $8,000. (The tools and jet ski are both items Ryan has accused Mackenzie of selling or disposing of. Earlier this month, Ryan asked the judge in the case to find Mack guilty of Contempt for supposedly getting rid of the items, which Ryan stated had “sentimental value” as well as monetary value.)

“She won’t give me my sentimental jetski!”

At the recent hearing earlier this month, the judge ordered the Contempt motion be continued until February 24. However, in the meantime, the judge ruled that Ryan “should be given access to the marital home to inspect the premises and inventory the contents of the home.” (We can assume that he would be using this opportunity to look for the items– such as the “sentimental” jet ski— that he claims Mack sold or disposed of.)

In the past, Mackenzie has accused Ryan of refusing to pay child support for their kids, Jagger and Stella, whom Ryan admitted in court docs to only seeing for 26 days out of the year. On February 11, Ryan was ordered by the judge to begin paying the $1553 a month to Mack, but it is unknown if Ryan has made a payment yet.

Ryan— who just welcomed a baby girl with his fiancée Amanda Conner— is next scheduled to meet up with Mackenzie in court on February 24. 

RELATED STORY: EXCLUSIVE! Judge Orders ‘Teen Mom’ Star Ryan Edwards to Pay Ex Mackenzie Child Support; Rules Ryan’s Fiancée Amanda Conner Can Be Around Ryan’s Kids

(Photos: MTV)

41 Responses

  1. Why is he only paying 1500 a month for two kids? Based on his income it should be alot more. I know people who dont make anywhere near what he makes and pay 800-1000 for one kid.

  2. Shame on Jen, you sure dragged up a horrible pos.
    I’d never let my kids be around an enabling idiot like her.
    No wonder Rhine’s like he is

  3. $1,553 per month in child support for two kids is getting off cheap. And yet, he’s still trying to find ways to not give Mack a dime. This dude contributed to Bentley’s jeep and has two nice motorcycles, but can’t give his two small children that bare minimum in financial support? He proves over and over what a terrible person he is.

  4. I paid off $18k in credit card debt in 8 months and we make no where near $35k a month. I think he can handle it and pay child support. I really don’t think he will ever get his life together.

  5. Ryan’s either relapsed or he’s hiding money. It’s a very simple explanation.

    When you owe back taxes, you can get on a payment plan. Regardless, he wants no part of providing any monetary assistance to the kids he had with Mac. What a POS.

    I don’t blame Mac for selling an expensive toy to fix the home back up after Ryan trashed it (and wouldn’t help pay for that either).

    1. I know. Even our family is more in debt, mostly due to money it took to get into a house but still, for a person on tv, that is pretty low, just pay it off lol

  6. i’m a supporter in ryan’s recovery (before yall start in the comments, ITS FOR THE KIDS) but that sounds like a a him problem smdh. he already got what he wanted and him paying that much child support is fair and just grow up because what grown man has a joint account with his mommy? 💀

  7. Ain’t no way he’s not on drugs again (or at least some other expensive vice). $56,000ish a year (more if he does overtime at all), plus $16,000 a month? Where’s it all going? Chattanooga isn’t some crazy high cost of living area and he hasn’t been paying for half his kids. What’s costing him $20,000 per month?

    1. I think his job and teen mom checks equal out to $16000 a month not that he gets $16k a month plus $56k a year. At least that’s what I’ve understood from the reporting.

      1. Yeah, I misread. Still, what’s he doing with $16,000 a month? I cannot fathom raking in that kind of money each month and not having myself set up well financially.

        1. Yeah, but priorities like motorcycles (how the hell does he still have a license?!?!) and Bentley’s Jeep. Mack made poor choices in the past when it came to Rhine, but seeing him contribute to a lavish gift for one of his other kids must hurt. Amanda seems rather unintelligent so she doesn’t realize he could pull the same on her in a few years.

          And he’s TOTALLY hiding money. His kids with Mack deserve so much better. He probably won’t be contributing to nice Jeeps for them. He probably smeared poop then smashed any toy cars they had.

          1. Exactly. The fact that everybody praises him for “changing” while he continues to not support half his kids or take accountability for what he’s done to them and Mack pisses me off so much. Those same people will say Mack (and, by extension, her children) deserves it because she made a dumbass decision years ago to marry Ryan and was kind of a bitch to Maci back then, but Ryan can terrorize everybody and then make no other changes in life other than not shooting up heroin for a year, and all is forgiven. At least Mack grew up and takes care of the kids, unlike Ryan.

        2. Right?! If I had $16K… Oh man. I would be beyond set up and I live in California. My modest bills now amount to about 4-5K a month which is insane but I make it work and I don’t exactly live terrible. I also have three sons that are with me 90% of the time… If I have 16K a month I’d be able to have a nice little savings account and NO debt… WTF is he spending it on?! The fact that he doesn’t OFFER $1500 a month is INSANE- the fact that he has to be ordered to pay that… He’s getting off Scott free. He doesn’t have to take care of those kids at all so the least he could do is financially provide for them. He SHOULD be paying more but whatever.

          1. Yes! I live in Northwest Florida which, while nowhere near as bad as California, has a higher cost of living than Chattanooga. My husband makes a couple less dollars an hour than Ryan and we still manage to take care of five kids and pay the mortgage on our modest home while I stay home with the youngest ones. We live frugally so we don’t go into credit card debt. We’d be living unbelievably well on $16,000 a month! First thing I’d do is start paying down the principal on the mortgage as quickly as I could and then I’d be stacking the rest in savings. All these people are infuriatingly bad with the money that’s been handed to them!

    2. He’s hiding it somewhere. Perhaps a “family friend” advised him what to do with it. I can’t believe that no one is talking about him paying for the damage he did to the house. On drugs or not he should have to pay for that 100%.

      1. It’s downright shameful, but since he was living their and they were fully married, the law probably sees it as his stuff that he had a right to destroy. There should definitely be common sense exceptions when it’s stuff like that, though.

  8. Amanda (3rd baby mama) has the unique gift of being able to see exactly what her future will look like. All she has to do is look at Mackenzie. That will be Amanda in two years, fighting in court with Ryan over child support. Hopefully the new baby was gifted toys strong enough to last through one of Ryan’s relapses, you know it’s coming.

    1. Not sure why she thinks she’s going to have it any different than the first 2.
      The guy’s barely been clean a year.
      The guy still makes this pitiful and childish excuses to avoid responsibility.

      Rinse and repeat with this one.

  9. He’s such a POS. He’ll do whatever it takes to not give HIS OWN FREAKIN KIDS a dime.
    I bet Maci is “really proud” of him.

  10. I’m sorry how any our business or anyone else’s business outside of the people that are involved in the court case to know exactly how much Ryan has in his bank account and exactly how much he owes and has assets of his vehicles. This is ridiculous like this is beyond stalking. I am disgusted that sarcasm would even report on this. I won’t be coming back and reading articles here anymore.

    1. Lol maybe if Ryan paid what he owed, his shit wouldn’t be laid bare in court.

      Blame him. He did this to himself.

    2. None of these people are forced to participate in the show. They choose to sell their souls for a big fat paycheck. They trade their privacy, as well as the privacy of their children, for high end lifestyles. They are hardly victims.

    3. He’s chosen to be a public figure. And this is public information. No, I don’t care about his financial statistics. But he’s the one who has opted to put his pathetic life on display.

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