Catelynn Lowell and Tyler Baltierra released the first episode of their Cate & Ty Break It Down podcast this week, during which the Teen Mom spouses touched on a number of topics, including the possibility of Catelynn having breast reduction surgery.
The conversation about Cate’s chest came up while she and Tyler were discussing a recent TikTok trend that originated on Dancing with the Stars, which Cate admitted she that couldn’t pull off as well as the dancing pro on the show. Seemingly agreeing with his wife’s comment, Tyler went on to share why he believed the dance move was more challenging for Cate.
“ … I’m looking down at you, your t*ts are pretty much suffocating you,” Tyler (oh-so-eloquently) stated.
“They are,” Cate replied. “ … I can’t even see. My t*ts are in my eyes.”

When Tyler asked Cate if she had ever considered getting a breast reduction, Cate revealed that she’s “definitely thought about it a lot,” but hasn’t followed through with the procedure because she’s “just a sissy b***h.”
Catelynn went on to explain that she’s nervous to go under the knife, not only because of the procedure itself, but also the pain she’s likely to experience afterwards, as well as the anxiety.
“How come anytime I’ve ever had surgery, I always end up f**king having anxiety after?” Cate asked. “[It’s a] weird thing.”
Tyler assured Catelynn that after having four children “ripping through [her] vagina walls,” he’s sure she could handle getting her “t*ts cut off”; however, Catelynn revealed she’s also concerned that the procedure will cause her to be a “nipple-less ti**y girl.”

“ … There is a cheer mom at my cheer place and she got a reduction,” Catelynn told Tyler. “She said it’s the best thing she’s ever done and she said recovery wasn’t that bad. But I’m still scared and also they move your nipples and what happens if my nipple falls off?

“ … Sometimes they will cut your nipples off and replace them … ,” Cate continued.
When Tyler interjected with, “What the f**k are you talking about?” Catelynn continued explaining her nipple nervousness.
“ … What if they have to move my nipples and I just end up, like, a nipple-less t**ty girl?” Cate said, adding that if it were to happen to her, she “would cry.”
While Tyler assured Cate that he would still love her if she were “a nipple-less t**ty girl,” he said he doubted that would even happen if she did decide to go under the knife.

Cate then expressed some doubt herself, admitting to listeners that she “could be just talking out of my a**.”
“ … All I know is … I mean, nipples are weird, but I don’t want to be nipple-less,” she noted.
Click here to listen to the premiere episode of ‘Cate & Ty Break It Down.’
RELATED STORY: Ryan Edwards Claims to Have $18k in Credit Card Debt Despite Pulling in $35k Per Episode of ‘Teen Mom’ He Appears In
(Photos: MTV; Instagram)
31 Responses
Nipples falling (rotting) off post-reduction is a real concern especially for a smoker!
So this is why they refused to drop the Carly storyline. They have nothing else. 😴
Sure seems like it. They have three beautiful daughters. You would think they could build something around them.
I’ll never forget the scene where nova gets in the car after school, bawling, and says “nobody will be my friend” and she was heartbroken. Cait doesn’t even acknowledge her daughter’s need for love and compassion, and replies “so I’m leaning again” only causing her more pain. Cait and Tyler love to push the “we broke the generational trauma” storyline but neither of them seems to have a clue about being a loving and present parent. I feel truly sorry for their kids. Carly was blessed with a much better life.
Sorry, leaving (not leaning). Cait was leaving for another one of her mental illness vacays.
Well it might require her getting off the sofa and walking steps. She’d also have to go at least 24 hours not smoking weed. These two reasons alone are why she’d never get it done.
These comments are utterly tone deaf but I wouldn’t expect anything less coming from two of the least self-aware individuals ever. I try not to nitpick people’s words, but I’m sure a lot of breast cancer survivors would like to have a word at the “nipple-less titty girl” comment.
They really never matured out of their teen years. Sadly, the daughters they are raising will likely follow in their foot steps. They have yet to break any cycles.
Oh my! How unfortunate that Carlie missed the opportunity to be raised by these towering intellectuals.
Perhaps losing some weight might be a better approach before breast reduction. I do not think I have ever see these two cook a mea at home. Whenever I have seen them eating at home it appears to be from some take out container and it never looks to be a salad or anything healthy. Even if she were to get a breast reduction, there is so much more she needs to do to get healthy. She just looks like she has given up between the hair and clothes. She is also waddling when she walks now.
Not trying to be mean but there are a couple of the kids that need braces on the show. I keep thinking you all have all this income and you’re not investing in your children’s teeth. Gannon and Nova could really use an orthodontist.
Oh my gosh, these two are so trashy! They wonder why B&T don’t want them any where near THEIR daughter. I’d be ok with The Ashley not listening to this. We don’t need the re-cap and they don’t need the publicity.
First off, no doctor will not touch cate for a reduction until she loses quite a bit of weight… like 50 or more pounds. They want you darn near your best weight to do the surgery. Second, yes they “move” your nipples but it’s not like they cut them off then move them. No! They only cut around the areola to lift it up but the actual nipple and nerves, milk ducts, etc are still attached like they were. You’re basically pulling the areola up which brings the attached nipple with it while bringing down the skin from up to downwards to pull everything tight. Only way you’re losing your nipple is if you get a post operative infection.
She won’t lose weight.
She won’t change her diet.
She won’t exercise.
She wants fast results. She’s not about any kind of hard work.
Won’t quit smoking.
I was about to say the same thing.
Her boobs are big, but she’s also overweight, and if she does lose weight after the breast reduction she will look odd.
I’m surprised she hasn’t tried a GLP-1. Those would help, and typically the first place you lose weight is your boobs. So just like 20 lbs would make such a difference for her.
Also, never to the nipple reconstruction, it’s always bad. So the side cuts or the underboob. Most likely, the nipple will shrink in time after there isn’t as much adipose tissue there.
Also, from my own experience as someone with big boobs, weight lifting helped so much. I started doing chest, back and abs three times a week, I stand straighter, and my back doesn’t hurt anymore.
You know what? I’m actually GLAD they’re talking about the ramifications of a surgery on Cate’s nerps. It shows growth- at least they’re 1) Now thinking about the future and 2) Not talking about other people’s children
I am so glad I never considered listening to this podcast.
as much sh!t yall like to give cate over her weight, im surprised none of yall have tried to commend her for being one of the only women on the show who hasn’t gotten any work done especially when her breasts are probably like 75% of her weight. i just know they sag down to the floor
Why would people commend her for that? Do you go about your day commending every person you come across who also hasn’t had any work done? No? Why? Is it because that’s weird, and a weird thing to congratulate or commend people for? Of course it’s weird af, lol.
The only reason she hasn’t had work done is because doctors told her the first step is losing weight. She takes the same approach to that as Kail does. Neither one wants to put the work in to get proper results, they just want instant results which they also won’t put the work in to maintain. They’ve both stated they don’t want to put the work in.
The next time they speak to a tabloid about Carly, I hope they remember this podcast episode exists and the internet is forever
She should just try and live healthy and lose some weight. Her breasts will reduce and she wouldn’t need the surgery. But she doesn’t follow through with anything.
The last thing in the world that I care about is Cate’s boobs and Ty’s riveting commentary on her boobs.
Those two need to be cut loose. Grow up. Take car of your children. Pay your bills. Pay your taxes. Put money away to send your kids to college. Those kids deserve so much more.
Could they be any trashier?
In their cheesy book, Tyler said he like Cait because she had the biggest boobs in the school.
I had a reduction and they moved my nips and I never had any problems.
This was in the late 90’s and I’m sure the procedure has changed a lot since then.
I think she should do it for health reasons. She’s not very tall and all that extra wight has to be hard on her back. I’m surprised a doctor never recommended this to her.
I also had a breast reduction in the late 90’s. No issues at all. Best thing I did. Was high as a kite for a few days then recovery was okay! But you kindof need to be close to an ideal weight for your height & build before having this surgery…..
Her girls are very thin. You can tell Nova will be thin.
How insensitive this whole conversation is to women who’ve had breast cancer and a mastectomy and no longer have nipples through no fault of their own.
I came here to say the EXACT same thing, and I scrolled down and saw your comment. The tone deafness of these two never cease to amaze me. They truly have aged and not matured at all.
Jesus christ, it wasn’t enough whining and bitching on t v about giving their cup for adoption, then I’ll have to do a podcast, he’ll no i won’t be listening
She’s so dumb it’s unbearable
So true.