‘Teen Mom: The Next Chapter’ Season 2 Episode 18 Recap: Birthdays & the Battle Over the “Will-Chair”

That face The Ashley makes when she realizes she has to sit through an entire episode of this crapfest to do this recap for you guys…

First of all, The Ashley would like to apologize for not recapping last week’s episode of Teen Mom: The Next Chapter. To punish herself for slacking off, she will force herself to listen to Farrah Abraham‘s musical masterpiece of a song, “Blowin’” on repeat until the next episode of this show airs.

Anyway, this week, we’ve got two kids turning 13, one mom trying to get help from her baby daddy so her kids don’t end up on 16 and Pregnant Season 19, and one mom arguing with her ding-dang youngin about her ding-dang will-chair.

Oh…and someone on this show actually gets a job.

Let’s get started!

We kick things off in Florida, where Mackenzie is still trying to get her pesky diabetes under control so that she can have The Spawn of Khesanio implanted into her nether regions. She checks on her dad, Brad, who is recovering after getting his hand impaled by a giant arrow (as you do). After she ensures that her dad’s nearly severed claw is still attached, she turns her attention to her teen son, Gannon, who has a school dance coming up and is about to turn 13.

Khesanio opens his big mouth and tells Mack (and the dozens of people who still watch this show) that there’s a girl Gannon has his eye on, and poor Gannon looks mortified because he just knows Mackenzie is going to embarrass him.

“What if— and hear me out!— we did a mother/son tapdance skit on TikTok?! That would woo any girl for sure!”

The next day is Gannon’s 13th birthday and Mackenzie has plenty of balloons and bad songs to bombard the kid with as he gets out of school. (And, of course, Mackenzie’s got her phone in her own face so that she can capture every single embarrassing Kodak moment for some vlog or something.) 

Then Mack legit whips out a wiener dog piñata and very loudly announces (in front of this poor kid’s friends and classmates) that she chose the wiener dog piñata to remind Gannon “to keep your weenie safe.” 




An actual crime against humanity has been committed here, you guys.

“Siri, look up ‘Florida child emancipation laws…'”

Once they get home, Mack turns the camera on the poor lad and announces that Gannon is heading to his first school dance the next day. He plans to ask the girl he likes, and tells Mack that this girl is planning to teach him how to get his groove on. Lord help this boy.

Next we check in with Cheyenne, who, as you may recall, ended last week’s episode by holding up a pregnancy test and hinting that she was expecting another child influencer. This week, Cheyenne reveals that after taking pregnancy tests “non-stop,” she decided to visit her doctor for a blood test to find out if she and Zach hit the baby-making jackpot during their Sin City sex-a-thon. 

“I told you, Cheyenne! You don’t need a doctor. Just get yourself a nice Tupperware container and a pile of pregnancy tests! And maybe like a gallon of Mountain Dew to drink.”

While Cheyenne waits to hear the results of her blood test, she tells viewers that Ryder, who has VLCAD, has been complaining about her chest and heart lately and is due to visit her doctor for her routine EKGs and heart echoes. After Ryder’s appointment, Cheyenne calls Ryder’s dad, Cory, to let him know that the doctor “found something irregular” during Ryder’s test and she now has to see a cardiologist for a follow-up. 

Like Cheyenne, Cory is concerned about the news, noting that he’s “been down that road,” referring to his youngest daughter, Maya, who has had heart issues since birth. As Cory is talking about how “scary” the situation is, Ryder comes in the room and tells Cheyenne that she came in to see her because her “heart was going fast” while she was running around. Cory and Cheyenne tell Ryder that’s it’s normal for that to happen, as it means her heart is working– unlike most of the adults on this show. 

“Maybe Zach can take some notes?”

Cory tells Cheyenne he won’t be able to go to Ryder’s follow-up appointment, presumably because he’s off competing on The Challenge (only to get eliminated and sent right back home no less than three weeks before the final, natch) so Cheyenne tells him she’ll keep him posted on what happens.

Next, we head on down ‘er to the Holler to check in with Leah and her girlseseseseses. Leah’s been having some trouble getting one of the twinseseses, Ali, to use her “will-chair” at school events and whatnot, because Ali doesn’t want to be different from her peers. (Um…the fact that she’s had an actual camera crew following her since she was covered in amniotic fluid kinda already makes her different, no?) 

Anyway, Leah tells us that she’s trying to give Ali some independence, but that Ali doesn’t understand how important the “will-chair” can be for someone with Muscular Dystrophy. Ali is getting frustrated with Leah because she feels that Leah isn’t listening to her.

“Youngin, go on now and fetch that there ‘Fillings Wheel’ behind me and point to how you’re filling.”

Ali doesn’t want to use the “will-chair” and is arguing about it with Leah when her twin, Aleeah, wanders in. She, too, begins lecturing Ali about needing the “will-chair” and Ali looks like she wants to go full “Portwood” on both her mom and her sister for ganging up on her while on-camera

It gets downright brutal to watch. (I mean, I know the producers of this show don’t exactly have a moral compass that points due north all the time, but they really should have switched the camera off here. This is not fair to Ali.)

Aleeah tells her sister that, you know, ‘you weren’t even supposed to live until the age of 16.’


“Well, Aleeah, you aren’t gonna live to see tomorrow if you don’t shut your yap. You’re about to get a will-chair to the face.”

Aleeah just keeps going, saying that it’s only because of Leah and their dad, Corey Tyler, following the rules that Ali is still living. Leah doesn’t stop her daughter from going off on Ali. Instead, they embarrass poor Ali by letting everyone know that she fell in the kitchen the other day. Ali looks more mortified than even Gannon did with his weenie dog pinata. 

Leah is getting frustrated that the youngin isn’t listening so she vows to take it up with Corey Tyler. 

Next we head to Las Vegas where Ashley is chatting on the phone with her sister Chris about their mom, Tea. Ashley is not happy because Tea recently got a job (wait— can they even say the “J” word on this show?!) Tea will be working on a cruise ship for a long period of time, which means she will not be there when Ashley has to testify at Bar’s upcoming trial. 

Later on, Ashley stops by Tea’s house to pick up Holly and to talk about the cruise gig and Tea reveals that it’s definitely happening– “six weeks on, two weeks off.” 

“Get ready, lido deck…it’s Tea time!”

Tea asks Ashley if she minds keeping an eye on her younger sister while she’s away, despite Ashley just complaining to her other sister about her plate being too full.  

Ashley, watching her plate runneth over and her mom runneth to the nearest cruise terminal.

Ashley says she’ll have to do some planning to make sure everything is in order but seemingly agrees to watch her sister while Tea’s having a “la dee dah time” on her cruise ship.

Meanwhile, Tea reminds Ashley that she, too, got knocked up at 16 but, unlike Ashley, her teenage pregnancy didn’t come with a hefty MTV paycheck. Now, Tea says she is ready to say yes to some opportunities that she missed out on because she shot a couple of kids out of her underage hoo-ha years ago.

Tea and Ashley agree that Tea needs to talk to Holly about her leaving, especially with Holly already missing Bar because he (and all of his assorted eyebrows— both natural and tattooed-on) have been locked up for months at this point. Tea tells Holly to come downstairs and she lets her know that she’ll be gone for a little while, including for her upcoming birthday. Holly tells her grandma that she’s sad to see her go, but happy that she’ll be off making some money.

“I’ll send you my wishlist, I’m sure the ship has WiFi.”

Finally, we head to Florida to see what Briana is up to. She gets a call from Baby Daddy No. 1 Devoin, who tells her that he will be gracing them all with his presence in a few days to celebrate Nova’s 13th birthday. As we know, Devoin moved to Michigan a few months back for a job opportunity. (There’s that “J” word again! Two people on this show actually working real jobs? We must be in the Twilight Zone or something.) 

Briana offers to let Devoin spend the night at her house so that he can spend extra time with the girls. Devoin– never one to turn down a free place to stay— eagerly accepts the invitation.

“A baby daddy in the house?! Nova, start ironing my Goosebump T-shirt! I’m gonna need to look fancy for your Daddy!”

Briana goes out to let Nova and Stella know that Devoin will be attending the birthday festivities. Nova’s excited that her dad is coming to her birthday, and requests he participate in a spa night sleepover party. 

Later, Briana reflects on Nova turning 13. She says that she was 13 when she began doing the horizontal mambo and she hopes Nova doesn’t follow in her underage humping habits. 

A few days later, Briana is shoveling fast food into her gullet as she drives Nova to the beauty supply store to purchase items for the Spa Night party. Roxanne even comes along for the shopping spree, and is helping Nova choose the perfect wig to apparently turn poor Devoin into a girl working the day shift at the Strip & Nip gentleman’s club down by the docks.

“This wig positively screams, ‘Next up on the stage put your hands together for Cinnamon!’ It’s perfect for Dad!”

Stella is also picking out items to make Devoin wear, including press-on nails.

“Can we buy these for Father?” Stella asks Briana.

Roxanne is sad when she hears Stella call Devoin “father.” (There’s no explanation as to why Stella has taken to speaking like a girl from the Victorian Era who calls her dad “Father.”)

Roxy feels bad that Stella’s actual father, Luis, is nowhere to be seen. Briana is conflicted about allowing Stella to call Devoin her “father,” since he is not biologically related to her. She is also concerned that Devoin will quickly tire of hanging out with the kids and go “wonder off somewhere” during his trip back to Florida. (On the plus side, his bright red Little Mermaid of Horrors wig will make him easy to spot if he tries to sneak out!) 

Meanwhile— elsewhere in Florida— Gannon is preparing for his school dance. Khesanio is peppering the kid with questions about the girl he’s bringing, but Gannon is being reserved with his answers, probably because he knows if he gives away too much info, Mack will hire a marching band to parade through the middle school to serenade him and his date. 

Khesanio attempts to have “the talk” with Gannon, who immediately recognizes this is the start of “the weird talk.” Gannon assures him that he does not plan to partake in any underage hanky panky.

“I’m just going to the party to party!” Gannon insists.

“Sorry MTV, if you’re looking to see which ‘Teen Mom’ kid will be the first to knock someone up, I am not the one.”

The next day, Mack decides to take a gander at Gannon’s phone, even though Khesanio is against her invading his privacy. Mack— eager to get the latest middle school gossip— ignores Khesanio and looks through Gannon’s text messages. 

Mack is shocked when she sees some non-PG-13 texts on the phone. (We don’t actually get to know what the kid was texting since they actually threw him a bone for once and didn’t show it on-screen.) 

Back in Ye Olde Holler, Leah is taking the twinseseses to the trusty parking lot drop-off area to meet their dad Corey Tyler. Corey has gotten himself all spiffed up for the filming, sporting his best cut-off tank top. 

Leah explains that Ali was reluctant to listen to her when she was talking about the importance of the “will-chair.” Corey says he expected Ali to resist because Ali is thinking that, “y’alls is not listenin’.” (That’s actually a direct quote.) 

“And I done told them twinseses they gots to listen to me but they don’t listen none.”

Corey and Leah are both worried about Ali’s safety if she doesn’t use her chair. They call out both twinseses to explain this. Cory tells Ali that if he says “will-chair,” Ali best be gettin’ her behind into that will-chair.

Back in Florida, Devoin has arrived to celebrate Nova’s birthday and both girls are very excited to see him. Poor Devoin is then informed that he will be masked, makeuped and manicured against his will. The girls get to work, and Devoin is a good sport about it.

There’s no caption needed here, honestly….

Later, Devoin is informed that he will need to wear the Little Mermaid of Horrors wig. 

“Why me!?” he cries.

That’s actually the same thing The Ashley says every time she starts watching another episode of this trashcan show.

Back in California, Cheyenne’s parents, Margaret and Kyle, stop by and Cheyenne and Zach talk about the possibility of Cheyenne being pregnant. Cheyenne says she’s trying not to get her hopes up and that she’s also stressing out about Ryder’s recent appointment. 

Cheyenne eventually receives a call from her doctor, who informs her that she isn’t currently knocked up with another future social media influencer. Cheyenne tells Zach she’s disappointed, but Zach says they just have to keep trying– when he’s not busy putting in hours at his allegedly demanding “job,” that is. Zach also tells Cheyenne that he’ll be able to go with her to Ryder’s cardiologist appointment the following day. 

How admirable of Zach to commit to scrolling Instagram Reels from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. instead of his usual 10 a.m. to noon.

After Ryder’s appointment, Cheyenne calls Cory and lets him know that the doctor said the “structure” of Ryder’s heart looks great, but they now have to determine if she has any cardiac issues. In order to do that, Ryder has to wear a heart monitor for two weeks. Cheyenne tells viewers that she doesn’t know how to ease Ryder’s anxiety about the situation when she’s feeling anxious about it herself, though she doesn’t want to scare Ryder, either. 

“If anyone should be scared right now, it’s Zach. He’s been on a ‘lunch break’ for six hours.”

In Vegas, Ashley, her little sister Autumn Rosie and Holly are helping Tea pack for the cruise in what appears to be a bedroom that Tea has converted into a closet. Tea lets her daughters and granddaughter know that in addition to her casual wear and swimsuits, she’s packed a “sexy black dress” in her luggage, “just in case.” 

“That’s great, mom. I think I’m gonna order 10 more of these shirts and make this my official uniform for the next six weeks.”

In what feels like the most accelerated storyline in ‘Teen Mom’ history, next we see Ashley, Holly and Autumn Rosie taking Tea to the airport and saying their goodbyes as Tea heads off to whip up some desserts on the water.   

“Don’t worry about me! I’ll be here with my full plate and what’s left of my sanity!”

Lastly, we head back to Florida for Nova’s 13th birthday party. Everyone who is anyone in the DeJesus Coven’s crew is there: Brittany, Roxanne, and even Bri’s trusty pal “Shirley” has arrived for the fiesta. Briana is concerned, though, that Devoin being so far away in Michigan will have a negative effect on Nova, so, naturally, Roxy decides to talk to him.

Let’s hope Devoin is wearing his cup today. Safety first.

Roxy gets right to the point. She tells Devoin that she raised her kids and now he needs to raise his, which means he can’t be frolicking up north and leaving Briana alone to raise their kid.

“You’ll notice, Devoin, that I didn’t even bring my red high heel to this meeting. That is progress.”

Devoin is somewhat caught off guard by Roxanne’s bluntness. He vows to pre-plan trips back home so Nova will know her dad will be around. Roxy reminds Devoin that it could be Nova starring on an episode of 16 and Pregnant if they’re not careful.

Later Briana confirms that she wanted her dad around when she was 13, but he peaced out, leaving her with plenty of daddy issues, and eventually a baby in her belly at the age of 16. 

That’s all for this episode of ‘Teen Mom: The Next Chapter!’ To read more of The Ashley’s recaps, click here!

(Photos: MTV) 

14 Responses

  1. MTV is really going to ride this train until the wheels fall off. Who is even still watching this fresh, hot garbage?

  2. It is 0% appropriate for Alleah to be “lecturing” her twin sister about anything. She is not in a place of authority in that situation.

    How tf did Leah not change gears and call out the “You weren’t even supposed to live this long” comment? Your mom had a pill addiction in the middle there, not exactly “doing everything right.” .

    It’s a rare/recently identified form of MD that looks far less life-limiting than assumed when Ali was initially diagnosed. That’s most of the answer there.

  3. I’m with Leah on this one. Ali needs some tough love. She needs the wheelchair, per her doctor’s explicit instructions. All the steps they’re taking, are steps necessary to make sure she can live a longer life. I understand wanting to be independent and do things on your own, the wheelchair is what makes that possible. She’s going to cause irreparable damage to her muscles if she continues to ignore her doctors. And then she’ll be wheelchair bound permanently.

    I just don’t agree with it all being on TV. It should have been a private conversation.

  4. I feel like all of these children suffer horribly bc of the parents. These poor kids.

    Cameras shoved in their face, no privacy, everything in their lives is a script. At least professional actor kids have a separation of work and home.

    It was different when they were babies or toddlers but once they hit school, it should have been over.

    I would say “at least they have money” but how many parents are in serious and unimaginable tax debt??

    I blame the moms. 100%. They’ve made millions over the past 15 years and could very easily have managed their money properly so they could afford to quit this disgusting and exploitative show.

  5. This show needs to end. Poor Ali. Is it all worth humiliating your children for? Show some dignity and protect your children. There is nothing redeeming about any of these grown adults that pimp their kids out for an undeserved paycheck.

  6. I saw a clip of the wheelchair conversation and I felt so bad for Ali. They shouldn’t be trying to force her into using her chair like that, she very clearly just wants to live as normal as possible and fit in. The best thing they could do is try meet in the middle. I have an immediate family member with MD and just like any other teenager Ali needs to learn what she’s capable of and what her limits are and get a good therapist to come to terms with it.

  7. Ditto the many thanks to The Ashley for her snark. I do have to add here as a West Virginian that this is an incredibly beautiful state, very mountainous with clear rushing rivers. Much of it is currently underwater from recent heavy rains. We have our share of problems with poverty and drug abuse. But there is good reason that the song lyrics are Almost Heaven. West Virginia.

  8. Thank you for suffering thru so we could skip watching and just read your recaps. They’re so much more fun with your snark. 100 pts for the about to Portwood comments. I legit loled several times reading this.

  9. Watching this show when they were young and getting their lives together, that was one thing. I think most of us were young and also getting our lives together right along side them. But how many of us are 30 plus now, thinking with each and every episode, how sad it is that none of these people are willing to grow up and join the real world. I stopped watching this show a long time ago. I only read here to see what’s new. However, I’m about to the point where I can’t even stomach reading about them anymore. They have stolen their kids childhoods.

  10. It should be illegal to have “reality” shows with minor children. Kids don’t need to have their business exposed for everyone to see.

  11. Leah & her daughter have zero tact & if they think they’re going to shame or scare Ali into using the wheelchair, they’re both fucking stupid. That isn’t the way to approach the girl & need their mouth washed out with soap for saying wild shit like that. Keep it up & they’re gonna drive the girl away. Assholes.

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